Guess my age
Posted 05 September 2011 - 04:25 PM
Posted 05 September 2011 - 05:36 PM
Apparently you get about 1.2+ mg from 1 liter of green tea. This also varies with quality I believe.
Perhaps the fluoride in tea is underestimated.
Personally, I consider fluoride to be bad as it affects the thyroid, but you may have a different limit.
Would you agree with the view that taking white tea lowers ones fluoride intake? This is my strategy at the moment. Alternating green / white tea to deal with the fluoride. I do skip tea twice a week and take EGCG supplements from AOR instead.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 05:48 PM
And still none of the people who guesses my age as way older than I am won't give any reasons for it. Is there some unwritten code here? Poor old looking woman we'll ignore her and make veiled reference she prolly can;t understand? Fountain, what is so lame in trying to look younger in this youth-centered world?
The answer you're looking for is in my long reply to you in this thread. I answered this indirectly to avoid hurting your ego. I mentioned about the fully grown woman appearance and body figure. I provided example of an actual teen vs a fully grown woman. You are the fully grown woman. Not the teen people / you think you are. So...no more Bigos for you.
Edited by Forever21, 05 September 2011 - 06:05 PM.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 06:27 PM
screams 26 or older.
Posted 05 September 2011 - 06:30 PM
Posted 05 September 2011 - 06:39 PM
That reminds me of the time when I flew Southwest and a fat ass borderline obese lady THOUGHT I was looking at her boobs, she stared at my eyes like she's gonna go Gaddhafi on me. I was like "Bitch, this was NOT gonna happen. Seriously? You?"
But I digress.
Posted 06 September 2011 - 01:30 AM
Ihaven'r eaten bigos for years and have always been pretty skinny. My breast size is way smaler than all of my friends my age,and so is my body siize. please if you have issues with me dont veil them just write them staight on. my breast size is small - no biggr than the A, my waist is pretty slim too, i wear the 34 size clothes. My queastion would be wat you see in my face that
screams 26 or older.
There's no need to seek further approval. The majority consensus is that you look much younger than your actual age. Don't worry about the minority of people who won't give the answer you want. You're obviously doing something right, so just keep up the good work and always look for ways to improve on your diet, skin care regimen and exercise.
Edited by Capa, 06 September 2011 - 01:30 AM.
Posted 06 September 2011 - 03:16 AM
The answer you're looking for is in my long reply to you in this thread. I answered this indirectly to avoid hurting your ego. I mentioned about the fully grown woman appearance and body figure. I provided example of an actual teen vs a fully grown woman. You are the fully grown woman. Not the teen people / you think you are. So...no more Bigos for you.
I'm not afraid of getting my ego hurt, so lay it on fully, mister

And seriusly, my friend from highschool was D-cup in her breasts, had an ample belly and huge calves - when she was 17, would you describe her as a teen? I think age mostly shows in face, so thats why i asked if you saw sth in my face that made you think i was 26-32. Do my cheeks sag? are my underyeye areas wrinkly? If you see that, be honest. I really hate veiled opinions. My ego can take it, as long as its truth, not joking around. Thank you capa for your kind words, I'm not seeking approval, just clear answers, And stefanovic, thank you for your contribution, and forever 21thanks for the nutrition advice. Now if you only answer this post with no ego protection, I'll know where I stand "for example: you old ugly cow...!" lol
I really like you guys and truly am a tough chick with some insecurities

I'll be posting a bikini pic soon, woohoo- then you can see how much of that bigos I'm consuming :P
Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:33 AM
Posted 06 September 2011 - 01:48 PM
review vids i posted.
no need bikini pics.
Posted 06 September 2011 - 09:37 PM
20 year old bimbo either think some.RESPECT is due
Posted 07 September 2011 - 04:53 AM
no pg13 or R.
so no boob or bikini pics.
Posted 07 September 2011 - 06:03 AM
And still none of the people who guesses my age as way older than I am won't give any reasons for it. Is there some unwritten code here? Poor old looking woman we'll ignore her and make veiled reference she prolly can;t understand? Fountain, what is so lame in trying to look younger in this youth-centered world?
Nothing. I just think too many people work backwards from trying to look young to trying to be healthy. And it ought to be the other way around.
Listen, don't pay any mind to what these people say when it comes to your appearance, they are a bunch of over-shooters when it comes to 'guessing' ages. If they think you look 19, they will say you are 29, or they will say something ridiculous, like you look between 24-34, etc. If people in real life tell you something different (for me it's usually between 20-22) that is what you should heed. Not what these people tell you.
Bear in mind also that some of the biggest judges of age here are guys who don't have the courage to post their own pictures. So a lot of it is likely bitterness that they don't look as good as a few other people for their age. I don't think you look as old as some of these over-shooters are saying.
Edited by TheFountain, 07 September 2011 - 06:06 AM.
Posted 07 September 2011 - 08:52 AM
Nothing. I just think too many people work backwards from trying to look young to trying to be healthy. And it ought to be the other way around.
Listen, don't pay any mind to what these people say when it comes to your appearance, they are a bunch of over-shooters when it comes to 'guessing' ages. If they think you look 19, they will say you are 29, or they will say something ridiculous, like you look between 24-34, etc. If people in real life tell you something different (for me it's usually between 20-22) that is what you should heed. Not what these people tell you.
Bear in mind also that some of the biggest judges of age here are guys who don't have the courage to post their own pictures. So a lot of it is likely bitterness that they don't look as good as a few other people for their age. I don't think you look as old as some of these over-shooters are saying.
Thanks, Fountain. I agree with you especially that Forever 21, (whose tips on nutrition I very much appreciate nevertheless ) seems to misinterpret my words willfully. When I mentioned bikini pics, I mentioned normal pics from a beach, no excess boob visible, just the figure without masking effects of clothes Something else that is funny - the pics I posted for guessing of my age were from waist up amd some even higher, so how you can judge "fully grown female" from that is a mystery to me. Besides, I've repeatedly asked questions whether something in my face suggested to him i look 26-34 and he has not addresed that issue once.
I resent the implication made by him that the fact my id is being checked al the time means it's a common pracrce (to undermine it ) whereas in my country (Polland ) it is done extremely rarely and only to people who actually do look young, not as a precaution to everyone before 40.
I also donyt think he'd hurt my ego by saying I have fully developed femmale body - many teenagers have boobs bigger than mine so i dont think thats and indicator.
thanks to all of you here who recognized my true youthfulness.
Posted 07 September 2011 - 11:43 AM
Thanks, Fountain. I agree with you especially that Forever 21, (whose tips on nutrition I very much appreciate nevertheless ) seems to misinterpret my words willfully. When I mentioned bikini pics, I mentioned normal pics from a beach, no excess boob visible, just the figure without masking effects of clothes Something else that is funny - the pics I posted for guessing of my age were from waist up amd some even higher, so how you can judge "fully grown female" from that is a mystery to me. Besides, I've repeatedly asked questions whether something in my face suggested to him i look 26-34 and he has not addresed that issue once.
I resent the implication made by him that the fact my id is being checked al the time means it's a common pracrce (to undermine it ) whereas in my country (Polland ) it is done extremely rarely and only to people who actually do look young, not as a precaution to everyone before 40.
I also donyt think he'd hurt my ego by saying I have fully developed femmale body - many teenagers have boobs bigger than mine so i dont think thats and indicator.
thanks to all of you here who recognized my true youthfulness.
Well foreve21 is quite free with his criticisms and yet he has not a single time posted a photo of himself, which kind of portends what's going on psychologically there a little. I mean I hope anybody who practices any strategy for longevity and extended youth fairs well, but when somebody who gratuitously criticizes other peoples appearances never reveals their own, you have to wonder about their psychological disposition a little.
He also seems to hide behind a 'funny guy' persona. Defense mechanisms maybe. Who knows. But hey, he's not the only one. I guess we all do it in different ways. Right?
Posted 07 September 2011 - 05:37 PM
Well foreve21 is quite free with his criticisms and yet he has not a single time posted a photo of himself, which kind of portends what's going on psychologically there a little. I mean I hope anybody who practices any strategy for longevity and extended youth fairs well, but when somebody who gratuitously criticizes other peoples appearances never reveals their own, you have to wonder about their psychological disposition a little.
He also seems to hide behind a 'funny guy' persona. Defense mechanisms maybe. Who knows. But hey, he's not the only one. I guess we all do it in different ways. Right?
Thanks so much!

Posted 07 September 2011 - 07:50 PM

Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:02 AM
Forever 21, (whose tips on nutrition I very much appreciate nevertheless )
and radical sun avoidance. spending more time indoors / sleeping during the day and going out at night. goodbye outdoors, hello nightlife. do what makes sense for your lifestyle.
if must go out or going out unavoidable...
tinosorb sunscreen
wide brim hat, since you're a lady, the wider, the more beautiful and fashionable.
huge sunglasses. since you're a lady, you can wear them in style. i wear RL and some ladies' sunglasses too. new one i got from dior is a winner.
pycno+astaxanthin+tomatosauce+d3+evoo+fishoil+lutein+tea before i go out.
got my car with special window tint
review eva's recent attachments about sun clothing. educate yourself. check your detergent. almost all my day clothing now are sunproctective. there are a number of online stores that sell these. google them, call, ask questions.
protect the other parts of the body often ignored in sun protection. the feet, wear shoes, not sandals or flip flops. wear scarf around the neck. sun protective hand covers if you want. apply tinosorb sunscreen to neck and hands. clothing that covers the back, chest, legs, shoulders, elbows, etc.
make friends with outdoors / day people and get them to run errands for ya. i have a friend/assistant who delivers mail, goes to the bank, shops fresh kale / berries for me from wholefoods in the AM.
avoid sunny city/states. i live in nyc but i spend months of the year in vancouver. less time in vegas / texas. not a big fan of la / cali anymore.
if too much hassle just sleep during the day and go out at night.
CR and sun avoidance are really the only 2 things you can do to look younger. everything else will give you marginal results at best.
Edited by Forever21, 08 September 2011 - 04:15 AM.
Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:07 AM
Please take a break boys and girls, before this thread becomes borderline funny....
take what's valuable, discard the rest. use the Ignore Feature if need be.
Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:18 AM
Thanks so much!What would your advice be, Fountain? I hate to see so many of these threads here canging into bitchyfest instead of genuine advice and work toward creating new, more youthful humans!
What would you advise to keep me looking young for as long as possible?
I'm not allowed to give advice because someone gave me a negative vote!
Just kidding.
Well despite the advice of a lot of people here to use retin-a, I definitely must differ with them. If you already have plump, healthy skin, retin-a can become an irritant which both de-fats and dehydrates your skin, leaving it dry, red and chapped, even after the initial period of adaptation. This was my experience and I have found that using glycolic acid peels at 30% once ever two weeks has given much better preventive results than retin-a after 1 year did. Although I am not shut off to trying retin-a once more in the form of renova some day.
Supplements like Biosil, L-ornithine (an amino acid which has been shown in research to lead to greater levels of proline (collagen precursor amino) and L-carnosine have all shown, both anecdotally and in terms of research and study to yield significant results where skin health are concerned.
Topically I use Niacinamide every day, emu oil almost every day, both of which I layer under a mineral based sunscreen (chemical filters may cause free radical damage, as shown by research). Topical niacinamide has been shown in studies to increase collagen synthesis as well as the skins natural moisture barrier, as well as reduce inflammation. Emu oil is a lipid replenisher which, according to some things i've read, has been shown to contribute to the thickening of the dermal layer.
Diet is basically typical health food, vegetables in a variety of colors, adequate but not overblown amounts of protein, berries, dark chocolate, the occasional glass of red wine, etc.
This and adequate sleep help me a lot.
Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:21 AM
Please take a break boys and girls, before this thread becomes borderline funny....
ah, i see, all my posts have been voted negative. what the hell? hahaha
okayyy, i got the message.

good luck you guys.
Edited by Forever21, 08 September 2011 - 04:25 AM.
Posted 08 September 2011 - 01:26 PM
ah, i see, all my posts have been voted negative. what the hell? hahaha
okayyy, i got the message.thanks.
good luck you guys.
Oh don't worry you have niner (or whoever) undoing all your negatives and then successively voting all my posts down, like the grown up he (whoever 'he' might be) is.
Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:34 PM
I'm not allowed to give advice because someone gave me a negative vote!
Just kidding.
Well despite the advice of a lot of people here to use retin-a, I definitely must differ with them. If you already have plump, healthy skin, retin-a can become an irritant which both de-fats and dehydrates your skin, leaving it dry, red and chapped, even after the initial period of adaptation. This was my experience and I have found that using glycolic acid peels at 30% once ever two weeks has given much better preventive results than retin-a after 1 year did. Although I am not shut off to trying retin-a once more in the form of renova some day.
Supplements like Biosil, L-ornithine (an amino acid which has been shown in research to lead to greater levels of proline (collagen precursor amino) and L-carnosine have all shown, both anecdotally and in terms of research and study to yield significant results where skin health are concerned.
Topically I use Niacinamide every day, emu oil almost every day, both of which I layer under a mineral based sunscreen (chemical filters may cause free radical damage, as shown by research). Topical niacinamide has been shown in studies to increase collagen synthesis as well as the skins natural moisture barrier, as well as reduce inflammation. Emu oil is a lipid replenisher which, according to some things i've read, has been shown to contribute to the thickening of the dermal layer.
Diet is basically typical health food, vegetables in a variety of colors, adequate but not overblown amounts of protein, berries, dark chocolate, the occasional glass of red wine, etc.
This and adequate sleep help me a lot.
Thanks so much!
I have had similar experiences with retinA -tried to use it preventatively , it thinnned my skin out and caused dryness and wrinkles i can't get rid of to this day. Any advice on that? How to undo the retinA damage?
About niacinamide -It';s not available in my country so I'm gona have to buy ionline - can you recommend a brand and shop?
Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:45 PM
Posted 08 September 2011 - 04:58 PM
Edited by ViolettVol, 08 September 2011 - 05:01 PM.
Posted 09 September 2011 - 12:12 AM
if too much hassle just sleep during the day and go out at night.
CR and sun avoidance are really the only 2 things you can do to look younger. everything else will give you marginal results at best.
It is possible to live a fulfilling and enjoyable everyday life whilst protecting oneself adequately against the harmful rays of the sun without living like a vampire. I don't think I could ever rearrange and sacrifice my life for the sake of my vanity like that. In fact, there are plenty of people who do live "normal", productive lives who still manage to look extremely youthful. What you do is your own business, but as advice, it's pretty useless. I can't see anyone changing their lifestyles and basically giving up on enjoying their life just because the sun may shine on them from time to time.
Also, you forgot exercise. You mention two things you can do to "look" younger but you fail to mention the only thing (along with eating properly) that will keep your body (and face) fit, resilient and youthful. Appearance is important, I can't begrudge anyone of that, but if you're forgoing exercise, then you are doing yourself a great disservice.
you can put a nice coat of paint on a house that's wood is rotting and decrepit on the the inside and no one would be the wiser...that is, until the house breaks down and collapses. On the other hand, a nice coat of paint on a well maintained house keeps it looking lovely inside and out.
Posted 09 September 2011 - 01:49 PM
Cheers and enjoy the weekend all.
Posted 09 September 2011 - 05:58 PM
This pic should be in the 'I have yet to see somebody look as young as they claim' thread. Very impressive.

Posted 09 September 2011 - 07:09 PM
I'm not allowed to give advice because someone gave me a negative vote!
Just kidding.
Well despite the advice of a lot of people here to use retin-a, I definitely must differ with them. If you already have plump, healthy skin, retin-a can become an irritant which both de-fats and dehydrates your skin, leaving it dry, red and chapped, even after the initial period of adaptation. This was my experience and I have found that using glycolic acid peels at 30% once ever two weeks has given much better preventive results than retin-a after 1 year did. Although I am not shut off to trying retin-a once more in the form of renova some day.
Supplements like Biosil, L-ornithine (an amino acid which has been shown in research to lead to greater levels of proline (collagen precursor amino) and L-carnosine have all shown, both anecdotally and in terms of research and study to yield significant results where skin health are concerned.
Topically I use Niacinamide every day, emu oil almost every day, both of which I layer under a mineral based sunscreen (chemical filters may cause free radical damage, as shown by research). Topical niacinamide has been shown in studies to increase collagen synthesis as well as the skins natural moisture barrier, as well as reduce inflammation. Emu oil is a lipid replenisher which, according to some things i've read, has been shown to contribute to the thickening of the dermal layer.
Diet is basically typical health food, vegetables in a variety of colors, adequate but not overblown amounts of protein, berries, dark chocolate, the occasional glass of red wine, etc.
This and adequate sleep help me a lot.
Did younmanage to getrid of your retin a damage? i'm still fighting the skin dryness, fine wrinkles. Any advice?
Aside from thet - Is ther anyvgroundbreaking researcha biut skin going on? Ray Kurzweil kept ptrpmising new amaizing technologies coming thriugh any day now and all i see is half-assed advertisement falsies. Any of you knoe of any good stuuff?
Posted 09 September 2011 - 07:24 PM
Did younmanage to getrid of your retin a damage?
The only way to get rid of the damage caused by retin-a, if you are a non-adapter for whatever reason, is to stop using it and begin a different regimen after being off retin-a for about 2 weeks. This is what I did. I did my first glycolic acid peel about 2 and a half weeks after completely stopping retin-a and within one month I was looking radiant, not irritated and most of the crinkles the retin-a was causing were gone.
As far as collagen production does, Biosil has been shown in clincal studies to increase collagen significantly. I am on my way to class at the moment so I don't have time to pull the study up, but just google 'orthosilicic acid collagen study' and something should come up.
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