Ultimately, Piracetam is said to be the holy grail of nootropics. It also is said to work far differently than amphetamines, and consequently is therefore safer. Well, that is if it even works.
Some people say piracetam works really well but loses effect and never returns, some say it takes 2 or 3 weeks of continuous headaches before it magically kicks in (could you bare that two or three weeks???). Well, I saw a guy post on here one time about piracetam and fish pills. His name was isochroma. He claimed that taking dozens of grams- up to 50 grams of fish pills, allowed him to use massive attack doses of piracetam at levels far beyond anything anyone else had acheived. Well, most would find this pretty hard to take seriously, but I have some prior experience with taking astronomical doses of fish pills. I can vouch that there is some seriously profound medical anomalies occurring with the giant does of fish pills.
My experience with fish pills is that in order to control my severe IBS/fibromyalgia like symptoms I must take roughly on average 10 grams daily. When I was not taking this, my life was a living hell. I began doing this last fall because of the ever increasing body wide pain I was experiencing. No doctor told me to do this. I found out by accident that these large doses prevented inflammation.
It was later that I also realized that the more I took, the more I could abuse caffeine. Well, I found myself in a bind with an important engineering research project, which 5 people's grade depended on my work. As usual, I could not ever think. My experience is to be in a state of anxiety and disorientation with a compulsive urge to procrastinate till the very last minute. To do this paper, which was nearly 12,000 words. I ended up taking 50 GRAMS of fish pills and about 1000 mg caffeine. I wrote for about 18 hours straight. I have done this sense several times with other papers. I can relate the mental feeling as those described by the people who have very very good responses with piracetam, though piracetam does not work for me.
You see, this caffeine, essentially destroys your body. It is utter hell. The fish pills protect it- in the most simple terms.
I have heard people say that non responders to piracetam are "missing some kind of an important nutrient in the body" or "some sort of underlying physical state needed". I believe, that like any other heavy nootropic stimulant, the neuroendocrine system and CNS must be in a healthy state to optimally benefit from Piracetam. People who describe their selves as having "bad nerves" most likely could have issues with piracetam. I believe that if the body is at it's optimum, than piracetam is going to work for most.
I have been doing intense research for about 8 weeks. It has led me to believe there is little or no such thing as "ADD", not literally. ADD is real, it exists, it is unbearable, but it is not a disease in of itself. It is a side effect of more serious illnesses, of which CAN but not necessarily involve genetic polymorphisms, family histories of substance abuse/alcoholism/bi-polar/depression, emotional trauma, brain damage caused by the ridiculously toxic American diet loaded with artificial sweeteners/MSG/solvents/pesticides/arsenic in the chicken meat/etc..., food allergies such as dairy and gluten are notorious for causing ADD, chronic syndromes such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue disorder, Fibromayalgia, psychological stress and constant panic/fear/fight&flight - burnout
Is your brain like Jello? Maybe it is because:
Your body has hyperalgesia - Your Endogeneous Analgesic System, the CNS mediated system containing your opioid receptors for your endorphins is greatly underfunctioning- Symptoms: Excessive pain, fatigue, dysphoria, lack of motivation- pretty much the opposite of the effects of PEA or exercise (runner's high) Sound familiar?
Your Adrenal Medulla, the part of the adrenals responsible for catacholamines has severely atrophied, which affects cognitive and affective function considerably.
Other stereotypical and often mentioned concerns- Hypothyroidism, Depression, Insomnia
I could go on, but the point is pretty clear to me. Not all ADD and cognitive related dysfunction is related to neurological disorders and endocrinological disorders, but a massive amount are. Your diet could be causing you chronic low grade inflammation, and I suspect this down regulates the bodies ability to use endorphins. I have seen in my family, members who suffered injuries (fell off three story scaffold), and as the pain progressed over a decade, their personality completely changed because of the never ending physical pain.
Well, what does omega 3 do?! It is a massive bomb of cholesterol and EPA/DHA with astronomically powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is to your neuroendocrinological system as what the 1 up power bonus mushroom that players leap their Mario onto when playing the SNES (sorry to get old school lol). It is no wonder that this guy was able to essentially abuse a combination of fish pills and piracetam.
I would go farther to extend that you could use fish pills to greatly abuse any stimulant. I could deffinately see adderall crash's being greatly attenuated by the use of a neuroprotectant such as magnolia bark or ashwagandha (which might possibly even prevent adderall from working) and large doses of fish pills.
BUT BUT- I wont to make it clear, fish pills are not a solution to chronic health problems, nootropics are not either, and combining the two - well?! You see where this is going.
A healthy CNS would probably prevent the need for things like adderall and deprenyl in the first place. I have to wonder what has devastated my own CNS and others. Fish pills block PGE2 prostaglandin receptors during inflammatory reactions. There are many other inflammatory cytokines and pathways in the body, as well as path ways. I would like to see nootropics that could regenerate the CNS, not bandaid it. More importantly, it would be nice to see more discussion on ways to help increase the body's endorphin function in a safe way with nootropics-because I believe this process is part of the "creative/inspired" aspect of nootropics (Consider reading in depth how substances such as Phenylethylamine and opiates work: - they actually stimulate dopamine AND serotonin function WHILE increasing endorphins). Think about it- How is dysphoria a helpful state to be in when trying to do intellectually challenging work? Personally, I believe that adderall doesn't even work for the advertised reason. I believe it works more because of the associated changes in endorphin, seroton, and epinephrine function, not dopamine function.
If you think you may be relying on or seeking the use of nootropics because of what you suspect to be inflammation after reading this post, like me, you should probably ask yourself this? How do I completely get rid of this inflammation and CNS stress or damage first?
Doing otherwise seems like trying to sweep dirt under the rug.