The LongeCity website needs a graphical revision in line with our 2011 rebranding.
We are looking for all of the following:
1)Small art pic (pixelart) for each major forum section
2)An art concept to introduce a ‘city’ theme to the forum and website
3)An art concept to frame non-forum pages
4)An index page design
Contributors should submit a draft concept by July 18th 2011.
Among the submissions, the board will draw up shortlist and a winner will be chosen, by the Members. The prize is $500 with an opportunity for further work.
Please help spread the word across the internet and among artistically gifted friends so that we get some fantastic contributions.
Entries can be submitted as an attachment
-- to a forum post in response to this topic OR
-- to a forum thread started by the artist which must be placed in the Art Team Subforum and must be titled 'Art Contest submission' OR
-- as an attachment to a single email to which must be titled 'Art Contest submission'
All entries, including those submitted by email will be displayed in public forums. Copyright will remain with the artist until a winning entry is chosen.
The board reserves the right not to select any entry if none are found suitable.
All material must be original to the contributor. You may use third-party stock only if you own full rights to the source including the right to transfer to LongeCity.
By entering the contest each entrant releases LongeCity, their subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers and agents, from any and all claims or liability, including but not limited to damages, losses or injuries, suffered by the entrant or any third parties in connection with participation in this contest. By entering the contest, entrants and prize winners grant LongeCity permission to their names, and entries for advertising, publicity or other purposes without additional consent or compensation.
All contributions are received with the express understanding that if the artist is selected, he or she will
- provide LongeCity with files and materials required for implementing the art at sufficient quality
- finalise any draft and unfinished artwork within two weeks after winning
- advise on the implementation of the artwork by LongeCity as required
- be available for further work to develop the design
- be credited for the design but will transfer all copyright to LongeCity