I've been reading some interesting accounts of DMSO used as carrier on hair loss forums , and wondered if any one else here has considered using it as way of bypassing the usual route ?
The reason Im interested is because I wanted to see if I could use with a product Im interested in trying that usually only works with wounds .
The product itself is sold as bandages but contains an extracellular matrix with the same magical pixie dust stuff that can supposedly regrow finger tips.
As I dont have any open wounds , I thought maybe with the dmso , I could instead have
the extracellular absorbed through the skin and into the deeper layers of my tissue / fascia where all my problems are.
I dont know if it will work, but Im assuming that this should be pretty safe given these bandages are designed to be absorbed into the body through the wound any way.
The idea then was simply to dip the bandages in sterile water as recommended and then apply the dmso gel ( 70 % - 30 % water ) or alternatively dip the bandages in the DMSO first, and then just use a hydrogel wth it, what do you think , would this idea work or not , and if not is it possible ?
Edited by tepol, 26 September 2011 - 05:00 PM.