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Getting serious about Telomerase Induction

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#61 Fred_CALICO

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Posted 26 January 2013 - 12:13 AM

Omega-3 Supplements May Slow A Biological Effect of Aging


COLUMBUS, Ohio – Taking enough omega-3 fatty acid supplements to change the balance of oils in the diet could slow a key biological process linked to aging, new research suggests.

The study showed that most overweight but healthy middle-aged and older adults who took omega-3 supplements for four months altered a ratio of their fatty acid consumption in a way that helped preserve tiny segments of DNA in their white blood cells.

These segments, called telomeres, are known to shorten over time in many types of cells as a consequence of aging. In the study, lengthening of telomeres in immune system cells was more prevalent in people who substantially improved the ratio of omega-3s to other fatty acids in their diet.

Omega-3 supplementation also reduced oxidative stress, caused by excessive free radicals in the blood, by about 15 percent compared to effects seen in the placebo group.

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Jan Kiecolt-Glaser

“The telomere finding is provocative in that it suggests the possibility that a nutritional supplement might actually make a difference in aging,” said Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, professor ofpsychiatry and psychology at Ohio State and lead author of the study.

In another recent publication from this study, Kiecolt-Glaser and colleagues reported that omega-3 fatty acid supplements lowered inflammation in this same group of adults.

“Inflammation in particular is at the heart of so many health problems. Anything that reduces inflammation has a lot of potentially good spinoffs among older adults,” she said.

Study participants took either 2.5 grams or 1.25 grams of active omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are considered “good fats” that, when consumed in proper quantities, are associated with a variety of health benefits. Participants on the placebo took pills containing a mix of oils representing a typical American’s daily intake.

The researchers say this combination of effects suggests that omega-3 supplements could represent a rare single nutritional intervention that has potential to lower the risk for a host of diseases associated with aging, such as coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease.

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Martha Belury

The study is published online and scheduled for later print publication in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

Participants received either the placebo or one of the two different doses of omega-3 fatty acids. The supplements were calibrated to contain a ratio of the two cold-water fish oil fatty acids,eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) anddocosahexaenoic acid (DHA), of seven to one. Previous research has suggested that EPA has more anti-inflammatory properties than DHA.

In the case of fatty acids, omega-3 supplementation alone doesn’t tell the whole story of how this dietary change can affect health, explained Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition at Ohio State and a co-author of the study. Also important is the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids that are present in a person’s blood.

Omega-6 fatty acids come from vegetable oils, and since the 1960s, research has suggested that these oils, too, can help protect the cardiovascular system. However, the typical American diet tends to be heavy on omega-6 fatty acids and comparatively low in omega-3s that are naturally found in cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna. While the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids averages about 15-to-1, researchers tend to agree that for maximum benefit, this ratio should be lowered to 4-to-1, or even 2-to-1.
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Ron Glaser

The long chains – or bigger molecules – that make up EPA and DHA fatty acids are believed to be the secret to their effectiveness, Belury said.

Both groups of participants who took omega-3 supplements showed, on average, lengthening of telomeres compared to overall telomere effects in the placebo group, but the relationship could have been attributed to chance. However, when the researchers analyzed the participants’ omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in relationship to telomere lengthening, a lower ratio was clearly associated with lengthened telomeres.

“The idea we were looking at with the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids was an increase in the denominator to make the ratio smaller. In the United States, we need to focus on the omega-3 part because we don’t get enough of those,” Belury said.

The researchers also measured levels of compounds called F2-isoprostanes to determine levels of oxidative stress, which is linked to a number of conditions that include heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders. Both omega-3 groups together showed an average overall 15 percent reduction in oxidative stress compared to effects seen in the placebo group.

When the scientists revisited their earlier inflammation findings, they also found that decreases in an inflammatory marker in the blood calledinterleukin-6 (IL-6) were associated with telomere lengthening. In their earlier paper on omega-3s and inflammation, they reported that omega-3 supplements lowered IL-6 by 10 to 12 percent, depending on the dose. By comparison, those taking a placebo saw an overall 36 percent increase in IL-6 by the end of the study.

“This finding strongly suggests that inflammation is what’s driving the changes in the telomeres,” Kiecolt-Glaser said.

Telomeres are a hot topic in science, and their tendency to shorten is associated with such age-related problems as heart disease and early mortality. These short fragments of DNA act as caps at the end of chromosomes, and can be likened to the protective plastic at the end of a shoelace.

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“Anything that reduces inflammation has a lot of potentially good spinoffs among older adults.”

“If that plastic comes off, the shoelace unravels and it doesn’t work anymore,” said study co-author Ron Glaser, professor of molecular virology, immunology and medical genetics and director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research(IBMR) at Ohio State. “In the same way, every time a cell divides, it loses a little bit of its DNA at the ends, and over time, that can cause significant problems.”

Kiecolt-Glaser noted that this population was disease-free and reported very little stress. The study included 106 adults, average age 51 years, who were either overweight or obese and lived sedentary lives. The researchers excluded people taking medications to control mood, cholesterol and blood pressure as well as vegetarians, patients with diabetes, smokers, those routinely taking fish oil, people who got more than two hours of vigorous exercise each week and those whose body mass index was either below 22.5 or above 40.

“People who are less healthy than this group, and especially those who experience chronic stress, may gain even more benefits from omega-3 supplementation,” she said.

Co-authors of the study include Elissa Epel, Jue Lin and Elizabeth Blackburn of the University of California, San Francisco; Rebecca Andridge and Beom Seuk Hwang of Ohio State’s College of Public Health; and William Malarkey of the IBMR.

This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

OmegaBrite, a company based in Waltham, Mass., supplied the supplements as an unrestricted gift but did not participate in the study design, results or publication. Study co-authors Blackburn, Epel and Lin are co-founders of Telome Health Inc., a telomere measurement company


Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, (614) 293-3499; Janice.Kiecolt-Glaser@osumc.edu
Martha Belury, (614) 292-1680; Belury.1@osu.edu

Written by Emily Caldwell, (614) 292-8310; Caldwell.151@osu.edu

#62 marcobjj

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 01:39 AM

is cycloastragenol + c60oo a good combo? is it overkill?

Edited by marcobjj, 07 February 2013 - 01:39 AM.

#63 Logic

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Posted 12 February 2013 - 10:36 AM

Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction Prevents Cell Cycle Arrest and Elongates Telomere Length in Senescent Human Diploid Fibroblasts
"...These findings confirmed the ability of tocotrienol-rich fraction in preventing HDFs cellular ageing by restoring telomere length and telomerase activity, reducing damaged DNA, and reversing cell cycle arrest associated with senescence."

This is only in-vitro, but Im still taking it.
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#64 Logic

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Posted 12 February 2013 - 10:54 AM

Multivitamin use and telomere length in women

In general, the use of multivitamin supplements was associated with longer telomere length (Figure 1). Compared with nonusers, daily users had on average 5.1% longer telomeres (P for trend = 0.002). This difference (273 bp) corresponds to ≈9.8 y of age-related telomere loss since each year of age was associated with a 28-bp shorter telomere in our sample. Significant associations were also obtained for the once-a-day or the antioxidant combination type, but not for the stress-tab or B-complex type. Excluding women who reported fair or poor health did not change the results: the relative telomere length was 5398 bp for nonusers and 5645 bp for daily users (4.6% difference; P for trend = 0.009). Analysis of the duration of individual multivitamin use showed similar results. Compared with nonusers, the adjusted telomere length of those who took multivitamins for >5 y was ≈3% longer for once-a-day type multivitamins (P for trend = 0.09) and 8% for antioxidant combination type (P for trend = 0.02). The duration of stress-tabs or B complex use was not related to telomere length. Multivitamin use was also associated with longer telomere length in most of the subgroup analyses by age, sex, and smoking status (Table 2), although not all associations were significant. Use of individual micronutrient supplements was less common in this study sample, and, in general, they were not associated with telomere length after multivitamin use was accounted for (data not shown). The only exceptions were vitamin B-12 and iron: vitamin B-12 supplement users (n = 52) had a longer telomere length than did nonusers (n = 518): 5850 ± 159 compared with 5505 ± 89 bp (5.9% difference; P = 0.03), and iron users (n = 41) had a shorter telomere length than nonusers (n = 527): 5121 ± 183 compared with 5583 ± 87 bp (−9.0% difference; P = 0.007).

#65 marcobjj

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:53 AM

Telomeres Affect Gene Expression

As telomeres shorten with age, genes as far as 1,000 kilobases away could be affected, including one responsible for an inherited muscle disease.


#66 Mind

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:00 PM

Not sure if people have seen this yet. I interviewed Dr. Estep of Telome recently. Some good information on telomere biology and testing.
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#67 Logic

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 02:35 PM

"...High Efficacy Telomerase Activator superior in efficacy to other present agents within telomerase activation capacity and improvement of markers associated with aging..."

These guys are not saying what this extract is, but they are receiving very good reviews here on Longecity:

Edited by Logic, 19 August 2014 - 02:36 PM.

#68 corb

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 05:48 PM

These guys are not saying what this extract is


That's not good.
If it's for research purposes what point is there to buy it if you don't know what's in it.

And if it's for "research" they should provide the contents too, you might be allergic to whatever they put in that concoction. Especially if it's extracted from a plant - and since it says "xtract", you'd think it is.
There's no reference dosages either.


:dry: So many red flags.

#69 Logic

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 12:28 PM


These guys are not saying what this extract is


That's not good.
If it's for research purposes what point is there to buy it if you don't know what's in it.

And if it's for "research" they should provide the contents too, you might be allergic to whatever they put in that concoction. Especially if it's extracted from a plant - and since it says "xtract", you'd think it is.
There's no reference dosages either.


:dry: So many red flags.





I think the extract is not patented and probably not patentable as its a natural compound, and hey are trying to keep it secret to make some money for what looks to be a good cause out of it.
Sadly its not going to sell unless they disclose the ingredients.
I'm guessing either a Ginko Biloba,  Green Coffee Bean, Purslane or Fenugreek extract, but perhaps they found something new.


I have invited Forty Six & 2 to this thead, so hopefully more info will be forthcoming.

#70 Forty Six & 2

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:27 PM

Thank you Logic for kindly bringing this thread to our attention within a want for greater elaboration so deemed desired as relates to HETA-OX.  I as well have included that which may shed some greater elaboration upon Project TLR as a whole as well.  I hope the following is seen to be of benefit.


To elaborate upon HETA-OX:


This extract is derived from an 'exceptional' species of Astragalus, in which we have developed a final material with actives superior in efficacy (degree of effect, herein telomere activation) to cycloastragenol, though potency (dose required) itself is a bit lower.  We have as well a material that is superior within both efficacy and potency, however, at this juncture we did not have the means to release it, within it is a good deal more costly and involved.  


Note, we do also as well carry a cycloastragenol extract itself within our line of items available for progressive research.  We believe this is the most efficacious extract for such purposes within cycloastragenol standardizations, as well as we are quite certain it is the very best price point available.


Indeed, we understand all concerns and related, however, please note all we do is with great care and consideration, as well as great deliberation, as how we look to best proceed for the best interests of our mission goals as a whole.  There are many factors that which must account for, some of which may not be wholly evident upon simple evaluation.


We hope that makes some sense and is understandable.


We have highest confidence most all will be borne out in time.  For those who choose to make 'a little leap of faith', albeit something not generally to be seen in science, we feel they will both see successful progressive research movements, and foster the greater expansion of our platform as a whole; which of course supports our Project mission goals, which is that which is directed in an absolute manner for the betterment of humanity.


We are looking to include more and more information on our original and proprietary compounds and extracts within the site, simply we need to get greater momentum and support to afford the resources for such to be realized.  All who have interacted with us we are more than sure have seen all we do and state is wholly genuine and with integrity, 'to a fault'.  


Certainly we are not perfect, and within certain compromises and decisions we must make there is no easily seen Optimized Solution (we do always seek Optimization).  However, we sincerely are here to do our all and everything, which many have seen.  We so immensely appreciate any and all support of any manner.  This will foster best progress toward our mission goals, and best success for all within progressive research and well beyond.


My Very Best,

Forty Six and 2



Kindly if interested read the description page for HETA-OX.  Such yields more information than perhaps has been noted seen, and which we hope can be 'understood'.  Some of that which is not made distinctly evident, may well be for a reason within our description pages.  Again, we are doing our best and we welcome all assistance, support, and suggestions.  


HETA-OX is an Optimized Extract High Efficacy Telomerase Activator superior in efficacy to other present agents within telomerase activation capacity and improvement of markers associated with aging.

Telomerase Activation Capacity:

In comparison to high dose cycloastragenol HETA-OX demonstrated higher efficacy telomerase activation, exhibiting such at a maximally potency for each requiring approximately 2-fold the dose as given orally to mice.

Demonstrated Anti-Aging Capacity:

In vivo mice research also demosntrated fairly rapid and pronounced anti-aging associated improvements in blood work parameters as well as significant improved visibly prevalent anti-aging parameters within external appearance.

Future Optimization Research Potentials:

A further refinement of strain optimization has demonstrated even superior efficacy and potency, appearing to be both attributable to increased oral bioavailability and potency, but is still in development due to difficulty within current production viability on scale.  Further development is in progress to achieve the desired goals.

Theoretical Human Use Dosages:

Within potential future trials and usage in humans, optimal anti-aging/telomerase activating results from HETA-OX are theorized from the current data within animal models to be within a range of 10-25mg q.d. or b.i.d.  From other data so correlated to telomerase activation, a protocol entailing 6 weeks of continuous usage with a subsequent 2 week interruption would appear to be of the most sound nature.

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.



For more on Project TrueLIFE Research (TLR) mission goals and related:



Edited by Forty Six & 2, 20 August 2014 - 02:30 PM.

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#71 Logic

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 05:55 PM

...We have as well a material that is superior within both efficacy and potency, however, at this juncture we did not have the means to release it, within it is a good deal more costly and involved... 


Thanks for your input Forty Six & 2


The above sounds interesting.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to gauge interest in this substance to see if its worthwhile producing it?

#72 KieranA001

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 06:55 PM

Here guys, check this out: ;)



#73 Forty Six & 2

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 07:01 PM


...We have as well a material that is superior within both efficacy and potency, however, at this juncture we did not have the means to release it, within it is a good deal more costly and involved... 


Thanks for your input Forty Six & 2


The above sounds interesting.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to gauge interest in this substance to see if its worthwhile producing it?



Thank you for the encouraging words Logic.


We as well appear to have 'stumbled upon' a potential new pathway for telomertrophic effects.  Unfortunately, at this time we have not nearly the resources,  capacity, or the 'exposure' to optimally move forward quite yet with either.     As such, we first wish to push forward with what we currently have, within a confidence of the spreading word of the efficacy and minimized adverse effects profiles of all our SEP-OX Optimized Xtracts, as relates to progressive research evaluations.  With greater support, greater progress will be afforded.  We are doing all we can to best try to realize this.


These SEP-OX extracts are a major priority within our Optimization Research program, which looks to foster agents Optimized for highest efficacy and therapeutic index (efficacy as relates to margin of 'safety', minimized/negated adverse effects).  Notably, safety profile assessment is generally always the first and foremost primary objective to have any standard to proceed from.  Indeed we do have even more Optimized agents that are further along within these platforms geared toward the goals of Optimization, but such will not be able to be engaged until we have sufficiently moved forward.  There is strong intentions and plans in place to expand the platform significantly in a reasonably short period of time.


Our Optimization Research program consists primarily of three components:  agents/analogues (synthetic compounds TLR-OA), extracts (naturally derived scientifically engineered extracts - SEP-OX), and protocols (Integrative Theorized Optimized Protocols - TLR-TOP). 

Try to think positively, and move with 'positive energy', as that may be 'the best medicine' as relates to telomeres, longevity, and just about all aspects of of a more beneficial QOL.  It may seem simplistic, but it is scientifically valid and seen true of course within real world 'application'; a little thought to always attempting to be mindful to do so may go a along way. 


Within that mindset, hopefully open-minds with a strong positive-energy directive for progress will see fit to explore progressive research, and help lead the way for the betterment of all.

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#74 tintinet

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Posted 22 August 2014 - 03:33 PM

HETA-OX ordered. 


Edited by tintinet, 22 August 2014 - 03:35 PM.

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#75 Logic

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 05:14 PM

HETA-OX ordered. 

Please keep us posted on your experience with both the supplier and product Tintinet.

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