Another possible reason for suggesting an abstinence period may be to mitigate the development of tolerance, or other cumulative effects, possibly analogous to Manic's experience. This is not necessarily cause for alarm; nor is it at all uncommon for racetams. Most folks suggest avoidance for two weeks per month, or two days per week, on average.
I find that, for me, it's most convenient to abstain from taking Aniracetam for two days per week, and occasionally longer when I experience symptoms of negative cumulative effects, such as possible tolerance onset. Otherwise, I take 1500 mg twice per day, and this seems to work pretty well, for me.
The descriptions of Noopept experiences are very encouraging, to me especially, because I suffer from mild social anxiety. The price is also better than my Aniracetam regimen, and so that's a plus.
I only wish that I had read this prior to my recent Aniracetam purchase.
One thing I'm particularly interested in, is the effect (or lack of) this racetam analogue has on empathy, and interpersonal relationships. I find that the other racetams make be kinda cold, and uninterested in situations bearing emotional stress. This can be possitive for getting work done, especially logical work, but has a negative effect on relationships. I find that I'm even more quiet and have less sense of humor than normal in social situations.
Therefore, any comparisons between Noopept and the other ractem analogues, in this respect, would be greatly appreciated.
Edited by Sephula, 06 October 2011 - 11:18 AM.