Testing Methylene Blue for longevity: Mprize at home
Posted 31 March 2011 - 01:50 AM
Posted 04 April 2011 - 10:30 PM

Posted 23 May 2011 - 10:03 PM
Yes, I was joking about the short list. I added Colloidal Gold to my vitamins shortly after adding MSM powder and the methylene blue. I have found myself working on projects all hours, day and night, almost nonstop, I don't even want to sleep but do because I suppose I should right? I'm running out of my other vitamins and cash, so for now proper care of 2 animals seems completely out of the question, I have to make myself stop and eat already as it is, the mice would probably just starve.
That's fine though because I really wanted to buy a health frequency generator for this project first anyway, so I guess I'll hold off until my income picks back up a little. For now I'm happy with the vitamins I'm taking, back to my old self from 3 years ago of work, work, work where my house mates call me a vampire because it is like I never sleep, awake when they go to sleep, and still awake when the go to work in the morning, but never get sick or worn out. I force myself to sleep with melatonin and valerian root, but if I miss that window of tiredness about 1 hour after I pop the pills then there's no sleeping at all, and it feels awkward going to work knowing everybody else slept at night like a normal person should.
In general I'm liking this though, I can get so much more stuff done around the house and concentrate a lot better at work, but while I study Chinese, speak Spanish with the neighbors, work on a mirror death ray to cook with, draw energy from a static electricity, baffle congress downtown with questions they just can't answer, and juggle 3-6 computer monitors at work, I get that "Limitless" or "The Lawnmower Man" feeling, like I'm in a tunnel speeding forward, not looking back. Will I become addicted, have to increase dosages to stay this way, or feel stupid when I stop? I don't know if I like that part too much but I'll learn to deal with it and am cutting back as I feel it becomes too much for me to handle.
This month I even noticed hair starting to grow back on my head?! Maybe I'm losing it but just in case I went and got some Propecia and 15% Minoxidil to milk this for all it's worth! LOL
Oh, and I have to exercise, or my body aches all over, but I now have drastic muscle development and quick fat burning, my kids and wife even noticed my new 4 pack after just 3 days of workout easily seen by internet video chat, stating that I'm looking ripped!
I did notice however that spicy foods make me swell up, like being bloated, maybe because of the oxidizing properties against the new metals in my blood? But I didn't think gold or MSM would oxidize that easily, so I dunno, I just stay away from acidic foods... I also noticed healing from major cuts and wounds went from 2 days to 2 weeks? Another very strange unexpected side effect?
I'll give this another few months before I make a decision. I've also got my doctor monitoring my health with a follow up in 2 months to make sure this feeling isn't just an illusion in my head.
No need for mice when I can just experiment on myself...
Anybody else have a similar experience? Or I am only one like that vitamin guy Chris from "Parks & Recreation?"
Posted 13 July 2011 - 10:40 PM
Added 2 different LG Sciences body building stacks spreading a 1 month supply across 3 months (body repair and growth)
also added
LG Sciences Lipotropic Protein diluted in one big glass with 4 cup of coffee 5 days a week (energy, body repair, & growth)
then stopped the
Telomerase Enzyme Anti Aging Supplement.
At first I thought it was a poor move, I even got a small cold and a migraine...
so I added back just a plain supplement of
Astragalus Membranaceus (life extension)
but my body was still hurting all over and I didn't want to get sick again so I also added
Nature's Way Fo-Ti Root (life extension)
Nature's Way Reishi Capsules (life extension)
NOW Foods Panax Ginseng (energy & life extension)
Goldenseal (cold prevention)
I typically only have to sleep, only want to sleep, 3-6 hours a day, no problems so far...
A general check-up of stats for life insurance put me at perfect health so they gave me 1/2 off for the next 30 years.
Another check-up for work with my family doctor also put me at perfect health for a health insurance discount.
I was 5'9" when I got the cold,
At home I measured 5'9.5" after getting better,
At the insurance check-up, a month later, I measured 5'10'
at the doctor last week, a month later, I measured 5'11"
I've grown 2 inches in 2 months! That's significant and explains why my body aches but am in perfect health! GROWING PAINS!
(I'm 33 year's old, so no, this is not normal, and I do recall what growing pains feel like, and this is it, so I'm relived, the pain is normal.)
This is great news! I'm getting close! Who needs rats when I've got myself to test on!
I'm cutting out supplements now to isolate exactly which ones are required to keep this up!
I'm still annoyed by how fast time flies while on Blue, and why I've been away so long, but I won't forget to update my posts for those who are reading this still...
Edited by timothymburke, 13 July 2011 - 10:45 PM.
Posted 24 October 2011 - 06:17 PM
Quick update:
Added 2 different LG Sciences body building stacks spreading a 1 month supply across 3 months (body repair and growth)
also added
LG Sciences Lipotropic Protein diluted in one big glass with 4 cup of coffee 5 days a week (energy, body repair, & growth)
then stopped the
Telomerase Enzyme Anti Aging Supplement.
At first I thought it was a poor move, I even got a small cold and a migraine...
so I added back just a plain supplement of
Astragalus Membranaceus (life extension)
but my body was still hurting all over and I didn't want to get sick again so I also added
Nature's Way Fo-Ti Root (life extension)
Nature's Way Reishi Capsules (life extension)
NOW Foods Panax Ginseng (energy & life extension)
Goldenseal (cold prevention)
I typically only have to sleep, only want to sleep, 3-6 hours a day, no problems so far...
A general check-up of stats for life insurance put me at perfect health so they gave me 1/2 off for the next 30 years.
Another check-up for work with my family doctor also put me at perfect health for a health insurance discount.
I was 5'9" when I got the cold,
At home I measured 5'9.5" after getting better,
At the insurance check-up, a month later, I measured 5'10'
at the doctor last week, a month later, I measured 5'11"
I've grown 2 inches in 2 months! That's significant and explains why my body aches but am in perfect health! GROWING PAINS!
(I'm 33 year's old, so no, this is not normal, and I do recall what growing pains feel like, and this is it, so I'm relived, the pain is normal.)
This is great news! I'm getting close! Who needs rats when I've got myself to test on!
I'm cutting out supplements now to isolate exactly which ones are required to keep this up!
I'm still annoyed by how fast time flies while on Blue, and why I've been away so long, but I won't forget to update my posts for those who are reading this still...
Sorry, are you making a spectacular claim, that at age 33 you have recently grown 2 inches taller? Or am I misreading things?
Posted 26 October 2011 - 10:44 AM
Posted 26 October 2011 - 10:44 AM
Edited by MrHappy, 26 October 2011 - 10:45 AM.
Posted 26 October 2011 - 05:53 PM
(I'm 33 year's old, so no, this is not normal, and I do recall what growing pains feel like, and this is it, so I'm relived, the pain is normal.)
Are you implying that's good ?
Because all of my (albeit limited) medical knowledge is telling me that's potentially life threatening and definitely not something to be happy about.
Posted 19 January 2012 - 10:19 PM
I take off one and I can't sleep, take off another and I want to sleep all day, remove another and I can't concentrate, leaving out just a few pills a day of others and I get migraines, sickness, depression, body aches the list keeps growing. It's not surprising though since I did build the list, balances, and dosages specifically to what I was certain would help me personally at my age and weight.
My Cycloastragenol ran out, and I'm not growing any taller, no doubt that could have been causing the growth spurt. I'm still on the Blue, 100nm daily, it definitely keeps my mind spinning, without it I'd probably zone out and never get any real work done. A visit to the doc resulted with more of the same, "your health is perfect, go home." I did lose 8 pounds without even trying, no gym, no attempts to skip meals etc. It's really more of a new extreme disgust for unhealthy foods. Every-time I eat/see fatty stuff it makes me feel physically terrible, I just want to push it away even though I still love the taste.
At this point I'm sure that you can build up a resistance to Blue though since I'm not up all night working on crazy stuff like learning foreign languages, Tesla coils, solar energy, etc... I've just thrown all that stuff in box for now, but I'm sure if I doubled up on my dosage I'd be right back at it, looking for stuff to keep my mind busy. Taking 200nm 300nm, 400nm, I don't even notice a difference anymore...
Sadly, there may not be anything that I can eliminate from my list which is disappointing since I was really enjoying the money savings of not having to buy as many supplements and bought some really nice Christmas gifts instead. Generic Cycloastragenol is super expensive (like $80 for 30 days) and crazy expensive if you buy TA-65 (like $200 for 30 days) and that's just 1 of the 30-60 supplements that I was taking daily, so life extension clearly isn't on the budget for most of us yet.
Today nearly ALL OF MY SUPPLEMENTS RUN OUT (except the whey protein and Kre-Alkalyn) so we'll see how that goes. Up to this point it has been years since I've gone more than a day without 30+ supplements per day, so I'm really curious to see how long I can make it without anything at all. If possible to wait it out, I will add them back one by one each week until I am satisfied I have found a base minimum for significant results.
I'll check back later and let you know how it goes...
Edited by timothymburke, 19 January 2012 - 10:22 PM.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 04:56 PM
Now I'm adding back my shorter cheaper list trying to keep the cost way down at around $350 for 6 months.
(I was up to as much as $12 per day before...)
After a couple days the Ginseng, B-Complex, & Creatine are again helping to keep me awake longer, sometimes 6 hours is enough while 8 is always sufficient. I still have to finish out the week before I add back the Goto Kola & Fo-Ti. After that I should be wide awake all hours of the night. The Curcumin seems to be what curbs my cravings, but makes the foods I do eat taste better. The more I add back, the less I want to eat, so I'm back to being fine with the idea of skipping eating altogether practically every other day, and always 1 meal a day is enough.
Here's the known/unknowns I've got so far from dropping/adding supplements:
(no particular order, just looking at what I have on my desk here)
Creatine: Less pain from workouts, sometimes prevents sleep, doubled up when the HGH growth caused growing pains
MSM: less body aches, added when the HGH growth caused growing pains
HGH: make you grow crazy fast, growing pains (Note: I combined with Astragalas Root & IV)
Astragalas: keeps you growing if you already are, makes you slightly feverish, will stave off a normal cold
Ginseng: speeds up your heart, keeps you awake, makes you more sexually active
DHEA: some weight loss, some anger, makes me want to work out more
Melatonin: helps prevent depression, makes me sleepy
Valerian: large doses makes me feel more rested when I wake up (it smells awful though)
Lecithin: mind explors more solutions besides the first path, large doses makes my right eyebrow twitch.
Flax Seed: slightly raises good cholesterol, doesn't taste bad like fish oil
B-Complex: more energy, makes me want to run to/from every destination, keeps me more alert even somewhat jumpy
Ginkgo Biloba: makes blood thinner (nurses comment when I give blood), low flow high fat areas (handles/rear) warmer to touch
Curcumin: good food tastes better, bad food tastes worse
Biotin: Nails grow super fast, hairs shows little difference
Colloidal Gold: Vivid dreams! (but neck aches on large doses)
Methylene Blue 100nm+: makes me busy, may cause headaches from thinking too much too fast, possible diarrhea when combined with fresh veggies
Cranberry: prevents urinary tract infections from excessive sexual activities
One Daily Vitamin: no difference
Niacin: no difference
Reishi: no difference
Reservatrol: no difference
Astragalus IV: no difference
BHT: unknown, probably no effect, just testing
Muyrrh: added for testing, no effect expected other than fresher breath (the B-complex and Valerian both smell and taste terrible)
Blue-green Algae: adding for testing, oxygenated food/drink reasons, will probably be Spirinella.
I'm curious what results other people see from supplements. My nephews and immediate family have all gotten into vitamins on their own without my help and say they see huge differences with supplements. I read the Amazon reviews, but wonder how much of what they say is exaggerated or an outright falsified. Sometimes the difference is so subtle I probably miss it, so reading comments lets me know what to look out for before/after adding/removing a supplement.
I'll get the list down to the minimum, probably around $300 for 6 months, then give the brands with milligrams to make the "Live Longer" supplement (didn't miss anything) buying list real easy. See you again soon...
Edited by timothymburke, 03 February 2012 - 05:16 PM.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:50 PM
Sorry, are you making a spectacular claim, that at age 33 you have recently grown 2 inches taller? Or am I misreading things?
Not so spectacular, everybody knows HGH makes you grow, it is banned in every sport I can think of, I was on 2 muscle building stacks, HGH, Kre-Alkalyn, DHEA, Astragalus membranaceus several grams per day, and Astragalus IV 50mg per day.
Now that I look back, clearly it is the contrary, if I hadn't grown at least 2 inches I should have been worried. I doubt anybody has ever taken such a vast dose of various growth related supplements and stuck with it for even a short 2 months. Typically they take a single stack, huge dosages of test or HGH (injected directly to muscle groups) or simply load up on calories and Creatine.
My supplement testing is based on small safe dosages of a large range of supplements regardless of cost or sheer numbers of individual pills per day. I never take the maximum dose, usually only half dosages, but clearly it still works. This dosage was well over 60 pills each day, 30+ in the morning, 30+ in the evening, a test of what potential an extreme might have. It cost well over $12 a day and isn't practical at all. I would need an assistant just to sort all my vitamins out each day and keep them on order each week as they run out. Maybe a millionaire like Ray Kurzweil can find the time and money to do this, but not me...
If you want the brands and an exact list of what I was taking I can work that up for you no problem... At the young age of 33, If you don't see a drastic physical change (growth or muscles) after 2 months, then your body truly isn't processing the supplements correctly.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 07:53 PM
Are you standing straighter due to improved muscle tone when measuring your height? Even so, two inches strains credibility. Did your vertebral discs get thicker from the supplements, increasing spinal length? I suppose it is possible, but I've never heard of such a thing, and two inches would still be extreme.
An honest mistake in measuring technique, combined perhaps with wishful thinking? Or prevarication? I do not know, but this story does not sound credible.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 08:43 PM
At your age, whatever growth hormone stimulating supplements you may be taking, you should not be getting taller. The growth plates at the ends of the long bones close in a man's late teens, and height is fixed. In fact, taking steroids too early will cause the growth plates to close prematurely, preventing one from attaining one's full biological stature.
Are you standing straighter due to improved muscle tone when measuring your height? Even so, two inches strains credibility. Did your vertebral discs get thicker from the supplements, increasing spinal length? I suppose it is possible, but I've never heard of such a thing, and two inches would still be extreme.
An honest mistake in measuring technique, combined perhaps with wishful thinking? Or prevarication? I do not know, but this story does not sound credible.
I tend to agree with Maxwatt. I've never heard of an adult, (and I'm not talking about a late teen), but a fully grown adult, suddenly getting taller from taking any supplement. I'm not saying it's impossible, just highly unlikely.
If this were the case all the guys on HGH at the gym would almost certainly know about it their own growth. Additionally, the message boards would be full of confirmations.
I think you are mistaken timothymburke, and furthermore this height claim subsequently produces doubt on the rigour of your other Methylene Blue research unfortunately.
Unless of course you willing to entertain that in fact, it *is* a spectacular claim you are making, and work to resolve the issue that it raises, either by admitting an error on your part, or by submitting extraordinary evidence.
Edited by Matt79, 03 February 2012 - 08:45 PM.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 10:29 PM
Posted 03 February 2012 - 10:51 PM
The only way I know of people getting taller after puberty is from traction treatment for back problems. A guy I worked with got "stretched out" in therapy and over the course of a couple months he was a half inch taller, and yes, it was measured accurately at the clinic.
Yeah true, I was more talking about actual tallness due to your bones growing again. HGH in adults tends to produce muscle and tissue growth, but not bone.
It may be that the Tim is just standing taller, or has improved his posture as a result of his gym.
Edited by Matt79, 03 February 2012 - 10:51 PM.
Posted 03 February 2012 - 11:26 PM
The only way I know of people getting taller after puberty is from traction treatment for back problems. A guy I worked with got "stretched out" in therapy and over the course of a couple months he was a half inch taller, and yes, it was measured accurately at the clinic.
Yeah true, I was more talking about actual tallness due to your bones growing again. HGH in adults tends to produce muscle and tissue growth, but not bone.
It may be that the Tim is just standing taller, or has improved his posture as a result of his gym.
Yes, that is what I was thinking as well.
Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:42 AM
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