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Product B - Telomerase Activation

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#421 Product-B-User

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 06:37 PM

Two outside labs have now confirmed the telomerase activity of product B Anthony. On January 11, Isagenix held a conference call open to the public where they anounced that the results have been independently confirmed in 2 independent studies. Bill Andrews was on the call and did a lot of the speaking. You can find recordings on the web. Of course, this all remains completely unpublished to date, just like your study.

They also announced that they have now found natural compounds that test at 6% of HeLa and that these will be available in the 3rd generation of product B, which will be released in the future.

It doesn't surprise me that Sierra Sciences sought outside independent confirmation of the telomerase activity; they did that with their previous synthethic activators as well. That's their standard operating procedure.

This is why I've been asking you about your plans for peer review and publication.

I found the recorded call, FINALLY! John Anderson mentioned that one of the lebs that did the Independent study is very prestigious, so I'm assuming that would be Maria Blasco of Spain's Cancer Research Center: http://superiorclean...anuary-11-2012/
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#422 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 05:44 PM

Product-B-User... are you spencer? as in Spenceriacono?

Link looks spammy to me because you are pointing to a blog with sales links rather than just the voice file.

John Anderson mentioned that one of the lebs that did the Independent study is very prestigious, so I'm assuming that would be Maria Blasco of Spain's Cancer Research Center

Your quote above shows that the intent is spam, as there is only your assumption of what is said... so the voice recording provides no meaningful use at all, except as a reason to spam the forum with your website to try and sell a product.

Come on now.

Besides forcing people to give you their credit card, social security AND birthday when signing up for an Isagenix product... is not something most people will go for.


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 09 February 2012 - 05:53 PM.

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#423 Getm

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 06:09 PM

Anyone heard about 3rd generation being sold already ? AFAIK it is.

#424 Louis

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 09:27 PM

Anyone heard about 3rd generation being sold already ? AFAIK it is.

The labels on my most recent bottles are exactly the same as the first bottles I bought in September, including the serial numbers and so forth.
I see no indication of any changes yet.

#425 jamesagreen

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 05:15 PM

See http://greenray.ange...fexnotes11.html for The Product B Explorer,
which examines various components of Product B.

#426 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 05 March 2012 - 09:32 PM

See http://greenray.ange...fexnotes11.html for The Product B Explorer,
which examines various components of Product B.


I wish each ingredient had an estimated dose range based on the studies, so people can see what is really needed for some of the effects. Adding 1mg of most of the ingredients will simply do nothing that is mentioned in your explorer.

I don't want folks thinking they may benefit in the ways you have listed, as there are no quantities in the proprietary formulation to assure of any benefits whatsoever.

I guess what I am saying is... that we don't want to misinform people, do we?

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#427 McQueen

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 03:17 PM

See http://greenray.ange...fexnotes11.html for The Product B Explorer,
which examines various components of Product B.


I wish each ingredient had an estimated dose range based on the studies, so people can see what is really needed for some of the effects. Adding 1mg of most of the ingredients will simply do nothing that is mentioned in your explorer.

I don't want folks thinking they may benefit in the ways you have listed, as there are no quantities in the proprietary formulation to assure of any benefits whatsoever.

I guess what I am saying is... that we don't want to misinform people, do we?


Anthony, everything you have ever posted is biased misinformation. I don't know if Product B works or not but I don't want to hear your propaganda anymore. You don't like the the product because you don't sell it? Then go try and sell your wares somewhere else instead of dogging this forum with your attempts at spin control.

#428 AdamI

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 03:27 PM

Everything an Ever? You seem very narrowminded using such words, everything is black or white right?
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#429 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 05:05 PM


the fact is that :

1- The ingredients aren't listed on the bottle with amounts. Because It's a proprietary formulation. For all we know, the ingredients are all in micrograms and will not provide any benefits that James Green has listed. Heck I was slammed in this forum back when we made Astral Fruit-NF when we did the same thing. I am not sure you defended us back then either.

2- Mr. James Green provides and enormous amount of information (and I really thank him for that, he did an awesome job), but unfortunately he does not provide the amounts (either plasma concentrations or amounts used) on his list so an educated person can roughly calculate his intake, should he want to... instead of buying, product B (and not knowing what, or how much he is taking)

3- Since we will never know the amounts used in Product B, we can only really cut to the main item that folks would take it for, and that is telomerase activation. Everything else, really is unnecessary and wholly provided for marketing because it can't be measured or really tested for (maybe pure molecules like resveratrol, but that's about it).

Don't get upset, as a skeptic regarding this product... I have to ask the hard questions.


#430 jamesagreen

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 05:24 PM

For my complete remarks on Product B, see
http://greenray.ange...5.html#PRODUCTB and
http://greenray.ange...fexnotes11.html , the Product B explorer.
I also recommend my entries on exercise-induced telomerase activators
and medicinal boosters for them at http://greenray.ange...5.html#EXERCISE
and my entry on endogenous telomerase activators at
http://greenray.ange...ERASEACTIVATORS .
Of course, a complete analysis of Product B including dosages of components is not
available. We may learn something, however, by studying its various components.

#431 hav

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 07:51 PM

I already take a number of those ingredients. Typically at dosages ranging from 100 mg to 500 mg. Which is probably on the low end of typical usage by most folks. Problem I see is that the Product B label lists 29 ingredients in its proprietary blend with a 2 capsule serving size which totals 1,070 mg. For an average of 37 mg per ingredient. Suggesting I'd really need from 6 to 14 capsules per serving to hit typical dosages for any of the ingredients. Just doesn't seem practical or cost effective to me. Unless somehow less is more.

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#432 BodywiseNina

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 10:52 AM

james, your links to your product be analysis no longer work...have you moved them somewhere else?


#433 mrkosh1

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:05 AM

I hope that Isagenix starts selling a product with a more potent telomerase inducer. They need to use the one Sierra Sciences found that has a score of 6.

#434 Elaine-

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 09:17 PM

i spent all night last night staying up and reading this forum about the results people are getting with TA-65 and crackaging and stuff, and i found this thread on Product B and read all 15 pages looking for the same kind of info on how it affected people, and if anybody dared SAY ANYTHING, they were attacked for being lying MLM scum.... now it says there is studies at the end, and some phone call, but how do i find it, and how do i find out if Product B does the same as TA-65 if nobody is allowed to SAY SO??? i'm very tired and disappointed, does anybody have a link to that phone call about the January studies?

And Anthony, why did you suddenly do an about face and decide you wanted to sell Product B? because you said you couldn't endorse it because your studies showed it did NOTHING

I'm tired, confused and so disappointed that I can't just get someone to say how great Product B is and that yes it will help me look younger and stop my joint pain....

to me, all that anybody is willing to say is that it made their eyesight a little better and they can now run a bit faster... this kind of stuff doesn't matter to me, is that all telomere lengthening does? make super healthy people a little bit healthier? because i just want to be able to get out of my CHAIR, and walk across the room without huge pain... am i barking up the wrong tree?

Edited by Elaine-, 24 August 2012 - 09:40 PM.

#435 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 10:34 PM

Why is it that you cannot walk?

Maybe there is something that specific medicine can help with.


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#436 Elaine-

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 11:05 PM

oh i have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, and no, there's no help anywhere for that, i try to control it a bit by diet....

#437 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 12:01 AM

I know folks who have taken resveratrol for that, and have told me it really helped a lot.

I would have talk to your doctor to see if its something ok to consider.

If he says its ok, try 500mg or 500mg for every 50llbs of body weight for 30 to 60 days, i hear it could make a big difference.


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Edited by Anthony_Loera, 25 August 2012 - 12:04 AM.

#438 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 12:13 AM

ok, thanks so much, and does this resveratrol lengthen telomeres too? where do i get it? i'm canadian, doctors just say no to everything

#439 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 12:31 AM

Im sorry to hear your doctor will likely say no to resveratrol.

If that happens, then i suggest following doctors orders, and avoid all supplements that contain resveratrol.

I wish i could do more, but your doctor really knows more about your health and situation than anyone on this board.

If you feel you need a second opinion, that could be a good option as well.


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Edited by Anthony_Loera, 25 August 2012 - 12:34 AM.

#440 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 12:33 AM

no no, you don't understand canada lol if i ask for a pain killer my doctor says no.... i wouldn't ask him about ANYTHING, he doesn't know more than you, i gaurantee it

#441 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 02:52 AM

doctors in canada will give you stuff that will screw you up and keep you as a patient, but stuff that HELPS? they just say no...

anyway, i found Natural Factors super strength 500 mg bottle of 60 caps for $30 at Finlandia... shall i order a few of those? or do you have a better source? Anthony?

also i think i will order Product B, as I talked to the TA-65 people and they couldn't tell me that TA-65 would help me either, so with all this run around, i might as well order the cheaper of the two and support Bill's research

even if Product B only helps me sleep better, it will be worth it...

thanks for talking to me Anthony, what an exercise in futility all this research has been lol


#442 Hebbeh

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 03:11 AM

doctors in canada will give you stuff that will screw you up and keep you as a patient, but stuff that HELPS? they just say no...

anyway, i found Natural Factors super strength 500 mg bottle of 60 caps for $30 at Finlandia... shall i order a few of those? or do you have a better source? Anthony?

also i think i will order Product B, as I talked to the TA-65 people and they couldn't tell me that TA-65 would help me either, so with all this run around, i might as well order the cheaper of the two and support Bill's research

even if Product B only helps me sleep better, it will be worth it...

thanks for talking to me Anthony, what an exercise in futility all this research has been lol



Personally, I doubt a telomerase activator will be of much help for you. I'd also recommend resveratrol....or you may want to research C60...


Edited by Hebbeh, 25 August 2012 - 03:18 AM.

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#443 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 03:51 AM

ok, i ordered from revgenetics, the resveratrol... thanks for that...

and now i am, all tired lol, going to read that thread about C60

why don't you think telomerase activators will help me? i watched that video lol i've got EVERYTHING that shortens telomeres, tons of traumas, childhood abuse, stress... oh you get the idea

i already ordered some product B, if it doesn't do anything, at least I helped fund Bill a bit :) i'll just consider it a donation to the cause, if it doesn't do anything for me

cheers and thanks for your input


#444 Product-B-User

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 04:08 AM

Elaine, I just sent you a personal message with a conference call on Product B.

#445 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 04:27 AM

thanks so much pb, i messaged you back :)

#446 Nic Henstridge

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 06:05 AM

oh i have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, and no, there's no help anywhere for that, i try to control it a bit by diet....

You need vitamin D, minimum of 10,000 IUs a day for 3 months then have your blood levels tested.
When your levels are at an optimal level take 5000IUs a day for the rest of your life.


#447 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 12:25 PM

thanks so much Nic, i just started taking Vit D, on an intuition.. thanks for the guidance :)

#448 Turnbuckle

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 01:10 PM

ok, i ordered from revgenetics, the resveratrol... thanks for that...

If you have joint pain, the last thing you'd want to fool around with is resveratrol.

Google: resveratrol "joint pain"

#449 Elaine-

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 01:38 PM

oh my dog!!!! turnbuckle, thanks for that, i will try and cancel my order... now i'm mad

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#450 Turnbuckle

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 01:59 PM

oh my dog!!!! turnbuckle, thanks for that, i will try and cancel my order... now i'm mad

You might also look carefully at all of the supplements and drugs you are taking, as one or more of them might be the cause of your problem. Statins, for instance, can cause horrible side effects, including joint and muscle pain.

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