Thanks for the questions, guys. A good starting point and it gives me a chance to address many of the questions and statements I've seen here. So this first answer will be long but hopefully interesting to you all.
First, let me be clear that I do not speak for Isagenix, Sierra Sciences, or Dr. Andrews. But I have been with the project and followed it closely. I've been on many conference calls with Dr. Andrews and our leadership, and I've worked with the Isagenix Compliance Dept on a TV News story about Product B™ and was quoted in that story. I will tell you what I know. And for full disclosure, it's no secret that I am a distributor for Isagenix and I want to see as many people as possible using our nutritional systems with Product B™. The results are greater than anything I've ever seen or experienced.
Adaml and Andey both asked about the ingredients. I'll give you the current list of ingredients but first some explanation is needed. This will cover a lot of the questions I've seen on this forum.
Product B™ was formulated by one of the top Master Formulators in the world, John Anderson. John build a billion dollar nutritional supplement contract manufacturing business in the 80's and 90's. Before the Internet gave us connectivity with peoples all around the planet, John traveled to places and cultures with high levels of health and longevity to explore their unique foods and lifestyles. He discovered and began importing valuable nutritional substances and learned very private processing methods. John co-founded Isagenix in 2002 in order to bring his premium formulations to the marketplace to create real, state-of-the art results for people.
John met Dr. Bill Andrews in 2010. As most of you know, Dr. Andrews discovered human telomerase in 1997 and he has developed and patented technologies that allowed him to identify and quantify substances that activated telomerase in human cells. No one else is able to do what Dr. Andrews can do. But he kept hitting a dead end. He tested over 300,000 chemicals to find an effective telomerase activator. It took him years. After all his efforts, he was able to find just over 300 chemicals that had some level of activity, he calls those "hits", but they were all too toxic to be used in the living body. The most powerful of these too-toxic-to-use chemicals became his control sample. And he began to look more seriously for a natural botanical solution. That is how he met John Anderson.
I refer to it as a match made in Heaven. Dr. Andrews knew what to look for and how to identify and quantify "hits". John knew where to look and, through his proprientary methods, how to optimize activity.
The first hits came quickly and an early formulation of Product B™ was made available to a limited group of people. Results were great, although that first version was still pretty weak. John built a new dream lab in Arizona for Product B™ development and he and Dr. Andrews are continually testing substances and continually improving the formula. In August 2011, a stronger version was released to the marketplace. And over the last year, the formula has been made many times stronger as new "hits" are discovered. We released Version 3 this past August 2012.
Many people ask how Product B™ compares to TA-65 and other products that claim to activate telomerase. The bandwagon is getting pretty full! Dr. Andrews has stated that his early attempt at a consumer product in 2005, TA-65, is a weak telomerase activator; he called it a weak telomerase inducer. He has tested others and my last information is that there is one other product that gives a "hit". But both of those products give a small percentage of the activity of his control sample; remember that is too-toxic-to-use chemical that gave the greatest "hit" during his years of testing before meeting John Anderson. The big news in August was that the new 3rd generation Product B™ surpasses the activity of that control sample. Dr. Andrews was ecstatic at that news, by the way. He thought it would be years before John was able to formulate a product to surpass the control.
One last point that you guys have been discussing. Dr. Andrews business relationship is with John Anderson, not Isagenix, and Dr. Andrews technology is exclusive to John as far as nutritional supplements is concerned. For these reasons and many more, Product B™ is considered by the top experts who know the details to be at least 10 years ahead of the competition. It is obviously a very exciting time for us, and when the clinical studies are published next year and we are able to openly discuss lab results, it's a whole new ball game in the field of health and wellness!
Now, to finally answer the ingredients question

Here is the current list of ingredients. As I mentioned, it is being updated batch to batch as new, better "hits' are discovered. Isagenix doesn't mind spending money to continually improve their products. But this is where it is right now.