After an extended break, I'm having great results with the 'classic' CILTEP stack (i.e., artichoke for PDE inhibition). As well, I'm again finding that fasting for a few hours after dosing seems to be one of the most important factors governing how I respond.
Chung_pao - if I recall, you go to school in a quantitative/technical field, yeah? Have you noticed much of a difference for how CILTEP affects your reasoning abilities versus modafinil? It's been too long since I've taken the former before a math test, but the latter seems to hurt my reasoning skills insofar as I become to 'linear' and mechanical in my thought processes and have considerable difficulty coming up with a novel or insightful solution. For example - solving an integral in calculus that depends on an arcane method to compute is a complete shitshow if I've had >100mg moda, but doing computations that I've done many times in the past is a breeze. Cautiously looking forward to seeing what happens the next time I take a test on CILTEP...
Fasting really helps to preserve cAMP (proven). I also have a layman hypothesis about "more blood" being available for mental activity when it's not directed towards the digestive system. (not proven)
Ketones also have very interesting nootropic properties; experimentation with coconut oil and ALCAR has validated this lately.
I don't work in a quantative field, but I study a lot, and I enjoy calculations.
I think I understand what you're saying about the thought processes. The creative process has really fascinated me lately.
I've realized how complex this actually is; it's not about single neurotransmitters, like amping up dopamine, but more about excitation in parts of the brain not previously activated simultaneously, resulting in new insights... I'm not going to even try to understand what constitutes it. I can only study Cause-and-effect and offer my observations.
I don't think Modafinil directly antagonizes these thought processes and make you mechanical in your thinking. It has that effect on me sometimes, but only after continued use. My brain sort of gets "worn down" and tired. Maybe it has with myelin-breakdown to do, or downregulation... Because good fats (coconut oil, eggs), DHEA and a nap always restores me, as if it rebuilds the catabolized parts.
(DHEA I only use on Modafinil, since Moda completely wrecks my endogenous hormone-production...)
Anyhow, the following has produced the best effects for me: (consider it one stack)
By best effects, I also refer to the creative aspect; spontaneous recollection of relevant facts, even ones you didn't even know you had memorized...
*Forskolin: Keep the dose LOW. Anything above your minimal effective dose will completely shut down the creative/imaginative parts of the brain.
*500 mg Artichoke extract, 1x Zembrin. (zembrin offers very interesting mechanisms which artichoke doesn't, involving GABA, serotonin, other PDE-subtypes and... opioid receptors?!)
*No tyrosine/phenylalanine. (taking this quells my creativity and inner dialogue)
Dietary: I do Intermittent fasting (+ ALCAR) until I start feeling depleted. When I do, it's refuelling with veggies, coconut oil and eggs.
*Piracetam: Produces short bursts of very interesting (
exciting!) mental activity. Don't know if it's the AMPA-potentiation, but recollection of relevant facts definitely improves, almost to a ridiculous degree: Both in my inner and outer dialogue... It becomes
extremely fluent, and I'm completely bombarded with memorized facts that are retrieved through the present memory cues. It's short lived however, and only happens during fasting...
I never use Piracetam after eating anything containing choline... The increased choline uptake often causes ACh-overload symptoms for me.
*Modafinil: This is a wildcard. Most of the times, it gives me incredible cognitive skills on most levels (even mathematical and creative), but the impressive effects wear off after a few hours, and I start just feeling depleted. Bad risk:benefit-ratio.
IMO, stick to CILTEP (preferably including zembrin), Fasting, and attack doses of ALCAR (500-1000 mg) + Piracetam (max 4.8g), and some caffeine (preferably tea). This will definitely spark your creativity and facilitate recollection of any stored information you have and utilize a lot of your creative potential.
Piracetam never has any side-effects for me (aside from almost giving me Tourette's in social situations), so I'd definitely recommend using it with CILTEP. Keep the choline low, however... or use ALCAR instead.
I think it's the positive modulation of both glutamate (Piracetam) receptors and dopamine metabolism (CILTEP) that synergizes and makes both INPUT and Recollection so effortless. But that's just a guess.
If anyone has any ideas to contribute on the subject of increasing Creativity; stimulating never-thought-of insights and ideas, as opposed to just memorization, please do.
I apologize if this question has already been asked. Why are we aiming for a selective PDE inhibitor? Particularly PDE4 (obviously). Why not use a potent nonselective PDEI like Trental over a weak PDE4 inhibitor like Artichoke, etc?
We have combined available studies with
a lot(!) of trial-and-error. The application of Zembrin or Artichoke extract has reliably produced the best nootropic effects. (taking into account potency, duration, minimizing side-effects and results from actual quantitative testing)
If you decide to try Trental however, please report your observations!
Edited by chung_pao, 11 July 2013 - 02:53 AM.