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Chemically induced LTP?

ciltep pde4 forskolin ltp

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#91 gizmobrain

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 11:22 PM

It seems that the people who are having good results are taking dopamine activating supplements or drugs. This would make sense as the cAMP/CREB cascade is triggered by dopamine receptor activation(http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/21057772).

Me: L-Phenylalanine (Amino acid building block of Dopamine)
ZRBarnes: Adderall
Health Nutty: Looking at your stack (http://www.longecity...-on-perfection/) Ginko is the only dopamine increasing element (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20411379) I see besides Caffeine. Methylene Blue does all kinds of funky stuff but it's supposedly not dopamine increasing.

Anyway, I know we're getting kind of complicated here but I am going to revise the CILTEP stack a bit.
One Herbal PDE4 inhibitor

  • Artichoke Extract or
  • Activated Quercetin
One cAMP increaser
  • Forskolin
Optionally, a dopamine increasing supplement:
  • L-Pheynylalanine (Don't confuse it with DL-Phenylalanine)
  • Caffeine (helps but may not be enough by itself)
  • Ginko

I very much agree with this. I have a feeling that any of the classical stimulants (including ephedrine, psuedoephedrine, DMAA, yohimbine, etc) would work here, and I wonder if some of the other dopamine increasers would work (Mucuna pruriens, l-tyrosine, etc).

However, I wonder about how much norepinepherine plays into this.

That reminds me, I have a couple D-amphetamines left from a long time ago. They didn't work as well for motivation as Adderall did, which I attributed to the l-amp salt in Adderall preferring NE. If I replace the Adderall with a small dose of the d-amp, which mostly only effects dopamine, it should give me an idea of how much the motivating effects of the CILTEP stack rely on dopamine, and how much on the norepinepherine. I'll report back tomorrow.

Today's experimental stack caused a bit of overstimulation and lightheadedness for about an hour after I first took it, but I took it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

I woke up, took 1 artichoke, 1 quercetin, 1 celery seed, 1 rosemary, 10mg of forskolin, 5mg of Adderall, and 50mg of caffeine.

I ate a couple hours later, and I felt a lot better. After lunch, I took some echinacea, goldenseal root, and berberine, and drank a cup of the Runa Guayusa tea.

I feel pretty awesome right now. Very focused, motivated, great mood, clear headed, and not irritable when I'm around people. I don't feel superhuman, but I do feel like I'm "at my best". In the end, that is all I am trying to achieve.

Edited by zrbarnes, 15 May 2012 - 11:47 PM.

#92 kevinseven11

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 11:26 PM

I would add Uridine as a dopamine increasing supplement.
Why does marijuana decrease cAMP levels? St Johns Wort has been shown to activate CREB, perhaps add to the list?

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#93 abelard lindsay

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Posted 16 May 2012 - 12:29 AM

I would add Catuaba as a dopamine increasing supplement (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/15991001)


It's pretty strong, a bit like Rhodiola. I've been taking that one off and on for years.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 16 May 2012 - 12:36 AM.

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#94 khemix

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Posted 16 May 2012 - 02:05 AM

It's not that caffeine makes me feel bad, it's just that it gives me brainfog, it makes me feel more stressed but not in a bad way, it feels like a pressure to get things done unfortunately it brain fogs me though. Do you think magnesium would have any synergism with the combo?

Magnesium, especially Magnesium threonate (MgT), works on a different pathway. It is a NMDA anatoginst. NMDA receptors are associated with short term memory. When they are blocked by an antagonist, the brain produces more to compensate. More NMDA receptors = better short term memory. Also, NMDA anatagonism is kind of pleasant but doesn't make one feel smarter while it's on-going. It's the neurogenisis caused by the body's reaction to the NMDA anatagonism that makes for the nootropic effect.

The perfect nootropics is a stack that stimulates all facets of intelligence so MgT can be used to take care of the short term side and CILTEP to take care of the long term side which the short term side feeds into. There might be something odd with your brain though. It sounds like you've got some other underlying problems that you should focus on getting fixed. Have you been to an endocrinologist to get your levels checked?

sorry, but can you provide a source that confirms antagonizing NMDA leads to improved short term memory? from a conceptual point of view this doesn't make any sense... your brain would only upregulate to return to unimpeded levels. and once you went off the antagonist your gains would be lost to down regulation. using something like memantine in an alzheimers patient makes sense because you want to reduce the excess glutamate activity which is frying brain cells. in a normal patient however, i can only see a loss in learning potential and memory.

by this logic, one should use antipsychotics to upregulate dopamine receptors and improve brain function.

Edited by khemix, 16 May 2012 - 02:08 AM.

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#95 abelard lindsay

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Posted 16 May 2012 - 04:42 AM

sorry, but can you provide a source that confirms antagonizing NMDA leads to improved short term memory? from a conceptual point of view this doesn't make any sense... your brain would only upregulate to return to unimpeded levels. and once you went off the antagonist your gains would be lost to down regulation. using something like memantine in an alzheimers patient makes sense because you want to reduce the excess glutamate activity which is frying brain cells. in a normal patient however, i can only see a loss in learning potential and memory.

by this logic, one should use antipsychotics to upregulate dopamine receptors and improve brain function.

This is not some kooky theory I came up with. It's what the authors of the original MgT study theorize is the mechanism of action.


The question of whether all this would be beneficial in humans is a good one. The authors propose (and confirm by several analyses) that increased synaptic plasticity and activity is due to upregulation of NMDA receptors (via homeostatic response to Mg NMDAR channel blockage, and leading to higher NMDA current during burst activity). Higher brain Mg increased the ratio of phosphorylated CamKII and CREB (but not their total expression), as well as the ratio of NR2B to NR2A/NR1 subunits (these have a positive effect on short- and long-term potentiation, and plasticity). Downstream of this, BDNF was increased by 36% (BDNF is regulated by level of CREB activation). Tests also found increased levels of synaptophysin and synaptobrevin, indicating increased density of presynaptic boutons, and an increase in the number of functional presynaptic release sites. (As Lufega said, this paper is a great read...they really followed the question through pretty deeply)

You can argue on that thread that the authors of the study have the wrong hypothesis if you'd like. Let's not turn this thread into another MgT thread. There are already plenty.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 16 May 2012 - 04:44 AM.

#96 gizmobrain

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Posted 16 May 2012 - 04:51 AM

Magnesium L-Threonate is interesting. When I take a full dose, it hits me about 30 minutes later. It's a relaxing sensation, except for that initial panic of "what the heck just happened... oh yeah, I took some stuff a little while ago". I usually take it in the evening after I'm done stimulating my brain, along with some P5P.

I wish it wasn't so expensive. I rarely take it because it costs about a $1 a day. Add that on top of some of the other stuff I'm trialing, and it gets pretty pricey just to have a functioning brain.

Edited by zrbarnes, 16 May 2012 - 04:55 AM.

#97 owtsgmi

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Posted 16 May 2012 - 03:19 PM

I would add Uridine as a dopamine increasing supplement.
Why does marijuana decrease cAMP levels? St Johns Wort has been shown to activate CREB, perhaps add to the list?

I was thinking the same thing about a potential synergy with uridine. Uridine is not an overt dopamine enhancer - more of a modulater/balancer. Seems it could plug in well to the CILTEP stack. Any personal experiences?

Edited by owtsgmi, 16 May 2012 - 03:21 PM.

#98 abelard lindsay

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 03:28 AM

I would add Uridine as a dopamine increasing supplement.
Why does marijuana decrease cAMP levels? St Johns Wort has been shown to activate CREB, perhaps add to the list?

I was thinking the same thing about a potential synergy with uridine. Uridine is not an overt dopamine enhancer - more of a modulater/balancer. Seems it could plug in well to the CILTEP stack. Any personal experiences?

I added uridine to my stack at the end of last week. It was too strong for my taste. It felt like a serotonin effect, IMHO. Perhaps it was synergistic with CILTEP? I'm not going to continue taking it.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 17 May 2012 - 03:33 AM.

#99 health_nutty

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 03:46 AM

Health Nutty: Looking at your stack (http://www.longecity...-on-perfection/) Ginko is the only dopamine increasing element (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20411379) I see besides Caffeine. Methylene Blue does all kinds of funky stuff but it's supposedly not dopamine increasing.

Anyway, I know we're getting kind of complicated here but I am going to revise the CILTEP stack a bit.
One Herbal PDE4 inhibitor

  • Artichoke Extract or
  • Activated Quercetin
One cAMP increaser
  • Forskolin
Optionally, a dopamine increasing supplement:
  • L-Pheynylalanine (Don't confuse it with DL-Phenylalanine)
  • Caffeine (helps but may not be enough by itself)
  • Ginko

Interesting. I'm getting decent but not stellar results with CILTEP. Mabye I need a stronger dopamine increasing supplement? I'm going to try adding L-Phenylalanine or L-Tyrosine and report back.

#100 magta39

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 04:08 PM

For those who find tyrosine or phenylalanine too stimulating, perhaps theanine?
Effect of theanine, r-glutamylethylamide, on brain monoamines and striatal dopamine release in conscious rats.

Yokogoshi H, Kobayashi M, Mochizuki M, Terashima T.


School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of Shizuoka, Yada, Shizuoka, Japan. yokogosi@fns1.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp


Theanine, r-glutamylethylamide, is one of the major components of amino acids in Japanese green tea. Effect of theanine on brain amino acids and monoamines, and the striatal release of dopamine (DA) was investigated. Determination of amino acids in the brain after the intragastric administration of theanine showed that theanine was incorporated into brain through blood-brain barrier via leucine-preferring transport system. The concentrations of norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5HIAA) in the brain regions were unaffected by the theanine administration except in striatum. Theanine administration caused significant increases in serotonin and/or DA concentrations in the brain, especially in striatum, hypothalamus and hippocampus. Direct administration of theanine into brain striatum by microinjection caused a significant increase of DA release in a dose-dependent manner. Microdialysis of brain with calcium-free Ringer buffer attenuated the theanine-induced DA release. Pretreatment with the Ringer buffer containing an antagonist of non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) glutamate receptor, MK-801, for 1 hr did not change the significant increase of DA release induced by theanine. However, in the case of pretreatment with AP-5, (+/-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid; antagonist of NMDA glutamate receptor, the theanine-induced DA release from striatum was significantly inhibited. These results suggest that theanine might affect the metabolism and/or the release of some neurotransmitters in the brain, such as DA.
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#101 health_nutty

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 08:28 PM

Tyrosine and Quercetin purchased. I'll give my feedback over the next couple of days.

#102 health_nutty

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 11:15 PM

Tyrosine never did anything when I tried it before. I tried 500mg of tyrosine with this stack and I'm feeling energized and a bit manic.

#103 gizmobrain

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 01:56 AM

Tyrosine never did anything when I tried it before. I tried 500mg of tyrosine with this stack and I'm feeling energized and a bit manic.

This is essentially how I feel about most stimulants, caffeine included. Almost all of the effects were in the periphery, never mentally. Now, just about anything related to the dopamine system works, and works very well.

5mg of d-amphetamine + CILTEP worked very well today for focus and motivation, with great mood. When I take it without the CILTEP stack, it really only gives me extreme tunnel vision and irritability @ 20mg, and @ 5mg it does next to nothing.

L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine used to nothing for me either, so I will definitely have to revisit those, since I am hoping to move away from prescription stimulants. In fact, I have a whole list of things that I'm going to have to re-evaluate!

I am really curious about the mechanism of action of why this works so well. I suppose until we convince someone to inject a bunch of rats and then cut their heads off, we will only be able to guess. It's just a little scary, because this stack makes me a functioning person, so I do plan to take it long term.

Once I get out of the guinea pig phase, I'll probably lower the doses as far as possible, just in case, unless we get some good lab studies that point to long term effects.

Edited by zrbarnes, 18 May 2012 - 02:02 AM.

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#104 abelard lindsay

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 03:11 AM

I am really curious about the mechanism of action of why this works so well. I suppose until we convince someone to inject a bunch of rats and then cut their heads off, we will only be able to guess. It's just a little scary, because this stack makes me a functioning person, so I do plan to take it long term.

If you go back and read the research I posted, you'll see that dopamine has many effects in the brain and cAMP/CREB triggered LTP is just one particularly interesting one that this stack is tweaking to be more sensitive. The theory I have is that normally it would take a lot of dopamine to trigger the same effect, but any mechanism of stimulating that much dopamine would lead to all kinds of negative side effects, especially in the long run. So now, when taking a relatively small amount of Phenylalanine or Tyrosine, I can stimulate this pathway without the excessive dopamine side effects it would normally take to trigger this pathway, especially over time as the body downregulates receptors to adjust to the increased dopamine influx.

One thing I really like to do when taking this stack is watch Khan Academy videos at double speed. I watch them for literally hours. I swear I get everything and it's thoroughly entertaining the whole way through. I can remember them fairly well the next day, in fact if I go over them in my head a bit the following day, and the memories solidify. It's also much easier to pay attention to what people are saying in social situations and bust out with extremely long complicated explanations of technical details without even a stutter.

Anecdotally, the effects from the Quercetin last for at least 24 hours and peak about 12 hours in. It has a very long half life or it generates a lot of PDE inhibition and thus a lot of cAMP which may have a long half life. Artichoke is much more mellow and seems to have a shorter half life. There are definitely some negative effects when I take too much of this stack. They pass after a few hours and I can usually avoid them by lowering the dosage. I do not re-dose later in the day as the effects build for quite a long time, especially the Quercetin.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 18 May 2012 - 03:24 AM.

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#105 health_nutty

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 03:42 AM

Albert, can you post your full stack?

Edited by health_nutty, 18 May 2012 - 03:43 AM.

#106 Gamerzneed

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 06:10 AM

I am really curious about the mechanism of action of why this works so well. I suppose until we convince someone to inject a bunch of rats and then cut their heads off, we will only be able to guess. It's just a little scary, because this stack makes me a functioning person, so I do plan to take it long term.

If you go back and read the research I posted, you'll see that dopamine has many effects in the brain and cAMP/CREB triggered LTP is just one particularly interesting one that this stack is tweaking to be more sensitive. The theory I have is that normally it would take a lot of dopamine to trigger the same effect, but any mechanism of stimulating that much dopamine would lead to all kinds of negative side effects, especially in the long run. So now, when taking a relatively small amount of Phenylalanine or Tyrosine, I can stimulate this pathway without the excessive dopamine side effects it would normally take to trigger this pathway, especially over time as the body downregulates receptors to adjust to the increased dopamine influx.

One thing I really like to do when taking this stack is watch Khan Academy videos at double speed. I watch them for literally hours. I swear I get everything and it's thoroughly entertaining the whole way through. I can remember them fairly well the next day, in fact if I go over them in my head a bit the following day, and the memories solidify. It's also much easier to pay attention to what people are saying in social situations and bust out with extremely long complicated explanations of technical details without even a stutter.

Anecdotally, the effects from the Quercetin last for at least 24 hours and peak about 12 hours in. It has a very long half life or it generates a lot of PDE inhibition and thus a lot of cAMP which may have a long half life. Artichoke is much more mellow and seems to have a shorter half life. There are definitely some negative effects when I take too much of this stack. They pass after a few hours and I can usually avoid them by lowering the dosage. I do not re-dose later in the day as the effects build for quite a long time, especially the Quercetin.

do you think if I didn't get any results with artichoke + forskolin, Quercetin would make any kind of difference?
I wish I had that kind of reaction to this stack.

Edited by Gamerzneed, 18 May 2012 - 06:13 AM.

#107 abelard lindsay

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 06:25 AM

do you think if I didn't get any results with artichoke + forskolin, Quercetin would make any kind of difference?
I wish I had that kind of reaction to this stack.

For starting out, artichoke is better, IMHO, as the effects last for a shorter length of time than quercetin. If you don't like how you feel on the stack you'll have to wait a lot longer for the effects to clear with Quercetin.

Have you tried adding L-Phenylalanine to your stack? This might be the missing ingredient. Health Nutty said that the stack was just decent until he added a dopamine pre-cursor (Tyrosine). L-Phenylalanine is a much more conservative choice for starting out, as it's the basic amino acid from food that the brain uses to make dopamine so the body is well adapted as far as controlling and regulating the metabolism of it. It's the dopamine source I use in my stack and it seems to work fine. It's also fairly inexpensive.

#108 health_nutty

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 03:37 PM

do you think if I didn't get any results with artichoke + forskolin, Quercetin would make any kind of difference?
I wish I had that kind of reaction to this stack.

For starting out, artichoke is better, IMHO, as the effects last for a shorter length of time than quercetin. If you don't like how you feel on the stack you'll have to wait a lot longer for the effects to clear with Quercetin.

Have you tried adding L-Phenylalanine to your stack? This might be the missing ingredient. Health Nutty said that the stack was just decent until he added a dopamine pre-cursor (Tyrosine). L-Phenylalanine is a much more conservative choice for starting out, as it's the basic amino acid from food that the brain uses to make dopamine so the body is well adapted as far as controlling and regulating the metabolism of it. It's the dopamine source I use in my stack and it seems to work fine. It's also fairly inexpensive.

Can you give any more info on tyrosine vs phenylalanine? From what I've read phenylalanine gets broken down in to tyrosine which then gets converted to dopamine. Also tyrosine is supposed to have less impact on blood pressure.

#109 Gamerzneed

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 10:52 PM

sorry for the really short and vague responses I give, but I just can't seem to think of anything else to write lol. My main goal for this stack is to be able to comprehend and learn better and articulate ideas as well since I always have trouble with that.

#110 medievil

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 12:27 AM

What about nefiracetam to increase cAMP? Its other interesting actions should make it highly interesting in this stack.

#111 Gamerzneed

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 02:05 AM

Hmmm, Just tried 500mg of tyrosine by itself and didn't do anything but increase pressure in center of my head and frontal lobe, it also made me a little sleepy and was a little bit harder to concentrate. 1/2 an hour later I took 2 artichoke pills and about 25mg forskolin and I had no results with that either. This is really weird why I don't react to many things/nootropics, I am currently 1 week into LDN if it makes any difference and am experiencing a little bit of energy increase but also unrefreshing sleep, but then again I've had unrefreshing sleep for years. Could this sleep issue have anything to do with my reaction with the CILTEP stack?

#112 abelard lindsay

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 04:27 AM

Can you give any more info on tyrosine vs phenylalanine? From what I've read phenylalanine gets broken down in to tyrosine which then gets converted to dopamine. Also tyrosine is supposed to have less impact on blood pressure.

This has been discussed in many threads. One of the main differences is L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid meaning it can't be synthesized by the body and must be supplied in the diet. L-Tyrosine isn't. I'm not saying that Tyrosine doesn't have an effect, just that in my experience it's been a bit unpredictable and generally not something I could take on a regular basis while L-phenylalanine was much more tolerable over the long term.

What about nefiracetam to increase cAMP? Its other interesting actions should make it highly interesting in this stack.

Every couple of months somebody on this forum takes Nefiracetam and then they stop after they have a bad experience with it. Most people don't even start because of the dog testicles study. http://www.longecity...48-nefiracetam/. There is however a study that ties Nefiracetams to PKA/cAMP/CREB http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/12598418, it might work, but I would not recommend it. I can already get to the point with this stack where it stops being fun and actually gets a bit annoying with Quercetin so I don't need anything more exotic and don't feel like pressing my luck :).

Hmmm, Just tried 500mg of tyrosine by itself and didn't do anything but increase pressure in center of my head and frontal lobe, it also made me a little sleepy and was a little bit harder to concentrate. 1/2 an hour later I took 2 artichoke pills and about 25mg forskolin and I had no results with that either. This is really weird why I don't react to many things/nootropics, I am currently 1 week into LDN if it makes any difference and am experiencing a little bit of energy increase but also unrefreshing sleep, but then again I've had unrefreshing sleep for years. Could this sleep issue have anything to do with my reaction with the CILTEP stack?

I really don't know what's wrong with your brain. Sounds like something that's been going on for quite sometime and you're probably not going to fix with the CILTEP stack, especially if you haven't had any luck with any other nootropic combos. You might want to start a separate thread about your brain issues and describe them in detail.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 19 May 2012 - 04:31 AM.

#113 medievil

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 06:53 AM

I only had a splendid experience with nefi; i havent read about bad experiences either just ppl that are worried about the testicle issue wich i will monitor if i use it long term (test levels; it will lower test ifthat apply's to humans) the apathy study's are comforting.

#114 medievil

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 08:17 AM

Pycnogenol if im correct is a dri and upregulates dopamine so it may be the ideal add on.

#115 medievil

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 09:51 AM

"In vitro, increased cGMP levels inhibit cAMP breakdown by phosphodiesterase"

Didnt really research this; but it may give viagra some utility too.

#116 abelard lindsay

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 06:24 PM

Pycnogenol if im correct is a dri and upregulates dopamine so it may be the ideal add on.

From what I can find (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20657266) it looks like pycnogenol is an anti-oxidant that has positive effects on dopamine metabolism. I've been taking this for a while as it does help me concentrate better on work.

"In vitro, increased cGMP levels inhibit cAMP breakdown by phosphodiesterase"

Didnt really research this; but it may give viagra some utility too.

Viagra is a PDE5 inhibitor. cAMP is responsible for many things around the body. The different classes of PDE enzymes that break it down are located in different amounts in different parts of different organs though. So Viagra increases cAMP in different places in the body than a PDE4 inhibitor would. cAMP being responsible for erections where PDE5 is present, inhibiting the PDE5 with Viagra allows cAMP to build up more easily. There is also some research saying that Viagra (sildenafil) improves cognition (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/21856317) in some models of Alzheimers disease.

BTW, since all of you are asking, here are a list of supplements that interact with dopamine that I have used over the years and ones that I have specifically avoided:

Catuaba - Interesting Brazillian herb. Affects Dopamine. (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/19815648)
L-Phenylalanine - Essential amino acid . Nice and predictable for long term use (http://en.wikipedia....L-phenylalanine)
L-Tyrosine - Non-essential amino acid, can sometimes be unpredictable (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrosine)
Pycnogenol - Good anti-ADHD dopamine affecting brain anti-oxidant (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20657266)
Gingko - Increases Dopamine. (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20105177)
Caffeine - The old standby
Guarana - Similar to Caffeine (http://www.ncbi.nlm....d?term=20845263)

I specifically avoided
L-DOPA (in Mucunia Pruenens) - This has shown to cause bad side effects with long term use (e.g Tardive Dyskenesia)
Yohimbe - Made me feel like I was having a caffeine overdose for about 8 hours.

#117 gizmobrain

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 06:57 PM

If you go back and read the research I posted, you'll see that dopamine has many effects in the brain and cAMP/CREB triggered LTP is just one particularly interesting one that this stack is tweaking to be more sensitive. The theory I have is that normally it would take a lot of dopamine to trigger the same effect, but any mechanism of stimulating that much dopamine would lead to all kinds of negative side effects, especially in the long run. So now, when taking a relatively small amount of Phenylalanine or Tyrosine, I can stimulate this pathway without the excessive dopamine side effects it would normally take to trigger this pathway, especially over time as the body downregulates receptors to adjust to the increased dopamine influx.
Anecdotally, the effects from the Quercetin last for at least 24 hours and peak about 12 hours in. It has a very long half life or it generates a lot of PDE inhibition and thus a lot of cAMP which may have a long half life. Artichoke is much more mellow and seems to have a shorter half life. There are definitely some negative effects when I take too much of this stack. They pass after a few hours and I can usually avoid them by lowering the dosage. I do not re-dose later in the day as the effects build for quite a long time, especially the Quercetin.

That's what I've gathered as well, but with all the amphetamine freaks out there that have been looking for potentiates for years and years, it seems like someone would have already stumbled upon our little secret. I know that others have gotten close (actually, there are several studies on the effects of rolipram + stimulants), but of all I've research over the past year, I don't remember this combo being mentioned on any forums I've seen. By contrast, I've seen memantine + adderall mentioned everywhere.

What effects are you seeing at ~24 hours out? I've noticed an increase in morning wood(around ~22 hours later), but that could be from the increased Testosterone that the Forskolin is supposed to cause.

I usually take the stack about 10:30am. In the late evenings(8-9pm), when I sit down to veg out a bit, my blood pressure goes up a bit. I start getting the big "thump thumps" in my chest. By the time I get to work (11pm), it balances out. I then work a 4 hour, physically intensive job. I usually take a curcumin capsule before going to work to help with muscle inflammation, which works well.

Hmmm, Just tried 500mg of tyrosine by itself and didn't do anything but increase pressure in center of my head and frontal lobe, it also made me a little sleepy and was a little bit harder to concentrate. 1/2 an hour later I took 2 artichoke pills and about 25mg forskolin and I had no results with that either. This is really weird why I don't react to many things/nootropics, I am currently 1 week into LDN if it makes any difference and am experiencing a little bit of energy increase but also unrefreshing sleep, but then again I've had unrefreshing sleep for years. Could this sleep issue have anything to do with my reaction with the CILTEP stack?

Tyrosine by itself has never done anything for me. Once, I took 3 grams on an empty stomach and got my bp to go up. No discernible mental effects though.

I bought some L-Tyrosine to try with the CILTEP stack. I tried 2 grams this morning on an empty stomach, with 20mg Forskolin and 800mg Quercetin. It helped me wake up a little bit, but I didn't notice an increase in focus until I drank an energy drink with plenty of caffeine. I still plan to play around with dopamine stuff, since I really want to drop the amphetamines (I lose my insurance coverage soon, anyway).

From what I can find (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20657266) it looks like pycnogenol is an anti-oxidant that has positive effects on dopamine metabolism. I've been taking this for a while as it does help me concentrate better on work.

I've been meaning to try this out for a long time. Any recommendations?

BTW, since all of you are asking, here are a list of supplements that interact with dopamine that I have used over the years and ones that I have specifically avoided:

Catuaba - Interesting Brazillian herb. Affects Dopamine. (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/19815648)
L-Phenylalanine - Essential amino acid . Nice and predictable for long term use (http://en.wikipedia....L-phenylalanine)
L-Tyrosine - Non-essential amino acid, can sometimes be unpredictable (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrosine)
Pycnogenol - Good anti-ADHD dopamine affecting brain anti-oxidant (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20657266)
Gingko - Increases Dopamine. (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20105177)
Caffeine - The old standby
Guarana - Similar to Caffeine (http://www.ncbi.nlm....d?term=20845263)

I specifically avoided
L-DOPA (in Mucunia Pruenens) - This has shown to cause bad side effects with long term use (e.g Tardive Dyskenesia)
Yohimbe - Made me feel like I was having a caffeine overdose for about 8 hours.

Yohimbe is terrible. I made the mistake of taking a double dose the first time I tried it. I had to sleep it off because I felt nauseous and I felt like my heart was going to explode. Yohimbine HCL, however, is a stimulant that worked very well for me. I'd like to do more research on it. If anyone decides to try it, just make sure you get the Yohimbine HCL only that has none of the other parts of the yohimbe plant in it.

I might have to try this Catuaba, as well.

How about Schizandrol A?


Effects of schizandrol A on monoamine neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.
[Article in Chinese]
Zhang L, Niu X.
Institute of Materia Medica, Beijing.
Schizandrol A (2',3',4',1",2",3"-hexamethoxy-6, 7-dimethyl-1,2,3,4-dibenzo-1,3-cyclooctadien-6-ol) is one of the effective components in the dried fruit of Schizandra chinensis Bail. Previous studies have found that schizandrol A exerts inhibitory effects on the central nervous system (CNS). For the purpose of elucidating the mechanism of inhibition, the concentrations of monoamine neurotransmitters and their metabolites in rat brain and the effects of schizandrol A on some receptors were determined by the ion-pairing reversed-phase liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection method and competitive binding assay. In the neurotransmitter studies, significant elevations of dopamine and its metabolite DOPAC (in striatum) and DA (in hypothalamus) were observed after i.p. administration of 50 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg of schizandrol A. But the receptor binding experiments showed that schizandrol A had no affinity for dopamine D1 and D2 receptors. Serotonin receptors and alpha 1-,alpha 2-adrenergic receptors, and it did not affect the binding of dopamine to dopamine D1 or D2 receptors. These results indicate that the inhibition exerted by schizandrol A on the CNS may be related to the dopamine system, and the increase of dopamine turnover has nothing to do with dopamine receptors. The concentrations of the norepinephrine metabolite MHPG and the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA showed changes in rat striatum and hypothalamus after schizandrol A treatment, but norepinephrine and serotonin levels were unaffected.

Edited by zrbarnes, 19 May 2012 - 07:01 PM.

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#118 abelard lindsay

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:21 AM

That's what I've gathered as well, but with all the amphetamine freaks out there that have been looking for potentiates for years and years, it seems like someone would have already stumbled upon our little secret. I know that others have gotten close (actually, there are several studies on the effects of rolipram + stimulants), but of all I've research over the past year, I don't remember this combo being mentioned on any forums I've seen. By contrast, I've seen memantine + adderall mentioned everywhere.

Why would anybody mention it before it was discovered? :) BTW, I hope you can get your brain to work right with just CILTEP and milder dopamine pre-cursors. Adderall is not very healthy to take long term.

That's what I've gathered as well, but with all the amphetamin
What effects are you seeing at ~24 hours out? I've noticed an increase in morning wood(around ~22 hours later), but that could be from the increased Testosterone that the Forskolin is supposed to cause.

I take it in the morning and I feel the effects basically the whole day. They tail off at night with Artichoke but go into the next day with Quercetin. When I take this stack, I tend to be in a really good mood, can talk fast, write easily and pay attention well. I also start to see a lot of detail in things and my hearing is also improved. It's a bit like Methylene Blue.

I usually take the stack about 10:30am. In the late evenings(8-9pm), when I sit down to veg out a bit, my blood pressure goes up a bit. I start getting the big "thump thumps" in my chest. By the time I get to work (11pm), it balances out. I then work a 4 hour, physically intensive job. I usually take a curcumin capsule before going to work to help with muscle inflammation, which works well.

I really haven't pushed myself physically while on this stack so couldn't tell you how it works in that department.

I might have to try this Catuaba, as well.

Catuaba is neat stuff. It's quite popular in Brazil.

How about Schizandrol A?


Effects of schizandrol A on monoamine neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.
[Article in Chinese]
Zhang L, Niu X.
Institute of Materia Medica, Beijing.
... In the neurotransmitter studies, significant elevations of dopamine and its metabolite DOPAC (in striatum) and DA (in hypothalamus) were observed after i.p. administration of 50 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg of schizandrol A. But the receptor binding experiments showed that schizandrol A had no affinity for dopamine D1 and D2 receptors. Serotonin receptors and alpha 1-,alpha 2-adrenergic receptors, and it did not affect the binding of dopamine to dopamine D1 or D2 receptors. These results indicate that the inhibition exerted by schizandrol A on the CNS may be related to the dopamine system, and the increase of dopamine turnover has nothing to do with dopamine receptors. ...

I've taken Schizandra a few times, but it was too stimulating in a way that I subjectively found annoying. I wouldn't take it again. It seems to somehow modulate dopamine metabolism. Most worrying in the above study is the DOPAC build up. DOPAC is a normal metabolite of dopamine, but if too much of it is around, it can become neurotoxic.


DOPAC can be oxidized by hydrogen peroxide, leading to the formation of toxic metabolites which destroy dopamine storage vesicles in the substantia nigra. This may contribute to the failure of levodopa treatment of Parkinson's disease. A MAO-Binhibitorsuch as selegiline or rasagiline can prevent this from happening.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 20 May 2012 - 03:23 AM.

#119 Cephalon

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 04:29 PM

This stack appears to be a must for potheads as cannabinoid receptors downregulate cAMP.

Will order this stack and report back ;-)

Edited by Cephalon, 20 May 2012 - 04:32 PM.

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#120 kevinseven11

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 04:55 PM

Studies show that taking this stack with weed will produce no pain relieving effects! Perhaps if that study tested memory it would have reversed that aswell! Please report back :)

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