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Product B - Telomerase Activation

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#241 Product-B-User

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:28 AM

I'm not trying to use "miracle language" here, but I was wondering if you would be able to help me understand. I have had cold sores for many years. My wife as well (got them from me) but after a few months on Product B they went away. I could always feel them under the surface of my lips. Also, hard callous heels became soft, and I'm a beach volleyball player. Also my callous hands got smoother. I haven't had my eyes checked, but I can drive without my contacts in now. My friend Emily reported to me the other day that her eye doctor told her that her eyesight has improved. Other people have reported this.

I'm really just interested in finding out why my cold sores went away (it's a form of herpies, as you probably know) and why my allergies were not horrific this past season.

The normal behavior of cold sores is that they clear up on their own. They return when you're under some form of stress, like a fever/cold or psychological duress. If you actually had active herpetic lesions for years, that would be really unusual, and indicative of immunosuppression.

Callouses get softer on their own as the dead skin wears away.

Earlier you said that your vision had improved 30%. I was wondering how you measured that, particularly if you've not had your eyes checked. Are you saying that previously you couldn't drive without your contacts, and now you can, or did you not actually run that experiment?

In cases like this where you are trying to evaluate a 'miracle substance', placebo effects are extremely likely. That's why a double blind placebo controlled trial is the standard of medical science. The only thing here that doesn't sound like a placebo effect is your friend's report that her eye doctor told her her vision had improved. I would want to know a little more than that, though; what was her prescription before and after using PB? Would her eye doctor be willing to confirm that?

I've assumed (yes, I know, there's no room for assuming here) by experiencing what I normally could do, or not do without my contacts in. No, before I couldn't drive without them in, everything was blurry. It's still a little blurry, but sometimes I forget to put them in (even when I'm playing some Call of Duty, hee hee) but become aware when my eyes start to hurt a little. I find myself squinting a little with my contacts in. I need to have them tested for data to show people, however, we know our bodies well enough to know of changes. The thing that causes me to want to give credit to Product B is that all these things started happening after consuming Product B. I've noticed other things but for the sake of people like Anthony I'll try to avoid sounding off on "hype".

#242 Product-B-User

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:29 AM

Niner, here is a recent conference call with Bill and John Anderson that took place since the launch of Product B in August:
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#243 Louis

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:43 AM

>> 2 weeks after starting Product B his hairstylist mentioned to him that his hair was coming in darker at the shaft. I visited him and he showed me. However, I didn't inspect his hair before he started, so I assumed he was telling me the truth. He's not in the money, just using the product. I don't think he'd mind if I put you in contact with him. I am posting his before pic and you can see his hair is white. Keep it saved on your computer and I'll send the after pic as soon as I get it.

Two weeks is way too fast for a weak telomerase activator to regenerate a significant number of melanocytes to start producing melanin in the follicle again. But catalase levels can be significantly boosted in just a few days. This must also be catalase at work.

Can you explain to me how Catalase works? His hair is also turning brown (he says blond, but it looks brown to me. I'm not trying to use "miracle language" here, but I was wondering if you would be able to help me understand. I have had cold sores for many years. My wife as well (got them from me) but after a few months on Product B they went away. I could always feel them under the surface of my lips. Also, hard callous heels became soft, and I'm a beach volleyball player. Also my callous hands got smoother. I haven't had my eyes checked, but I can drive without my contacts in now. My friend Emily reported to me the other day that her eye doctor told her that her eyesight has improved. Other people have reported this.

I'm really just interested in finding out why my cold sores went away (it's a form of herpies, as you probably know) and why my allergies were not horrific this past season.

Catalase is a powerful naturally produced antioxidant enzyme. It turns hydrogen peroxide into harmless water and oxygen, and thereby protects the pigment generating cells in your hair from peroxide-induced damage.

I've also seen a significant softening of callous's on the palms of my hands/feet. This has been very noticable.

I suspect that your cold sores are disapppearing because the combination of silymarin, turmeric, ashwagandha, bacopa, and green tea, also significantly boosts gluathione levels, again via activation of Nrf2.
Glutathione has significant activity against the Herpes virus:

This all seemingly has very little to do with telomerase.

#244 Product-B-User

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 07:48 AM


In regards to your comments about hair color: Can you specifically ask your friend if he found a hair that was dark towards the shaft but gray towards the top?

This is an important question, because it gets at the heart of what might be the mechanism of action. Were the gray hairs falling out and not being replaced? Or were they falling out and being replaced by dark hairs? Or was there a color change from gray to dark while the hair was still growing (a hair dark at the shaft, but gray at the end)?

I have seen a very minor decrease in the number of gray hairs in my beard. Not nearly enough to be noticable in a photo. But I have never found a hair dark at the shaft and gray at the top. It appears a number of the gray hairs have just fallen out -- I can't tell if they've been replaced or not.

This was his reply: "The whole hair has changed from gray to light brown. On top of my head. The sides are still grey but it seams to be slowly overtaking it."

He just sent me this photo, and some others but they didn't come through. I asked him to send again. I'll post the before pic again as you can see that his hair was almost white:

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#245 Louis

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 08:05 AM

Thanks for the photos...

Can you comment on the dose he's taking? Is it 4caps/day or is he taking more?

Can you also tell us any other supplements/drugs that he may be taking along with the product B?

Other drugs/supplements may be affecting the metabolism of product B via a detoxification pathway in the liver call the cytochrome P450 system. By pure chance, he may be taking another drug/supplement that significantly inhibits the same P450 pathway that the liver uses to excrete a key ingredient in product B. This could mean that he's getting a much higher effective dose. It would be helpful to know what else he might be taking in conjunction.

#246 Louis

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 08:34 AM

Seeing the degree of recoloration, I'm beginning to suspect that your friend may have had an underlying thyroid problem that's now resolved. Has he ever had his thyroid checked? Hair will turn gray when the thyroid is not producing enough hormone (hypothyroidism). When the underlying thyroid problem is resolved, the hair will often recolor -- sometimes quite dramatically.

It's possible that one or more of the botanicals in product B or in this cleanse product may have helped to resolve an underlying hypothyroidism. Did he have any other symptoms of hypothyroidism?

#247 Louis

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 08:43 AM

Significant fat accumulation around the abdomen is also a symptom of hypothyroidism BTW. So is high blood sugar. Hypothyroidism is often misdiagnosed as diabetes. Does he feel cold all time? Are his eyebrows missing at the ends?

#248 hav

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 05:58 PM

There's nothing special in product B. Just small amounts of the standard herbal extracts that many of us has been using for years. In fact I use almost all of the extracts in much larger doses and have for very long time for potential health benefits. But nothing spectacular.

By that logic, TA-65 is simply astragalus extract "that many of us have been using for years".
That's all the law requires TA-Sciences to list on the label.

My comments pertain to US law only.

Got to agree with you both on most counts. None of the ingredients in Product B look special to me. Like many others here, I'm already taking most of them. TA-65 is also widely known to be a special but not uncommon Astragalus extract. I understand that EU law on supplements is quite a bit more restrictive than US law.

I find some aspects of US law regarding supplement labeling somewhat of a disappointment. Although it requires revealing ingredients, it doesn't seem to require specifying amounts or purities. Near as I can tell, the only reason is so manufacturers can treat it as a trade secret. Unless someone goes to the trouble and expense of sending the product to lab for analysis. I personally think the concept of vendor trade secret rights are crazy in this setting because dosage is important, particularly if there might be any type of interaction. And there is a right to patent a formulation. Which would reveal the proportions. But if its obvious and not novel, I can't think of any social benefit in protecting a supplement from competition, and certainly not outweighing the public's right to know more precisely what they are taking. Not to mention the public interest in being able to more intelligently select among competing products.


#249 hav

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 06:53 PM

I've already stated that I am an Isagenix Executive (Independent), why do you think I have something to hide? I had the privilege of using Product B 2 months before it launched. I AM NOT LYING about anything, and I do not care if you don't trust me. Try asking me some questions...

I must have somehow overlooked your first post. I'm just curious why, if you had nothing to hide, you chose to name yourself "Product-B User" instead of vendor, marketer, or Executive? Were you a group-study subject who later became a business affiliate? Or did the business affiliation come before you became a Product B user? I assume you get the product now as a benefit. If your business affiliation were to cease and you had to pay for Product-B, would you buy it and continue to use it? Also, what's your age-group? Have you sought independent medical advice (not the company doctor) regarding telomerase activation for persons in your age-group?


#250 hav

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 09:54 PM

'm really just interested in finding out why my cold sores went away ...

I've had a similar experience and searched pubmed studies a while back on supplements I've been taking. Cross referencing with the Product B ingredient list, I found numerous studies confirming an anti-herpes effect for Resveratrol and Quercetin. But I found many more for Reishi, Jiagulan, and Rhodiola which are not in Product B... you might want to consider some of these in addition to Product B. Fwiw, Ginseng, Chebula, Tumeric, and Hawthorne have also have a few studies but no where near as many as the others.

I've also experienced an improvement in eyesight in the past year taking many of the things in Product B and TA65 (but not those brand products). I don't know what the percentage improvement is but I gathered it was one click on the machine after 6 months followed by another roughly 6 months later. I still have the glasses I wore six months ago and kept them because the lenses are not transitions like my newer ones. But whenever I put them on now (usually if I'm being photographed or videoed) the difference now seems dramatic. I'm not sure what caused it but I chalked it up to the Astragalus extracts and Chebula and perhaps the Gotu Kola I also take. I also cycle weekly with Resveratrol and related supplements like Luteolin, Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark, and Silymarin, which have some commonality with Product B ingredients. I also take the AREDS vitamin formula as well as Vimortal which both have known eye maintenance ingredients (because my dad has MD). My Optometrist, by the way, said the changes in my prescription were not unusual in his experience. He also mentioned that my retinal exam showed an improvement in my blood pressure. That change may have as much (or maybe more) to do with stepping up my morning workouts, dieting, and adjustments to my blood pressure medication by my doctor as opposed to supplements I'm taking.

My hair, however, was still getting steadily more gray. But I've found a totally different miracle cure for that. Which makes me wonder. Any chance of Grecian formula 16 lengthening the telomeres in my scalp? Maybe I can add some epitalon, up the number to 17, and unleash the MLM's.


#251 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 12:23 AM

Significant fat accumulation around the abdomen is also a symptom of hypothyroidism BTW. So is high blood sugar. Hypothyroidism is often misdiagnosed as diabetes. Does he feel cold all time? Are his eyebrows missing at the ends?

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

#252 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 12:52 AM

I've already stated that I am an Isagenix Executive (Independent), why do you think I have something to hide? I had the privilege of using Product B 2 months before it launched. I AM NOT LYING about anything, and I do not care if you don't trust me. Try asking me some questions...

I must have somehow overlooked your first post. I'm just curious why, if you had nothing to hide, you chose to name yourself "Product-B User" instead of vendor, marketer, or Executive? Were you a group-study subject who later became a business affiliate? Or did the business affiliation come before you became a Product B user? I assume you get the product now as a benefit. If your business affiliation were to cease and you had to pay for Product-B, would you buy it and continue to use it? Also, what's your age-group? Have you sought independent medical advice (not the company doctor) regarding telomerase activation for persons in your age-group?


I didn't care to take much time figuring a name. The forum was about Product B so I thought I'd introduce myself as a PB user also, since it was available. I starting using the Isagenix products almost 6 years ago for weight loss. My sister kept pushing on us because we were trying just about every way to lose weight and improve out health. Because I had MLM phobia, I refused to have anything to do with it, however I kept sharing my results with others and eventually started coaching people through their cleanse, etc, etc..... I don't get Product B for free. I pay the same as everyone else. I would totally still use Product B as well as the other products I've been on for years. I used them for years without being a business associate. I watched the products change a lot of people's lives and felt it wasn't such a bad thing to be involved in. I have sought independent medical advice, but all most of these doctors can tell me is what role, at the most, Telomeres play on aging (not even health!) but most haven't even heard of Telomerase.

I'm in communication with Bill Andrews and am just waiting for info as it comes from the best sources. I think the best thing they could have done is got Maria Blasco involved in the clinical testing. I'm anxious to see what it brings. Personally, I believe Sierra Sciences is a very credible source, but it doesn't hurt to have it "out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses".

By the way, I'm 34 years old.

#253 niner

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:21 AM

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

Probably from better nutrition. I don't think anyone has ever shown improved glucose control from "cleansing". Better nutrition would certainly do it though. There are only 11 papers in Pubmed from a search on "colon cleanse". All of them relate to preparation for colonoscopy or radiology, with the exception of one about toxic megacolon. I think it's safe to say that modern medical science doesn't recognize any value in "cleansing" for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, or any of the other things that Isagenix is promoting. Am I completely missing the point here?

#254 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:21 AM

'm really just interested in finding out why my cold sores went away ...

I've had a similar experience and searched pubmed studies a while back on supplements I've been taking. Cross referencing with the Product B ingredient list, I found numerous studies confirming an anti-herpes effect for Resveratrol and Quercetin. But I found many more for Reishi, Jiagulan, and Rhodiola which are not in Product B... you might want to consider some of these in addition to Product B. Fwiw, Ginseng, Chebula, Tumeric, and Hawthorne have also have a few studies but no where near as many as the others.

I've also experienced an improvement in eyesight in the past year taking many of the things in Product B and TA65 (but not those brand products). I don't know what the percentage improvement is but I gathered it was one click on the machine after 6 months followed by another roughly 6 months later. I still have the glasses I wore six months ago and kept them because the lenses are not transitions like my newer ones. But whenever I put them on now (usually if I'm being photographed or videoed) the difference now seems dramatic. I'm not sure what caused it but I chalked it up to the Astragalus extracts and Chebula and perhaps the Gotu Kola I also take. I also cycle weekly with Resveratrol and related supplements like Luteolin, Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark, and Silymarin, which have some commonality with Product B ingredients. I also take the AREDS vitamin formula as well as Vimortal which both have known eye maintenance ingredients (because my dad has MD). My Optometrist, by the way, said the changes in my prescription were not unusual in his experience. He also mentioned that my retinal exam showed an improvement in my blood pressure. That change may have as much (or maybe more) to do with stepping up my morning workouts, dieting, and adjustments to my blood pressure medication by my doctor as opposed to supplements I'm taking.

My hair, however, was still getting steadily more gray. But I've found a totally different miracle cure for that. Which makes me wonder. Any chance of Grecian formula 16 lengthening the telomeres in my scalp? Maybe I can add some epitalon, up the number to 17, and unleash the MLM's.


That's fantastic! I take most of what you mentioned above (tumeric is one of the ingredients in the Cleanse For Life). Please keep my posted. Here are some other ingredients I take:

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#255 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:36 AM

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

Probably from better nutrition. I don't think anyone has ever shown improved glucose control from "cleansing". Better nutrition would certainly do it though. There are only 11 papers in Pubmed from a search on "colon cleanse". All of them relate to preparation for colonoscopy or radiology, with the exception of one about toxic megacolon. I think it's safe to say that modern medical science doesn't recognize any value in "cleansing" for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, or any of the other things that Isagenix is promoting. Am I completely missing the point here?

You are missing the point. Many doctors DO recognize cleansing, but generally doctors are part of the "sickness" industry, The liver is a the bodies natural purifier, however our bodies are bombarded with toxicity from our modern environment. Burdock Root is one of the ingredients as it supports the liver. The cleanse removes toxins from the whole body (not just colon), at a cellular level, by upregulating detoxifcation enzymes and supporting the liver.

Jim Rhodes taught nutrition at Harvard and he created this video of bloodwork results after cleansing with John Anderson's Cleanse For Life.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19057537?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/19057537">Isa GAME On - Isagenix - and your blood</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user485243">Adam Mathews</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

#256 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:39 AM

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

Probably from better nutrition. I don't think anyone has ever shown improved glucose control from "cleansing". Better nutrition would certainly do it though. There are only 11 papers in Pubmed from a search on "colon cleanse". All of them relate to preparation for colonoscopy or radiology, with the exception of one about toxic megacolon. I think it's safe to say that modern medical science doesn't recognize any value in "cleansing" for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, or any of the other things that Isagenix is promoting. Am I completely missing the point here?

You are missing the point. Many doctors DO recognize cleansing, but generally doctors are part of the "sickness" industry, The liver is a the bodies natural purifier, however our bodies are bombarded with toxicity from our modern environment. Burdock Root is one of the ingredients as it supports the liver. The cleanse removes toxins from the whole body (not just colon), at a cellular level, by upregulating detoxifcation enzymes and supporting the liver.

Jim Rhodes taught nutrition at Harvard and he created this video of bloodwork results after cleansing with John Anderson's Cleanse For Life.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19057537?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/19057537">Isa GAME On - Isagenix - and your blood</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user485243">Adam Mathews</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

I don't know why this video won't embed.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19057537?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/19057537">Isa GAME On - Isagenix - and your blood</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user485243">Adam Mathews</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

#257 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:40 AM

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

Probably from better nutrition. I don't think anyone has ever shown improved glucose control from "cleansing". Better nutrition would certainly do it though. There are only 11 papers in Pubmed from a search on "colon cleanse". All of them relate to preparation for colonoscopy or radiology, with the exception of one about toxic megacolon. I think it's safe to say that modern medical science doesn't recognize any value in "cleansing" for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, or any of the other things that Isagenix is promoting. Am I completely missing the point here?

You are missing the point. Many doctors DO recognize cleansing, but generally doctors are part of the "sickness" industry, The liver is a the bodies natural purifier, however our bodies are bombarded with toxicity from our modern environment. Burdock Root is one of the ingredients as it supports the liver. The cleanse removes toxins from the whole body (not just colon), at a cellular level, by upregulating detoxifcation enzymes and supporting the liver.

Jim Rhodes taught nutrition at Harvard and he created this video of bloodwork results after cleansing with John Anderson's Cleanse For Life.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19057537?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/19057537">Isa GAME On - Isagenix - and your blood</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user485243">Adam Mathews</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

I don't know why this video won't embed.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19057537?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/19057537">Isa GAME On - Isagenix - and your blood</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user485243">Adam Mathews</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Well alrighty then, let's try this. Just go to the web page at Vemeo and watch it:

View on Vimeo.

#258 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:45 AM

Did anyone catch this video on the Today Show a few days ago? http://today.msnbc.m...y/#.TvPJPdWwVfM

#259 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:46 AM

<object width="420" height="245" id="msnbc10850a" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" /><param name="FlashVars" value="launch=45651848&amp;width=420&amp;height=245" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed name="msnbc10850a" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" width="420" height="245" FlashVars="launch=45651848&amp;width=420&amp;height=245" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object><p style="font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 420px;">Visit msnbc.com for <a style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;" href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com">breaking news</a>, <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032507" style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;">world news</a>, and <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032072" style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;">news about the economy</a></p>

#260 Louis

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:48 AM

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

Probably from better nutrition. I don't think anyone has ever shown improved glucose control from "cleansing". Better nutrition would certainly do it though. There are only 11 papers in Pubmed from a search on "colon cleanse". All of them relate to preparation for colonoscopy or radiology, with the exception of one about toxic megacolon. I think it's safe to say that modern medical science doesn't recognize any value in "cleansing" for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, or any of the other things that Isagenix is promoting. Am I completely missing the point here?

Once the thyroid normalizes and starts producing enough hormones again, blood sugar will also normalize.

The only thing that can cause hair to recolor that quickly and dramatically is correction of an underlying hypothyroidism.
Catalase won't do it that fast. Nor will telomerase.

Correcting the hypothyroidism also explains the improvement in blood sugar.
I bet he's also lost weight and doesn't feel cold as often either (all classic consequences of correcting hypothyroidism).

So the question in my mind is no longer: How did product B (or the cleanse product) recolor his hair? That answer seems clear to me.
The interesting question is now: How did product B (or the cleanse product) correct hypothyroidism?

#261 niner

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 02:00 AM

Louis, he does have Thyroid problems, but I'm not sure if it is "hypo". I asked him and am waiting for a response. His blood sugar levels have improved, most likely from cleansing and better nutrition.

Probably from better nutrition. I don't think anyone has ever shown improved glucose control from "cleansing". Better nutrition would certainly do it though. There are only 11 papers in Pubmed from a search on "colon cleanse". All of them relate to preparation for colonoscopy or radiology, with the exception of one about toxic megacolon. I think it's safe to say that modern medical science doesn't recognize any value in "cleansing" for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, or any of the other things that Isagenix is promoting. Am I completely missing the point here?

You are missing the point. Many doctors DO recognize cleansing, but generally doctors are part of the "sickness" industry, The liver is a the bodies natural purifier, however our bodies are bombarded with toxicity from our modern environment. Burdock Root is one of the ingredients as it supports the liver. The cleanse removes toxins from the whole body (not just colon), at a cellular level, by upregulating detoxifcation enzymes and supporting the liver.

Jim Rhodes taught nutrition at Harvard and he created this video of bloodwork results after cleansing with John Anderson's Cleanse For Life.

Most of the terms you are using don't mean anything. "Cleanse" doesn't mean anything. "Support" is undefined, and "toxins" is pretty vague. The only thing here that makes any sense is that something in the so-called "cleanse" upregulates detoxification enzymes. Has that actually been shown to be the case, or is that just made up? Generally speaking, detoxification enzymes are upregulated by their substrates. In other words, they are upregulated by "toxins". Is there any evidence whatsoever that these substances cause "toxins" to be mobilized? Is there any evidence that people typically carry a large burden of "toxins" in their bodies? Is there any evidence that mobilizing these purported toxins is beneficial for human health? I'm looking for properly documented evidence, not "this guy took our product and he says his grey hair got darker". An example of properly documented evidence would be a paper published in a peer reviewed journal, but I'd consider unpublished work if it was of good quality.

(The video doesn't work; I don't think it should be in a code box.)

#262 Louis

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:44 AM

Separate discussions on "cleansing products" are off topic in this thread.

This thread is focussed on Product B specifically, e.g. its ingredients, methods of action, telomerase activity, people's results, etc.

Move the cleansing stuff into a separate thread please. It's creating a lot of clutter here.

#263 sunshinefrost

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 07:26 AM

Euhhhh yes ... please "focus" on product B. No more cleansing product info... Please. If you bring in cleansing, now that's when i'll think you are pushing for isagenix. C'mon !!

#264 Louis

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:04 PM

Very encouraging news from today's Sierra Sciences newsletter! It sounds like a stronger version of Product B may be in the works.

This is the first time I've heard them officially use the word "fractionate" in describing the process that they're using in screening natural compunds - indicating that they are in fact beginnig to focus on individual molecules in the whole botanicals.

Back at the lab, we continue fractionating and assaying natural products to discover their telomerase-inducing properties, and seeking the funding we need to kick our pharmaceutical efforts into high gear. Product B is bringing us enough revenue to continue to improve and refine Product B, and that’s great news for everyone. But I can’t wait until the day I can take some of these chemicals we’ve discovered that induce telomerase at levels never before seen and start turning them into real therapeutics that can turn back the clock of aging in ways that might seem hard to imagine.

#265 Louis

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:06 PM

Newsletter can be found here. They also discuss the brand new availability of LifeLength testing in the US!

#266 zorba990

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:51 PM

Ionic Alfalfa? Is that a misprint?

'm really just interested in finding out why my cold sores went away ...

I've had a similar experience and searched pubmed studies a while back on supplements I've been taking. Cross referencing with the Product B ingredient list, I found numerous studies confirming an anti-herpes effect for Resveratrol and Quercetin. But I found many more for Reishi, Jiagulan, and Rhodiola which are not in Product B... you might want to consider some of these in addition to Product B. Fwiw, Ginseng, Chebula, Tumeric, and Hawthorne have also have a few studies but no where near as many as the others.

I've also experienced an improvement in eyesight in the past year taking many of the things in Product B and TA65 (but not those brand products). I don't know what the percentage improvement is but I gathered it was one click on the machine after 6 months followed by another roughly 6 months later. I still have the glasses I wore six months ago and kept them because the lenses are not transitions like my newer ones. But whenever I put them on now (usually if I'm being photographed or videoed) the difference now seems dramatic. I'm not sure what caused it but I chalked it up to the Astragalus extracts and Chebula and perhaps the Gotu Kola I also take. I also cycle weekly with Resveratrol and related supplements like Luteolin, Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark, and Silymarin, which have some commonality with Product B ingredients. I also take the AREDS vitamin formula as well as Vimortal which both have known eye maintenance ingredients (because my dad has MD). My Optometrist, by the way, said the changes in my prescription were not unusual in his experience. He also mentioned that my retinal exam showed an improvement in my blood pressure. That change may have as much (or maybe more) to do with stepping up my morning workouts, dieting, and adjustments to my blood pressure medication by my doctor as opposed to supplements I'm taking.

My hair, however, was still getting steadily more gray. But I've found a totally different miracle cure for that. Which makes me wonder. Any chance of Grecian formula 16 lengthening the telomeres in my scalp? Maybe I can add some epitalon, up the number to 17, and unleash the MLM's.


That's fantastic! I take most of what you mentioned above (tumeric is one of the ingredients in the Cleanse For Life). Please keep my posted. Here are some other ingredients I take:

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#267 Hebbeh

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:58 PM

What this tells me is that the product hasn't been developed yet but they are marketing and selling a pretend product strictly to raise revenue with the hopes of developing the real thing some day...if that exists....a big if.
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#268 Louis

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 07:42 PM

What this tells me is that the product hasn't been developed yet but they are marketing and selling a pretend product strictly to raise revenue with the hopes of developing the real thing some day...if that exists....a big if.

In many ways, it's better that the research proceeds slowly like this. If a strong non-botanical based activator were available now, I certainly would NOT take it. Many prominent researchers still believe that globally activating telomerase will SIGNIFICANTLY increase the risk for developing cancer. For example, Michael West, the former CEO of Geron and the current CEO of BioTime, still strongly believes this to be the case. Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider also believe it as well. So does DePinho. Because the research on telomerase is still so extremely early stage, it's much safer to consume only botanical based products with a long history of safe use. Right now, you'd have to be a fool to experiment with other compounds that have, as Michael West has put it, "no precedent in human nutrition". You'd be gambling with your life.

Edited by Louis, 23 December 2011 - 07:57 PM.

#269 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 08:01 PM

What this tells me is that the product hasn't been developed yet but they are marketing and selling a pretend product strictly to raise revenue with the hopes of developing the real thing some day...if that exists....a big if.

Bill Andrews has said that Product B is an evolving product. As far as the main goal (reverse aging), it's a matter of time before we get there. However, wouldn't you at least want to slow down aging, or stop it altogether, while you are working on reversing it? Product B is what it is, does what it does, and will continue to become more effective at doing what it does.

Why would you want Dr. Andrews to wait until Product B was at its ideal strength to give us access to it?

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#270 Product-B-User

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 08:02 PM

Very encouraging news from today's Sierra Sciences newsletter! It sounds like a stronger version of Product B may be in the works.

This is the first time I've heard them officially use the word "fractionate" in describing the process that they're using in screening natural compunds - indicating that they are in fact beginnig to focus on individual molecules in the whole botanicals.

Back at the lab, we continue fractionating and assaying natural products to discover their telomerase-inducing properties, and seeking the funding we need to kick our pharmaceutical efforts into high gear. Product B is bringing us enough revenue to continue to improve and refine Product B, and that’s great news for everyone. But I can’t wait until the day I can take some of these chemicals we’ve discovered that induce telomerase at levels never before seen and start turning them into real therapeutics that can turn back the clock of aging in ways that might seem hard to imagine.

VERY good news! Did this come to you via the Newsletter? I guess I better go sign up...I see you've put the link below.

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