I'm not trying to use "miracle language" here, but I was wondering if you would be able to help me understand. I have had cold sores for many years. My wife as well (got them from me) but after a few months on Product B they went away. I could always feel them under the surface of my lips. Also, hard callous heels became soft, and I'm a beach volleyball player. Also my callous hands got smoother. I haven't had my eyes checked, but I can drive without my contacts in now. My friend Emily reported to me the other day that her eye doctor told her that her eyesight has improved. Other people have reported this.
I'm really just interested in finding out why my cold sores went away (it's a form of herpies, as you probably know) and why my allergies were not horrific this past season.
The normal behavior of cold sores is that they clear up on their own. They return when you're under some form of stress, like a fever/cold or psychological duress. If you actually had active herpetic lesions for years, that would be really unusual, and indicative of immunosuppression.
Callouses get softer on their own as the dead skin wears away.
Earlier you said that your vision had improved 30%. I was wondering how you measured that, particularly if you've not had your eyes checked. Are you saying that previously you couldn't drive without your contacts, and now you can, or did you not actually run that experiment?
In cases like this where you are trying to evaluate a 'miracle substance', placebo effects are extremely likely. That's why a double blind placebo controlled trial is the standard of medical science. The only thing here that doesn't sound like a placebo effect is your friend's report that her eye doctor told her her vision had improved. I would want to know a little more than that, though; what was her prescription before and after using PB? Would her eye doctor be willing to confirm that?
I've assumed (yes, I know, there's no room for assuming here) by experiencing what I normally could do, or not do without my contacts in. No, before I couldn't drive without them in, everything was blurry. It's still a little blurry, but sometimes I forget to put them in (even when I'm playing some Call of Duty, hee hee) but become aware when my eyes start to hurt a little. I find myself squinting a little with my contacts in. I need to have them tested for data to show people, however, we know our bodies well enough to know of changes. The thing that causes me to want to give credit to Product B is that all these things started happening after consuming Product B. I've noticed other things but for the sake of people like Anthony I'll try to avoid sounding off on "hype".