As you were typing this my father in law and I were wondering if it would better if Isagenix just made available many different versions of Product B. If someone, for example, decided their life wasn't happy enough to want to live past 150 they could take a lesser version.
Please don't use this forum to spread ridiculous fantasies that incidentally line your pocket. Product B is NOT going to allow anyone to live to 150. Even IF it kept telomeres at their optimal length, it wouldn't do that. There are a number of other reasons why we age. Is Product B going to eliminate extracellular glycoxidation? Does it remove lipofuscin? Does it reboot the immune system? Does it undo systemic amyloidosis? It's bad enough when you guys make unsupported claims that it activates telomerase a little bit, but when you start telling people they will live to 150, or that their grey hair will return to its youthful color or that they will grow hair on their bald heads, you are deep in SCAM territory.
In light of one of my favorite Christmas movie, and very applicable to the above quote, "He's an angry elf!"
You are absolutely right, in a VERY negative way

Not about the "scam territory claim", but in regards to aging having multi-factors. Bill Andrews and Isagenix are telling people that Product B is not a "stand alone product". Cleansing, proper nutrition, and many other health preventative methods all play into longevity. I have no doubt that a person CAN reach 150 (my personal opinion, not spouting out scammish false doctrine) if they follow all the right steps. I watched a video with a man that is 110 years old, looks like he is 80 and walking without a cane.
I never "claimed" that anyone would live to 150 years old just by taking product b. I used the word "if" they wanted to, which encompasses quite a bit. "If" I wanted to become (what would I have to be willing to do in order to become) the world's greatest ultimate fighter, learning how to punch alone will not get me there. "If" I
really want it, I'll do so much more to get there.
Nice try though