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'Reputation' System Explained


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#1 caliban

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 02:32 AM

DRAFT - I'm not sure if this should go in announcements, the blog, or 'forum issues' ?

LongeCity Members and Registered Users can vote for each others posts to show approval of dissaproval (by clicking in the right hand corner on the last line of each post). All contributors are enrolled in this scheme.
The following are a few points of information regarding that system.

-- Registered Users currently get to cast 4 positive votes per day and 2 negative votes
(Its more positive to express approval, so there are more options)

-- Members currently have 8 positive votes per day, and 4 negative votes
(This site is owned by its members, so their voice shapes it more strongly)

-- Members of leadership get no extra votes
(but Moderators can issue warnings or suspensions for violations of the bylaws)

-- Once you have cast a vote on reputation, you cannot change your mind
(Vote carefully, but don't ponder votes to hard, people may have mis-clicked)

-- Voting, both negative and positive, gives you a small amount of 'thank you points'
(We *want* you to use the option)

-- Getting positive votes GIVES the recipient a few 'thank you' points
(this is LongeCity's way of valuing high quality posters democratically. Those with a consistently good record will be able to buy some prizes from our virtual 'store')

-- Getting too many negative votes will place people on a watch list as a low quality contributor
(we will not ban people automatically based on this factor, but it will be a consideration)

--It is highly recommended that you tweak your settings (at the bottom of a thread) so that negative posts don't show in full.
(This will hopefully improve you forum experience, filtering out the garbage.)

-- NEGATIVE votes are for low-quality contributions ONLY, do NOT vote a post down SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE
(this is so important that we'll think about putting in in the user agreement. Come on, you are grown ups, vote on quality, not sympathy)

interesting links:
- Highest Ranked Posts
- Highest & Lowest Ranked Contributors

Feel free to add questions, comments or suggestions, but please keep them constructive. This is a potentially emotive topic, if you don't agree with the scheme in principle, don't use it.

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#2 rwac

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 03:57 AM

Sounds good. Seconded.
Is it appropriate for the politics subforum too ?
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#3 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 26 May 2011 - 01:56 AM

Easy to understand explanation.

#4 TheFountain

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Posted 26 May 2011 - 12:51 PM

The reputation system doesn't mean dick to me. It just shows how fascist prevailing viewpoints can be. Another user emailed me this morning and informed me that I am apparently the most 'negatively voted' person on this forum. And I just wanted to say that I am quite honored to have this distinction, whether it gets me banned or not, thank you very much. This user added 'don't you love democracy?'. I wouldn't call this a democracy so much as a fascist dictatorship. Would you ban someone from society for sharing 'alternative views' with people? Not that I give a fuck. I am just here to add some diversity to the unanimity of sheepish dietary viewpoints that dominate this site. All this system shows is that people can vote you out of their childish little playground festivities. Big fucking deal. Perhaps this snobbish, elitist attitude amongst many in the life extension community is why people do not more regularly participate in it. And then you complain about alienating people? Laughable.

Edited by TheFountain, 26 May 2011 - 12:53 PM.

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#5 brokenportal

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Posted 26 May 2011 - 06:57 PM

I currently have a reputation points topic, the 6th one down, linked to an older shorter post about this you made. I added a picture there. That picture is in the gallery if you want to use it for this. Where ever you put it, I can switch that link to it.

#6 caliban

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 04:38 AM

Automatic message

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