Many thanks to every volunteer. Without you Longecity cannot make progress.
To join this list, go to the Longecity Take Action index here: Longecity Take Action
Longecity volunteers from July 2009 through June 2012 - updated periodically:
1. @silverton
2. Adam Davis
3. Agent
4. Agevivo
5. alexd
6. almighty
7. Arknight Studio
8. Ark
9. Athanasios
10. Biopunk
11. b0gger
12. Brainbox
13. Caloriez
14. CarlCrott
15. captainbeefheart
16. Caston
17. CerebralCortex
18. Chrono
19. chrwe
20. cnorwood
21. cyberbrain
22. cyborgdreamer
23. Dave V
24. David Solus
25. David Styles
26. Denjin
27. dfowler
28. DJS
29. dnamechanic
30. droplet
31. Elus
32. Eric_Staton
33. eternaltraveler
34. exapted
35. FunkOdyssey
36. G. Stolyarov II
37. GiovanniR
38. Gisele
39. Harvey Newstrom
41. Infernity
42. Infiliono
43. InquilineKea
44. jdkasinsky
45. JediMasterLucia
46. Joseph
47. Jurence
48. ksbalaji
49. lassus
50. Lee Robinson Petzer
51. Live Forever
52. llia
53. Luminosity
54. Luna
55. lunarsolarpower
56. maestro949
57. Manic_Racetam
58. Mariusz
59. Matt
60. Matthias
61. MaxLife
62. maxwatt
63. mentatpsi
64. mindsparks
65. mitkat
66. Mixter
67. modelcadet
68. morganator
69. Nevyl
70. Nikolis
71. niner
72. nootrope
73. N.T.M.
74. ntenhue
75. okok
76. pour_la_science
77. protoject
78. quadclops
79. rhodeder
80. rochester_new_york
81. Roon
82. rwac
83. rwallace
84. Scott
85. Tana#1
86. The Immortalist
87. thughes
88. transcentity
89. treonsverdery
90. valkyrie_ice
91. VictorBjoerk
92. Vgamer1
93. ViolettVol
94. WhiteDragon103
95. williamhessian
Volunteered but can'tfind your name? Please let us know so we can get you in there.
Some of the accomplishments and progress that volunteers have generated over the years:
Edited by brokenportal, 11 July 2012 - 12:29 AM.