Caloric Restriction With Optimal Nutrition
Links and Information
What is it?
It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. CRON is the only proven method of life extention. It's proven to reduce disease and boost immunity while extending healthy lifespan. It's recomemded as a safety net for all immortalists to allow life extension technology the time to catch up.
1. Most Active Online Discussion/Resource:
2. Peter Voss's CRON Introduction
What are you talking about? WHO, the FDA or any health authority have never mentioned that this "calorie restriction" malarky will do anything for you. This is a small band of radical people we're talking about, they're entitled to their theories and to eat what they want to. Don't post this stuff as fact because of the amazing amount of pro-cr people out their. The large health authorities are almost never wrong. If they thought there was a chance you could live a more healthy life by eating less they would advise it and not knock you off as underweight in their assessment. I used to be smack bang in the middle of their list without ever trying to be and then I got this "calorie restriction" thing into my head and went to anorexic levels. Now I have to force myself to convince myself that I need to eat more, because that is what the health authorities recommend. In all heavens, don't you think they would at least have put the weight charts a little lower in the last few years if they thought this cr business wasn't ridiculous? (and cr is a biological term not to be applied to humans). People who are thin for more than a few weeks don't feel any more hungry than obese people. What is with life extension sites and cr? If you want to extend your life, keep far away from cr, cr will shorten your lifespan. Wouldn't it be so nice if we had a quick solution to live longer at the tips of our fingertips? They're great at showing you pro-cr experiments (half of them that are about insects, the results nothing to do with humans), some stuff to get you all excited and you don't have to work for it at all! Admit it YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! A lot of the humans that went on cr turned out to have all their biomarkers going in the aging direction, of course cr members were putting at fault tiny little things they did in their diet. So put your trust in the large government health authorities. Of course overweight people are going to live longer if they cut down as the article above said. That's not what some people are doing and claiming. It's almost like some sort of penance that they do that they hope they will reap the rewards for. There are hundreds of diets the exact opposite to cr that claim to increase lifespan and they are allowed to be published (as opposed to less than the decimal number worth of hard to find cr books). Everyone is worried about their health, everyone wants to live longer, let's just not bother with these fad diets. I can't see why all these people want to go off on this crusade to undermine their health and longevity. The only place you'll see it anyway are on sites like these and something like cnn once in a blue moon. Oh and one more thing. Why is it that farmers live longer than all those anorexic people with perfect diets (who don't undergo starvation, no) put together? My dad is 74 and very fat and he does nothing but work all day long. He's pretty fat and yet he is very healthy. In fact mortality rates are very high for people under the lower weight limit, anorexic people don't usually eat trash as some cr fanboys spout out at a disturbing rate. They usually eat excellent food and are complete experts about their diet and what you should and shouldn't eat. Another thing is that Okinawa part of the site, I thought it was a joke when I first saw it. Okinawa people do not do anything of the sort they are implying you live longer for, they never sit down to rest, they don't get all their nutrition and they have high bmis (they are shorter than the Japanese themselves). "The people of Okinawa" article seriously had me almost laughing out loud, how misinformed can you make people? Here is something I wrote out for another forum as I feel I'm starting to repeat myself.
The word "nutrition" describes both the amount of food you are going to eat as well as the type of food you are going to eat, nutritious is a different term describing the nutrients in the food. Here is the definition from the Merriam Webster English dictionary of nutrition:
Main Entry: nu·tri·tion
Pronunciation: nu-'tri-sh&n, nyu-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English nutricioun, from Middle French nutrition,
from Late Latin nutrition-, nutritio, from Latin nutrire
: the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically :
the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and
utilizes food substances
- nu·tri·tion·al /-'trish-n&l, -'tri-sh&-n&l/ adjective
- nu·tri·tion·al·ly adverb
So what I say we do is this. We forget all this "calorie restriction" nonsense. Let's not bother about all this about an ON diet or a CRON diet but rather, let's look at the evidence for the *right diet*. If you weigh only a small amount, you are on average more healthy than someone who weighs in the middle of WHO or FDA recommendations. Do you honestly think this band of naysayers are more qualified to recommend your diet than the most elite dieticians on the planet?
Perhaps due to some weird twist of nature Dr. Walford and his merry list of other skinny doctors will live longer, but there is absolutely no evidence to suggest it and so, you are simply likely to die sooner if you are under the WHO recommendations. You go against scientific authority and convention, you lose. maybe it feels like you are going
against a nasty dictatorship, does it feel good to be at a very low weight? Unfortunately, you will be doomed to a premature death in 99 out of 100 lives. Maybe this 99 out of 100 lives thing appeals to you? Once a member of the CR society said to me "it's like taking a chance", well they are entitled to take it. On average though, I will live much longer. There is a similar chance that drinking three bottles of red wine will help you live longer also, so why not try
that? All this about "people are too fat to do it" is supposed to be part of their evidence that it will help you live longer. Now let's have a look at the utterly ridiculous statments the "calorie restriction society" put up against such logic. Try and figure out what's wrong with them, I've left their flawed logic as open as I can.
* CR is something like a chance. It may work or it may not work. FDA
scientists have no knowledge of probabilities, they have never stated
anything before that they said was likely to happen. They have never
ever said something "may" happen.
* The FDA don't want you to know this very important information
which will help you live years and years longer. Neither do the WHO
or any health authority. Who knows why, I guess it is because they
are all too fat. God knows all of the times before they have kept
such important information from the public. >> Note, I am actually
going to complain about the CR society to these authorities. They
probably won't care about this tiny bunch of people but they won't
want CNN and other media to broadcast it for sensational news <<
* The fact that nobody in the whole world "practices CR" apart from
about 10% of the entire planet and thirty people on this website
(half of whom weigh 180 pounds) just goes to show that people are
just too fat to do it. The fact that there is only a handful of books
in the past 70 years (and about one since 2000) published about CR
and they is in no bookshops(at least not the largest in my city) is
just extra evidence as to how people are too fat to do it. Dr.
Walford and the other authors indeed stress staying within the
recommeded bmis in his book and about getting plenty exercise, not to
mention that weight should be lost over about seven years, but look
at the mice experiments, look at them, they don't exercise and live
longer. You be your own scientist about it and reject the experts.
And what's more forget that there are many, many other diets which
claim to help you to live longer and advise the exact opposite of CR
and they too are allowed to be published.
* Top scientists the world over are making a very serious mistake.
They think that humans are somehow different to mice, that they have
somehow gotten some spiritual magic about them that makes them
different, just like those people on the Oprah Winfrey show. Well we
being the intelligent individuals that we are know that's not the
case and that humans are in fact the exact same as them, I mean
they've got lungs, a heart, a brain. Forget about all the atheist-
surprising data that shows they respond completely contradictory to
each other on many occasions similar to this. We've gotten over all
this lower lifeforms not as great as humans bible stuff.
* People don't want to live longer, stay younger and age more slowly,
they want to be more fertile. Of course CR doesn't actually make you
less fertile like in mice, but everyone thinks the opposite is true.
* It is true the term "calorie restriction" doesn't describe any part
of any diet at all except the reducing calories part. Let's just
forget about the fact that my cat can eat as much as he likes and is
going to live longest (my cat is 12 years old) because he's not in a
lab and learned to control his appetite, unlike those in a lab who
eat even more than those who are out in the wild exercising and have
an abundance of food. See? There is a negligable difference but a
difference between those who have the same weight and yet exercise
profusely and those kept in an intensive care unit structure. Who
cares "calorie restriction" is a purely biological term that is never
used on humans?
* The human evidence which is mostly contrary to CR isn't really
important. Look at the human evidence that proves CR, such as the
lowering of cholesterol levels, which hasn't been studied in detail
at all... well not as much as absolutely possible. The people of
Okinawa are very short, exercise copiously until the day they die and
don't get all of their vitamins and minerals.... But who cares if
they have high bmis, what is the "bmi index" anyway, just another
messed up thing created by health authorities. Listen to me for I am
the one true light. Thou shall not eat thy calories for they are
evil! He who has less calories, he is the one who shall live longest,
those sinful people who eat more, they shall die first!
* Nobody has anything to gain by you buying Dr. Walford's books and
If people think calorie restriction... what the hell does that mean anyway? Those are two valid english words and I refuse for them to be degraded like that. If people think eating 1200 calories a day and not exercising is good for them I would say they are extremely misinformed. If you want something that takes effort to do, study for a biology degree or do something else constructive, it will actually help you live longer, this is the easy way out and the misinformed way out. It would be nice if you could live longer by not doing anything literally, but unfortunately that is not the way. Listen to
the experts! They are much more likely to be correct. Forget this nonsense.