Just ordered some Noopept...
Posted 05 December 2013 - 10:10 PM
Posted 13 February 2014 - 12:38 AM
I find noopept to work great. For some reason if I take it with fish oil it seems to have more of an effect. I generally take it 5 days on 2 days off. I tried it once from an ebay supplier and noticed zero effect but tried Lift Mode's a couple months ago to give it another shot and the effects were very noticeable.
What did you notice? I feel the effects but I do not know exactly what it is. I just feel different. I also bought the 10gram from LifrMode.
Posted 24 April 2014 - 02:59 AM
I find noopept to work great. For some reason if I take it with fish oil it seems to have more of an effect. I generally take it 5 days on 2 days off. I tried it once from an ebay supplier and noticed zero effect but tried Lift Mode's a couple months ago to give it another shot and the effects were very noticeable.
What did you notice? I feel the effects but I do not know exactly what it is. I just feel different. I also bought the 10gram from LifrMode.
For me, the first thing I notice is that the world seems to "pop" more. It's as if there is a sharper line of demarcation between different sounds, smells, etc.
This translates to the ability to hold attention on a specific object for longer, and to analyze it more readily. For instance, without nooept I'll drive through an area and notice the houses and not think much about it. With nooept I'll drive through an area, notice the houses, start breaking them down by expected resale value, start considering the businesses in the area, start hypothesizing about which residents have which careers based on resale value, lawn ornamentation, etc. I've also noticed that I'm a more cautious and probably safer driver.
The enhanced memory facilitates this analysis because facts and figures are more readily accessible to feed into the analysis which my brain is performing.
In summary, it just allows me to move from a passive way of viewing the world to a more active, deconstructionist approach.
I normally have some mental inconveniences which lead me to self-analyzing myself and nooept frees me from that though. I imagine if you already have a more optimal brain you might get less mileage.
Edited by mcoke, 24 April 2014 - 03:02 AM.
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