Currently i'm taking:
40mg memantine
7,5mg AMT
3x 6 sprays selank
500mg micronized resveratrol
250mg MCT curcumin
Vitamine D3
And sometimes 2CD and etizolam. (2CD in low doses pretty much as failed attempts to get euphoria, the selank inhibits the euphoria as with AMT, there is still the anxiolytic effect tough)
Selank seems to act as a modulator, it completely abolishes AMT euphoria (yes i'm pissed but keep reading) benzo induced cognitive impairment, memantine induced impairment by quickly raising the dose, altough my memory is bad as i forget alot of stuff, i dont feel the brainfog and actually feel pretty sharp.
Since selank abolishes AMT euphoria it feels like its not as anxiolytic as before, however on this combo i actually have a much better anxiolytic response, my social anxiety is down ALOT, communicating was alot more enjoyable, and you can see a pretty drastic difference in my behavor around other people, altough i still have the "i want to get out" feeling so my anxiety needs an extra push.
Its just an illusion that i tought amt wasnt working as good, i just dont feel the euphoria, i also dont feel the "forced talking, typing text" thing normally seen with stimulants, its pretty strange.
My mood is weird too, i was actually confused for a while wheter i was feeling down or happy, i feel "ok" not mildly hypomanic or mildly down like i usually would, this feeling is pretty new to me.
With the response i have now id say 10mg amp would be overkill, but i'm guessing 2,5mg may do the trick and fully resolve my avoidant behavor.
With selank i'm getting closer to the point where i want to be, even tough it abolishes euphoria of AMT and stuff, i'm pleased with the results it gives me.
Edited by medievil, 03 September 2010 - 12:45 PM.