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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#511 Hebbeh

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 03:59 AM

yes, but you (or somebody else in this topic?) felt the effects from 50 mg, this is about 1,5 g of brewer's yeast so even with 50% conversion should I feel the effects. anyway, you didn't answer my question: when should I feel the effects (whether is yeast, spirulina or UMP, TAU)?

As I've reported several times in this and other threads and forums...I've used 1-2 heaping Tbsps. (20-40 grams) of brewers yeast (for the purported nutritional benefits) every single day for at least the last 10 years and I've never felt any of the uridine effects from brewers yeast. Not until I used 250mg of UMP sublingually (for 5 or 6 days) did I experience the magic of uridine. From my experience, if you are planning on using brewers yeast to gain the benefits of uridine....you will not only be disappointed but wasting your time. I know of nobody that has reported uridine mediated benefits from brewers yeast. Like I said, in spite of using substantial doses of brewers yeast daily for at least 10 years, it wasn't until starting on 250mg of sublingual UMP that the fog was magically lifted for me. Read back through the uridine threads and I have posted much more on my experiences of where I was before uridine and where I am now. And like I said, brewers yeast was no benefit to me in comparison to what I've experienced with uridine over the past couple months....it has been amazing for me...of course I had been struggling for a very long time with mental fatigue, brain fog, difficulty concentrating and focusing...just mentally struggling to stay afloat...and the fog has finally been lifted with uridine...I feel like my old self from 10 years ago...like I want to feel and should feel...and it's been a very long time. My suggestion from my experience...save your time and money...use UMP....and UMP is cheap...cheaper than brewers yeast as far as supposed benefit of uridine gram for gram. Of course, depending on where you're at cognitively now and what you're expecting...YMMV
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#512 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 04:03 AM

Looks good.

Too bad I got 500g Choline-bitartate instead of CDP-Choline. mehh

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#513 nupi

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 04:06 PM

Just ordered 25g from Superior Nutraceuticals (it's 5 bucks cheaper on their site than ebay, BTW). Let's see if it does me any good :P

#514 X_Danny_X

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 04:42 PM

http://www.superiorn...ridine5mono.pdf CoA looks ok, but who knows if its for real...

Looks real to me, I bought some. Thanks for the link.

where is the link to buy this product of UMP or TAU?

#515 nupi

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:11 PM


#516 Lufega

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 05:32 PM

For a while, I was suffering from self-induced insomnia. I would force myself to stay up until 4-6 AM and read, surf and watch netflix just because...

Eventually it became habit. Since I've been on Uridine, I can't stay up past 1ish and I'm up by 10 AM the latest instead of the usual 2-3 PM. Interesting. I told my brother to get some who suffers from chronic insomnia. We'll see what happens.
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#517 Hologram

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:05 PM

Wow, I admit I am impressed with the various testimonials of usage. Helps with insomnia and OCD, I'm sold.

#518 X_Danny_X

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 10:28 PM


Thanks Nupi, your the man bro.

Also, is TAU more powerful than Uridine? I believe it was mentioned earlier in this thread but I couldn't exactly find the mentioning of it, quite a few threads with Mr. Happy's combo. It seems the link above doesnt have TAU as a supplement.

Edited by X_Danny_X, 06 January 2012 - 10:32 PM.

#519 trismatic

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 11:45 PM

Has anyone found any good places to buy it in Europe, or atleast one which would actually ship it to Europe? Currently I've checked these
- BayHo, shipping costs around 30-40 dollars... no chance. Iherb, for example, ships for $4
- PureFormulas, doesn't ship outside of US
- the amazon source is too high price (25g for $50, would go over the customs limit so it would be pretty expensive)

Guess I have to rely on spirulina or yeast then... or is LEF RNA any good?

#520 Zippy123

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 02:59 AM

Can someone please help me? I am trying to follow this thread but it seems the more I read the more confused I am becoming.

Should I buy UMP or TAU or both?
Are they the same as buying the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 grams from Superior Nutraceuticals?
If not, which do you feel is better and where would I buy it (the UMP and/or TAU)?
Is this all the same as the product from LEF, 'Cognitex'?
I currently take Zoloft, ALCAR and ALA with a high potency fish oil. I eat lots of egss daily. Is this enough to provide the benefits that everyone is reporting?

Sorry for so many questions. I am confused and really want to try this. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide me with.

Be well

#521 rwac

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:11 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Edited by rwac, 07 January 2012 - 03:11 AM.

#522 Zippy123

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:24 AM

Ok, now I think I feel silly.....

I just looked on Pure Formulas and am I correct that TAU is Uridine (Triacetyluridine) and that UMP is Uridine-5'-monophosphate? If so, I am still not certain I understand the difference between the two?

Thank you!

#523 Zippy123

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:40 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

#524 Hebbeh

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:50 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.
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#525 rwac

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:50 AM

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The above link is powder forum, otherwise you can get it as a capsule from Cardiovascular Research..

#526 HenryHH

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 05:59 AM

I have a gift card to the Vitamin Shoppe with a decent amount of cash on it (~$170). Would an RNA supplement (I don't think they sell a pure uridine product) be worth purchasing? I am primarily interested in improving my memory (especially in regards to studying) and generally increasing my energy levels.

#527 nupi

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:00 PM

How important is the Choline source in the stack? I have about a month of Alpha GPC (at 300mg/d) and perhaps 2 weeks of Citicholine left and wonder if I need to reorder (considering that shipping takes about 2 to 3 weeks in general)...

Also, the skin and muscle improvements reported, are you attributing those to the Alpha GPC or the Uridine/DHA part of the stack?

Two reasons why I am asking (aside of Alpha GPC not being all that cheap):
1) On it's own (or combined with ALCAR) I never noticed much of anything when taking Citicholine or Alpha GPC
2) Some claim the choline sources as being depressants - not exactly what I need

Edited by nupi, 07 January 2012 - 03:12 PM.

#528 Odium

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 05:11 PM

If the brain can repair the underlying issue, I don't understand why would you want to keep bombarding it with seratonin? It's a side-of-the-road quick fix with unwanted side effects.

What are you suggesting here? That serotonin somehow gets in the way of the brain repairing itself? Do you have a citation for this?

The prevailing hypothesis of how SSRI's actually work runs counter to what you seem to be suggesting (PMID: 22076148).

Also, regarding your suicide claims with SSRI's. Your citation is comes from an obviously biased site that gains financially from extolling n3's. Their source for that claim also shows that in the early 80's that the placebo recipients were more likely to commit suicide. Furthermore, the conclusion of that review contains: "

We also observed several major methodological limitations in the published trials."

#529 MrHappy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 11:05 AM

HenryHH - I'd suggest TAU/UMP as the best option. RNA sources come with a risk of gout.

Nupi - I'd order some more alpha-gpc and finish off the citicholine. No idea which individual component is responsible for the skin and eyesight improvements at this stage, possibly a combination - just happy that it happens. :)

Odium - I'm suggesting that SSRIs are a good example of treating the symptoms, rather than fixing the actual problem. They also have the ability to exacerbate and complicate the issue for some people. As for MAOIs, brain regeneration rates have been inversely tied to dopamine. There was a citation earlier in the thread.

I'm note sure if you saw the link I posted for the article on methylation and depression, also? Had some interesting notes on why SSRIs would work for some people and horribly for others.

Edited by MrHappy, 08 January 2012 - 11:07 AM.

#530 MrHappy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 01:47 PM

Trismatic -

Is France close enough?

#531 trismatic

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 03:25 PM

Trismatic -

Is France close enough?

If I did understand correctly, Finland is in GLS zone 4 and the minimum price for 1kg package (there was only min 1kg and max 30kg) to GLS zone 4 is 36eur. So the shipping cost is almost 2 uridines itself :) That's why I'm probably going after the LEF RNA, although I don't know if it's nearly as effective as UMP. Seems that iHerb is the only store which uses airmail and has low international shipping costs. I emailed them about uridine, but I guess it's a substance we will never see in their product range.

#532 choqueiro

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 05:03 PM

Hi MrHappy. I sent an email to AOR asking some questions about their products and I´m waiting to their answer to make the order of the stack. One question. I´m going to go with the UMP Uridine. As you know I´m going to order "Cardiovascular Research". This product comes in capsules form but I want to take the uridine sublingually. Should I open the capsules and put the product under my tongue?? Is this okay or should I buy a powder form uridine as "Superior Nutraceuticals" product?? What do you suggest me??

Does Superior Nutraceuticales ships products to Europe??

Thanks so much.

#533 MrHappy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 05:17 PM

Trismatic - you could order in bulk. Your shipping cost becomes negligible then. I suppose the question is whether to take the plunge and buy bulk (ie. 4 or 5 tubs) or spend the extra shipping for a test/sample? SuperiorNutraceuticals uses airmail, if that helps you?

Choqueiro - I'd get the superiornutraceuticals 25g tub - much better for sublingual doses, no filler.

#534 nito

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 05:26 PM

hey mr happy, each three pills of my multi gives me 200iu vitamin e. Do you think this is eneough to not dampen the success of my trial?

#535 MrHappy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 06:16 PM

I'd start there and see how you go - I think it'll be OK for now. :)

#536 trismatic

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 06:32 PM

Trismatic - you could order in bulk. Your shipping cost becomes negligible then. I suppose the question is whether to take the plunge and buy bulk (ie. 4 or 5 tubs) or spend the extra shipping for a test/sample? SuperiorNutraceuticals uses airmail, if that helps you?

Choqueiro - I'd get the superiornutraceuticals 25g tub - much better for sublingual doses, no filler.

I think it's best to order one sample from Eurofitness France and see if it works for me. It lasts around 2 months, maybe some other stores add uridine to their product ranges before I run out. :) Thanks for your help.

I would still like to hear peoples opinions of RNA and possibly RNA compared to UMP, though.

#537 Zippy123

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 12:29 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp
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#538 Hebbeh

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 12:41 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp

They are the same, just different quantities. I am using 250mg twice per day so for me, the 25 gram tub will last 50 days and the 250 grams tub will last 500 days.
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#539 Zippy123

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:23 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp

They are the same, just different quantities. I am using 250mg twice per day so for me, the 25 gram tub will last 50 days and the 250 grams tub will last 500 days.

Great, thanks. I will start with the 25 grams and if I can experience the great benefits that are others are reporting I will buy the bigger tub. I have decided to buy the Alpha GPC too. Is there any need for Aniracetam in addition or is that overkill?

Thanks again. Be well - Zipp

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#540 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:31 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp

They are the same, just different quantities. I am using 250mg twice per day so for me, the 25 gram tub will last 50 days and the 250 grams tub will last 500 days.

Great, thanks. I will start with the 25 grams and if I can experience the great benefits that are others are reporting I will buy the bigger tub. I have decided to buy the Alpha GPC too. Is there any need for Aniracetam in addition or is that overkill?

Thanks again. Be well - Zipp

Don't mean to burst bubbles, but what are the the experiences others have had with uridine? I feel great doesn;t really say much.

Edited by redan, 09 January 2012 - 01:32 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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