This is a list that compiles all the most inteligent and influencial people who support the movement for indefinite Life Extension. Please add to this list if you can.
I shall be improving this list as time goes on.
Business men
Peter thiel cofounder of paypal
Ray Kurzweil
Methuselah mouse prize competitors
David A. Sinclair Ph.D. - Harvard
Thomas E. Johnson, Ph.D. - U. Col. Boulder
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, Ph.D. - U of Fla.
Craig A. Cooney PhD. - U of Arkansas
Michal Masternak, Ph.D. - S.I.U. School of Medicine
Leonard Guarente, Ph.D. - MIT
Andrzej Bartke-SIU School of Medicine
Stephen R. Spindler, Ph.D - U. Cal. Riverside
Richard Weindruch, Ph.D. - U. Wisconsin-Madison
Elise Sacane
Alan Cash - Terra Biological LLC
Christian Sell, Ph.D. - Drexel University
Jennifer A. Lemon, Ph.D. - McMaster University
Bruce Teter, Ph.D. - University of California, Los Angeles
Edited by The MILE/The Immortalist, 09 August 2010 - 01:28 PM.