I suggest getting the test if you have had regular stress and have some of the associated symptoms. For the full battery of adrenal hormones, DHEA, and cortisol level with 4 daily self tests it is more expensive than just the 2 times per day. It is worth it for your health though. I take the tests every 6 months to determine the effects of my self treatment.
I do not use doctors for my self treatment because I do not think they act in my best interest. They are mostly pill pushers for big pharmcos.
www.testmyhormones.com is a good place for one stop shopping for self admin testing services. There are others but these guys do all of the ones I use. I suggest also taking the IGF1 test as you turn 40 or so. I suppliment with HGH as well. 1-IU of somatropin per day.
No one should fly blind and just start taking things that can impact your health like this without testing. $150 for the full battery of adrenal, DHEA, and cortisol is a lot cheaper than conventional treatments after the damage is done.
Question for you. If we look at steroids for example, if you take them, your body produces less of its own testosterone. But once you stop taking them, your body will start up again (yes they will shrink your nuts, but once you stop they will come back to their full size again). So that said, does your body's production of DHEA work the same way? What I'm getting at is, if you take DHEA when you don't need it, then your body's own production of DHEA may decrease.
If this happens, and DHEA supplementation continues for awhile, is there a chance that your body - when you stop taking it - will NOT start producing DHEA again? If the answer is "no", then I'd feel less inclined to take the test. Why? Well DHEA is fairly inexpensive, and so long as long term use won't permanently harm my body's capability of producing it's own DHEA, then I don't see a problem. So, what do you think?