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We cannot be content to die if we dont know what is going on.

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 11:33 PM

We cannot be content to die if we don’t know what is going on.

If you woke up tomorrow on a pink planet with walking trees and birds that flew backwards singing Elvis songs with rivers that flowed candy pine cones and all kinds of marvelous spectacles and randomosities, then you need to figure out what is going on. You would be looked upon with shame if you weren’t deeply interested in figuring it out. You wouldnt be worthy of the senses bestowed upon you if you didnt heed to the triggers that they pulled in your brain outlining the baffling incomprehensible mystery that this would be.

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So what would you do? If you awoke on this planet then would you be indifferent to it and content to live out the rest of your life on that planet? Would you sleep on cup cake beds and fish vegetables out of the sky with nets and watch the birds fly backwards as your body slowly decayed you in to oblivion? Could you be content with that? Would the mysteries be less important than your leisure time, than the hobbies and habits you would develop amongst the scenerios?

That pink planet with all of that stuff is exactly what this earth is like. Just because we have gotten used to it doesn’t mean its normal. This is an off the charts, bizarre, seemingly infinite mystery. If you don’t fully realize this yet then this is because you are unable to spot fallacy in your thinking. In order to alleviate this, read up on fallacy and work to learn how to spot when your thoughts are fallacy or not. Those of us who view our entrapment and as of yet inevitable decay on this earth as normal need to realize that we have succumbed to what many call the Stockholm syndrome, or Platos illustration of people trapped in a cave.

Like the people trapped in the cave in Platos parable, we cannot ever remain content to live out a life with limited understanding. We must constantly seek to uncover the mystery. We must do this until we finally know, and can decide what to do next, live or die, and other things, based on the big picture, and not be eager to jump into our graves, be content to be pushed into our graves, based on such a limited understanding of what is going on. The Buddhist in China, the car bomber in Afghanistan, the human rights worker in Canada, the industrialist in the USA, the bushman in Zimbabwe, they all make life decisions based on a limited vision of the big picture, and they all think they are right. A true maturity in setting our priorities comes from knowing the big picture.

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We must seek it until we finally know, we must escape the cave, we must escape our planet, we must escape traditional thinking, we must continue to pioneer existence until we know the big picture of what it means to live, or until we are crushed by the randomosities of existence. Until we do we will never know what it means to truly exist.

Edited by brokenportal, 14 December 2010 - 11:44 PM.

#2 TelepathicMerg

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 11:05 PM

We cannot be content to die if we don’t know what is going on.

If you woke up tomorrow on a pink planet with walking trees and birds that flew backwards singing Elvis songs with rivers that flowed candy pine cones and all kinds of marvelous spectacles and randomosities, then you need to figure out what is going on. You would be looked upon with shame if you weren’t deeply interested in figuring it out. You wouldnt be worthy of the senses bestowed upon you if you didnt heed to the triggers that they pulled in your brain outlining the baffling incomprehensible mystery that this would be.

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So what would you do? If you awoke on this planet then would you be indifferent to it and content to live out the rest of your life on that planet? Would you sleep on cup cake beds and fish vegetables out of the sky with nets and watch the birds fly backwards as your body slowly decayed you in to oblivion? Could you be content with that? Would the mysteries be less important than your leisure time, than the hobbies and habits you would develop amongst the scenerios?

That pink planet with all of that stuff is exactly what this earth is like. Just because we have gotten used to it doesn’t mean its normal. This is an off the charts, bizarre, seemingly infinite mystery. If you don’t fully realize this yet then this is because you are unable to spot fallacy in your thinking. In order to alleviate this, read up on fallacy and work to learn how to spot when your thoughts are fallacy or not. Those of us who view our entrapment and as of yet inevitable decay on this earth as normal need to realize that we have succumbed to what many call the Stockholm syndrome, or Platos illustration of people trapped in a cave.

Like the people trapped in the cave in Platos parable, we cannot ever remain content to live out a life with limited understanding. We must constantly seek to uncover the mystery. We must do this until we finally know, and can decide what to do next, live or die, and other things, based on the big picture, and not be eager to jump into our graves, be content to be pushed into our graves, based on such a limited understanding of what is going on. The Buddhist in China, the car bomber in Afghanistan, the human rights worker in Canada, the industrialist in the USA, the bushman in Zimbabwe, they all make life decisions based on a limited vision of the big picture, and they all think they are right. A true maturity in setting our priorities comes from knowing the big picture.

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We must seek it until we finally know, we must escape the cave, we must escape our planet, we must escape traditional thinking, we must continue to pioneer existence until we know the big picture of what it means to live, or until we are crushed by the randomosities of existence. Until we do we will never know what it means to truly exist.

I believe we (identities, selves) are a holographic view points within an informational fractal (expressed in the physical and perhaps other unknown realms). Those view points change a number of times (now unknown #) throughout cycles, perhaps even during each life span. The identity may or may not remember them. These view points are similar to paragraphs in a book. Some may be deleted.

You say you can see yourself waking up on a pink planet and feeling uncomfortable about it. This statement assumes you are remembering your previous reality. I tend to agree, this and similar pics must actually occur within the flow of possibilities. I feel we are evolving forward and our memory of the previous is beginning (now & always)to crystallize, allowing us larger views.

I also believe that all of us have the strong desire to see more. You are expressing this desire well. But I am quite convinced that we will see surprisingly more, and more.... as we progress.... My own hope is in (inevitable I think) spherical e-communications as improvement to natural languages, as a tool for expending individual memory and memories of our immediate networks... I had two programmers working on iphone ap in effort to present the abc of the e-communication... They have vanished (: So I am trying to share my feelings and thoughts while I am still here(:

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 08:01 PM

Many of us think of potentials like this along similar lines, but what we've found, and I suspect you might agree, is that "beleive" is probably the wrong word to tag on to those thoughts. Its more like we see a plethora of potentials and we work to stay alive so we can continue to have the chance to know and uncover and experience them and everything else.

I think about it in terms of how much we can be willing to bet on lists of probabilities and possibilities. Then also over time, and as our understanding, knowledge, wisdom, perspective and others factors continue to evolve and shift, those lists of willing to bet percentages change and shift too. Hence agnosticism.

Like many of us, Im intensely interested in the subject of how the mind is what it is. However of course, many times, most of the time, it just feels a lot like trying to contemplate infinity or if a tree falls in the woods with no ears around does it make a noise. Of course though, we dont give up, the answer might be around any corner, and its an important one. My latest trek down that path has me contemplating whether or not consciousness doesnt arise from the sum of the electrical energy in our brains focusing on one particular spot that processes it all at will, aka your stream of thought. Others include typical contemplations of whether or not thoughts are generated by flowing through one core place like the pineal gland, and being "played" in our stream of consciousness much like a record player. However, that begs the question, but why dont computers think then because thats what they do, and why dont more animals figure out how to think because thats what they do too.

What I mean about the pink planet is that if we woke up on it and we could remember our past life then it would be ridiculous not to try to figure out what is going on. And if we woke up on such a planet but we couldnt remember our past life here on earth, it would still be equally as ridiculous, just with out as much contrast as to its ridiculousness, which is exactly what is going on when we are all born here on this earth.

Reincarnation type ideas are things on lists we can place bets on, but we still have to get indefinite life extension so we can see the answer to them all for sure.

You say your convinced we will see more. Me too, but only because I am confident that the world can make it happen in time. It wont happen by itself. We still have to mobilize the world and make it happen.

These e communication ideas you have are interesting and remind me of/ seem like they will likely be taken care of by progression toward singularity. We can work on interesting projects like that, and that is part of the reason to want life, and that is part of the reason to keep strong motivation for helping the movement for indefinite life extension move toward its goal.

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#4 TelepathicMerg

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 08:42 PM

Thank you so much for presenting your view again, after I did not show proper understanding of the concept. You say:

"What I mean about the pink planet is that if we woke up on it and we could remember our past life then it would be ridiculous not to try to figure out what is going on. And if we woke up on such a planet but we couldnt remember our past life here on earth, it would still be equally as ridiculous, just with out as much contrast as to its ridiculousness, which is exactly what is going on when we are all born here on this earth."

I get it and I agree 100%. The reasson for my reply turning out mostly as if off subject, is my conviction as to the inevitable first step leading to actual change, to shaking people up from the sleep. Correct me if I am wrong again, but is it not our goal to examine as many assumptions as possible over and over and improve them where possible? Is it not true that it can be done better and faster with improvement of communications? We have done so much via computerizing already....

You also say:

"Others include typical contemplations of whether or not thoughts are generated by flowing through one core place like the pineal gland, and being "played" in our stream of consciousness much like a record player. However, that begs the question, but why dont computers think then because thats what they do, and why dont more animals figure out how to think because thats what they do too"

I totally disagree that the physical realm produces information. (This is why I wrote a book on the subject). I agree computers do not think. We think and computers are but our extension. Animals on the other hand, I believe do think and perhaps we will discover more on that via e-communications...

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 09:18 PM

is my conviction as to the inevitable first step leading to actual change, to shaking people up from the sleep.

Im not sure I am grasping exactly what you mean by that. Im gathering that you mean that when people realize they are more than the confines that nature, tradition, gravity, and other things have placed on them that they will begin working with more of the important aptitudes that await us.

That reminds me of one of my favorite and often quoted quotes by Eden Philpotts, "The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." An equally poignant quote I think is the Al Harrington line, "We must never forget that we are cosmic revolutionaries, not stooges, conscripted to advance a natural order of things that kills everybody."

Correct me if I am wrong gain, but is it not our goal to examine as many assumptions as possible over and over and improve them where possible? Is it not true that it can be done better and faster with improvement of communications? We have done so much via computerizing already....

I agree, I run in to a lot of people that like to say the things like the classic, "Cant we just agree to disagree?" and "lets just forget about it." or "We have already talked about this a million times." But if solutions and answers is your goal, then I think its important to go over things a million times. What many people think is going in circles, I find most often times is more like a slowly upward moving spiral of progress. I mean, stuff takes time. It took a long time for the industrial revolution to get here, and I would be willing to bet that if people hadnt talked about and tinkered with the same old concepts for thousands and thousands of years that it never would have been the slowly upward moving spiral that brought us all the break throughs that we have. Not to mention all the pre industrial revolution break throughs like the use of tools, fire, wheel, language, farming, societies, architecture, printing press, water turbine etc... Think for example of Edison working on the light bulb (you probably already have), they went through over 10,000 prototypes before they got it right.

I totally disagree that the physical realm produces information. (This is why I wrote a book on the subject). I agree computers do not think. We think and computers are but our extension. Animals on the other hand, I believe do think and perhaps we will discover more on that via e-communications...

Please do link us here to the book, and give us a summary to if you would. I agree that it might not be the physical world that produces information. That is at the crux of the ages old problem. However, Ive been trying to imagine how we might explain it in terms of being all physical. It seems to me that thoughts are not something separate and distinct from the physical world, but that they are physical things. For lack of words to describe it I would have to say it seems they are like a dynamic sense, like sound or sight, like a sound wave or light rays, thought just seems to be a multi dimensional version of them that feeds back on itself and so is contantly interpreting itself. But, yes I agree that it could be something that is not of the physical realm. Im much less willing to bet on that at this point, but I realize it could be part of the answer.

#6 TelepathicMerg

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 10:37 PM

"Im not sure I am grasping exactly what you mean by that." - I was referring again to the e-comm. (:

"I mean, stuff takes time. It took a long time for the industrial revolution to get here..." - yes, the concepts result in action or they don't. some ideas take off faster than others... Sometimes people may be ready for an innovation and sometimes not... Sometimes it is hard to predict the market, even for a professional marketer. The concept I am trying so hard to propose seems to me rather simple, and could be tried via a cell phone application, at least initially. I am not sure I desribed it clearly but I made an effort to do so here: http://www.amazon.co...t_athr_dp_pel_1 (I have more videos on that, none of them well made, but perhaps they could show you the main gist of the communication in FULL THOUGHTS)

I like the way you analyze the thoughts... I also know that it could be practical to assume something to be true and go forward with it for the sake of exploration, even before coming up with a hypothesis for an experiment.... For example, if we would be to assume we are the information, then working on an artificial body to transfer oneself to, when the need arises, could be somewhat more likely...

#7 brokenportal

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 12:24 AM

"Im not sure I am grasping exactly what you mean by that." - I was referring again to the e-comm. (:

"I mean, stuff takes time. It took a long time for the industrial revolution to get here..." - yes, the concepts result in action or they don't. some ideas take off faster than others... Sometimes people may be ready for an innovation and sometimes not... Sometimes it is hard to predict the market, even for a professional marketer. The concept I am trying so hard to propose seems to me rather simple, and could be tried via a cell phone application, at least initially. I am not sure I desribed it clearly but I made an effort to do so here: http://www.amazon.co...t_athr_dp_pel_1 (I have more videos on that, none of them well made, but perhaps they could show you the main gist of the communication in FULL THOUGHTS)

I like the way you analyze the thoughts... I also know that it could be practical to assume something to be true and go forward with it for the sake of exploration, even before coming up with a hypothesis for an experiment.... For example, if we would be to assume we are the information, then working on an artificial body to transfer oneself to, when the need arises, could be somewhat more likely...

So you mean viral marketing to try to encourage and accelerate the arrival of agi technology for potential uploading and those kinds of things? That reminds me of a book that recently came out called the Countdown to Immortality by FM2030. He was cryopreserved at Alcor in 2000 but his editor just released the book. No matter though because it works to make predictions well into the future. It appears that some of the predictions he made in 2000 have already come true. He even seems to sort of predict the formation of places like Longecity here.

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