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Just ordered some Noopept...

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#1 manic_racetam

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Posted 01 August 2011 - 02:15 AM

Just ordered 10grams of noopept. I was hoping someone has first hand experience with this substance. The dosage starts at 10mg per day, then can be increased up to 30mg per day. I've read on some other threads that the doses needed to be taken sublingually but the russian product information didn't mention that.

Any advice or experience would be much appreciated.

#2 manic_racetam

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 02:13 AM

Just got the product. I'm going to start with 10mg's twice a day orally. I'm just gonna cap it. If I don't notice any effects in a week or so I'll up it to three times a day. If that doesn't do anything I'll try the sublingual route but will a peptide work in the blood-stream directly or does it need to be digested to have the effects?

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#3 nezxon

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 11:34 AM

Just got the product. I'm going to start with 10mg's twice a day orally. I'm just gonna cap it. If I don't notice any effects in a week or so I'll up it to three times a day. If that doesn't do anything I'll try the sublingual route but will a peptide work in the blood-stream directly or does it need to be digested to have the effects?

(I refer to noopept as a racetam because it is reportedly a racetam analog with similar mechanisms of action)
I haven't taken noopept myself which is why I didn't comment on your thread sooner, but I have a friend who takes it regularly and he reported it as being more effective for him than the other racetams, he takes 20mg twice daily. I'm not sure if that's the best dose, but it seems to work for him.

Based on what I've read, you shouldn't need sublingual administration. It's oral bioavailability is reportedly high, I suspect it's close to 97-100% similar to the other racetams, so even injecting it directly to your brain wouldn't improve delivery. Through oral administration it reaches the brain and crosses the BBB unmodified (as far as I understand, that is a good thing) http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/10977920

I plan to add noopept to my stack in the near future, 3-6 months down the road. Before I try it though I need to resupply some of my existing nootropics. Thanks for letting us know about trying it and I hope you have some success.

#4 X_Danny_X

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 12:57 PM

Noopept is in reality a pyrrolidine-containing dipeptide, in short it is a peptide and so far they are saying that is 200 to 5000 times more potent than Piracetam for people who are brain damaged. for healthy individuals, i dont know how much stronger it is but the ones i read online about using it reported to work much better than of the racetams. again though Noopept is not a racetam and it is a peptide.

people generally feel an effect of taking 10mg a day and on the 4th day they start feeling more intelligent. this goes for both memory and cognitive enhancement. in russia it is sold as a memory enhancer.

it is very hard for me to find Noopept though, from one supplier, it is expensive. ranging in the $100 or more.

i never did respond to the racetams i think, my head felt that it got swollen a bit, so i might need to have used the racetams better. a couple of guys didnt respond to Noopept. so it cannot work for everyone.

i was wondering does anyone know any supplier here in the USA or close countries to the USA?

Edited by X_Danny_X, 04 August 2011 - 12:58 PM.

#5 manic_racetam

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 01:46 PM

The powder is a bit caked together in clumps and difficult to separate into 10mg chunks but I managed to get my first few days of dosing capped last night. It also has a strong smell, almost reminiscent of mildew which I'm guessing is due to being a peptide.

I hate to put any retailer information in this nootropic section but I got it from cerebral health. 10g's for ~$50.

Just started with my first dose this morning and will be keeping a log of my experiences.

#6 nezxon

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 01:29 AM

The powder is a bit caked together in clumps and difficult to separate into 10mg chunks but I managed to get my first few days of dosing capped last night. It also has a strong smell, almost reminiscent of mildew which I'm guessing is due to being a peptide.

I hate to put any retailer information in this nootropic section but I got it from cerebral health. 10g's for ~$50.

Just started with my first dose this morning and will be keeping a log of my experiences.

Cerebral Health is where I noticed it for sale too. I think taking 40mg/day makes 10g = 250 day supply. If I'm doing the math correctly, that's $0.20/day which I believe ranks as the second least costly nootropic in my stack next to Lecithin. A friend and I were talking today and decided we'll probably order noopept in a couple weeks, so I also hope to report back with a log of my experiences too. Hopefully with a few of us here at longecity trying it we can get an idea of how well noopept works and a better idea of what it does.

#7 manic_racetam

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:09 PM

The powder is a bit caked together in clumps and difficult to separate into 10mg chunks but I managed to get my first few days of dosing capped last night. It also has a strong smell, almost reminiscent of mildew which I'm guessing is due to being a peptide.

I hate to put any retailer information in this nootropic section but I got it from cerebral health. 10g's for ~$50.

Just started with my first dose this morning and will be keeping a log of my experiences.

Cerebral Health is where I noticed it for sale too. I think taking 40mg/day makes 10g = 250 day supply. If I'm doing the math correctly, that's $0.20/day which I believe ranks as the second least costly nootropic in my stack next to Lecithin. A friend and I were talking today and decided we'll probably order noopept in a couple weeks, so I also hope to report back with a log of my experiences too. Hopefully with a few of us here at longecity trying it we can get an idea of how well noopept works and a better idea of what it does.

Sounds good. I was also surprised by the low price per dose ratio. Even though it's hard to tell so early in administration I'd have to say I'm experiencing effects already. It's bizarre to experience effects from a tiny speck of 10-20mgs when you're used to 3-5 gram mountains of piracetam. It'll take a couple weeks to evaluate it more thoroughly but it shows promise at this point.

#8 unregistered_user

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 07:07 AM

Since it ships as a bulk powder, what is the most precise way to measure dosages? For something this potent I don't risk eyeballing it (both for safety and cost reasons).

Is there an easy way to measure the powder?

#9 unregistered_user

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 07:35 AM

Also please keep us updated on your progress. There are limited anecdotal reports on Noopept and if you have a favorable experience, I might decide to try it out as well.


#10 nezxon

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 08:07 AM

Since it ships as a bulk powder, what is the most precise way to measure dosages? For something this potent I don't risk eyeballing it (both for safety and cost reasons).

Is there an easy way to measure the powder?

I plan to use a 1/100th gram scale. The capping kit I have does 24 caps at a time and I plan to make 20mg caps, I think that scale should accurately measure out 480 mg (I believe it would be 0.48 on 1/100th gram scale). A scale with that resolution runs about $11-$40. I think with a little shopping I could probably turn up a bargain-priced one on an auction site for $5-$10.

#11 manic_racetam

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 03:58 PM

Since it ships as a bulk powder, what is the most precise way to measure dosages? For something this potent I don't risk eyeballing it (both for safety and cost reasons).

Is there an easy way to measure the powder?

That is a bit of a problem with this substance mostly due to its very small dose size and due to it being pretty clumpy. I'm guessing that because it's a peptide it sticks together and in its pure form without an anti-caking agent that's just how it is. I bought a scale when I started experimenting with nefiracetam because I wanted to control the dose size as exactly as possible out of fears of toxicity.

I got the American Weigh DIA-20 scale. It measures to .001g and only cost around 20 bucks. The accuracy is within around 7mgs (from what I can remember without looking at the box).

It's a bit tricky to measure out the Noopept but I use the tweezers that came with my scale to pick up a tiny chunk of the stuff and then use a toothpick to slowly scrape pieces off onto the scale. Then when it gets to around 10mgs I pop it in a gel cap. If anyone comes up with a better way of measuring it I'm all ears since it's pretty tedious.

The first day I was more lenient with the measurement so my doses were measuring 15-19mgs but I was surprised by the effects I got. Very alert and clear head-space. I remeasured everything and got closer to 10mgs with this set of caps. So I have ~10mg caps that should last me about 5 days. I've been taking them 3x per day.

I was surprised as well by the lack of reports on this substance. But hopefully we can change that over the next few months. No irritability or any negative side effects so far but it is pretty early in the game.

#12 unregistered_user

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 04:17 PM

Great update. Thank you! I look forward to hearing more about your progress. Please continue to update.

#13 MrSpud

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 08:45 PM

FYI - I would expect it to be very tedious and not very accurate to try and put 10mg of a powder into a capsule and trying to weigh it. Perhaps I misunderstood what I read, but it doesn't sound like it would work very well. Probably close enough but you wouldn't be able to fill too many at a time.

An easier more accurate way would be to use a cap-n-quik type capsule maker and whatever size capsules you want and by diluting the active ingredient with an inert filler. If you got some powder like fine cellulose powder or dicalcium phosphate or even flour, you can encapsulate just the inert powder with the cap-n-quik. Just fill the bottom portion of the capsules with the powder and level it all off with a credit card. Then put the capsule caps on at least 10 of them. Then weigh 10 empty capsules and 10 of the capsules you just filled with the inert powder. Then subtract the weight of the empty capsules from the full capsules and you have the fill weight of 10 capsules. Divide by 10 and you know how much of the inert powder fits into each capsule. Now you know your target fill weight. If your target fill weight is 425 mg (note: yours won't be this exact number, this is just an example) and you want to make 100 capsules with 10mg of active ingredient, you simply weigh out 1 gram (i.e. 10mg times 100 capsules) of active and mix it with 41.5 grams of your inert powder (425mg fill weight minus 10mg active times 100 capsules).

To get rid of lumps, do it like this: Weigh out your inert powder first. Put about 10 grams in a ziplock baggie and shake it up in the baggie (so that any static charge gets dissipated by the powder so your active doesn't stick to the sides of the baggie). Then add your 1 gram of active to the powder in the baggie. close the baggie and massage the powder for about 15 minutes or so untill all the visible lumps have been broken up. Then open the baggie and add about another 10 grams and close the baggie and shake it and massage it for a few minutes. Then open the baggie and add the remainder of the inert powder and close it and shake it up and massage it until you are satisfied that it is uniform.For really hard lumpy material you might have to push your active through a tea strainer screen before you weigh it the first time. Still do the baggie tricks though to get it uniformly blended.

After this just fill your capsules in the cap-n-quik the same way you did it with just the inert powder to come up with your fill weight. Double check your capsules when you are finished by taking a capsule 10 weight. The weight of 10 full capsules minus 10 empty capsule shells divided by 10 should be very close to your target fill weight.

This will be more accurate than trying to measure anything in milligrams 1 capsule at a time. Note: This works perfectly well if the active is less than 25% or so of the capsule weight. If you end up trying this with an active that is a higher percentage (like if you wanted 200mg of an active and only 100 to 200 of the filler) then the density of the powder would be thrown off and you would have to do a few trial and error blends to get your fill weight right so it fills up the capsule reproducably.

Edited by MrSpud, 06 August 2011 - 08:53 PM.

#14 X_Danny_X

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 03:22 AM

Does Cerebral Health have some measuring milligram device with their Noopept? I hope they have one now...since I suck at measuring/math

#15 manic_racetam

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 08:09 PM

Does Cerebral Health have some measuring milligram device with their Noopept? I hope they have one now...since I suck at measuring/math

Nope. It comes in a plastic zip-lock bag sealed inside CH's standard foil-zip bag. You can't eye-ball 10-20mgs at all. Especially since the caked portions of the powder are significantly heavier than the powdered portions. I have a feeling we're going to find out the effects of noopept overdose pretty soon. Hopefully this stuff is as safe as piracetam.

Especially if 1,000 times stronger is accurate. That would make 10mgs Noopept = 10grams Piracetam

Edited by manic_racetam, 07 August 2011 - 08:11 PM.

#16 unregistered_user

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:01 AM

Any further thoughts on Noopept manic_racetam? I'm assuming you've taken Piracetam before? Any direct comparisons?

#17 unregistered_user

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:20 AM

Also, why do you pick up a capping machine from Amazon and bust out like 24 capsules at a time instead of scraping away at one little Noopept nugget until it weighs 10mg and then putting it into a single capsule? I imagine in about 25 minutes you could have a 2 month supply capped and ready to go.

Edit: Nevermind, considering the small dosage it would be very difficult to bulk cap. I guess capping individually makes more sense unless you go with MrSpuds method.

Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 08 August 2011 - 02:43 AM.

#18 manic_racetam

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 07:53 PM

Also, why do you pick up a capping machine from Amazon and bust out like 24 capsules at a time instead of scraping away at one little Noopept nugget until it weighs 10mg and then putting it into a single capsule? I imagine in about 25 minutes you could have a 2 month supply capped and ready to go.

Edit: Nevermind, considering the small dosage it would be very difficult to bulk cap. I guess capping individually makes more sense unless you go with MrSpuds method.

LOL. Yeah, it's pretty tedious and probably not a very accurate way of doing it. But considering the consitency of this stuff I'm just not confident that my attempt at evenly distributing such a small dose among a bunch of filler would be any more accurate. At the current rate I can cap about five days worth in 15 minutes or so while I'm listening to books on tape, so it's tolerable.

Yeah, I've taken piracetam. I've tried all the major racetams except prami, and even did a trial of nefiracetam. In comparison to piracetam it's much less of a "centralized" whole body/brain feeling. There's not much of a "feeling" at all actually. So far just clean and clear headspace and lack of fatigue. I've totally cut out caffeine in the last few days and have been alert all day even being slightly sleep deprived from work. It's hard to describe. Definitely not a stimulant in the traditional sense but seems effective at least in the short term for fighting daytime sleepiness.

I did some exercises in long-term memory recall from my childhood last night. I was able to remember some childhood events and the layouts of houses I haven't been in for over 15 years but I may have had similar results had I attempted this without any noots.

One nice similarity to piracetam is the familiar vivid color perception and rich textures in vision. I'll know more about my subjective experience in a week or so.

Oh, almost forgot, possible side effects. I could see how paranoia might be a side effect. Found myself checking on my car from my front window a couple of nights ago, which isn't too abnormal but something I normally wouldn't worry about. No agression of irritability that I've noticed yet though, and hopefully it stays that way since I'm quite enjoying it so far.

#19 Ichoose2live

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 08:47 PM

Also, why do you pick up a capping machine from Amazon and bust out like 24 capsules at a time instead of scraping away at one little Noopept nugget until it weighs 10mg and then putting it into a single capsule? I imagine in about 25 minutes you could have a 2 month supply capped and ready to go.

Edit: Nevermind, considering the small dosage it would be very difficult to bulk cap. I guess capping individually makes more sense unless you go with MrSpuds method.

LOL. Yeah, it's pretty tedious and probably not a very accurate way of doing it. But considering the consitency of this stuff I'm just not confident that my attempt at evenly distributing such a small dose among a bunch of filler would be any more accurate. At the current rate I can cap about five days worth in 15 minutes or so while I'm listening to books on tape, so it's tolerable.

Yeah, I've taken piracetam. I've tried all the major racetams except prami, and even did a trial of nefiracetam. In comparison to piracetam it's much less of a "centralized" whole body/brain feeling. There's not much of a "feeling" at all actually. So far just clean and clear headspace and lack of fatigue. I've totally cut out caffeine in the last few days and have been alert all day even being slightly sleep deprived from work. It's hard to describe. Definitely not a stimulant in the traditional sense but seems effective at least in the short term for fighting daytime sleepiness.

I did some exercises in long-term memory recall from my childhood last night. I was able to remember some childhood events and the layouts of houses I haven't been in for over 15 years but I may have had similar results had I attempted this without any noots.

One nice similarity to piracetam is the familiar vivid color perception and rich textures in vision. I'll know more about my subjective experience in a week or so.

Oh, almost forgot, possible side effects. I could see how paranoia might be a side effect. Found myself checking on my car from my front window a couple of nights ago, which isn't too abnormal but something I normally wouldn't worry about. No agression of irritability that I've noticed yet though, and hopefully it stays that way since I'm quite enjoying it so far.

Did you notice an increase in productivity? Also, you may want to try a couple tests on cognitivefun to see if you can make improvements, especially in reaction time and alertness. Do you notice an elevation in mood? Would you say that it slightly increases anxiety? If you had to define the drug in three words, what would they be? For example, I would define Pramiracetam as motivation, memory, and learning. Thanks in advance for your help!

Edited by Ichoose2live, 08 August 2011 - 09:06 PM.

#20 golden1

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 11:56 PM

I too have 10g from ch, started today. ~20mg in the morning + afternoon
Definitely has a calm feeling to it, similar to aniracetam's calm subjective feel. Also a clean/neutral feeling of clarity(absence of any brain fog) and a more lush/vivid/detailed imagination and ability to visualize.

Also increased my vision vividness like other racetams

Edited by golden1, 09 August 2011 - 12:11 AM.

#21 manic_racetam

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 12:42 AM

Feels like it's increasing in effectiveness each day. I'll let you know when I've reached a plateau of noticeable effects. Also, seems to not "wear-off" for a long time. Skipped my dose this morning and still felt very alert and productive all the way up until noon when I took my first dose.

If the effects are accumulative then at some point they may get a bit too intense, which means I might be able to scale down the dosage a bit each day. I've been playing around with dosages a bit and am currently using the same that golden1 is (20mg bid). I've got a gut feeling that 20mg in the morning and 10mg in the afternoon would be pretty much perfect for me but I'm gonna stick out this dose until I hit a subjective plateau.

#22 unregistered_user

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 01:22 AM

Thanks for updating. I decided to get some Methylene Blue and Dep Pro (which I will use at different times) because I envisioned myself getting too frustrated with the dosing of Noopept. I would have to buy a pocket scale and fiddle around with scraping at little Noopept noogets. Maybe I'll eventually try it but I think I'd rather spring for the Noopept tabs from pharmacy1010 when they get them back in stock just to see if I'm a responder. Still keep us posted though... I know I'm following along.

#23 lamprecht

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 04:52 AM

i'm thinking of getting noopept soon
i don't have a scale, is there any measurement that equals 10mg from the cerebral health website's powder?
or is it absolutely necessary to weigh it to get any sort of accuracy?

#24 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 03:25 PM

I've been brain-storming easier ways to measure this substance. Likely the easiest and most accessible way would be mixing it with water, then separating the water into more easily measurable portions.

However, according to this abstract, long term storage of Noopept in solution is subject to hydrolysis (chemical break-down). However, that says "long-term" storage. Would it be more stable if frozen in solution?

So how about mixing 10 grams of Noopept with 1 Liter of distilled water? That would make a concentration of 10mg/ml, which would make 1/2 teaspoon (~2.5ml) of solution equal to ~25mg dose, and respectively 1/4 teaspoon would be about 12mgs or so. Then just put the solution into ice cube trays and freeze it in your freezer.

It wouldn't really matter the size of the ice-cube because you could thaw it on demand and use a 1/2 or 1/4 teaspoon to measure out a dose of liquid. Then just keep the remainder of thawed liquid in your fridge until it's used up. Then you can thaw ice cubes individually on demand.

You'd still be estimating the dose but it'd be easier than measuring out 20mgs daily for sure.

Feel free to correct me if I'm retarded :)

Edited by manic_racetam, 11 August 2011 - 03:35 PM.

#25 Ben

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 04:08 PM

I wrote a thread on this a while back: how to take it and what effects I experienced at which dosage.

(Have a look but basically I recommend that people don't take it.)

Edited by Ben, 11 August 2011 - 04:10 PM.

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#26 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 05:30 PM

I wrote a thread on this a while back: how to take it and what effects I experienced at which dosage.

(Have a look but basically I recommend that people don't take it.)

Sorry, do you mind providing the link? I wasn't able to find it in your content, which may be because it was back in 2009? The most recent post I could find related to your experience was "This One" which stated that it made you "crazy and angry".

How long did it take before you noticed those effects. Also, were you taking it sublingually or swallowing the pills? So far I haven't noticed any irritability or increased aggression. Although the effects seem to be compounding each day so it's a bit early to tell.

#27 Ichoose2live

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Posted 12 August 2011 - 12:12 AM

I wrote a thread on this a while back: how to take it and what effects I experienced at which dosage.

(Have a look but basically I recommend that people don't take it.)

Sorry, do you mind providing the link? I wasn't able to find it in your content, which may be because it was back in 2009? The most recent post I could find related to your experience was "This One" which stated that it made you "crazy and angry".

How long did it take before you noticed those effects. Also, were you taking it sublingually or swallowing the pills? So far I haven't noticed any irritability or increased aggression. Although the effects seem to be compounding each day so it's a bit early to tell.


I've just ordered 10mg of Noopept as well. Going to test the effects as soon as I get it. Although its potency, the drug has been shown to increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus. Doesn't sound pretty good . - Novel nootropic dipeptide Noopept increases inhibitory synaptic transmission in CA1 pyramidal cells.

Edited by Ichoose2live, 12 August 2011 - 12:19 AM.

#28 manic_racetam

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Posted 12 August 2011 - 01:20 AM

I wrote a thread on this a while back: how to take it and what effects I experienced at which dosage.

(Have a look but basically I recommend that people don't take it.)

Sorry, do you mind providing the link? I wasn't able to find it in your content, which may be because it was back in 2009? The most recent post I could find related to your experience was "This One" which stated that it made you "crazy and angry".

How long did it take before you noticed those effects. Also, were you taking it sublingually or swallowing the pills? So far I haven't noticed any irritability or increased aggression. Although the effects seem to be compounding each day so it's a bit early to tell.


I've just ordered 10mg of Noopept as well. Going to test the effects as soon as I get it. Although its potency, the drug has been shown to increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus. Doesn't sound pretty good . - Novel nootropic dipeptide Noopept increases inhibitory synaptic transmission in CA1 pyramidal cells.

Thanks a lot! I actually remember having read this report by Ben before. I think one of the problems may have been that sublingual administration caused higher than normal plasma concentrations. Just a guess, but the effects have been accumulative for me. It sounds like it slowly increased in intensity for Ben as well.

So far I'm not experiencing any irritability/aggression, if anything I'm a bit more on the tranquil side of the spectrum. I haven't noticed any manic-type red flags in behavior or thought patterns yet, but I'll keep my eyes open since I am susceptible to them on other racetams (excluding nefi).

Hopefully it stays this way. I've been keeping my dose at 20mg bid in capsules, for about five days now. Looks like it took about 10 days for the unbearable effects to build up for Ben, so hopefully I'll be able to stay negative-side-effect-free well beyond that point (mainly because I have about 470 doses left).

As far as the increase in "inhibitory synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells", I'm not gonna pretend like I know enough (or anything) about that to determine if it's a good or bad thing. But please keep us updated as you go.

#29 X_Danny_X

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Posted 18 August 2011 - 04:03 PM

i just started taking Noopept 1 week ago, I have no measuring. i just take a little nugget size of it and put it in my mouth, under my tongue. this stuff is nasty. almost like you are tasting very strong alcohol in solid form and then trying to resolve it.

hard for me to gauge how it is affecting me since i am taking other noots.

do you really have to have it dissolve under your tongue for it to get to the brain or you can still swallow it and it will still affect the brain?

increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus? what does this mean exactly?

Edited by X_Danny_X, 18 August 2011 - 04:33 PM.

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#30 manic_racetam

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Posted 19 August 2011 - 02:22 AM

i just started taking Noopept 1 week ago, I have no measuring. i just take a little nugget size of it and put it in my mouth, under my tongue. this stuff is nasty. almost like you are tasting very strong alcohol in solid form and then trying to resolve it.

hard for me to gauge how it is affecting me since i am taking other noots.

do you really have to have it dissolve under your tongue for it to get to the brain or you can still swallow it and it will still affect the brain?

increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus? what does this mean exactly?

You don't have to dissolve it under your tongue and I wouldn't suggest it. It's very bio-available through the G-I tract so go ahead and swallow it and wash it down with something. What's your current stack that it's going with?

increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus? what does this mean exactly? Not sure but I'm guessing it means that it inhibits firing in a certain kind of hippocampus cell, AKA "stopping transmission" of certain types of signals through the hippocampus. What's the effect of this you ask? I have no idea.

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