This morning I took my first dose of piracetam and CDP choline (1.2g and 300mg). I have taken piracetam on one previous occasion, with a fairly good response. I have no history of mental illness and I don't take any drugs or medication.
Shortly after mixing the two substances in a glass of water and drinking them, I experienced a feeling of pure terror. This episode lasted for almost 2 hours during which I could barely communicate or think. I had gone for a walk after taking the piracetam and it took most of my willpower to remain composed.
I do not exagerate when I say that this has been one of the worst experiences of my life. It's now been an hour since the feeling subsided and I'm left feeling drained with mild brain fog (which is subsiding steadily).
Does anybody have any ideas as to why this could have happened? I spent days researching the side effects of piracetam and I was convinced that there was no danger in experimenting with it.
Edit: I purchased the piracetam and choline from cerebral health.
Edited by Cant Think of a Good Name, 13 March 2011 - 03:18 AM.