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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Feedback on ImmInst Conference 2010 - Brussels

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#1 caliban

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Posted 10 October 2010 - 07:17 PM

Delegates, thanks for joining us the past two days for the first ImmInst-only conference in Europe.

We asked for feedback and got a lot of suggestions. s123 (Sven) made a note of these and maybe once he has had a lot of sleep and time to recover, he could share them here.

Meanwhile, if you have any other or further suggestions, statements or questions, please post below.

We are very interested to learn how people found the event, which aspects they enjoyed most and what we should improve next time.
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#2 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 10 October 2010 - 07:57 PM

I am back home now.:-)
Thank you all for organizing this conference. Hopefully more conferences in Europe may follow

The conference was great and interesting. The talks covered a lot of topics. it was very variated. There was for everybody a talk he or she was interested in.

The place of the conference was good. Good places to put out your stuff for making notes on paper or laptop.
good sight on the .ppt presentations and speaker who was doing his talk.

Some suggestions for next time:
Maybe for the next time: break times to get something to drink like tea of coffee would be very nice.
If there is no catering, maybe it would be a good idea to make lunch time longer. people has to go to other places to get something to eat and that takes time.
Its is for the speaker nice when everybody is back again when he of she starts his/her talk.

That was it for now, if i got more suggestions, I will post it in this topic.
it is for me time to go to bed now. ;)
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#3 s123

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Posted 11 October 2010 - 12:05 AM

Me on facebook yesterday:

Great day at the Imminst conference. Today the believers (Gavrilov and Rose) of late life mortality plateaus presented their evidence, tomorrow Stephen Coles will argue against the existence of these plateaus. Carisio presented Promethease and SNPedia, a tool to analyze SNP data and a database of SNPs. Stephen Spindler presented his preliminary data on longevity drugs. Simvastatin appeared to be very beneficial.

Me on facebook today:

Today was again a day full of interesting lectures! Chitty started with a presentation about N-glycans as biomarkers for aging, Alzheimer's, cancer and several other diseases. Next came Bart Braeckman who told about aging in C. elegans and his results put some question marks next to the free radical theory. The lectures by Stephen Coles and his wife provided a nice overview of supercentenarian research. In fact after this conference, Stephen will meet a Belgian supercentenarian to collect blood samples for genetic testing. Paul McGlothin gave a nice introduction into CR but I had to disagree with him in my lecture about metformin. According to the data CR does not activate AMPK. We ended with to lectures about cryonics showing first how cryonics can be affordable to everyone and second how the quality of cryopreservation will be increased several fold by having a European standby and stabilization organization called EUCRIO. I wish this new organization the best of luck!

Some notes about the meeting in 'A La Mort Subite' will follow.
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#4 AgeVivo

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Posted 11 October 2010 - 07:56 PM

That was absolutely a great event, with some of the most cutting-edge scientists in the field, presenting new facts, some of them not published yet, that will certainly change the face of the world in the next years or decades. I felt that scientists were really touched by this young dynamic generation that understands their work and supports them, and we could feel that this bridge between generations as well as between researchers and amateurs is bringing a lot of cohesion into this movement for life extension

PS: a big bravo to the organizers!
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#5 David Styles

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 01:27 PM

Hello all - just a flying-by note here while I try to process my in-tray that has built up somewhat over the past days.

Feedback given at the Sat eve meeting in answer to the question "What would make you want to come to another ImmInst conference" was:

  • close to home
  • accessibility
  • concurrent sessions
  • more science
  • less science
  • action groups
  • breaks for networking
  • pre-conference online
  • more hype beforehand
  • proactive 3rd party invitations
  • acceptable name
  • maximising use of time
  • more heavily structured programme
  • more focus on engineering talks, management talks, etc
  • post-conference contacts

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#6 pmcglothin

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 06:59 PM

That was absolutely a great event, with some of the most cutting-edge scientists in the field, presenting new facts, some of them not published yet, that will certainly change the face of the world in the next years or decades. I felt that scientists were really touched by this young dynamic generation that understands their work and supports them, and we could feel that this bridge between generations as well as between researchers and amateurs is bringing a lot of cohesion into this movement for life extension

This is a very well expressed post that captures my sentiments exactly. It was a great event -- a masterful achievement by the organizers. Thank you!

I was happy to be part of it. Indeed, most inspiring was the young dynamic generation, devoted just as we are to making greatly extended lifespan a reality and enjoying superb health.


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#7 EternaMente

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 05:49 PM

My dearest friends, specially Sven, David and Sebastian, of the Immortality Institute, and the Immortality "movement" in general...
THANKS for this milestone event in the developement of Immortality "awareness" and divulagation.

I am Adrián, the guy from Colombia.

My experience with this Conference was extremely pleasant, although I am not very aware of the Scientific terms and path which Imortality search has already followed.
Honestly, I was amazed with the quality of the lecturers. So many brilliant minds together in a one place! Incredible!

The search of Immortality is for me the only important thing one can do in life. That's why I was simply amazed and delighted with just the fact of being here. Knowing that an actual International Conference on this matter was taking place, and that I was being part of it was simply WOW. Being here in the Conference was not an easy or cheap thing. And arriving to be a not-scientific-aware, some sort of mainly-spectator participant, would be foolishness for almost anyone. But for me, it has been one of the few really important things in life I have made.

Despite of being a bit outdated in the Science of Life, I made some humble "contributions" within the Conference:

- A recommendation of keeping the word "Immortality" or an equivalent in the name of the "Immortality Institute" group, if it ever is changed.
- An idea of writing a divulgation book like a "Anti aging for dummies", scientifically perfect but also written in a "street language".

The last one implies I would love to be part of such a project, since I have time to invest in it.

Now that the Conference has ended, and that memories start to dissolve, I would like to know if there will be any "Conference Memories" or a set of Videos with the conferences.
That would be great!

I have bought the book from Dr Aubrey De Grey and Michael Rae, "Ending Aging" which I think is a good "entrance door" to the universe of death-defeating.

Although everything has been just GREAT, something still rests unfulfilled about the Conference.

The last programmed activity was a Roundtable Thinktank about "What can / should we do from here / implementation", which I think didn't really happen.

I mean, what I expected was a discussion which would lead to two groups of conclussions for all of us:

- For the "scientific" participants: The activities to be done within the sphere of Science from now on.
- For us, the mere "mortals" (by now): The practical meassures we can take, according to what Science has found, in order to start a "practical" program for lifespan increasing.

Additionally, define a concrete communication mean from Scienctifics to us mere "mortal", so that we can be permanently updated about its discoverings.

I have a lot more ideas, but this message is becoming too long now.

Thanks again for this Conference.

Eternamente (Eternally),

#8 pres

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Posted 18 October 2010 - 08:18 PM

Some of the pictures I took are available here (until I need the space for other files)

Thanks for organizing this conference!

P.S. Adrián, it was a pleasure meeting you.

Edited by pres, 18 October 2010 - 08:19 PM.

#9 EternaMente

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Posted 18 October 2010 - 10:50 PM

Some of the pictures I took are available here (until I need the space for other files)

Thanks for organizing this conference!

P.S. Adrián, it was a pleasure meeting you.

Mr. Pres... Bonjour!

A great pleasure for me too. I'll be for a few (?) months in Europe (actually I am stil in Brussels; I went to Amsterdam in the weekend), so here is my email: adriano_viii@hotmail.com ... I would really like to meet with you and Erik at any moment. ... Who knows? Maybe I definitely stay in Europe...

I am reading Dr. Aubrey's book to get connected with the stream. And many ideas from him clicks ideas im my mind. Wow... a great intelectual exercise!

We have a lot to talk about, even with my modest English and almost unexistant Francais! :)

I have a phone now in Belgium from BASE, but do not know if it will work later when in Germany.

Anyway... now you have my email, and Erik too. A techno-phylosophical cafe afternoon is waiting for us. Maybe more than one! Indeed!

Have a great day!

#10 s123

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 12:59 AM

This was no official Imminst meeting, no decisions have been made. The following summery is a collection of ideas put forth by the people present and do not reflect any official Imminst policy

Name of the Institute

The name of the institute is important. However, the current name is for many people maybe too far stretched. Many different names have been discussed. Caliban remarks that we wouldn’t have received some invitations for interviews if we had used a more moderate name. Michael Rose is an respected scientist who uses the term Immortality institute, so maybe we can put some explanation by him (about the fact that immortality is a scientific term) on the front page. Longevity could be used as a second name. People will think that this was an attempt to mislead them. Has a poll or an investigation been made to find out what other people think about the second name. Imminst can be used instead of Immortality Institute just as KFC is used for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Various people noted that they sometimes used the name Imminst to avoid saying the immortality word during a conversation. A name like Lifestar Institute could stand for health providers, yoga classes, insurance company,… while a name like Immortality Institute is very specific. What is meaningfully, what is marketable and pronounceable around Europe are criteria used when the name for EUCRIO was decided. If a large group of people have to decide upon a name than the result is often a very bad consensus. To conclude we can say that many members think that a name change should be considered. The best way to do this is to create a brain storming session to collect different suggestions. The best proposals should then be selected from the list by the board and then a referendum could be set up to choose between either not change it or choose one of the new proposals.

Why will you come back to the next Imminst conference/possible improvements?
1) Have two rooms with different lectures at the same time, more scientific, less scientific
2) More breaks for networking
3) More science
4) More action groups
5) Formal invitation letters
6) Maximize time
7) Educate myself
8) Schedule
9) Less science – more engineering
10) Refreshing people about the science (introduction into the science)
11) The date was bad because the academic year just started

David has collected more points and shared them somewhere in the forum.

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