I think that, to a certain extent, both Ray Kurzweil and Aubrey de Grey would be happy seeing Europeans moving in the right direction, gathering critical mass both in terms of human and financial resources (about 2.5b$ funding over 10 years for 2 projects out of 6 finalists) with the EU's FET Flagship Projects, moving key areas of Science leveraging IT. It is starting already now with key decisions next year !
If selected and in particular, projects such as the Human Brain Project and IT Future of Medicine will have a huge impact on the life extension, anti-aging and disease prevention research.
HBP is aiming to "create the informatics, modeling and supercomputing technologies required to build biologically detailed models of the complete human brain. Such models could serve as the basis for new diagnostic tools and treatments for brain disease, new interfaces to the brain, a new class of low energy technologies with brain-like intelligence, and a new generation of brain-enabled robots"
ITFoM. "This is the first time that huge IT implications of worldwide individualized patient care will be addressed in combination with genomics and medical requirements. The project outcomes will enable calculation of health, disease, therapy and its effects for individual patients. These may revolutionize our health care with enormous (i) benefits for health (prevention, diagnosis and therapy), (ii) reduction in cost by individualising combinations of a limited number of drugs, and (iii) new commercial opportunities in IT, analytics and health care."
Detailed information at http://www.fet11.eu/