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I wanted to hear from long-term users of Piracetam...

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#31 renfr

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 03:43 AM

Piracetam effect might built up overtime and then it can built to greater than 70mM so toxicity occur.
tomorrow i will take half a half a half of 800mg pill (~100mg ) and see any effect better than ~200mg that i take daily.

hmm, if my calculations are right, it would mean you'd have to take about 60grams of it considering you have 5 liters of blood. and the effects would hardly build up over time as piracetam is excreted even with renal impairment you'd have to make a huge overdose of it.

As for depression it is indeed a negative side-effect of piracetam that has been reported numerous times. Try adding Aniracetam and/or Se-Methyl L-Selenocysteine to your stack to counter the effects.

Edited by renfr, 01 January 2012 - 03:48 AM.

#32 7YearsStrong

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Posted 02 August 2012 - 08:21 PM

I have been taking Piracetam for one month. After being stuck in a 2C-E trip for 2 years, I thank God for Piracetam + Choline Bitartrate.

Prior to buying a scale from CerebralHealth.com (where I purchase Piracetam), I was taking a FULL tsp. twice daily. (Which measured out to near 10g / D., (5 g / morning / evening), not to mention the heaping tsp. of Choline Bitartrate along with it. As it is excreted through your kidneys, I would not recommend over-working them, when a dosage of 2g / D. is a fair dosage, with near optimum benefits.

Noticed effects:
  • Enhanced visual perception
  • Enhanced audio perception
  • Clarity of thought
  • (will update this post later, as I have something to do.)

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#33 gamesguru

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Posted 02 August 2012 - 09:11 PM

I've been using it on and off for 2.5 years now. When I take it, I notice sharper focus (less distractions and fewer irrelevant thoughts), clearer thoughts (less ambiguity in meaning and fewer logical inconsistencies/factual aberrations), and a general intellectual predisposition (it's easier and more fun to think deeply, rather than just thinking shallowly and doing mundane tasks without any intellectual commotion in the background).

Sometimes, it drains me, almost depressingly, where choline supplements don't help, and I think this is due to it dysregulating choline metabolism in the hippocampus, though I cannot confirm this suspicion.

#34 krsna

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:07 PM

I think those who respond best to racetams are those who are already suffering a cognitive deficiency, whether through brain damage, disease, or other. For a healthy person don't expect great results. Those claiming great results, some in particular that I can think of, also state very clearly that they suffer from an innate cognitive deficiency and some have never even touched caffeine. Take a person with cognitive impairment, with no experience with stimulants (even so mild as caffeine) and give them piracetam and it's no big wonder they suddenly feel godlike.. sad truth though is that far from godlike they have simply reached the baseline of a healthy person, or a healthy person drinking regular coffee/caffeine. For a healthy person expect only very minor increases (if any) of cognitive function, most of what you'll be paying for however is to see things a little brighter and there are far better drugs for visual enhancements/tweaks if that's what you're looking for.

Edited by bowleaf, 05 April 2013 - 12:10 PM.

#35 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:14 PM

Morning: Piracetam 4.8 g + noopept 10 mg + sulbutiamine 300 mg + Jarrow B vitamin complex
Lunch: Piracetam 4.8 g + noopept 10 mg + sulbutiamine 500 mg

+ my favourite music on the car stereo


Best roadtrip ever (laser sharp focus on the driving [tracking and anticipation of other traffic], calm, content, music enjoyment^10)

Edited by Godof Smallthings, 05 April 2013 - 03:16 PM.

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#36 Peak Noots

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Posted 26 May 2013 - 10:25 PM

You guys should check out this study http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00426834#. 7 days of Piracetam treatment saw no improvements and 14 days showed SIGNIFICANT improvement. Just goes to show how certain nootropics have cumulative effects. Also, a lot of our customers come from the military. When i say a lot i mean a lot. We have had politicians, laywers, musicians, you name it buy our products. I get a chance to speak with a lot of them because i answer emails personally.

Piracetam is no "cult" following just look at the piles and piles of studies. Piracetam may not work for you just like certain drugs may not work for you. Also, nootropics aren't meant to be a magic pill, the effects are actually very subtle because they are not psycoactive drugs. Nootropics users understand this and have a respect for it.

PeakNootropics - Nootropics Store & Research Site

Edited by Peak Nootropics, 26 May 2013 - 10:27 PM.

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