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Chemically induced LTP?

ciltep pde4 forskolin ltp

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#2161 xsiv1

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Posted 25 November 2013 - 10:12 PM

Nothing of the like. I train at around 4:30 and have been using CILTEP for nearly, I'm guessing a year. I take it in the morning at 6:30am with around 900mgs Artichoke extract, 5mgs Forskolin, 588mgs ALCAR and a coffee. I'm 41 so perhaps it has something to do with that and my own physiology. Never noticed anything on days off. I wish though.

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#2162 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 09:59 AM

Damn this stack is powerful stuff... Especially in the context of physical exercise.

I usually exercise (fighting or strength training) at 6PM, even if I've taken CILTEP in the morning (2x artichoke).
Sometimes I even add a bit extra forskolin pre-workout because it enhances power output.
The INTERESTING thing is that... On the days I DON'T exercise, my body goes into this sympathetic, high-adrenaline, very aggressive state around the same time that my workouts usually take place.
It's like my body habituates to a stress-response at that particular time, and then replicates it when on days when I don't exercise.

And it's replicable. Every time I do intense exercise on CILTEP, it causes that same sympathetic state to occur the same time of day, the next day.

Anyone notice something similar?
Also, anyone notice mood getting quite irritable later in the day when on ciltep?

I have not tried CILTeP for more than 10 days, so I should probably do a longer trial run before sharing experiences, but I did experience fatigue which was not fully mitigated by ALCAR or L-phenylalanine, and was grumpy/irritable in the evening, which is just not a productive state when you have a 4-year-old around. I also did not feel subjectively that any aspects of cognition were enhanced - but without proper testing, I guess subjective feelings are not very valuable.

My work mainly revolves around verbal tasks, fast processing, brain integration and creativity, and during my admittedly short trial run, CILTeP did not seem to help much with those areas.

As I still have a lot of the supps left, I will do a second trial run in around two months from now to see if I get a better experience.

Edited by Godof Smallthings, 26 November 2013 - 10:00 AM.

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#2163 chung_pao

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 02:57 PM

Damn this stack is powerful stuff... Especially in the context of physical exercise.

I usually exercise (fighting or strength training) at 6PM, even if I've taken CILTEP in the morning (2x artichoke).
Sometimes I even add a bit extra forskolin pre-workout because it enhances power output.
The INTERESTING thing is that... On the days I DON'T exercise, my body goes into this sympathetic, high-adrenaline, very aggressive state around the same time that my workouts usually take place.
It's like my body habituates to a stress-response at that particular time, and then replicates it when on days when I don't exercise.

And it's replicable. Every time I do intense exercise on CILTEP, it causes that same sympathetic state to occur the same time of day, the next day.

Anyone notice something similar?
Also, anyone notice mood getting quite irritable later in the day when on ciltep?

I have not tried CILTeP for more than 10 days, so I should probably do a longer trial run before sharing experiences, but I did experience fatigue which was not fully mitigated by ALCAR or L-phenylalanine, and was grumpy/irritable in the evening, which is just not a productive state when you have a 4-year-old around. I also did not feel subjectively that any aspects of cognition were enhanced - but without proper testing, I guess subjective feelings are not very valuable.

My work mainly revolves around verbal tasks, fast processing, brain integration and creativity, and during my admittedly short trial run, CILTeP did not seem to help much with those areas.

As I still have a lot of the supps left, I will do a second trial run in around two months from now to see if I get a better experience.

For me, CILTEP does two things well: Enhancement of LTP and upregulation of Tyrosine hydroxylase (providing increased intensity and duration of concentration).

But, it also does a few wrong bad (side-effects): decreased creativity, impaired working memory, and impaired verbal/social skills, and produces an increased potential for irritability.

You can't have it all.
CILTEP is excellent for studying and memorizing information. But utilization of the information by associative thinking and speech, IMO, benefits from not using CILTEP.
Basically, CILTEP is for Input, not Output. (in my case, others may disagree)

For example, when on CILTEP, I find that my ability to think of new ideas and solutions is decreased, and I seem to find myself at a loss of words more often. But, If I'm doing solitary studying where I just have to retain information, CILTEP is incredible.

*Btw, has anyone tried combining CILTEP with DMAE? (small dose, of say 100-200 mg)

Edited by chung_pao, 26 November 2013 - 03:55 PM.

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#2164 hephaestus

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 05:47 PM

Do you usually take it with tyrosine? I find that tends to potentiate the benefits to focus, but too much focus gives you tunnel vision. I have been taking alcar but no tyrosine lately and it seems to still improve my focus and ltp, without pushing me into tunnel vision. I haven't noticed any issues with being tired in the afternoon.

#2165 magta39

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 08:25 PM

My morning CILTEP is 500 artichoke, 500 ALCAR, 2mg forskolin sublingual, 100 theanine, and 3 heaping tsp pure cocoa powder in my coffee.... then 2mg galantamine after some food. 2mg forskolin gives me the best mental energy all day. I know that if I take a single acute dose of 10mg forskolin I will get really sleepy later in the day, even if I had no forskolin the previous 2 days. Another tip that might help is another 500 artichoke with coffee in the afternoon, or try 500 artichoke every 4 hrs.

#2166 abelard lindsay

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 08:59 PM

I have not tried CILTeP for more than 10 days, so I should probably do a longer trial run before sharing experiences, but I did experience fatigue which was not fully mitigated by ALCAR or L-phenylalanine, and was grumpy/irritable in the evening, which is just not a productive state when you have a 4-year-old around. I also did not feel subjectively that any aspects of cognition were enhanced - but without proper testing, I guess subjective feelings are not very valuable.

My work mainly revolves around verbal tasks, fast processing, brain integration and creativity, and during my admittedly short trial run, CILTeP did not seem to help much with those areas.

As I still have a lot of the supps left, I will do a second trial run in around two months from now to see if I get a better experience.

One thing you might want to check is that you're not taking any other supplements with quercetin or hesperidin in them. These tend to cause irritability when combined with the stack, especiall hesperidin.

#2167 abelard lindsay

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 09:03 PM

Any news about the Uridine + Ciltep Combo :) !?

I sacrificed my brain to this combo over the weekend again. It did not go well. Had to take a bunch of St. Johns Wart and Tryptophan just to get back to normal. Zembrin covered it up a bit the first day but I knew something was a little off. The second day I took it without Zembrin and the next morning and day were unpleasant. Luckily, I'm used to this kind of stuff because of all the experiments I've tried over the years. Anyway, I would not recommend it.

#2168 hephaestus

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Posted 27 November 2013 - 02:02 AM

I've never noticed any issues myself. I've been taking the uridine stack for about 14 months and ciltep on and off for about the same period of time, but rarely more than a few days at a time.

Edited by hephaestus, 27 November 2013 - 02:03 AM.

#2169 swen

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Posted 27 November 2013 - 03:00 PM

Currently I'm experimenting with different dosages. Is there any ratio forskolin: artichoke to consider? Based on the recommendation: 4mg:900gram.

For experimenting, should I:
1) up doses with the same ratio, for example: 8mg:1800 gram (or whatever);
2) or, temper with the ratio? for example, try 6mg forskolin with 900 gram artichoke

If option 2 is the better option: where should I start. Up the dose of artichokes or of forskolin?

Thanks :)

#2170 Ames

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 07:08 AM

This post has to do with CILTEP, but I need to detour into a related experience to arrive at my point.

I haven't regularly been taking CILTEP. Likely, because its noticeable effects have always been a bit limited to the discrete effects of PDE-4 inhibition and forskolin in me (ie: no significant felt increase in learning/memory). Instead, I'd get a decrease in IOP and some sexual enhancement. It was interesting, but not so much that continuous supplementation was compelling.

Because I haven't before, and because I've always been suspicious of he claim that PEA is completely inactive when taken without an MAO-I at lower doses, I've been experimenting with PEA and at relatively low doses. Note, that my aim was not a recreational high, but to gauge any effects that it may have. Indeed, it had no effect at 50 mg. However, it had a significant effect at 300 mg. In fact, I felt the residual effects of one 300 mg dose for at least ten days (maybe longer, but I redosed at that point). The effects actually seemed to be permanent, and therefore I suspect an up-regulation effect, somewhere, with PEA. The first couple of days, it felt like I had too many catecholamines in my blood. It's hard to explain, other than it being a ever so slightly uncomfortable catecholamine feeling. My sleep was also significantly altered (and continues to be so). The first couple of days, my sleep was just off. I would wake up without getting enough. Interestingly, my brain would also make an almost uncontrollable dive into sleep in the evening. However, after those first couple of days it evened out and I just didn't need as much sleep but was able to sleep for a normal length of time. I felt as if there was an effect on insulin, as I could eat more of worse food without feeling perceived negative effects from sugar. However, my appetite also seemed to increase. I'm not sure what was going on there. There were definite pro-sexual effects and anti-depressant effects. Noticeably, it also seemed to effectively block anxiety. Specifically, it blocked the felt adrenalin shot in the gut, to a degree, that generally begins an anxiety cascade. The single negative side-effect, other than a slightly agitated catecholamine effect in the first couple of days, was a perceived blunting of intellect in the first couple of days. If I had to guess at the site of possible up-regulation, I'd guess a GABA or D2 receptor (or both) but I haven't been able to find any studies to that effect.

My second dose of PEA was roughly ten or eleven days later. This time at 200 mg, in an attempt to zero-in on an optimal dose. The effects were weaker, but still present in the exact same pattern as the previous week. This time, however, I was more aware of the mental blunting. Probably because I wasn't as ready to blow it off the second time as something that I may not actually be perceiving.

To end the non-CILTEP part of this PEA report, I'll conclude that the possible characteristic of PEA that currently worries me the most is a possible heavy pro-oxidant effect. I'm going to have to research that further and weigh the risk. I like PEA and it's very interesting effects (an effect that lasted longer than anything I had ever taken) but I'm slightly suspicious as to how those effects are achieved. I suspect that my optimal almost-weekly dose will be around 250 mg if I continue.

The mental blunting after the second dose was a little too uncomfortable and strange after the second day of it, and so I turned to CILTEP. Given the perceptually noticeable high amount of catecholamines in my blood, I also figured that this combination would be a good CILTEP experiment. I took 1000 mg of artichoke and 4-5 mg of forskolin. Almost immediately, it returned my brain first to a normative state, and then to the focused, ready to learn state that has been so talked about in this thread. For the first time, I felt like I was feeling the LTP potential of CILTEP.

I really enjoy CILTEP now, but the PEA drives it for me. I also feel like CILTEP completes PEA, or at least it seems to neutralize a major side effect. The possibly stronger mental blunting in the second week actually may have been an effect that was still building from the first week, and if so then any type of PEA regimen without CILTEP would be a non-starter for me. As far as dosing with this combination, I feel like I wouldn't want to take CILTEP until after my body/mind evens out from the initial dose of PEA (about 2 days). This may not continue to be the case, though, if I build a tolerance to PEA (I'm not sure if that will happen at my infrequent dosing schedule). I realize that many people here may not perceive a non-MAOI 200-300 mg PEA dose, and so I offer that if they were to try this combination that they dose as they feel comfortable.

Perhaps I'll next try a higher dose L-Phenylalanine CILTEP stack to compare with the PEA stack. It'll be interesting to compare the effects and to continue to zero in on an optimal CILTEP stack.

Edited by golgi1, 28 November 2013 - 07:18 AM.

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#2171 abelard lindsay

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 08:22 AM

FYI, L-Phenylalanine is the precursor of PEA


It is biosynthesized from the amino acidphenylalanine by enzymatic decarboxylation.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 28 November 2013 - 08:22 AM.

#2172 bestbefore

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 09:29 AM

I've been trying the CILTEP stack for a couple of weeks now, but I get really bad anxiety from it. Kind of like it activates the flight response. I've been taking this:

2x450 Artichoke extract
~10mg Forskolin
500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
500mg L-Phenylalanine
Vitamin B complex 100% ADH
Couple of cups of coffee

I didn't take it today and I feel like normal again. I do take a couple of cups of coffee in the morning though. Any idea's appreciated!

#2173 chung_pao

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 02:56 PM

Big discovery made! (for me at least)

All my issues with this stack (inhibited working memory, comprehension, creativity, reduced verbal fluency) comes from the addition of caffeine.

I decided to give this stack another try, after taking a long break, and carefully added ingredients in, one by one.
This allowed me to single out caffeine as the culprit.
Without it, the stack is remarkable, and processed information is easily grasped and assimilated, and without the aforementioned side-effects.

My theory is that caffeine, in my case, causes excessive cAMP-build up. Because it feels the same as when I've used too much forskolin.

A theory on the synergism of ALCAR:
Is it possible that ALCAR is acting as a NICOTINIC AGONIST, thus increasing phosphoryation and Tyrosine hydroxylase?

Nicotinic stimulation also increased the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and tyrosine hydroxylase. This latter response occurred on serine residues 19, 31 and 40 of the enzyme.
The nicotinic-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and serine 31 of tyrosine hydroxylase was suppressed by PD98059 but not bisindolylmaleimide I.
The increased activity and phosphorylation by nicotine and muscarine is primarily associated with phosphorylation of the enzyme at Ser19 site (30).

Edited by chung_pao, 28 November 2013 - 03:19 PM.

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#2174 magta39

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 05:30 PM

I've been trying the CILTEP stack for a couple of weeks now, but I get really bad anxiety from it. Kind of like it activates the flight response. I've been taking this:

2x450 Artichoke extract
~10mg Forskolin
500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
500mg L-Phenylalanine
Vitamin B complex 100% ADH
Couple of cups of coffee

I didn't take it today and I feel like normal again. I do take a couple of cups of coffee in the morning though. Any idea's appreciated!

I suggest you cut out the phenylalanine and take 200 mgs l-theanine instead, maybe more l-theanine in the afternoon if needed. Inositol is also helpful. Small amounts of Alpha GPC 50-100 mgs sublingually helps me also.

#2175 bestbefore

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 06:10 PM

I've been trying the CILTEP stack for a couple of weeks now, but I get really bad anxiety from it. Kind of like it activates the flight response. I've been taking this:

2x450 Artichoke extract
~10mg Forskolin
500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
500mg L-Phenylalanine
Vitamin B complex 100% ADH
Couple of cups of coffee

I didn't take it today and I feel like normal again. I do take a couple of cups of coffee in the morning though. Any idea's appreciated!

I suggest you cut out the phenylalanine and take 200 mgs l-theanine instead, maybe more l-theanine in the afternoon if needed. Inositol is also helpful. Small amounts of Alpha GPC 50-100 mgs sublingually helps me also.

Thanks. Will cut out phenylalaline and take the l-theanine when it comes. I have Inositol, but I'm not sure about the dosage. Some say a couple of mg and some several grams..By the way, can you also eat eggs for the choline?
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#2176 Ames

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 07:04 PM

FYI, L-Phenylalanine is the precursor of PEA


It is biosynthesized from the amino acidphenylalanine by enzymatic decarboxylation.

I'm aware. My implicit point was that I feel that there is a strong CILTEP difference, for me, between taking the CILTEP standard dose of L-phenylalanine (500mg) and a lower dose of PEA. Also, that exploring the differences would be interesting, for me, between a higher dose of L-Phenylalanine and the approximate dose of PEA that I am currently taking.

The implication is that L-Phenylalanine at 500 mg, for me, is likely not delivering what is needed to 'drive' CILTEP to where the enhancement is noticeable and that it remains to be seen whether or not a higher dose of L-phenylalanine will overcome any rate limiting steps to match the PEA enhancement. If so, will the quality of the enhancement at each increased quantity be lesser than, equal to, or greater in quality than with PEA supplementation?

Some 'standard stack' CILTEP low responders or non-responders may have similar biochemistry to my own where we require a 'stronger' substance or dose. Exploring these tweaks may allow more people to appreciate CILTEP. Also, it may open the potential of CILTEP up to others who are currently satisfied but may not be aware that CILTEP has a little more potential. Maybe not, but I believe that the hypothesis is worthwhile.

Edited by golgi1, 28 November 2013 - 07:35 PM.

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#2177 magta39

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 07:07 PM

I've been trying the CILTEP stack for a couple of weeks now, but I get really bad anxiety from it. Kind of like it activates the flight response. I've been taking this:

2x450 Artichoke extract
~10mg Forskolin
500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
500mg L-Phenylalanine
Vitamin B complex 100% ADH
Couple of cups of coffee

I didn't take it today and I feel like normal again. I do take a couple of cups of coffee in the morning though. Any idea's appreciated!

I suggest you cut out the phenylalanine and take 200 mgs l-theanine instead, maybe more l-theanine in the afternoon if needed. Inositol is also helpful. Small amounts of Alpha GPC 50-100 mgs sublingually helps me also.

Thanks. Will cut out phenylalaline and take the l-theanine when it comes. I have Inositol, but I'm not sure about the dosage. Some say a couple of mg and some several grams..By the way, can you also eat eggs for the choline?

I have 750 mgs Inositol caps, I empty one and take sublingually, it really has a slightly sweet taste so it's not unpleasant, I usually take one cap 3 times a day. Eggs can supply your choline, I take the A-GPC because it seems to calm me in small doses.

#2178 X_Danny_X

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 08:18 PM

Big discovery made! (for me at least)

All my issues with this stack (inhibited working memory, comprehension, creativity, reduced verbal fluency) comes from the addition of caffeine.

I decided to give this stack another try, after taking a long break, and carefully added ingredients in, one by one.
This allowed me to single out caffeine as the culprit.
Without it, the stack is remarkable, and processed information is easily grasped and assimilated, and without the aforementioned side-effects.

My theory is that caffeine, in my case, causes excessive cAMP-build up. Because it feels the same as when I've used too much forskolin.

A theory on the synergism of ALCAR:
Is it possible that ALCAR is acting as a NICOTINIC AGONIST, thus increasing phosphoryation and Tyrosine hydroxylase?

Nicotinic stimulation also increased the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and tyrosine hydroxylase. This latter response occurred on serine residues 19, 31 and 40 of the enzyme.
The nicotinic-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and serine 31 of tyrosine hydroxylase was suppressed by PD98059 but not bisindolylmaleimide I.
The increased activity and phosphorylation by nicotine and muscarine is primarily associated with phosphorylation of the enzyme at Ser19 site (30).

so wait a minute, this actually worked for you in enhancing cognitive processing, creativity, working memory...and ofcourse, you also became more intelligent???

this is a very long thread, can you please tell me which brands you are using to make up your CLTP??

Edited by X_Danny_X, 28 November 2013 - 08:19 PM.

#2179 p3x888

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 09:12 PM

I have been taken Natural Stacks CILTEP and two of their smart caffeine pills. I have also added Tyrosine to it. About 45 minutes after taking, I get very drowsy. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could change? I am fine to buy the individual ingredients and play with them. I just wanted to see if anyone could point me in the right direction.

@golgi1, do you have any recommendations for a PEA dose?

#2180 deh707

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 10:58 PM

I have been taken Natural Stacks CILTEP and two of their smart caffeine pills. I have also added Tyrosine to it. About 45 minutes after taking, I get very drowsy. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could change? I am fine to buy the individual ingredients and play with them. I just wanted to see if anyone could point me in the right direction.

@golgi1, do you have any recommendations for a PEA dose?

Have you tried them without the added Tyrosine?

I was having the same issue, stacking 3x NS Ciltep + 100mg caffeine + 200mg theanine, until I eliminated the Tyrosine, lowered the L-Theanine dosage, and added 500mg L-Phenylalanine (there's already 500mg of this in NS CILTEP, but I like it at 1g.)

It could also be the 200mg L-Theanine from the full serving of NS Smart Caffeine. Some people are sensitive to L-Theanine, such as myself, so I've reduced it down to 100mg.

Edited by deh707, 28 November 2013 - 10:58 PM.

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#2181 p3x888

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 11:09 PM

I have been taken Natural Stacks CILTEP and two of their smart caffeine pills. I have also added Tyrosine to it. About 45 minutes after taking, I get very drowsy. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could change? I am fine to buy the individual ingredients and play with them. I just wanted to see if anyone could point me in the right direction.

@golgi1, do you have any recommendations for a PEA dose?

Have you tried them without the added Tyrosine?

I was having the same issue, stacking 3x NS Ciltep + 100mg caffeine + 200mg theanine, until I eliminated the Tyrosine, lowered the L-Theanine dosage, and added 500mg L-Phenylalanine (there's already 500mg of this in NS CILTEP, but I like it at 1g.)

It could also be the 200mg L-Theanine from the full serving of NS Smart Caffeine. Some people are sensitive to L-Theanine, such as myself, so I've reduced it down to 100mg.

I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Thank you for the suggestion.

#2182 p3x888

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Posted 29 November 2013 - 10:27 PM

Same issue without the tyrosine today. Tomorrow I will add the extra L-Phenylalanine and see what happens.

#2183 Sunifiramses II

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 04:57 PM

TL;DR: Had some promising results with CILTEP but (probably) depleted the hell out of my neurotransmitters after two days, (probably) because I also take ADD meds. Not giving up yet though (see second to last paragraph)!

Just bought Natural Stacks' CILTEP and have had some very interesting results so far... It's a little bit complicated for me since, as of a couple months ago, I'm prescribed dexmethylphenidate/Focalin (10-15mg/day) and atomoxetine/Strattera (25mg/day) for I-ADD.

When I woke up on Thursday, I took two Natural Stacks capsules and proceeded to feel amazing for about 8 hours. I admit to having only the vaguest notion of what LTP is, but subjectively, the events of that day felt much more significant--more "narratively charged," so to speak--than they would have otherwise. That morning, I had some caffeine and a tiny bit of Focalin--no atomoxetine yet, because I wanted to start by isolating (sort of) how CILTEP + Focalin made me feel. I quickly discovered that more than ~1mg Focalin made me feel jittery while I was "up" on CILTEP. I took some Ashwagandha (which I usually only take in the evenings) to counter it.

I crashed around 4pm (note: these results are confounded with Thanksgiving dinner at my grandmother's ;)) and had to take a short nap afterwards. When I woke up, I took some DLPA (don't have L-Phenylalanine at the moment), L-Tyrosine, and Inositol. Eventually I discovered that in this second "stage" of CILTEP, I could take my usual 2.5mg Focalin with no problems. By 5:30, I was able to get back to work (I'm a software developer & work mostly from home), and easily completed all my tasks for that evening. Overall, I could hardly ask for a more fun or productive day.

Friday morning, I took another two CILTEP capsules, this time along with my usual 12.5mg atomoxetine. (I typically divide up a 25mg Strattera capsule so that I can take 12.5mg BID, although on this particular day I skipped the second dose....) Friday started off decently, but I found myself to be much more anxious and irritable as the day wore on. Another round of DLPA + Tyrosine + Inositol didn't really help, although Ashwagandha did.

On Saturday, I took a break from CILTEP, but found that the anxiety/irritability came rushing back that afternoon, and even worse than before! I read back several pages in the CILTEP thread, and came to the conclusion that, even though I had only taken a partial dose of CILTEP for two days, I was experiencing neurotransmitter depletion--likely exacerbated by the fact that I'm taking it along with dopamine + norepinephrine reuptake inhitbitors. Anyway, this time, DLPA + Tyrosine + Inositol seemed to help. After reading some more posts (here and on /r/Nootropics) detailing what people supplement with CILTEP, I concluded that I really need to add a B-Complex as well. Or, since I love making things more complicated than they have to be, I might get several "activated" B-supplements instead, including P5P, NADH, and Methylcobalamin. :ph34r:

P.S. Today, I took just one Natural Stacks CILTEP capsule, and so far I'm getting a pleasant and mild, yet distinctively CILTEP-y feel from it (sorry if this sounds like I'm describing a cigarette)... I'll post an update later if that changes.

Edited by Sunifiramses II, 01 December 2013 - 05:10 PM.

#2184 Sunifiramses II

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 05:05 PM

Btw, call me Captain Obvious, but this thread has gotten so large and complex that it's become difficult to get information from... Has anyone considered starting a CILTEP forum? Or better yet, Discourse?
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#2185 abelard lindsay

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 09:45 PM

Btw, call me Captain Obvious, but this thread has gotten so large and complex that it's become difficult to get information from... Has anyone considered starting a CILTEP forum? Or better yet, Discourse?

I'm thinking there needs to be some bigger idea behind CILTEP to really justify a forum. Maybe some sort of structured neurohacking emphasis or something like that.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 05 December 2013 - 03:59 AM.

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#2186 fql

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Posted 05 December 2013 - 10:16 PM

Finally trying Artichoke Extract and Forskolin. I like it better than modafinil.

Edited by fql, 05 December 2013 - 10:26 PM.

#2187 Joel Gibson

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 01:54 PM

I've been trying this stack out for a few days now, and have some questions/thoughts. So far as I've been able to tell, this acts like some of the better pre-workouts I've tried, like Jack3d with more focus, and it stays effective for about 4 hours as opposed to 1. Unfortunately, it also makes me hyper-irritable/road-ragey, which is fine for a workout, but 4 hours of house cleaning and cussing the cats (because I have to do SOMETHING) is not a good thing. These are really the only effects I'm having. Good focus, but the otherwise not something I'd want to keep doing. Any suggestions for getting more of a mellow focus going?

I've done some searching, but haven't found where anyone else has had similar experiences. So, thoughts, links, etc?

My stack:
Artichoke Extract: 900mg
Forskolin: 10 mg
ALCAR: 1.5 grams (Any less and I crash after that 4 hour mark.)
L-phenylalanine: 500 mg

I've also been using l-theanine 200 mg with my (admittedly over-large) cups of coffee.

Today, I'm replacing the phenylalanine with tyrosine, so we'll see how that goes.
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#2188 magta39

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 05:33 PM

I finally created a dose stack which I can use successfully for up to 5 consecutive days without crashing. But over those 4 or 5 days I seem to feel like I get increasingly irritable, not like road rage, but I do notice it. So I am thinking about going back to my previous schedule of CILTEP every other day, on that schedule I seemed to be having great days even on my days off from forskolin.

#2189 Mr. Pink

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 06:00 PM

adding the alcar made this stack actually useful for me. now how do i make it sustainable? it works so well it's tough to take weekends off, cause i still study on weekends. but i do notice tolerance setting in. any way to stave that off without taking days off?

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#2190 machete234

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 09:21 PM

Can somebody tell me what would happen if I combine artichoke extract with modafinil, how would this combination feel?
Im asking because only the artichoke extract came through while the forskolin is stuck in customs.

I read some postings that suggest modafinil could take the part of the cAMP enhancer.
It would be interesting if you can potentiate modafinil so that you need less of the drug.

Edited by machete234, 07 December 2013 - 09:25 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ciltep, pde4, forskolin, ltp

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