I´ve been on DMAE for about 4-5months and can proclaim that it is not a nootropic, I got them on sale and that´s why I bought them. Im on 100mg tabs, sometimes up to 4pills a day.
Hyperactivity, it´s like Im on meth. I just cant stop moving around, SERIOUSLY people think Im on drugs!
Ambitionloss, I don´t even study when Im on these, even if I try! (Severe impact on my grades).
Loss of planning, I just do different chores and jump from one thing to another without any strategy. (Home is cleaner though).
Loss of memory, YES LOSS OF MEMORY! I can´t remember what I´ve learned because my memory becomes all scattered.
Chewing, I had to chew chewing gum all of the time, it´s like my mouth had to be working.
Instant recall, I did remember some old stuff that I´ve learned in the past, it just popped up instantly without hesitation, like a flash through my brain. The desired effect happened at very few occasions and just about 2-3 times.
Introspection, I remember negative stuff from the past much easier, I can see the past in front of my like it was on a projector. Its like it happened yesterday. (Great for psychotherapy!) If psychotherapy works is your conclusion to make.
Weight- loss, my abs are starting to show. A hint of a slight degree.
Improved muscle tonus, A hint of a slight degree.
Less social phobia, a hint of an improvement.
Less erections, no time for boners here.
Deeper sleep, this is actually the one and only positive effect I´ve had that I see as an important notice to make. It actually shortened my desire to sleep by (30min)-(1h) -(1½h) at a daily basis.
Faster hair growth, hair on my head grew a lot faster. (Didn´t get any new hair though.)
Addiction to routines, If I did something the day before, a routine or something, then I felt that I needed to do that the next day also. It was like a craving, the lack of motivation stopped it though. But it was a deep sense that I´ve never had before. I just do things normally when Im not on drugs, with a lot of selfpush though.
Better reflexes, If it´s a desired effect I don´t know, maybe not for stressed people. You become a bit jumpy and you see your reflexes in your head, it´s like your reflex- thinking is constantly on. (Might help in martial arts).
Lucid dreaming, happened at 2 incidents. One night I was working in autocad and when I went to sleep I woke up by trying to catch the part I made because I thought it was floating above me. (Really sucky dream, I know).
Second incident was when I went to the kitchen, everything was hazy gray and when I looked up at the clouds I saw a beautiful grey sky (hyper- real in 3d HD here) then I looked between the clouds and thunder appeared. Then another struck and all of a sudden a lot of flashes were hitting eachother, they made a ball of lightning and it was coming at me now in 3D! I woke up and thought, holy shit, that wasn´t real? My adrenaline was pumping!
Conclusion. I wont take DMAE ever again, it is not a nootropic!
You feel scattered, your mind feels scattered and it feels like you cant focus. The only times it could be a benefit would be if you are going to a shrink and don't work/study at all and don´t need to think, you feel slightly retarded. It maybe something for those suffering from post- traumatic stress. The side- effects really outweigh ever desired effect and the desired effects are really not happening as you´d want to. They happen on numerous occasions and it is not anything that can be controlled. Im glad that Im finishing the last bottle. It´s just a weird drug with no real benefits and it has strange effects. I hope that there is no permanent damage. Thank you!
Edited by Brainfogged, 18 May 2011 - 05:37 PM.