Haha I remember reading crazy trip reports on erowid about datura.. 'Interesting' is one word you could possibly use for this beast! And those phantom cigerattes, for those who had never even TOUCHED a cigarette in their life and yet there it was inbetween their fingers.. a fully lit cigarette burning away..they go to reach for it, maybe to take a drag and 'oh shit I've dropped it... where did it go?!... shit hang on I don't even smoke?!?!?..ehhh?...' ...
I know I am totally digressing here but it's a drug I would never take for recreational purposes, I admit I would be too afraid of such a thing. I think it is definitely one of the heavyweights when it comes to trips, not to mention blatantly dangerous if you OD by taking too much.. and how much is too much? Nah not for me thank you... Even if it was micro dosing for 'nootropic' purposes.. Although DMT on the other hand I am intrigued by (I have ayahuasca in my draw here, maybe I'll get around to trying it sometime). Not sure if you've heard of low dose ayahuasca, I think there a few die hards out there who apparantly reap the benefits of such a thing - obviously it isn't very relevant to the exact effects the OP is looking for acetylcholine - but there was a study which showed it upregulated 5HT quite a bit in those tribes who used it regularly.
Edited by Thorsten, 14 January 2011 - 12:53 PM.