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Chemically induced LTP?

ciltep pde4 forskolin ltp

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#1951 raincheck

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 12:08 AM

I've been reading and following this thread since the beginning and appreciate the community contributing useful data into the thread. I've been using Ciltep in different variations, this one Chung Pao posted did not have any effect on me whatsoever. I am curious, was the recommended forskolin dosage based on the 95% Cbolic extract ? Are you skipping breakfast and insuling spiking stimulus?

Here is my current stack I do not take it regularly.

  • 2x450 mg Now Artichoke Extract.
  • 4mg of Forskolin Better Body Sports 95% pure C-Bolic capsules
  • 500mg Phenylalanine
  • 1/2 dose B-Vitamin Complex (life source naturals Coenzymated B-complex, contains NADH, P5p and many other essentials)
  • 900-1000 mg ALCAR (primaforce)
  • 1g Creatine HCI
  • 350 - 500mg Bulk N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (occasionally to boost my energy when my brain gets saturated.)

I workout using HIIT with body weight work outs and feel no positive effects from this stack. However after more steady (but not regular) dosing I notice definite increased LTP. I am a student and work at a retail cellphone store.


Just wanted to post my results as testimony and drive more conversation, I hope to get some feedback as well.


That looks pretty good but just to clear up any confusion:

The Better Body Sports Forskolin caps contain 25mg of forskolin and a couple hundred mg of inert filler. So, if you emptied a capsule out and got 500mg of material for example, to get 4mg you would weigh out 4/25 of that or 80mg of that material.

LTP, which CILTEP is theorized to work on, is downstream from NMDA/AMPA signalling which occurs in the synaptic cleft. It could be possible, in theory, that non response to CILTEP could be due to a deficiency in signalling in general in the synaptic cleft.

Magnesium-L-Threonate has shown some clinical evidence in being able to aid in the development this synaptic signalling mechanism.


Here, we show that increasing brain magnesium using a newly developed magnesium compound (magnesium-L-threonate, MgT) leads to the enhancement of learning abilities, working memory, and short- and long-term memory in rats. The pattern completion ability was also improved in aged rats. MgT-treated rats had higher density of synaptophysin-/synaptobrevin-positive puncta in DG and CA1 subregions of hippocampus that were correlated with memory improvement. Functionally, magnesium increased the number of functional presynaptic release sites, while it reduced their release probability.
The resultant synaptic reconfiguration enabled selective enhancement of synaptic transmission for burst inputs. Coupled with concurrent upregulation of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors and its downstream signaling, synaptic plasticity induced by correlated inputs was enhanced.

It seems there is a high variance between the cbolic capsules, I am seeing deviations of +-30 in a sample of five. Is the standard practice to empty out a capsule, get total weight and multiply by the required ratio ?
forskolin emptied out onto micro scale = 587.5
we want a 5 mg dose of 25 per cbolic capsule = 5/25

681.66*(5/25) = 5mg of forskolin - is that right?

Anyone know how capsules are filled? premix or active ingredient first then filler after?

I am going to start being more continuous with my multivitamin intake as chungpao suggested for higher effectiveness so I can chronicle my results.

Edited by raincheck, 30 September 2013 - 12:09 AM.

#1952 kassem23

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 08:59 PM

Are there anyone who have not been using caffeine as adjunct to the CILTEP stack? I ponder whether it may be too stimulating in addition to noopept, as it seems to potentiate it quite significantly. Thoughts on this @Abelard Lindsay? NB: I have not started CILTEP yet, so I cannot say anything conclusive, I am merely interested in anecdotes where caffeine have not been used as adjunct to the stack.

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#1953 row1

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 10:09 PM

Hi there

First of all sorry for my bad english.

I have experimenting with abelards combo but without succes.

Also I have noticed acne/pimpels! after 3 to 4 days of use.
Have someone also experianced acne here?

I have tried it with and without food.

This is my current stack I hope some give some little guidance :)

8:30 without food
2x 450mg artichoke from NOW
1x 500mg L-Phenylalanine from NOW
1x Coleus forskohlii from Enzymatic Therapy (50mg, 18% standard 9mg)
So I use halfe capsule to get aprox 4 to 6 mg of Forskohlii

2 sandwich (spelt bread) with peanutbutter, strawberry jam and butter :-0
after this right away
Vit c 1gram
B-50 complex

Green thee

1x Vish oil from NOW
1x 500mg Alcar (Acetyl l-carnitine

at 13.00 if use a lot of variations but always with vish oil. Tyrosine, Resversatrol, glutamine, 95 curcumin,

19.00 workout
1x shake

1x magnesium or 2x500mg l-glutamine

I'm curious what couses acne? and also i'm interested from people with good results what thare current stack is
at this present.

For me less is more. I have read this thread and seem some crazy combo's! I strong advise to those people to check their blood, liver conditions on regular basis.

I'm now recovering from acne outburst and using, NAC and Zink.

I personally think I will benefit with C-bolic or zembrin, but unfortnally its not here in Holland :(

oh and ps

i'm male, adult, asian (india) possible ADHD-PI ;) Maby this will clarefy something with people

Edited by row1, 30 September 2013 - 10:14 PM.

#1954 xsiv1

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 01:40 AM

Personally, I'd take the B & C vitamins with the CILTEP instead of directly after to ensure that the L-PA is fully utilized.

As for caffeine, I don't think it's a prerequisite at all for the CILTEP stack. In fact, I think someone presented evidence they may actually counteract some of it's effects. It's somewhere in this thread..can't remember where though. I just like to have it with my coffee in the morning which shouldn't contain more than 150mgs of caffeine. You'll find out what works for you.

#1955 magta39

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 01:58 AM

Are there anyone who have not been using caffeine as adjunct to the CILTEP stack? I ponder whether it may be too stimulating in addition to noopept, as it seems to potentiate it quite significantly. Thoughts on this @Abelard Lindsay? NB: I have not started CILTEP yet, so I cannot say anything conclusive, I am merely interested in anecdotes where caffeine have not been used as adjunct to the stack.

I too was wary about trying this stack because too much caffeine has always caused me to have anxiety. So I tried to mitigate the anxiety by using l-theanine instead of phenylalanine or tyrosine. This has worked very well. In fact I can tolerate much more caffeine than before.....a cup or two of coffee in the afternoon gives me a very positive energy and uplifted mood, none of the anxiety that I had before.

#1956 kassem23

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Posted 01 October 2013 - 05:51 AM

Are there anyone who have not been using caffeine as adjunct to the CILTEP stack? I ponder whether it may be too stimulating in addition to noopept, as it seems to potentiate it quite significantly. Thoughts on this @Abelard Lindsay? NB: I have not started CILTEP yet, so I cannot say anything conclusive, I am merely interested in anecdotes where caffeine have not been used as adjunct to the stack.

I too was wary about trying this stack because too much caffeine has always caused me to have anxiety. So I tried to mitigate the anxiety by using l-theanine instead of phenylalanine or tyrosine. This has worked very well. In fact I can tolerate much more caffeine than before.....a cup or two of coffee in the afternoon gives me a very positive energy and uplifted mood, none of the anxiety that I had before.

Wonderful. Thank you for your response.

#1957 ken_shiro

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 12:10 PM

I ask this just to be sure.
I want to take 5mg of Forskolin.
Some sellers on ebay sell "Coleus Forskohlii/Forskolin Extract Powder (min 10% forskolin)
I should take 50mg of this powder right?

This are two examples (I am not affiliated with them):


Do this powder works as forskolin source, or I should take pure forskolin (Molecular Formula: C22H34O7)


#1958 ken_shiro

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 01:05 PM

I would say then that ALCAR is a necessary part of the stack in order to prevent short-term-memory degradation due to forskolin upregulating ACHE.

Can I replace alcar with one of this supplements:
alpha gpc, cdp-choline, Huperzine A (Huperzine A is also an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor) ?

What do you think?

#1959 Sholrak

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 03:12 PM

Alcar is unique, I don't think it could be replaced so easily (or cheaply). Just in case, it could be replaced by another working-memory enhancing agent.

This should be:

- NGF enhancer (Lion's Mane, Pregnenolone, Ashitaba, Cerebrolysin, Nardosinone...)
- HPA-axis supporter (Rhodiola, Ginsengs, Gingko, stress and energy support herbs in general, ¿Semax?...)
- Strong stimulant (Amphetamine, Methylphenidate...)

Also, I have to say, I'm experiencing better results now I'm not taking it than when I was taking it. Definitely it's needed a solution for this W. Memory declive while on it.

Edited by Sholrak, 02 October 2013 - 03:12 PM.

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#1960 abelard lindsay

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 04:05 PM

Are there anyone who have not been using caffeine as adjunct to the CILTEP stack? I ponder whether it may be too stimulating in addition to noopept, as it seems to potentiate it quite significantly. Thoughts on this @Abelard Lindsay? NB: I have not started CILTEP yet, so I cannot say anything conclusive, I am merely interested in anecdotes where caffeine have not been used as adjunct to the stack.

After having added ALCAR to the stack I have been able to get through days without caffeine. I enjoy my afternoon coffee a bit too much to drop it completely but there has definitely been less of a need for it.

#1961 Nordmann

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 08:32 PM

Hi there

First of all sorry for my bad english.

I have experimenting with abelards combo but without succes.

Also I have noticed acne/pimpels! after 3 to 4 days of use.
Have someone also experianced acne here?

I have tried it with and without food.

This is my current stack I hope some give some little guidance :)

8:30 without food
2x 450mg artichoke from NOW
1x 500mg L-Phenylalanine from NOW
1x Coleus forskohlii from Enzymatic Therapy (50mg, 18% standard 9mg)
So I use halfe capsule to get aprox 4 to 6 mg of Forskohlii

2 sandwich (spelt bread) with peanutbutter, strawberry jam and butter :-0
after this right away
Vit c 1gram
B-50 complex

Green thee

1x Vish oil from NOW
1x 500mg Alcar (Acetyl l-carnitine

at 13.00 if use a lot of variations but always with vish oil. Tyrosine, Resversatrol, glutamine, 95 curcumin,

19.00 workout
1x shake

1x magnesium or 2x500mg l-glutamine

I'm curious what couses acne? and also i'm interested from people with good results what thare current stack is
at this present.

For me less is more. I have read this thread and seem some crazy combo's! I strong advise to those people to check their blood, liver conditions on regular basis.

I'm now recovering from acne outburst and using, NAC and Zink.

I personally think I will benefit with C-bolic or zembrin, but unfortnally its not here in Holland :(

oh and ps

i'm male, adult, asian (india) possible ADHD-PI ;) Maby this will clarefy something with people

I love the idea of supplementing with ALCAR, but every time I try it for some days I get acnes, feel bloated and then I discontinue it.

Why this happens? I have no clue :/

#1962 abelard lindsay

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:03 AM

forskolin emptied out onto micro scale = 587.5
we want a 5 mg dose of 25 per cbolic capsule = 5/25

681.66*(5/25) = 5mg of forskolin - is that right?

Anyone know how capsules are filled? premix or active ingredient first then filler after?

I am going to start being more continuous with my multivitamin intake as chungpao suggested for higher effectiveness so I can chronicle my results.

That's correct. I'll put that in the front page notes. For a cbolic capsule containing 25mg of forskolin you want to multiply the weight of the emptied out material by 5/25 to get 5mg or 4/25 to get 4mg of forskolin assuming it's evenly mixed.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 03 October 2013 - 12:04 AM.

#1963 abelard lindsay

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:15 AM

I love the idea of supplementing with ALCAR, but every time I try it for some days I get acnes, feel bloated and then I discontinue it.

Why this happens? I have no clue :/

Before I started supplementing with ALCAR I occasionally used galantamine to counteract the increased acetylcholinesterase levels caused by forskolin. However, galantamine is a bit strong and thus I only take it on rare occasions and would not recommend it for daily use. Does the stack work for you without the ALCAR? Maybe other choline enhancing supplements like Citicholine or Alpha GPC would work as an alternative?

I would say then that ALCAR is a necessary part of the stack in order to prevent short-term-memory degradation due to forskolin upregulating ACHE.

Can I replace alcar with one of this supplements:
alpha gpc, cdp-choline, Huperzine A (Huperzine A is also an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor) ?

What do you think?

In theory this might work. If you do try replacing ALCAR with something else let us know how it worked out.
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#1964 abelard lindsay

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:34 AM

I have experimenting with abelards combo but without succes.

Also I have noticed acne/pimpels! after 3 to 4 days of use.
Have someone also experianced acne here?

i'm male, adult, asian (india) possible ADHD-PI ;) Maby this will clarefy something with people

Hmm.. Looked at the literature. Forskolin was noted in a study as working similarly to nobiletin. Nobiletin is sold as a treatment to improve acne (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/17597820).

Maybe you got a bad brand of forskolin? Do you drink heavily? Chronic alcohol exposure can reduce cAMP sensitivity (http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/2838757).

#1965 magta39

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:44 AM

Does this stack raise testosterone? This may cause some pimples......

#1966 abelard lindsay

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 03:31 AM

I was interviewed for a podcast a while back and it finally aired!


I'll let you all know when the CILTEP stack I've been working on with naturalstacks.com is ready to ship. Don't worry, you can still roll your own stack from the source code (this thread), but we're going to be selling the nice "pre-packaged version with the gui installer" to make an open source analogy. :) I'll be doing research, developing stacks and answering questions out in the open as usual.

Nobody's perfect, and since I've been writing up white papers with lots of citations lately I realized I made a few mistakes on the podcast.

1. Viagra inhibits PDE5 which breaks down cGMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate ) which is a secondary messager as cAMP is but is not the same as cAMP.

"Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is a cyclic nucleotidederived from guanosine triphosphate (GTP). cGMP acts as a second messenger much like cyclic AMP. "

"Numerous cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDE) can degrade cGMP by hydrolyzing cGMP into 5'-GMP. PDE 5, -6 and -9 are cGMP-specific while PDE1, -2, -3, -10 and -11 can hydrolyse both cAMP and cGMP."
"Sildenafil (Viagra) and similar drugs enhance the vasodilatory effects of cGMP within the corpus cavernosum by inhibiting PDE 5 (or PDE V)"

2. Another mistake I made was saying that acetyl-l-carnitine lowers or inhibits acetylcholinesterase. It's mechanism of action is actually increasing levels of acetylcholine in the brain which helps mitigate the increased activity of acetylcholinesterase which breaks down acetylcholine.

Acetyl-L-carnitine enhances acetylcholine release in the striatum and hippocampus of awake freely moving rats.

Acetyl-L-carnitine as a precursor of acetylcholine.

3. One last mistake is that cAMP does not directly increases acetylcholinesterase. The study I found said that forskolin was observed to increase acetylcholinesterase levels and cAMP but wasn't specific on how it did it nor did it say it did it via an increase in cAMP.

Forskolin, an inducer of cAMP, up-regulates acetylcholinesterase expression

Let me know if I made any more :).

Edited by abelard lindsay, 03 October 2013 - 04:02 AM.

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#1967 Nordmann

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 10:51 AM

I love the idea of supplementing with ALCAR, but every time I try it for some days I get acnes, feel bloated and then I discontinue it.

Why this happens? I have no clue :/

Before I started supplementing with ALCAR I occasionally used galantamine to counteract the increased acetylcholinesterase levels caused by forskolin. However, galantamine is a bit strong and thus I only take it on rare occasions and would not recommend it for daily use. Does the stack work for you without the ALCAR? Maybe other choline enhancing supplements like Citicholine or Alpha GPC would work as an alternative?

I`ll try the stack without ALCAR today.
I do have a pile of Alpha GPC that I will try out. Would you recommend taking it with ciltep or mid-day? Thank you :)

#1968 Nordmann

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 10:58 AM

Here is my current anecdote from the ciltep stack.

I do IF and have 20-24hour fast on workout days, 4-5 times a week. Only what I listed is in my system when I fast.
I take BCAA before workouts and Fish oil, Magnesium, Calsium and Vitamin D with food later, and sometimes ZMA before bed.
After my morning dose of ciltep I take a 30-45minutes walk, then drink some coffee when I`m done.
On workout free days I take my morning walk and a longer walk later that day.

Day #1
2x450 mg Artichoke Extract, 10mg Forskolin, 500mg L-Tyrosine, 100-300mg caffeine, 3g Beta Alanine, 1g ALCAR.

Felt really awake, clear minded and sharp all day, had a nice mma workout. Had problems sleeping, but kinda expected it
as I dosed a little late. I also noticed improvement in speech and memory. Speedi`sh, my brain had a better flow.

I did smoke some weed that evening 4science and curiousness. It was like opening my mind, thoughts and ideas raced massive and so random.
But I didn`t relax that well, I understand weed is like the opposite of ciltep, raising and lowering camp I`m I right?
So if I`m going to smoke it would be on an off day.

Day #2
2x450 mg Artichoke Extract, 10mg Forskolin, 500mg L-Phenylalanine, B complex, 100-300mg caffeine, 1g ALCAR. (1 dose)

Same as day #1, but I also noticed that starting body movements is a breeze. Not hard to move up from the chair, sofa or whatever.
Mood and motivation on top, I ate 2 times that day and felt a little mood swing each meal, but nothing significant. Slept really well for a change.

Day #3
2x450 mg Artichoke Extract, 10mg Forskolin, 500mg L-Phenylalanine, B complex, 200-300mg caffeine, 1g ALCAR, Beta Alanine, Vitamin C.

Morning was great, like day #2 and #3.
Dosed ALCAR, Beta Alanine, Vitamin C and a 200mg caffeine pill one hour before workout. While waiting for my ride I noticed I got a little tired,
got a strange feeling in my belly and noticed a subtle depression. Now all I wanted was to get my ass on the sofa or the pc, not train.
Needless to say I had a bad workout.
My mood restored to baseline after workout and slept well. Better than normal.

Day #4
2x450 mg Artichoke Extract, 10mg Forskolin, 1500mg L-Phenylalanine, B complex, 200-300mg caffeine, 1g ALCAR, Beta Alanine, Vitamin C.

Upped the L-Phenylalanine dose to 1500mg, it felt like I burned all my dopamine on day #3
Waked up very early, real active and in great mood.
That morning was also great, ciltep is on borderline euphoric, I love talking walks on it, listening to music and thinking nostalgic thoughts.
Watched the final Breaking Bad episode, and it was an emotional mess for me. OMG I really love Breaking Bad, my baby blue <3

But there`s that 4/5pm mark.
That day I didn`t really felt any down, but thought I should dose before I did feel a downed effect.
Dosed ALCAR, Beta Alanine, Vitamin C and a 200mg caffeine pill 2 hours before workout.
Didn`t feel depressed, but kind of low, no motivation or drive at all and had a bad workout! Bah.

Day #5

Slept bad tonight, I tried ZMA in the mid of the night but it didn`t help much. I felt really sleepy when I went to bed but woke and hour later AWAKE!
I will add some melatonin. I think timing is key on this stack so I`m going to dose the ciltep at the same time every day,
hoping it will make it easier establishing a routine.

So today I took 2x450 mg Artichoke Extract, 10mg Forskolin, 1500mg L-Phenylalanine, B complex and Vitamin C at 12pm.
It might be a little late, but I really want the benefits from this stack in my workout routine that starts 18pm.
I have no issue going to sleep at 3am and waking up around 12pm.
Sorry if my am/pm is wrong, me Viking.

So today my plan is to drink regular coffee throughout the day, no redosing, no ALCAR.
I will write a follow up post in a few days, hoping I would find my stable ciltep effect.

Other benefits from ciltep:

I feel studying is easier as I`m more committed, but my focus then and there is not as good. Not worse than before, but not great.

Time passes slowly, it feels like I can do more on a shorter time span.

My digestive system has gotten a reboot. I have been a little worried that earlier diets had ruined some of my metabolism,
but now I feel it is at a baseline level, if not better. I will keep my Forskolin dose to 5mg when I receive my 95% c-bolic thing.

My mood is beyond great!

Smell and hearing also feel improved.

Future ideas/plans:

I`ll drop caffeine pills, as I seem to get a much better effect from regular coffee, bought the cheapest one on Ebay.

Drop the ALCAR, Beta Alanine and Vitamin C dose. Take Vitamin C with the morning ciltep, Beta Alanine with food
and drop the ALCAR as I have responded badly to it earlier with acne and bloating,
but to be honest I don`t feel that this is the case now, but I have only used it for 4 days.

Maybe ALCAR with morning dose?

I`ll try Alpha GPC if No ALCAR is a NO GO.

I love Rhodiola Rosea, maybe a try this as a mid-day booster?
I bought some Rosea from Life Extension, not so happy about it. I have a great batch of 5% rosavin Rosea Bulk powder,
so I`ll try that for now, going to try the Eclectic brand next time.

I also bought Ashwaghanda extract from LE, thought I might sleep better with it.
Anyone have any experience with it or Ashwaghanda on ciltep in general?

My goal and the absolute best would be a single ciltep dose, it would be very convenient for me.

I have read every page in this thread, and my hat off to Abelard Lindsay, good luck further on!

Now I`m going to listen to that podcast! :)

#1969 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 11:05 AM

I'll let you all know when the CILTEP stack I've been working on with naturalstacks.com is ready to ship.

Shut up and take my money :)

#1970 lostfalco

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 03:52 PM

Just listened to the whole podcast http://smartdrugsmar...m-potentiation/ Great job Abelard! It was really cool to hear you talk about the history, discovery, and subsequent experimentation with CILTEP. I wish you and Roy the best! Any success you guys have is well deserved and I know that I speak for A LOT of people when I say thanks for what you've added to our lives. Props my friend.
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#1971 swen

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 05:13 PM

Cool interview Abelard!

I have two questions for you if you don't mind :)

I've tried CILTEP at the start of my semester, which includes a course of Programming (what is complete new for me).

- Increase motivation for sure! (Energy to learn and learn!)

- Found it difficult to grasp the 'bigger" concepts of programmings
- Difficult to think critical

However: the programming concepts were ALL new to me, so maybe it was difficult anyway, and much harder without CILTEP.

Then I started to try LLTP because from what I've read, it will give you a lot of mental energy, and increases the connections you make in your knowledge what sounds useful.

My question(s);

- On the website of Smartdrugssmarts is says that you are a computer engineer, so how do you think the CILTEP stack was effecting your skills as computer engineer?

- How you do you think CILTEP and LLTP match up to each other? In regarding learning new skills, ways of thinking etc?

Thanks :)

Edited by swen, 03 October 2013 - 05:16 PM.

#1972 Babychris

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 05:29 PM

with CILTEP stack it's harder to feel Tupac (You know when you are strike by his soul) too haha. And that's largely worth to stop it haha.

#1973 Nordmann

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 11:33 AM

The answer was right in front of me, I`m using this pre-workout, dosing 2 hour before.

This problaby will motivate me to train even more, 5-6 days a week.

2x450 mg Artichoke Extract, 5mg Forskolin, 1500mg L-Phenylalanine, B complex and ALCAR.

I`ll see how everything progress and hold an eye on previously ALCAR side effects. I also dropped the Vitamin C as I always thought it would interfere with vitamin B absorption somehow.

I`ll report back in some weeks!

Great podcast! Maybe you guys will need a Nordic reseller when you grow big ;)

#1974 BlueCloud

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 12:00 PM

So, I'm about to embark on the CILTEP experiment. I was wondering, since everyone here seems to be using a 20% extract of Forskolin, would a 10% extract work as well ? it's just that I can buy this one right away from a local store instead of waiting a couple of weeks for my 20% extract to arrive by mail.

#1975 ken_shiro

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 12:34 PM

Anyone has tried Artichoke 500 Jarrow Formulas?
My seller on ebay.co.uk has this brand (jarrow) and hasn't NOW, and I prefer don't change seller for several reasons.

What brands for Artichoke extract have you tried?

#1976 abelard lindsay

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 01:20 PM

My question(s);

- On the website of Smartdrugssmarts is says that you are a computer engineer, so how do you think the CILTEP stack was effecting your skills as computer engineer?

- How you do you think CILTEP and LLTP match up to each other? In regarding learning new skills, ways of thinking etc?

Thanks :)

In my humble opinion, I've gotten a lot better at my job. It seems I get stuck less stuck on problems and am more adaptable and creative. I can put together larger more comprehensive approaches to problems instead of just sticking to smaller incremental changes. I'm getting my masters in CS right now part time so I too am studying some pretty challenging material. I'd say the best way to study is to read the book and go over the whole process of solving a problem from beginning to end with your notes and then in your head after you've memorized enough of the process. It's basically about building up and strengthening those neuronal networks so that can solve problems in the domain.

I am intrigued by LostFalco's TULIP protocol. I take PQQ and Ubiquinol and I think they go well with the stack. I haven't started doing the whole lasering thing though.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 04 October 2013 - 08:03 PM.

#1977 dami79

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 02:34 PM

What about combining CILTEP with antipsychotics (100mg amisulpiride). There is a sense in this ? I have not any positive symptoms of schizofrenia, i take amisulpiride for negative symptoms and for preventing relapse.

#1978 magta39

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 07:57 PM

Anyone has tried Artichoke 500 Jarrow Formulas?
My seller on ebay.co.uk has this brand (jarrow) and hasn't NOW, and I prefer don't change seller for several reasons.

What brands for Artichoke extract have you tried?

I am using it right now...its fine.

So, I'm about to embark on the CILTEP experiment. I was wondering, since everyone here seems to be using a 20% extract of Forskolin, would a 10% extract work as well ? it's just that I can buy this one right away from a local store instead of waiting a couple of weeks for my 20% extract to arrive by mail.

I have been using Life Extension brand 10% Forskolin from the very start and it works fine.

#1979 lostfalco

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 08:01 PM

My question(s);

- On the website of Smartdrugssmarts is says that you are a computer engineer, so how do you think the CILTEP stack was effecting your skills as computer engineer?

- How you do you think CILTEP and LLTP match up to each other? In regarding learning new skills, ways of thinking etc?

Thanks :)

In my humble opinion, I've gotten a lot better at my job. It seems I get stuck less stuck on problems and am more adaptable and creative. I can put together larger more comprehensive approaches to problems instead of just sticking to smaller incremental changes. I'm getting my masters in CS right now part time so I too am studying some pretty challenging material. I'd say the best way to study is to read the book and go over the whole process of solving a problem from beginning to end with your notes and then in your head after you've memorized enough of the process. It's basically about building up and strengthening those neuronal networks so that can solve problems in the domain.

I am intrigued by LLTP. I take PQQ and Ubiquinol and I think they go well with the stack. I haven't started doing the whole lasering thing though.

Hey Abelard, what are your current thoughts on Forskolin with PQQ? I know we talked about it a week or two ago. Were you able to permanently solve the headaches/issues with the combo? I'm interested in possibly using the full CILTEP stack but I still have slight reservations about combining it with some of the other stuff I've been taking (Artichoke works great for me though). You mentioned galantamine as a possible solution, I believe.

Edited by lostfalco, 04 October 2013 - 08:04 PM.

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#1980 ken_shiro

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 08:19 PM

Anyone has tried Artichoke 500 Jarrow Formulas?
My seller on ebay.co.uk has this brand (jarrow) and hasn't NOW, and I prefer don't change seller for several reasons.

What brands for Artichoke extract have you tried?

I am using it right now...its fine.

So, I'm about to embark on the CILTEP experiment. I was wondering, since everyone here seems to be using a 20% extract of Forskolin, would a 10% extract work as well ? it's just that I can buy this one right away from a local store instead of waiting a couple of weeks for my 20% extract to arrive by mail.

I have been using Life Extension brand 10% Forskolin from the very start and it works fine.

Thanks for both the comments: jarrow Artichoke and LEF Forskolin

Edited by ken_shiro, 04 October 2013 - 08:19 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ciltep, pde4, forskolin, ltp

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