My Uridine from SN is probably halfway between powdered sugar and white/table sugar... Can you detect a difference in their taste? Are you sensitive enough to uridine to detect a difference in efficacy?
Also, just wanted to pop in to say that UMP definitely makes caffeine very unpleasant for me. I was already very sensitive to the negative effects of caffeine and generally avoided coffee, but was fine with lightly caffeinated beverages/decaf coffee. I slipped up and drank a 600ml bottle of Coke earlier and am now experiencing far more head pressure, brain fog, and anxiety than I would've normally.
I can definitely taste a difference, the Uridine I received from ND tastes very similar to CDP-CHOLINE (chemical like taste) and nowhere near the salt like taste SN Uridine delivers.
I messaged ND through reddit for a COA and they immediately messaged me back a COA (
I cannot really describe the efficacy of the ND Uridine, but it seems to work. If anyone else has bought Uridine from ND please input your experience.
Mr.Happy are you still adding noopept to your Uridine regimen? If you don't mind me asking, as of now, what is current nootropic regimen?