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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#331 MrHappy

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 04:05 AM

I get bad headaches from soy, so would regular choline citrate instead of GPC choline work as well in that combo?

It raises levels of acetylcholine, so yes. :)

Interestingly enough, I normally get a runny nose from soy sauce, but not from lecithin or alpha-gpc, which are soy derivatives.

Edited by MrHappy, 10 December 2011 - 04:07 AM.

#332 JChief

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 11:19 AM

Excuse me MrHappy, what exactly is TAU and UMP ?

Also, could you please check this out ? http://www.longecity...nisms-of-alcar/

After reading this, I'm wondering if we could actually replace the GPC/CDP choline with ALCAR ?

JChief switched choline for ALCAR and he has had success. :)

TAU - TriAcetylUridine - also known as PN401. It's lipid soluble and between 4-8x more bioavailable than free uridine (known as UR).
UMP - Uridine-5'MonoPhosphate, also uridine-5'monophosphate-disodium. Extremely water soluble, so sublingual doses should yield around 7-10x more bioavailability than oral UMP.

Regarding ALCAR use. I have been taking 500mg on empty stomach twice per day. If I take 1g I feel an axiogenic effect. Nothing too bad but I lowered back the dose and all is good. 500mg ALCAR along with 2g piracetam (which I only take once per day now with my second ALCAR dose) has worked quite well to manage stress levels and improves communication skills. I talk on the phone a lot on my job and have to write documentation and it makes my job a bit easier. ALCAR has negated the grogginess that would sometimes set in when taking piracetam in those doses. Also, I currently take 100mg TAU once per day in the AM with breakfast with my DHA-containing fish oil (600mg DHA), which I also bumped up a bit, and vitamins. Upping TAU from 50mg to 100mg presents a more noticeable mood lift after my TAU dosage. Usually within an hour or so is when I notice a difference. Enhanced well-being and less mood swings are noticed no matter what time of day it is while on this regimen and also appears beneficial as an all-around brain supplement no matter what issues you are currently dealing with. Here is another article detailing how ALCAR, uridine, and others can work together in boosting effects of nerve growth factor (NGF).

Edited by JChief, 10 December 2011 - 11:28 AM.

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#333 nito

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:40 PM

I think TAU might have enhanced the weed last night or that weed was some good ish! I took 125 mg TAU. Had this lovely cold sensation at prefrontal cortex , neck and scalp. Not the usual weed feeling for sure.
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#334 MrHappy

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 12:24 PM

Guys, I'm going to be away for nearly a month from this weekend. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!!
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#335 nito

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 01:41 PM

Guys, I'm going to be away for nearly a month from this weekend. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!!

Damn we going to miss ya insight into this exciting topic. I have started the TAU , been taking anything from 25 - 200 mg with 1 CDP choline, 200 mg modalert and 3 max strenght DHA (1500 mg dha, 210 mg epa) and other times normal fish oil with 800 mg epa and 400 mg dha. Lately i have tried to add a water soluble vitamin b tablet. I have been taking this uridine for nearly 5 days. I think i seem to feel more confident about solving problems and material, however this could be a placebo. I am yet to receive UMP from supernaturals, its been more than a week. I hope they are not dodgy.
Have a nice holiday mate:)

Edited by nito, 14 December 2011 - 01:42 PM.

#336 MrHappy

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:25 PM

Sounds like you are on the right track. The B vitamins are essential, make sure you are taking at least RDA. A good multi should also include calcium amd magnesium. Vitamin E is a good idea, also.

I don't know if modafinil will work nicely with this stack or not, as it might be in a constant battle to increase monoamine levels.. See how you go, I guess!

#337 nito

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 11:26 PM

Sounds like you are on the right track. The B vitamins are essential, make sure you are taking at least RDA. A good multi should also include calcium amd magnesium. Vitamin E is a good idea, also.

I don't know if modafinil will work nicely with this stack or not, as it might be in a constant battle to increase monoamine levels.. See how you go, I guess!

Unfortnately apart from vitamin b1 , biotin and vitamin b6 my b vitamin combo are all under the RDA. My multi ran out last month so i guess i need a new one. Do you really need to take multi and b complex? Does multi alone not work? Also the company you listed supernaturals or something has taken almost 2 weeks to ship my stuff, i hope they didnt dupe me, swanson TAU came fairly quick to the uk.

#338 Hebbeh

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 11:44 PM

If you're referring to superior nutraceuricals...I received my original shipment of bulk UDP fast (which is gone!) and have been planning to order more as I preferred it to caps....but am guessing they are out of stock and waiting for a fresh batch....coming on a slow boat from china...literally!!!
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#339 nito

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 02:41 AM

If you're referring to superior nutraceuricals...I received my original shipment of bulk UDP fast (which is gone!) and have been planning to order more as I preferred it to caps....but am guessing they are out of stock and waiting for a fresh batch....coming on a slow boat from china...literally!!!

China is a super power. Surely their engines in their boats meets the requirements of standard delivery. Heck i would even expect their boats to be powered by some crazy mechanism, such as the one that makes their trains go something like the speed of light lol.

#340 MrHappy

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 06:24 AM

<shrug> My 1Kg bag of UMP arrived next day from China. Just organising lab tests to confirm the CoA.

I'm still waiting on my TAU from the US, however. Stock issues. <cough>

#341 MrHappy

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 06:31 AM

Nito, you need decent amounts of B group vitamins for DNA methylation +
magnesium, calcium and vitamin E.

Currently I take at least RDA of B's and a megadose of B12 ->1mg, seeing as I'm vegetarian.

#342 MrHappy

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 11:17 PM

Found another cheap online retailer:
$17.60 for 60x300mg UMP

#343 MrHappy

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 11:25 PM

Uridine and positive effects on bowel microbial populations:

#344 nito

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Posted 17 December 2011 - 02:45 AM

Nito, you need decent amounts of B group vitamins for DNA methylation +
magnesium, calcium and vitamin E.

Currently I take at least RDA of B's and a megadose of B12 ->1mg, seeing as I'm vegetarian.

So i need a b complex and a multi? I thought people that took part in the study of uridine and dha didnt need anything else, i guess i was wrong.

#345 MrHappy

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Posted 17 December 2011 - 12:33 PM

Nicotine and caffeine: effects on uridine transport -

#346 MrHappy

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Posted 17 December 2011 - 01:12 PM

Uridine reduces rotation induced by l-Dopa and methamphetamine in 6-OHDA-treated rats


#347 MrHappy

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 12:50 AM

I found some internet for a few days.. :)


#348 Justchill

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 10:49 AM

Ordered some uridine.
So 300mg SL and how much DHA should you take for good effects?

#349 nito

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:38 PM

yea im wondering whether its better to take normal fish oil that has DHA or a maxstrength DHA?

#350 rwac

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 05:26 PM

yea im wondering whether its better to take normal fish oil that has DHA or a maxstrength DHA?

Pretty sure the DHA is only there to suppress inflammation. So you should figure out how much you need. For instance, I don't use any.

Edited by rwac, 20 December 2011 - 05:32 PM.

#351 MrHappy

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 05:37 PM

It also promotes BDNF..

According to one of the patents, from memory, double the amount of uridine in EPA and 4x that in DHA. I think it was on page 3 or thereabouts if you want to check it. I'm using flaxseed oil, so my ratios are probably going to differ somewhat.

Don't forget the vitamins - E, B group etc.

#352 nito

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 05:59 PM

It also promotes BDNF..

According to one of the patents, from memory, double the amount of uridine in EPA and 4x that in DHA. I think it was on page 3 or thereabouts if you want to check it. I'm using flaxseed oil, so my ratios are probably going to differ somewhat.

Don't forget the vitamins - E, B group etc.

I took the uridine for 10 days. Have not take any for 4 days, hope not that my changes have stopped and they are back to base level and i have to star all over again. I guess i need to buy adams multi again and a b complex. Is this a must "mr happy" as i dont think its mentioned that participants took multi in studies posted in this thread? I got b12 lozenges (5000 mcg) as well.

Edited by nito, 20 December 2011 - 06:13 PM.

#353 MrHappy

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 03:37 AM


If your diet is not good, or you participate in activities that deplete your stores of B vitamins - typically activities revolving around stress or growth - you're going to need to help promote neurogenesis by taking a decent multi.

The B group vitamins are required for DNA methylation. A deficiency will either limit the growth, or in the worst case, lead to genotoxicity. There were papers about this posted earlier in the thread, if you'd like to research it further.

A standard multi-B from your local supermarket or chemist should be pretty cheap?

#354 JChief

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:03 AM

yea im wondering whether its better to take normal fish oil that has DHA or a maxstrength DHA?

Pretty sure the DHA is only there to suppress inflammation. So you should figure out how much you need. For instance, I don't use any.

I personally was taking it for more than that. PKC activity was implicated in omega-3 fatty acids:


#355 rwac

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:06 AM

I personally was taking it for more than that. PKC activity was implicated in omega-3 fatty acids:


But the big question is, does it have the same benefits if omega-6 fats are low, or does it merely neutralize the negative effects of omega-6?

#356 nito

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 12:35 PM


If your diet is not good, or you participate in activities that deplete your stores of B vitamins - typically activities revolving around stress or growth - you're going to need to help promote neurogenesis by taking a decent multi.

The B group vitamins are required for DNA methylation. A deficiency will either limit the growth, or in the worst case, lead to genotoxicity. There were papers about this posted earlier in the thread, if you'd like to research it further.

A standard multi-B from your local supermarket or chemist should be pretty cheap?

yea my local store has b complex and multi, but ova here , they aint even up to the RDA. It's pretty low. Anyone recommend a decent multi you can get from iherb? My last multi(now adam) didnt have iron, not that i am deficient, but i always feel tired and i don't think i notice the nergy boost you are meant to get from multi vitamins. Is it harmful if i buy one that contains 2% iron per pill? http://www.iherb.com...lets/22527?at=0

Edited by nito, 21 December 2011 - 12:42 PM.

#357 nupi

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 02:24 PM

Uhhh, you are not generally meant to get an energy boost from multis.... Also, I don't think you actually want to supplement iron unless you are tested to be deficient.

#358 MrHappy

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:21 PM

That looks like a very good multi. :)
The iron content is fine - 2% of RDA. Males don't need much iron, unless you are a coffee drinker. It screws badly with your iron absorption. Next time you injure yourself, check your blood colour - light/bright red = low iron. Dark red = normal iron.

#359 MrHappy

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:26 PM

Oh.. and yes, you may well get an energy boost from vitamins. Particularly B's and C's.. magnesium, too. :)

Depends largely on your diet, health and stress levels.

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#360 nupi

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 08:28 AM

Well if you are deficient, maybe. Personally I never felt an energy boost from B complex pills (but neither did I ever actually feel the claimed anxiolytic effects which are sort of contradictory to energy boost, too). Magnesium, if anything, calms me down.

Still looking for a Uridine source that won't charge me 35USD shipping for a tiny bottle :(

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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