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#61 stefan_001

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Posted 18 August 2015 - 10:18 AM

Hi Brian,


Thank you for the extensive descriptions! One thing I always wondered is the topic of "when to see" improvement. I regularly read that people say I don't notice anything after a week or month. But I am thinking that aging has deteriorated your body over many years so to recover would then not go overnight. Especially if your entire body is positively influenced, for all that to improve I could imagine months / years.


I like the idea of combining NAD+ boosters with possible SIRTx stimulators (for that reason of joint working I also take the NR and ptero at the same time). I ordered some Honokiol for a 3 month period (one dose at night time) and will try note changes.


I am taking the NR/Ptero at the same time and not spread because I would like them to increase in the blood at the same time.


Interesting to see how your BHP develops. One of the challenges with this supplementation is markers to track what improves or doesn't.


Albebo, you are correct I should have a doctors visit to really have facts.












#62 albedo

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 05:10 PM

Adding to one of my last posts on this matter, I wish to add what I followed as diet, exercise and supplement regime which I think helped so far my prostate condition:




Balancing between carbs and protein every meal/snack. I drastically diminished fat cheese and read meat, tried to eat a relative portion of protein at most meals/snacks a bit (though not rigorously) following the Zone program which is basically anti-inflammatory. Using fatty fishes regularly during the week. Introduced soy foods (fermented as tempeh and miso vs. tofu). Drinking green tea, moderate amount of coffee (helps bladder). Favoring berries and pomegranate as fruit. I do no skip breakfast, use oats and nuts, pumpkin seeds in my muesli. Using ginger, garlic, onions. Daily fiber (salads, oats). Once per week I eat vegetarian only (soy, lentils, beans, .... as protein sources).




I do not bike. I walk two hours 2x/week and resistance train 2-3x/week. Use a very moderate dose of creatine before and after exercise mostly for muscle recovery and preserving. I also use a trampoline between exercise efforts to help circulating the lymphatic fluid. I often work by alternating standing and sitting.


Supplementation (prostate, BPH and cancer focus).

  • Zyflamend Whole Body (anti-inflammatory)
  • Ultra Natural Prostate (saw palmetto, flower pollen extract, boswellia serrata, pumpkin seed oil, singing nettle, pygeum, lycopene, beta-sitosterol, boron, …)
  • I3C/DIM
  • Broccoli extract
  • Green tea extract
  • Curcumin
  • Pomegranate extract
  • IP6 (increases also immunity)
  • Probiotics
  • Zinc citrate
  • Moderate EPA/DHA, very moderate selenium, Vitamin E, soy isoflavones (genistein/daidzein, ...), GLA (only when deficient in the free fatty acids tests), quercetin
  • Cycling from time to time with extra beta-sitosterol (helps BPH) and pumpkin seed extract (mild 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor)

Regularly testing as posted here (include hormonal (total T, free T, E2, DHT, ...), PSA, free PSA, free fatty acids (check EPA/AA and omega6/omega3 ratios for inflammation), hr-CRP, IGF-1, ....).

Regular urologist visits for post void residual, digital rectal exam.

Keep researching (e.g. read this and follow emerging treatments such as this one in Israel).

Do not give cancer a chance! Read this.



Edited by albedo, 22 August 2015 - 05:33 PM.

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#63 albedo

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 11:06 AM

LGPIN (Low Grade Prostatic Intraephithelial Neoplasia) is sometime not even reported in histology tests, contrary to the HGPIN (High Grade PIN) which normally will require biopsy and represents high risk for cancer. In my case, as reported here, post my surgery (due to BPH), histology has shown fortunately LGPIN, with some atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) and low inflammation. IMO, this does not meant you can just seat and not act as the "grading" can turn to change and biopsy threshold lowered.


I am figuring out how to fight inflammation with diet, exercise and supplementation.


In particular, a recent report on a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of green tea extract (GTE) containing a standardized 400 mg dose of EGCG in men with HGPIN and/or atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP) has resulted beneficial


Hence I think its is natural to add GTE as a preventive action which I do.

#64 albedo

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 11:13 AM

In addition, this fully text study can turn useful to all as a good check list of what can be useful:


Nutrition, dietary interventions and prostate cancer: the latest evidence


Prostate cancer (PCa) remains a leading cause of mortality in US men and the prevalence continues to rise world-wide especially in countries
where men consume a ‘Western-style’ diet. Epidemiologic, preclinical and clinical studies suggest a potential role for dietary intake on the
incidence and progression of PCa. 'This minireview provides an overview of recent published literature with regard to nutrients, dietary
factors, dietary patterns and PCa incidence and progression. Low carbohydrates intake, soy protein, omega-3 (w-3) fat, green teas,
tomatoes and tomato products and zyflamend showed promise in reducing PCa risk or progression. A higher saturated fat
intake anda higher β-carotene status may increase risk. A ‘U’ shape relationship may exist between folate, vitamin C, vitamin
Dand calcium with PCa risk.
Despite the inconsistent and inconclusive findings, the potential for a role of dietary intake for the prevention
and treatment of PCa is promising. The combination of all the beneficial factors for PCa risk reduction in a healthy dietary pattern may be the
best dietary advice. This pattern includes rich fruits and vegetables, reduced refined carbohydrates, total and saturated fats, and reduced
cooked meats. Further carefully designed prospective trials are warranted.


#65 albedo

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Posted 02 September 2015 - 05:39 PM

Short update. Passed last my last yearly urologist visit.

  • post void residual ~70ml after 1 hour from last urination
  • digital rectal exam normal
  • PSA 0.86 (10% lower than one year before)

Quite happy of things are evolving!


I also profit of the occasion to link to an interesting post in another thread on IP6. It adds also to the GTE possible benefit as posted before. I feel quite possible my regime as outlined above is bringing benefit.

#66 Bryan_S

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Posted 04 September 2015 - 05:39 AM

Hi Brian,


Thank you for the extensive descriptions! One thing I always wondered is the topic of "when to see" improvement. I regularly read that people say I don't notice anything after a week or month. But I am thinking that aging has deteriorated your body over many years so to recover would then not go overnight. Especially if your entire body is positively influenced, for all that to improve I could imagine months / years.


I like the idea of combining NAD+ boosters with possible SIRTx stimulators (for that reason of joint working I also take the NR and ptero at the same time). I ordered some Honokiol for a 3 month period (one dose at night time) and will try note changes.


I am taking the NR/Ptero at the same time and not spread because I would like them to increase in the blood at the same time.


Interesting to see how your BHP develops. One of the challenges with this supplementation is markers to track what improves or doesn't.


Albebo, you are correct I should have a doctors visit to really have facts.




How true I need to make an appointment and see where I currently stand as well.   

#67 albedo

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Posted 08 September 2015 - 10:42 AM

I am considering loaning this book which seems good. Some sections are free on google book (thank you :-)). You might find it useful too.


Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

#68 stefan_001

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Posted 27 September 2015 - 05:13 PM

Hello Brian,


I was curious about how it is going with your BHP? Still of the meds? My personal impression is that there is a positive effect on how things down there function and it is continuing. But like said I have never done any medical to share hard data.



#69 Bryan_S

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 05:54 PM

Hello Brian,


I was curious about how it is going with your BHP? Still of the meds? My personal impression is that there is a positive effect on how things down there function and it is continuing. But like said I have never done any medical to share hard data.




I had a recent root canal episode and I was put on a hydrocodone regiment to deal with the pain. Look up "hydrocodone urination problems" It goes without saying I didn't expect this complication. I resumed my old medication but it had little effect to offset the side effects of hydrocodone. Slowly regaining ground now, its amazing how adversely this stuff can effect the smooth muscle tissue.


Note to all with BPH, hydrocodone can adversely complicate your ability to void.

Edited by Bryan_S, 28 September 2015 - 05:54 PM.

#70 stefan_001

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Posted 29 September 2015 - 10:57 AM

Hello Brian, Sorry to hear that. Good you are back on the improving track.



#71 albedo

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Posted 11 October 2015 - 07:57 PM

I found today an interesting post in a Forum I am also following on a new process to treat BPH called Prostatic Artery Embolization ("PAE"). See the post dated today Oct. 11 from michaelas at https://www.inspire..../reply/4008881/

#72 albedo

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 07:13 PM

I think I found very interesting results related to the risk of prostate cancer (for me, higher than average as per my 23andMe results) and nutritional interventions based on nutrigenetics (personal nutrition). I hope you find this helpful too.

As reported here, I have introduced soy foods (in particular tempeh because of fermentation but also tofu) and a small supplementation because of the genistein/daidzein isoflavones anti-proliferative effects.  I also follow an anti-inflammatory strategy in particular consuming fatty fishes and moderately supplementing with EPA/DHA. However, I never found a nutrigenetics study support both, till today…...

In 23andMe I found I am genotype AG for the gene ESR2 SNP rs2987983. The following Swedish study (*) “…provides strong evidence that high intake of phytoestrogens substantially reduce prostate cancer risk among men with specific polymorphic variation in the promoter region of the estrogen receptor-beta gene…”. This would mean (in 23andMe reporting conventions) AG or GG. The decrease is as high as -37%. On the other hand, using soy, the risk increases if you are genotype AA.


So it is better to test this particular SNP before deciding to use soy foods or isoflavones supplementation with the hope to reduce prostate cancer risks because you can make it worse.


A similar results apply for fatty fish consumption when you check for the SNP rs5275 in the pro-inflammation gene PTGS2 (aka COX-2). A similar study (**) by the same authors "... found strong inverse associations with increasing intake of salmon-type fish among carriers of the variant allele (OR for once per week or more vs. never = 0.28, 95% CI: 0.18-0.45; p(trend) < 0.01) ..." Risk decreases is a substantial -71% and no benefit (despite no risk increase as in the other study) without the variant.  I am genotype AG for the rs5275, so I hope to benefit from fatty fishes or supplementation too.

Dietary intake of phytoestrogens, estrogen receptor-beta polymorphisms and the risk of prostate cancer.


Association of frequent consumption of fatty fish with prostate cancer risk is modified by COX-2 polymorphism



#73 stefan_001

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 08:37 PM

Brian I think I read somewhere that you somewhat recent also changed the dosing pattern for NR, so more frequent during the day. Perhaps that has an influence? If something should improve I guess it only happens when there is a NR boost. With a single boost a day there is limited time for "repairs" and the rest of the day is still mostly as usual. Multiple boosts increase periods of "repair" time - till a point comes that repairs are more than normal detoriation.

Yes I did and it's possible this made a difference.

OK here is my most complete list:
My recent regiment starts with setting aside 8 125mg capsules of Nicotinamide Riboside for the day ahead. At the start of my day I take 2 125mg capsules of Nicotinamide Riboside under my tongue. I followup with my sirtuin activators 200mg of Honokiol Magnolia Bark and 50mg of Pterostilbene. To this I add 500mg of Grape seed extract. I followup with another 125 mg of Nicotinamide Riboside about every hour until my 1000mg is gone.

At the end of the day, before bed I take 4 1000mg gel caps of Garlic oil, 200mg of Honokiol Magnolia Bark and 50mg of Pterostilbene. To this I add 500mg of Grape seed extract and 2000mg of Niacinamide. I also take some B12. If I've been on my feet thru the day I may take some sodium naproxen 440mg. Another drug I've been taking less of recently is omeprazole 40 mg for acid reflux.

On the sublingual dosing of Nicotinamide Riboside, I use the HPN brand 125mg capsules we run in the LongeCity Group Buy. They use a vegetable based excipient and I am not afraid of accidentally inhaling it like another venders brand I tried. Knowing how your NR is processed is important. Some Excipients used in the encapsulation process should not be placed under the tongue.

"Silica dust is a known carcinogen, lung irritant, and a central nervous system toxin. What is Silica dust see link. Guys I take my NR under the tongue like many of you. I trialled one of these other venders product and ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO COUGH UP A LUNG. This is why HPN uses a plant based excipient. So again buyer beware, swallowing a capsule undisturbed is completely different than emptying its contents under your tongue. Now, knowing and researching what some of these excipients are I don't want them in my body period."

Why under the tongue: Sublingual and Buccal Medication Administration
The digestive system is a tough place for a lot of molecules to endure and survive until absorption and I'm going to give my Nicotinamide Riboside the most uninterrupted path to the blood stream. Plus its expensive and I want as much of it working as possible.

As I'd mentioned before I don't know what's alleviating my BPH symptoms. I did get my BPH prescription refilled last weekend just incase whatever's working stops. Today marks the 14th day I haven't taken my medication and normally I would have been in pretty bad discomfort by the 3rd day. So I'm enjoying a good stream while I void but I'm also paranoid the good times will end so I have my back-up medication incase.

Of the supplements I take most were selected as anti-inflammatories to assist in my ankle and foot recovery. The only exceptions were my BPH medication now discontinued, omeprazole for heart burn and Grape seed extract for blood-pressure.

Of the supplements I think are helping I'd put the Honokiol Magnolia Bark near the top. Honokiol is a SIRT3 activator with some interesting properties. I can't be certain but of the supplements listed above I've run some associative word searches on each supplement on google. The one that returned the most information was "Honokiol BPH" and it returned some hits associated with targeting smooth muscle contraction in the prostate. I make no such claims and cant be sure whats working so this is pure speculation at this time on my part.

In the first article link on Honokiol as a SIRT3 activator they talk about cardiac hypertrophy. This is in no way associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The 2 conditions look similar and each tissue begins to work incorrectly because of its enlarging size but thats where the similarity ends. The cells behave differently in each enlarging tissue.


So if its not working the same way as it did in cardiac hypertrophy whats it doing? Search the term "Honokiol apoptosis" and you'll get a virtual laundry list. Now most of those links are associated with cancer studies. Also see search term "Honokiol Cancer" but generally in this framework Apoptosis is induced by NAD depletion. I don't think that is the case because I'm taking it with a NAD booster.

Now again guys I just started digesting this stuff and I've barely scratched the surface. My feeling is the Nicotinamide Riboside as a NAD booster and Honokiol as a SIRT3 activator are a synergistic combination. We also know sirtuins are major NAD+ consumers so if you push the production of SIRT3 you'd be wise to increase your NAD+ pool in order for the sirtuins to work.

Thats one theory and given the variables listed above in my supplementation I have to consider when the benefit was noticed and what changes I made just prior to that benefit.

The changes I made were in my NR dosing (spreading it out thru the day) and I added Honokiol/Magnolia Bark, Pterostilbene and Grape seed extract on May 11th of 2015. So I cant say any of this happened overnight because It took 90-days until I noticed anything. I wouldn't have noticed anything at all but I missed renewing my BPH prescription and didn't notice a problem this time. (it happened recently before back in Feb-April and I noticed a problem right away)

The possibility is also it just took a 19-months for the NR to work. Or its one or more of the other supplements. God forbid, tomorrow I could also be back the way I was, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Hello Brian, are you still able to skip the mess?

#74 Bryan_S

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 10:00 PM


Hello Brian, are you still able to skip the mess?



Skip the mess? Do you mean skip my BPH medication? I had an episode with my teeth where I took some hydrocodone for a week. Screwed up my ability to void and I returned to the BPH medication to get myself on track again. Those opioids are evil the way they disrupt the autonomic system. I'm again off the BPH medication, have been for a month and feel more confident than before something is indeed working, I'm also getting a more complete void than I did before. Not much in my regiment has changed but I have added 50mg of additional Pterostilbene 150 total and based on the research of Professor Hayashi from the University of Tsukuba on glycine I've added 4 grams of that per day.

#75 stefan_001

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Posted 24 November 2015 - 09:22 PM


Edited by stefan_001, 24 November 2015 - 09:26 PM.

#76 stefan_001

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Posted 24 November 2015 - 09:24 PM

Hello Brian, are you still able to skip the mess?

Skip the mess? Do you mean skip my BPH medication? I had an episode with my teeth where I took some hydrocodone for a week. Screwed up my ability to void and I returned to the BPH medication to get myself on track again. Those opioids are evil the way they disrupt the autonomic system. I'm again off the BPH medication, have been for a month and feel more confident than before something is indeed working, I'm also getting a more complete void than I did before. Not much in my regiment has changed but I have added 50mg of additional Pterostilbene 150 total and based on the research of Professor Hayashi from the University of Tsukuba on glycine I've added 4 grams of that per day.
Thanks for the update. It would be very positive if you can skips the medication. My dad always felt they lowered his energy level. Nowadays he is off and he believes some energy came back.

Oh I meant meds not mess.....seems my iPad auto correct was over active

#77 stefan_001

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 02:43 PM

A 2014 study, seems to also indicate Honokiol being positive:

Honokiol inhibits smooth muscle contraction in the human prostate, and induces cell death in cultured stromal cells. Because prostate smooth muscle tone and prostate growth may cause LUTS, it appears possible that honokiol improves voiding symptoms.

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#78 albedo

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 06:44 PM

A 2014 study, seems to also indicate Honokiol being positive:

Honokiol inhibits smooth muscle contraction in the human prostate, and induces cell death in cultured stromal cells. Because prostate smooth muscle tone and prostate growth may cause LUTS, it appears possible that honokiol improves voiding symptoms.



Thank you for sharing. The interest seems to come from the duality of action (contraction and apoptosis) which somehow mimics the combined therapies with alpha1-blockers to induce the prostate smooth muscle relaxation and 5alpha-reductase inhibitors to reduce prostate growth and volume, possibly without the side effects. Sometime in such a studies, maybe not this one though, the effect are marginal and controversial (see saw palmetto etc ...). I am a fan of these alternative treatments and use them since long but would like to see more. I believe a very important element which is is emerging is the usage of "omics" technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics proteomics,metabolomics etc .. More and more I see them as a necessity for better decisions, a typical case I recently discovered is the use of isoflavones for prostate cancer prevention where completely different results (null or opposite!) are obtained even only looking at genetics. All this is coming for (precision) medicine but we need much more for preventive nutrition and before damages occur.  


Edited by albedo, 31 December 2015 - 06:47 PM.

#79 stefan_001

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 10:04 PM

That is an interesting line of investigation. I will need some time for trying to go through the thread you started on the topic. But seems worthwhile time spend.

#80 albedo

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 10:51 PM

A 2014 study, seems to also indicate Honokiol being positive:

Honokiol inhibits smooth muscle contraction in the human prostate, and induces cell death in cultured stromal cells. Because prostate smooth muscle tone and prostate growth may cause LUTS, it appears possible that honokiol improves voiding symptoms.



Is anyone using one of these supplements? Sorry if I overlooked in the thread!


Standardised extract 90% honokiol and magnolol





#81 Bryan_S

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 07:39 AM

I take 400mg per day of https://www.swansonv...-mg-30-veg-caps


For me it was the cheapest option. HonoPure looks to be the best product but its much more expensive.


As far as dosage I found this but it was not about BPH which isn't on their radar. My dosage is whats considered "Prevention" in the scale below but I don't know how much stock I'd put into their dosages without study references. I would like to see where they pulled these suggestions from?


When it comes to dosages for different conditions, many are still being determined. This is especially true when considering there has never been a product like HonoPure with such a consistent, high percentage of honokiol. And much of the research is relatively new.
The recommended dosages here are based on the available studies and recent clinical work.
Active cancer, therapeutic level: 1 gram, 3x/day, with food.
Long-term maintenance: 500 mg, 2x/day (total of 1 gram/day), with food.
Prevention: Start with 500 mg 2x/day, and after one month the dosage can be dropped to 500 mg 1x/day, or 250 mg 2x/day.
Each bottle of HonoPure contains 120 capsules with 250 mg in each capsule, a total of 30 grams per bottle.

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#82 albedo

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 09:53 AM

What I like in the honokiol is the apparent double mechanism of action. It parallels tamsulosin in its alpha1-blockers inhibition and relaxation of the smooth muscle. I take since almost 10 years e.g. the LEF formula and others but only the included Graminex® Flower Pollen Extract is reported to play the relaxing role for the smooth muscles of the urethra and results seems mild (1) with it and better in combination with tamsulosin (2). Saw palmetto seems in priority focusing on the DHT-induced growth path.


So even if I had to go through the TURP process (so far successfully) for my post voiding residual issues, maybe I can give a try to honokiol in the low and maintenance dosage, HonoPure seems very good but very expensive! Thank you for the Swanson's tip.


(1) A systematic review of Cernilton for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.



(2) [Clinical evaluation of the effect of tamsulosin hydrochloride and cernitin pollen extract on urinary disturbance associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia in a multicentered study].


#83 albedo

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Posted 15 April 2016 - 03:06 PM

This is also another reason supporting me watching and trying to manage as much as I can inflammation:


Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) an Immune Inflammatory Disease?



"...These data strongly suggest that BPH is an immune inflammatory disease. Unravelling the specific nature of immune dysregulation may help design novel drugs with these specific targets in mind...."


I am also looking at genetics as "Cytokine genes are highly polymorphic and nature of the polymorphisms determines stability and function of the variants affecting the inflammation response. Genetic polymorphisms that alter cytokine gene expression or protein function could have an important impact on inflammatory pathways and thus in development and progression of disease with inflammatory component [47-49]." (see here).


Edited by albedo, 15 April 2016 - 03:12 PM.

#84 albedo

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Posted 08 June 2016 - 02:15 PM

The June 2016 issue of the LEF magazine run an article on BPH in particular which is a good refresher on some of the supplements and drugs many of us are taking to manage this condition. In case you have not seen it:


Solutions for Common Prostate Problems


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#85 RWhigham

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Posted 21 June 2016 - 01:21 AM

This is also another reason supporting me watching and trying to manage as much as I can inflammation:


Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) an Immune Inflammatory Disease?



"...These data strongly suggest that BPH is an immune inflammatory disease. Unravelling the specific nature of immune dysregulation may help design novel drugs with these specific targets in mind...."


I am also looking at genetics as "Cytokine genes are highly polymorphic and nature of the polymorphisms determines stability and function of the variants affecting the inflammation response. Genetic polymorphisms that alter cytokine gene expression or protein function could have an important impact on inflammatory pathways and thus in development and progression of disease with inflammatory component [47-49]." (see here).


For relief from autoimmune symptoms I take C60-EVOO 3 tsp/wk (containing 3.3mg/tsp of C60). It cleared up my "all over" chronic hives and stopped my wife's alopecia areata (her hair grew back). I wanted to try 1 tsp/wk but after skipping a single dose we both noticed a loss of energy and said screw that.


For prostate health I need 10,000 IU/day of vitamin D3 . I see a deterioration in ejaculate appearance when the D3 amount is reduced. 10,000 IU/day is the NOAEL level. My serum vit-D3 is 85. I believe D3's potential atherogenicity can be avoided by also taking enough vitamin K2.


After 20 years of taking 10,000 IU/day of D3 plus 90 mcg/day of Jarrow MK7, I had an EBCT scan with Agatston CAC score of 6. In my age group approx 15% are 0, but 75% are over 125.  After the EBCT scan last year, I upped my K2 intake (adding Carlson MK5 5mg & Koncentrated-K) in hopes of arresting (or reversing) arterial calcification.


[K2 also ups osteoblastogenesis and reduces osteoclastogenesis, which is more appealing to me than killing osteoclasts by feeding them a bisphosphonate. The traditional Japanese Kampo herbal medicine Rikkunshito (aka Liu-Jun-Zi-Tang) does the same. I just ordered some from eagleherbs.]


To maintain a recommended (don't recall by who) vit-A to vit-D3 ratio of approx five, I also take 3/wk Nature's Way Vitamin A 10,000 IU (from cod liver oil). I avoid beta carotene (and copper and alpha-tocoperol) - so there is no multi-vitamin in my stack. I take a lot of separates including 50mg of zinc (with food else nausea) and  200mcg of selenium for my prostate.


[3/wk of vit-A = 30,000 IU = 9mg.  7/wk of vit-D3 = 70,000 IU = 1.75mg.  9mg/1.75mg = 5.1]

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#86 albedo

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Posted 21 June 2016 - 09:25 AM

Thank you RWhigham. You do not mention your age. Do you have BPH and what else are you doing for your prostate health. Any other condition you wish to share and/or hormonal panel?

#87 Heisok

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Posted 21 June 2016 - 10:45 PM

aldebo, thanks for the update.


RWhigham, thanks for sharing about what you take.


I have been using the various versions of the LEF Natural Prostate product for at least 14 years, but have no way to verify exactly. It simply works. BPH is an extremely frustrating, possibly health destroying syndrome. If only due to the frustration of having to wake up 5 or 6 times per night only to partially evacuate. (One of the 2 gentlemen who have their anti aging site which is very well regarded for their multi article coverage of issues such as NAD and MAMPT, but I will not mention it as it was in the comments to one of their articles, mentioned that they keep a container near the bed and have gotten adept at evacuation without really waking completely. That is how much they value their sleep. One of my brothers who has passed did the same thing.


The LEF product has kept me free flowing, and I sleep through nights without having to get up to urinate. I have a touch of insomnia at times, but not due to BPH. Due to some comments here in regards to Honokiol, I have started using it before bed. Not for BPH specifically, but it would free up some money if I could cut back on the prostate formula.



The June 2016 issue of the LEF magazine run an article on BPH in particular which is a good refresher on some of the supplements and drugs many of us are taking to manage this condition. In case you have not seen it:


Solutions for Common Prostate Problems



#88 ta5

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 01:23 AM

10,000 IU/day is the NOAEL level. My serum vit-D3 is 85.


85 ng/mL or nmol/L?


At 10,000 IU, I would be way above 85 nmol/L. I'm targeting 30-35 ng/mL, and I'm there with less than 2000 IU/day.

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#89 pamojja

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 10:16 AM

At 10,000 IU, I would be way above 85 nmol/L. I'm targeting 30-35 ng/mL, and I'm there with less than 2000 IU/day.


Not the majority. At http://www.grassrootshealth.net/ they found out that 90% of adults need 5,000 IU just to get their 25(OH)D3 up from the usual 20 to 40 ng/ml.


Personally took for the last 7 years in average 7,700 IUs to get an average serum of 60 ng/ml (10 times tested). Despite 6 weeks each year in subtropical sun.

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#90 Vitalist

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 01:08 PM

Very good and important thread. My uncle died of prostate cancer a few years ago at age 72 and it was very sad to see him go that way. He was always a healthy outdoors guy. First signs were a PSA test of 120+; his doc said come back in six months and we'll check it again. It was over 300 by then and there was no recovery after that.
I'm 59 years old now and am lucky enough to have very few prostate problems. I've had several PSA tests over the last 5 years, and all have come back <1.0, which usually means "too low to measure". However, I still do experience some flow problems from time to time.  
Some things I might be doing differently than other people:
  - I never have and never would take anything to purposefully suppress DHT. To a man DHT is life! Remember, it wasn't that long ago that testosterone itself was blamed for prostate cancer. It turns out this widely spread advice was based on a single case with multiple confounding factors. I seriously doubt DHT alone can be blamed for prostate cancer. I plan to keep my testosterone and DHT high as I age. 
  - Consider this: testosterone and DHT are at their highest levels in young men, but young men hardly ever get prostate cancer. But what hormone does rise in men as we age? Estrogen. Are you overweight? That big beer belly is pretty much an estrogen factory. Get your E2 levels measured and if necessary take steps to keep E2 below 30. 
  Don't overlook the excellent post by Albedo #26 in this thread. This is the most sensible theory as I see it as well. 

If a person has too much estrogen in relation to testosterone in the male -or-too much estrogen to progesterone in the female... it leads to a condition called "estrogen dominance". ESTROGEN DOMINANCE IS WHAT CAN LEAD TO CANCER OF THE PROSTATE, BREAST AND UTERUS BECAUSE THEY ARE ESTROGEN SENSITIVE CANCERS.


  - I take DHEA 25 - 50 mg daily. Haven't had DHEA-S levels checked in a while but suspect they are good. Very underrated pro-hormone. 
  - I eat low-carb with as much fat as I can handle - high fat meat, eggs, yogurt, cheese, etc. Counter-intuitive but it works to keep me lean. 
  - When I remember, or when my prostate reminds me, I take Source Naturals, Swedish Flower Pollen 3 to 6 tablets per day. This supplement works very well for me. Reviews on iHerb for this product are generally favorable.

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