Hi everybody,
I am a regular user of catuaba for its aphrodisiac qualities and all round energy but today I made a stupid mistake. In the preparation of the catuaba I always smash the bark in a blender so it becomes a powder and this is pretty crucial in its prep because then upon boiling it the alkaloids are released properly and you then enjoy drinking it as a tea.
Today though I smashed the bark as usual but when I opened the lid I inhaled the dust - all of it - (this always comes out after smashing the bark and then settles). Why the hell I did this I really don't know. But it's been a good 9 or 10hrs since that incident and I am suffering with severe wheezing and breathing problems. I have never been diagnosed as an asthmatic but I'd imagine this is what it feels like to be one. I keep coughing, my phlegm is not a different colour but there is a constant supply of it. I have a terrible headache. Jesus this sucks.
Is this going to pass? Are these terrible symptons a sign that my lungs are getting rid of this crap? Or do I have something to worry about here? I used to be a smoker and got tight chested in the past because of that but this feels one hundred times worse.
Never doing something as stupid as that again. Why the hell I did it I don't know. There's no point in me even trying to go to sleep tonight, I can't even relax because of this.
Maybe this isn't the right forum but I thought that I could do this here as catuaba is technically a supplement and my chosen route of consumption was obviously pretty stupid. Maybe a lesson for others?
Thanks. Any words of encouragement or advice would be appreciated.
Edited by Nooby, 01 May 2011 - 10:37 PM.