guys I'm trying uridine from the company Mr. Kitty, one of them, showed me, along with high DHA, and choline, and lions mane, and some others.
My problem is a feel like I have no brain left. Seriously, like there is air there, and not a feeling I used to have like a basic conscious feeling.
I'm thinking this could be from anoxia damage that we don't know exactly the degree, nor obviously how these things play out, as every brain injury is different, and of course in my other thread I mentioned antipsychotics decreasing brain volume by at least 1% each year in several studies. I am sorry I do not have the energy, nor memory at this second to show the study, but there is a famous one on Macabee monkeys that showed 2nd generation atypical antipsychotics, the one's they give to everyone these days, ate away at brain tissue by 15% each year, I attended a lecture with Robert Whitaker, in Mass, who wrote "Anatomy of an Epidemic," on big pharmas, lies about what they are destroying people with...
Then there's electroshock, I spent the last year interviewing, amnesic people who couldn't do basic math, nor remember years, decades of life memories, some forgot how to drive, and so much literature on this, I"d be happy to post, if anyone's interested.
Finally that brings me to my present day problems, of having multiple insults to my brain, so some consider ECT to be "closed head injury," while even pro ECT docs came out in a study in 07 proving shocking the brain at 450 volts .9 ampiers of currrent, proved permanent brain damage in 100% of people out of 357, here is the write up of the study,
http://www.huffingto...ie_b_44734.html, anyway in short, the voltage and I believe current is actually higher today than in the form that Ernest Hemingway got, in the 50's and he committed suicide as a result, with his famous quote that ECt destroyed his abiltiy to write, can be found on his wikipedia page.
Anyway. My brain is so damaged, that like any other person, I am desperate, to find a way to grow neurons back...From all that I have read about ECT, neurogenisis, is especially difficult do to how high current uniquely destroys brain tissue, again, I can show all of this or it can be found online, once you get past the ECT and pharma + hospital tie in and backed studies. (This is the type of thing I used to be able to explain much better.
So I'm keeping on top of this thread, and if anyone knows of things that can increase neurogenesis, and neuroprotect, besides all that has been discussed please tell me, I'm looking into PQQ.
Last question, how much uridine orally should one attempt? I know there are better ways to make uridine bioavailable, but I don't have the stamina right now to research this.