Well, if you were planning on tapering off zoloft, I would run with the uridine stack for a couple of weeks first, continue it, then *gradually* cut down the dose. Liquid zoloft and a syringe for measuring it out would be the easiest way to do it, as per this:
My wife was then able to work through past issues that were the root causes of her anxieties.. and they've *stayed* gone, months later!
She says that the uridine combo helped improve / elevate her consciousness in a way that let her have a calm, rational place to distance herself from the anxieties and obsessive impulses, deal with them logically and move on.
She is consistently happier than she was on zoloft and her natural creative talents have rekindled and blossomed. Her career had stagnated, as on zoloft, she had been losing self-confidence and interest in her artistic nature, which is the core of who she is. She had lost her sparkle and zest for life. Back to normal now!
In short, based on her results, I'd recommend it. You'll still have some work to do in the early weeks, as old memories float to the surface, giving you the means and clarity to identify and make peace with the causes of your anxiety triggers. Completely worth it.

EFT was also quite helpful.
As for vegetarian DHA (algae) - in a nutshell, not enough EPA for my liking. ALA from flaxseed provides a better balance. It is also very cheap..