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Guess my age

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#121 Stefanovic

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Posted 28 August 2011 - 11:14 PM

you might not see it by the look of my face but I'm pretty muscular, been working hard to get to this point and I'm afraid CR would only break down muscle mass. Or do you have a solution to keep it this way?

#122 Forever21

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Posted 28 August 2011 - 11:41 PM

you might not see it by the look of my face but I'm pretty muscular, been working hard to get to this point and I'm afraid CR would only break down muscle mass. Or do you have a solution to keep it this way?

Han Wu's Paleo. Get his book, read his blog.

Also, follow Skötkonung's posts.

Edited by Forever21, 28 August 2011 - 11:44 PM.

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#123 TheFountain

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Posted 29 August 2011 - 01:01 AM

you might not see it by the look of my face but I'm pretty muscular, been working hard to get to this point and I'm afraid CR would only break down muscle mass. Or do you have a solution to keep it this way?

Resveratrol is a CR mimetic. So depending on how many calories you are getting you can take up to a couple grams a day of resveratrol to simulate some actions of CR. Not all the refuting evidence against this is damning.

#124 nowayout

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Posted 29 August 2011 - 06:06 PM

Good grief, guys, just listen to yourselves! "Oh, I'm so beautiful!", "Oh, just look at this picture of me", "Oh, don't I just look like a teenager?", "Oh, I'm going to be just like an ageless vampire!".

Man up! You're acting like a bunch of primping 15 year old girls.

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#125 Forever21

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 10:59 AM

Ironically, he does look beautiful and not to stretch to say he could pass for a teenager. He's also an ageless vampire somewhere in the multiverse.

#126 Stefanovic

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 04:50 PM

Thanks, forever21

#127 ViolettVol

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Posted 03 September 2011 - 06:08 PM

26 youngest, 32 oldest.

Actually, I'm 27, so you were within the range. It's funny in a way because this is one of the very few pics I have where I'm wearing heavy eye make-up and lots of foundation. Normally people guess my age at below 20 or less than 18 and that's not in a complimentary way - a few times I almost got banned from entering the cinema for an adult film and on a music festival cause they demanded I show an ID and in my country that is not common practice.
When you guessed my age in the upper-close to reality bracket it felt kinda lousy because I'm shooting for the forever ageless look, however, must admit my habits for the past few years have been horrid - lots of drinks, stress and very little sleep.
I really hope to reverse that with CR, better hydration and all the recommended supps. I will also post a pic with no make up on so you can judge the difference. Oh, and I recently messed my face up with wrong use of retin-A. Usually in my family people tend to look young for their age - my mom is 54, heavy smoker and likes her liquor, but still looks way better comapred to her peers, probably because seh always ate little.
If you have any suggestions on what I can do to remain young looking as long as possible, I'm open. And I'll post that no-make up pick to see whether you judge me as 27 or maybe younger (yeah, I'm pathetic, love hearing I look young for my age... :)

Ok here is a pic with no makeup
Will you judge me as older or the same?

Edited by ViolettVol, 03 September 2011 - 06:31 PM.

#128 ViolettVol

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Posted 03 September 2011 - 06:29 PM

Here is my pic withougmake up. http://imageshack.us.../sdc12057g.jpg/ Do I still look the same age?

#129 Forever21

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 02:48 AM

a few times I almost got banned from entering the cinema for an adult film and on a music festival cause they demanded I show an ID and in my country that is not common practice.

Anyone that looks below the age of 40 are checked these days.

Ok here is a pic with no makeup
Will you judge me as older or the same?

Late 20s, early 30s.

If I may offer some advice, if you really want to look like a teenager (or around 21), which I fully support by the way, may I recommend trying a real straight hair and / or getting a teenage trendy hairstyle. I like the braids and then wrapped around the side of the head. Observe how teenage girls wear their makeup. Plenty of Youtube tutes for that. As for your body which gives away the 'full grown woman' look, I recommend turning yourself into some sort of optical illusion. Get slim, wear tight jeans, preferably the ones that young women like to wear, (True Religion, Rocks) toss away the nice heels in favor of flats, varvatos converse, or other teenage girl shoes these days, not too expensive tops because you're a teen, you can't afford it. Nina Dobrev can easily look like a woman in her late 20s / early 30s when wearing fashion apparel, but she also plays the role of a teenager quite well by doing things like the tips I gave above.


Not a teenager

Edited by Forever21, 04 September 2011 - 02:53 AM.

#130 Forever21

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 03:14 AM

Also, you might find my post in this thread helpful. So many things you can play around it as you are female. Hairstyle, makeup, clothes, etc.

#131 Capa

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 06:19 AM

Actually, I'm 27, so you were within the range. It's funny in a way because this is one of the very few pics I have where I'm wearing heavy eye make-up and lots of foundation. Normally people guess my age at below 20 or less than 18 and that's not in a complimentary way - a few times I almost got banned from entering the cinema for an adult film and on a music festival cause they demanded I show an ID and in my country that is not common practice.
When you guessed my age in the upper-close to reality bracket it felt kinda lousy because I'm shooting for the forever ageless look, however, must admit my habits for the past few years have been horrid - lots of drinks, stress and very little sleep.
I really hope to reverse that with CR, better hydration and all the recommended supps. I will also post a pic with no make up on so you can judge the difference. Oh, and I recently messed my face up with wrong use of retin-A. Usually in my family people tend to look young for their age - my mom is 54, heavy smoker and likes her liquor, but still looks way better comapred to her peers, probably because seh always ate little.
If you have any suggestions on what I can do to remain young looking as long as possible, I'm open. And I'll post that no-make up pick to see whether you judge me as 27 or maybe younger (yeah, I'm pathetic, love hearing I look young for my age... :)

Ok here is a pic with no makeup
Will you judge me as older or the same?

Yes, at 27, you do look young for your age. Early 20's, in my opinion, definitely not early 30's. I'm not sure why some people on here seem to get off on overestimating and telling people they look older than they actually do...maybe it makes them feel better? and if that's not the case, then these people haven't really got a firm grasp on what looking "young" means. Well, it does seem that most of these opinions on looking "young" are taken from celebrities and the such, which is a whole different story.

It seems that instead of focusing on maintaining a healthy and also youthful look , many on these boards actually want to dress like teenagers and adapt their style accordingly. Creepiness aside, I'm not sure what the actual draw is to following the same styles that a teenager might. What advantages could it possibly have? Teenagers (most of them) are barely put together in the first place and generally follow the trends set by adults in the first place. I always made an effort to dress my best and I was always very put together when I was a teenager and I still dress exactly the same. I don't make an effort to adopt the trendiest and often ridiculous new styles just because it'll make me look younger. That just reeks of desperation (not to mention Peter Pan syndrome). There is a big difference between being stylish and chasing every teeny-bopper trend because you think it'll fool people. I let my face and body speak for itself. Dressing "young" won't turn back the biological clock (I'm 27, btw).

To those that do make an effort to dress "like a teenager", what do you find that you gain by doing so? This is an honest question. Do you live for the "compliments" (If looking like an underdeveloped teenager is a compliment) or do you strive to live a well rounded, healthy life wherein the "compliments" are an added bonus?

#132 Matt

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 07:58 AM

wow people guess your age under 18? :) That is good. I know photos don't always show how good a person can look in real life. Though I wonder what the people that guessed your age would think of me. Maybe they'd think I'm about 12 or something. Hahaha (I'm 27 next month).

Forever; No.

Edited by Matt, 04 September 2011 - 08:00 AM.

#133 ViolettVol

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 10:23 AM

wow people guess your age under 18? :) That is good. I know photos don't always show how good a person can look in real life. Though I wonder what the people that guessed your age would think of me. Maybe they'd think I'm about 12 or something. Hahaha (I'm 27 next month).

Forever; No.

Yep, it still happens and not because there's a policy in my country to check everyone - there isn;t and in fact, it;s extremely rare to be asked for one;s ID. (I live in Poland, not the UK like my profile states). I think forever 21 misunderstood me a little - I do not want to look like a teenager only by dressing as one, more in the way of having great skin and hair, like I see you have, Matt. My skin got a bit sh-ty from excess alcohol in the past few years, however I am working on repairing that. Now as to having a full-developed female body and making it slinkier to appear more teenagey - that's not always a clear cut difference - I've known tons of teenage girls with huge breasts and ample hips, but tiny waists - so you might say their bodies looked like well-developed women. What I want most is to take all the right supplements and use all the right products to look like I'm in early twenties as long as possible. And with all due respect to Forever 21's skills at age-guessing, I think I don;t look older that 23-24, had a lot of confirmation of that, not onl;y from ID-checking. Once, I waited in a college building for fliers about some adult courses and a woman from the recruitment office came up and asked me if I was from a highschool group waiting for a tour of the college. That, and the second pic I posted here was of me at 22, so I tricked you a bit - havent changed that much in the last 4 years or so :)

#134 ViolettVol

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 10:42 AM

Yes, and in my country checking Ids is not a common practice - in fact it's very rare (I live in Poland). I think Forever 21 overestimated my age a bit and it's happened for the nfirst time. Recently I was on a uni campus waiting for fliers for some adult courses and a woman from the recruitment office was walking by and askd me if I was one of the highschool group that came there for a tour of the campus. I do think I look no older than 23-24, and in fact the second pic I posted here is of me at 22, so I haven't changed that much in the past 4 years or so. Tricked ya, huh:) I agree with Capa - my aim is not to "dress like a teenager" only to have the healthiest possible skin and hair so that it looks young, like Matt's does.Besides, some teenage girls have fully developed female bodies even at their age, because they "bloomed early", s thats not a very good age indicator. I don;y want to trick people with my clothes, just take as many supps as necesary and use all the right products to preserve my youthful looks where they matter in my body.

#135 Stefanovic

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 01:57 PM

I'd say early 20's. Guess you look about my age and if I should believe people on this forum, I also look early 20's

#136 Forever21

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 04:36 PM

wow people guess your age under 18? :) That is good. I know photos don't always show how good a person can look in real life. Though I wonder what the people that guessed your age would think of me. Maybe they'd think I'm about 12 or something. Hahaha (I'm 27 next month).

Forever; No.

Thanks. I'll use the ignore poster feature on that last one.

I think you look like a teenager.

#137 Forever21

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 04:37 PM

I'd say early 20's. Guess you look about my age and if I should believe people on this forum, I also look early 20's

It is not too much of a stretch to say you look like a teen in your first picture share I saw.

#138 Forever21

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 04:43 PM

Yes, and in my country checking Ids is not a common practice - in fact it's very rare (I live in Poland). I think Forever 21 overestimated my age a bit and it's happened for the nfirst time. Recently I was on a uni campus waiting for fliers for some adult courses and a woman from the recruitment office was walking by and askd me if I was one of the highschool group that came there for a tour of the campus. I do think I look no older than 23-24, and in fact the second pic I posted here is of me at 22, so I haven't changed that much in the past 4 years or so. Tricked ya, huh:) I agree with Capa - my aim is not to "dress like a teenager" only to have the healthiest possible skin and hair so that it looks young, like Matt's does.Besides, some teenage girls have fully developed female bodies even at their age, because they "bloomed early", s thats not a very good age indicator. I don;y want to trick people with my clothes, just take as many supps as necesary and use all the right products to preserve my youthful looks where they matter in my body.

fish oil
white/green tea
extra virgin olive oil
tomato paste / sauce

but when you take these, remember that its no license to basking in the sun or unrestricted caloric intake.

Edited by Forever21, 04 September 2011 - 04:52 PM.

#139 ViolettVol

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 05:12 PM

thanks for the recommendations! what is r+sr? I'm already taking fish oil, carnosine, lutein (is 20g enough?), white and green tea (how many cups is enough?), olive oil, tomato sauce, astaxanthin and some stuff not listed in your post, liike l-lysine, l-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, primrose oil... About tinosorb - that's a sunscreen ingredient, isnt it? or is it also available as a supplement? I'm using a zinc oxide sunscreen which i read is the safest.
Oh, and a teacher at my acting class recently said that in casting I coud pass for a teenager in movies :) YAY!

Edited by ViolettVol, 04 September 2011 - 05:13 PM.

#140 ViolettVol

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 05:19 PM

And do you guys know the actress Pauley Perette from NCIS? She's 42, but looks not a year older than 26! And it's not just her youthful hairstyles and cheerfulness - she has realy full, smooth cheeks and no wrinkles around the eyes , besides her body is really youthful! Have you guys seen her in the show or on pics? The only thing I read about her diet is that she cut all processed sugar when she was thirty something! Amazing!

#141 Forever21

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 05:27 PM

thanks for the recommendations! what is r+sr?


I'm already taking fish oil, carnosine, lutein (is 20g enough?),

yeah but also steamed spinach (100-200g) and kale (100-200g). matt likes it blended.

white and green tea (how many cups is enough?),

i think the japanese studies say 5 cups. i take more or less.

liike l-lysine, l-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, primrose oil...

i take minus primrose.
ala = r+sr

i forgot to mention...


About tinosorb - that's a sunscreen ingredient, isnt it? or is it also available as a supplement? I'm using a zinc oxide sunscreen which i read is the safest.

yes sunscreen. dont know supp.

#142 ViolettVol

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 06:53 PM

wow people guess your age under 18? :) That is good. I know photos don't always show how good a person can look in real life. Though I wonder what the people that guessed your age would think of me. Maybe they'd think I'm about 12 or something. Hahaha (I'm 27 next month).

Forever; No.

is that realy so surprising? i lookat my face and dont see any wrinkles or any major changes from when i was a teenager, what do you see in my pics tha ages me so far beyond 18 or even 20?
Enumerate the features in myxface that make me look older
And forever 21 - enumerate those that made you think I'm 26-32. I'm really interested in that

Edited by ViolettVol, 04 September 2011 - 06:59 PM.

#143 ViolettVol

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 07:02 PM

And MAtt, you never expressed your opinion on my age how old would you say I am from looks alone? Probably a guy looking as teenagey as yourself will put me in my thirties, but it never hursts to ask... or does it'? be honest but provide reasons why :)

#144 Stefanovic

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 09:42 PM

5 cups of tea a day? What about supplementing it? and what's the best way and dosage of supplementing with resveratrol? Has it already been proven to work?

#145 Forever21

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 05:21 AM

5 cups of tea a day? What about supplementing it?

or drinking the real thing. great topical too.

supplementing with resveratrol?

no resveratrol for me thank you.

#146 rwac

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 05:59 AM

or drinking the real thing. great topical too.

The fluoride in tea doesn't bother you?

#147 Forever21

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 06:35 AM

The fluoride in tea doesn't bother you?

not yet, but i might be if you explain it.

#148 TheFountain

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 07:08 AM

I've decided that the new title of this thread is 'guess my lameness level'.

Anyway, don't listen to what any of us say about resveratrol, try it for yourself and gauge its effect on your system. It works well for me. That's all I care about.
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#149 ViolettVol

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 11:08 AM

If the lameness post was directed at me, know that I don;t care. Looking as young as possible is my mission and I'm not ashamed of it.

#150 rwac

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 01:55 PM

not yet, but i might be if you explain it.

Apparently you get about 1.2+ mg from 1 liter of green tea. This also varies with quality I believe.

http://www.greenteal...e - Article.htm

Perhaps the fluoride in tea is underestimated.


Personally, I consider fluoride to be bad as it affects the thyroid, but you may have a different limit.


Edited by rwac, 05 September 2011 - 01:59 PM.

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