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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#541 Hebbeh

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:46 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp

They are the same, just different quantities. I am using 250mg twice per day so for me, the 25 gram tub will last 50 days and the 250 grams tub will last 500 days.

Great, thanks. I will start with the 25 grams and if I can experience the great benefits that are others are reporting I will buy the bigger tub. I have decided to buy the Alpha GPC too. Is there any need for Aniracetam in addition or is that overkill?

Thanks again. Be well - Zipp

Don't mean to burst bubbles, but what are the the experiences others have had with uridine? I feel great doesn;t really say much.

Read the entire thread for everything you wanted to know about uridine but was afraid to ask. It's all there.
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#542 nito

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:37 AM

ok this happend to me when me a girl made love. She promised she was on the pill. When i finished she said she was not. I looked at her in panick, and she looked back as if she didnt mind having my child. She stood up infront the mirror and started posing from side to side holding her belly, as if she was pregnant. I freaked out , and said what u doing, she laughed and said she was joking. She went upstairs. I waited on the bed. Then suddenly i heard her voice screaming, and saying things out loud, as if she was on the fone. I panicked and thought she was sharing the news with her family, but to my surprise she had only seen a spider. She took the pill next day. I was just paranoid lol. So any strong nootropic that make me forget this day lol? :ph34r:
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#543 choqueiro

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 11:29 AM

I was thinking if it would be better to take CDP Choline instead of Alpha GPC. Both are the best choline sources but it is said that Alpha GPC is not recommended for depression. The differences between them are also that Alpha GPC increases HGH and CDP Choline increases dopamine and serotonin. I´m a little bit concerned about taking Alpha GPC in the long term because it could increase the cancer risk.

Any recommendation?? Does anyone taking uridine + CDP choline could tell his experience?? If I suffer depression should I go carefully with Alpha GPC??

Thanks so much

#544 nupi

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 11:47 AM

So any strong nootropic that make me forget this day lol? :ph34r:

You should not forget this. There is a very valuable lesson in there - never trust girls. Even in a LTR I am wary when it comes to that particular topic...

#545 nupi

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 12:50 PM

So if Alpha GPC boosts HGH, that maybe what has helped MrHappy's skin... I guess I did see some slight improvements when I tried it two or three months ago, now that I think of it. How much Choline is suggested, if its 600mg, then maybe we could mix and match A GPC and Citicholine if the latter really affects neurotransmitters positively...

#546 MrHappy

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:12 PM

I was thinking if it would be better to take CDP Choline instead of Alpha GPC. Both are the best choline sources but it is said that Alpha GPC is not recommended for depression. The differences between them are also that Alpha GPC increases HGH and CDP Choline increases dopamine and serotonin. I´m a little bit concerned about taking Alpha GPC in the long term because it could increase the cancer risk.

Any recommendation?? Does anyone taking uridine + CDP choline could tell his experience?? If I suffer depression should I go carefully with Alpha GPC??

Thanks so much

Well blow me down... it looks like both a-gpc and CDP are dopaminergic!
3rd link shows a study with alpha-gpc to be more effective and having less side-effects across 4000 people.


Don't mean to burst bubbles, but what are the the experiences others have had with uridine? I feel great doesn;t really say much.

Mood stablisation and cognitive repair / enhancements are the obvious benefits. Sleep debt, brain fog mediation. Other readily observable improvements to muscle density, skin quality and eyesight have also unexpectedly occurred. Less immediately obvious benefits include cardiovascular health, immune system enhancement, antiviral properties, DNA protection/repair and mitochondrial disease treatment/prevention, according to the research.

I'm more than a little surprised this isn't a recommended / standard part of our diet after early developmental years, when we get an analogue of this combination from breast milk or formula. Our cellular health clearly benefits from it at any age, not just post-natal.

#547 nupi

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:56 PM

As for alpha GPC, it’s believed that intestinal enzymes known as phosphodiesterases are responsible for cutting it into its components,39 but there’s no information I can find on what percentage of an administered dose of oral alpha GPC is likely to make it through the gut intact. My best guess, however, is that a fair amount does get through and in fact makes it into the brain. The reason for this is that in animal experiments only alpha GPC—and not choline nor any other breakdown product of alpha GPC—is able to reverse age-related decreases in brain acetylcholine receptors and membrane fluidity.19

I wonder if we should take the AGPC sublingually as well - I'd try, but I only have capped AGPC mixed with fillers :(

#548 malden

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:25 PM

As for alpha GPC, it’s believed that intestinal enzymes known as phosphodiesterases are responsible for cutting it into its components,39 but there’s no information I can find on what percentage of an administered dose of oral alpha GPC is likely to make it through the gut intact. My best guess, however, is that a fair amount does get through and in fact makes it into the brain. The reason for this is that in animal experiments only alpha GPC—and not choline nor any other breakdown product of alpha GPC—is able to reverse age-related decreases in brain acetylcholine receptors and membrane fluidity.19

I wonder if we should take the AGPC sublingually as well - I'd try, but I only have capped AGPC mixed with fillers :(

Very exited how you go on uridine Nupi.
We have both the same accutane historie, over 2 weeks i gonna order some uridine.

#549 nupi

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:49 PM

We will see if I notice much among the other stuff in my stack - I sure hope so but who knows. Ideally I want to get rid of the Wellbutrin but let's see how it goes.

#550 MrHappy

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 03:45 PM

As for alpha GPC, it’s believed that intestinal enzymes known as phosphodiesterases are responsible for cutting it into its components,39 but there’s no information I can find on what percentage of an administered dose of oral alpha GPC is likely to make it through the gut intact. My best guess, however, is that a fair amount does get through and in fact makes it into the brain. The reason for this is that in animal experiments only alpha GPC—and not choline nor any other breakdown product of alpha GPC—is able to reverse age-related decreases in brain acetylcholine receptors and membrane fluidity.19

I wonder if we should take the AGPC sublingually as well - I'd try, but I only have capped AGPC mixed with fillers :(

I've got bulk powder, but we'll have to see if there is a observable difference.. perhaps a dual b-back test or 10.. :)

#551 david ellis

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 04:51 PM

http://www.superiorn...ridine5mono.pdf CoA looks ok, but who knows if its for real...

Looks real to me, I bought some. Thanks for the link.

where is the link to buy this product of UMP or TAU?

You can buy at the website linked by nupi.

#552 nito

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:43 PM

mr happy correction. I actually only get 120iu vitamin e for every three multi pills i take. Even less than i initially thought...ops lol.
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#553 MrHappy

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 07:07 PM

Maybe worth buying a 500IU mixed supplement, then.

That won't stop you at this stage. :)

#554 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 12:46 AM

Lol what if you throw in ALCAR into this stack? You'd be pumping out NGF's.

#555 MrHappy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 12:54 AM

A couple of people have, instead of alpha-gpc. :)

#556 sparkk51

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 03:14 AM

MrHappy, do you have ADD? If so, do you have hyperactivity and how has this combination been for you compared to a stimulant?

#557 nito

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 03:54 AM

Maybe worth buying a 500IU mixed supplement, then.

That won't stop you at this stage. :)

I dont even like the three nature's way pills. It's got like 25 different fruits, 20 different vegetables, some mushrooms and other things i would not expect to find in a multi. i might just change it. It gives me nausea. Anyways i guess i gotta open the wallet again and get vitamin e supp.

#558 MrHappy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 05:00 AM

MrHappy, do you have ADD? If so, do you have hyperactivity and how has this combination been for you compared to a stimulant?

Sorry, Sparkk51, I don't have ADD.
Because of the way it works, I have suspicions that it could be quite beneficial and I would love someone with ADD to try it out and let others know. :)

#559 penisbreath

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 05:34 AM

Sorry, I didn't have the attention span to read through the entire thread, but as someone who suffers from ADD, OCD, depression and sleep problems, I'm definitely interested in trying Uridine ..

Just a couple of questions:

1) Did anyone here who felt worse on DHA as a standalone supplement feel better on the combination? I'm not sure, but I feel like DHA (from neuromins) makes me feel a little more depressed; I also tried a high-DHA fish oil supp. which seemed to increase my anxiety.

2) I can't tolerate methylfolate either (causes anxiety, agitation); could I get away without supplementing it? would just a b-complex (Jarrow's b-right) do?

3) my budget is limited right now, so could I get away with using the cardiovascular research brand swanson's carries? cheapest source I could find ..

I was planning to avoid choline since it's reportedly not so great for OCD or depression.

Edited by lucky.pierre, 10 January 2012 - 05:36 AM.

#560 csrpj

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:07 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp

They are the same, just different quantities. I am using 250mg twice per day so for me, the 25 gram tub will last 50 days and the 250 grams tub will last 500 days.

Great, thanks. I will start with the 25 grams and if I can experience the great benefits that are others are reporting I will buy the bigger tub. I have decided to buy the Alpha GPC too. Is there any need for Aniracetam in addition or is that overkill?

Thanks again. Be well - Zipp

Don't mean to burst bubbles, but what are the the experiences others have had with uridine? I feel great doesn;t really say much.

Read the entire thread for everything you wanted to know about uridine but was afraid to ask. It's all there.

i'm with redan on this one...

i've read the entire thread post-for-post and stay keep myself updated. and while it seems really positive, it's hard to how people at large are experiencing this stack... there really have been only a couple posters that have raved about it, which itself doesn't speak as loudly as if many more also do (not that they aren't necessarily out there).

what i'm saying is it's really hard to tell, so it'd be great to hear from others. it looks really promising, and i'd like to believe that this stuff works really well, but it's hard to tell from this thread, which is mostly research, detailed testimonials but only from three posters if memory serves, and the rest questions about what to start with and where to purchase.... perhaps i should make a separate thread,dedicated solely to people talking about their experiences?
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#561 MrHappy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:28 AM

i'm with redan on this one...

i've read the entire thread post-for-post and stay keep myself updated. and while it seems really positive, it's hard to how people at large are experiencing this stack... there really have been only a couple posters that have raved about it, which itself doesn't speak as loudly as if many more also do (not that they aren't necessarily out there).

what i'm saying is it's really hard to tell, so it'd be great to hear from others. it looks really promising, and i'd like to believe that this stuff works really well, but it's hard to tell from this thread, which is mostly research, detailed testimonials but only from three posters if memory serves, and the rest questions about what to start with and where to purchase.... perhaps i should make a separate thread,dedicated solely to people talking about their experiences?

JChief started one a while back, maybe just add to that?

Maybe everyone could post their experiences there, so we can get more data?

AFAIK, other than 2 people (Tintinet, nito), who were on stimulants (and no ADD), everyone who has tried UMP/TAU has seen similar benefits so far..

#562 Hebbeh

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:35 AM

Zippy, If you want to swallow it, TAU (say 75-100mg) is superior. But If you can take it sublingually, then UMP makes more sense, it has a stronger effect.

Thank you. To take it sublingually - where would I buy it? Superior Nutraceuticals? Does it come in tablets or powder form?

Thanks again.

The Superior Nutraceuticals is UMP powder in a tub and comes with a little scoop that is exactly 250mg when level full. Tip you head back and dump a level scoop under your tongue and let it disolve and absorb under the tongue...aout 5 minutes.

Thank you very much! Last question, should I buy the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium powder 250 Grams or the Uridine-5'-Monophosphate disodium 25 Grams? I realize that may be a stupid question but I want to make sure I am doing this right. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

Be well - Zipp

They are the same, just different quantities. I am using 250mg twice per day so for me, the 25 gram tub will last 50 days and the 250 grams tub will last 500 days.

Great, thanks. I will start with the 25 grams and if I can experience the great benefits that are others are reporting I will buy the bigger tub. I have decided to buy the Alpha GPC too. Is there any need for Aniracetam in addition or is that overkill?

Thanks again. Be well - Zipp

Don't mean to burst bubbles, but what are the the experiences others have had with uridine? I feel great doesn;t really say much.

Read the entire thread for everything you wanted to know about uridine but was afraid to ask. It's all there.

i'm with redan on this one...

i've read the entire thread post-for-post and stay keep myself updated. and while it seems really positive, it's hard to how people at large are experiencing this stack... there really have been only a couple posters that have raved about it, which itself doesn't speak as loudly as if many more also do (not that they aren't necessarily out there).

what i'm saying is it's really hard to tell, so it'd be great to hear from others. it looks really promising, and i'd like to believe that this stuff works really well, but it's hard to tell from this thread, which is mostly research, detailed testimonials but only from three posters if memory serves, and the rest questions about what to start with and where to purchase.... perhaps i should make a separate thread,dedicated solely to people talking about their experiences?

Well, it's been more than a couple...I can guarantee you that...and I guess research doesn't count for anything anymore. Regardless, no matter how many people have positive experiences, there will always be non-responders to every single therapy....so if you are interested, the only way you will see whether you respond positively or not is to trial it...there is no other alternative no matter how many experiences you may read. What improvements are you looking for or what do you expect to gain? I'm sure not everybody has cognitive issues that it will be obviously apparent with. If you are mentally healthy and you are lucky to have retained cognition and brain health....then it just doesn't get any better even if there are benefits to be gained...how do you expect to detect or measure benefits when you don't have any deficits to begin with? Just food for thought in determining what you hope to expect. And whether you notice apparent and obvious benefits or not, research does indicate the brain will experience positive changes....and that is why anybody interested should read the thread and review the research that individuals have painstakingly pulled together for your benefit.

Edited by Hebbeh, 10 January 2012 - 06:37 AM.

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#563 MrHappy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:36 AM

Sorry, I didn't have the attention span to read through the entire thread, but as someone who suffers from ADD, OCD, depression and sleep problems, I'm definitely interested in trying Uridine ..

Just a couple of questions:

1) Did anyone here who felt worse on DHA as a standalone supplement feel better on the combination? I'm not sure, but I feel like DHA (from neuromins) makes me feel a little more depressed; I also tried a high-DHA fish oil supp. which seemed to increase my anxiety.

2) I can't tolerate methylfolate either (causes anxiety, agitation); could I get away without supplementing it? would just a b-complex (Jarrow's b-right) do?

3) my budget is limited right now, so could I get away with using the cardiovascular research brand swanson's carries? cheapest source I could find ..

I was planning to avoid choline since it's reportedly not so great for OCD or depression.

Try ALCAR instead of choline.JChief had good results with that: http://www.longecity...r-dha-vitamins/

A normal b-complex is fine.

The cardiovascular research caps are good value, but the UMP version contains filler. The 25g tub from superiornutraceuticals is probably the best product for testing, sublingually.

It sounds like you may suffering from over-methylation, rather than under. This was a good read and may be helpful. I've bumped it, to make it easier to find again:

#564 JChief

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:29 AM

i'm with redan on this one...

i've read the entire thread post-for-post and stay keep myself updated. and while it seems really positive, it's hard to how people at large are experiencing this stack... there really have been only a couple posters that have raved about it, which itself doesn't speak as loudly as if many more also do (not that they aren't necessarily out there).

what i'm saying is it's really hard to tell, so it'd be great to hear from others. it looks really promising, and i'd like to believe that this stuff works really well, but it's hard to tell from this thread, which is mostly research, detailed testimonials but only from three posters if memory serves, and the rest questions about what to start with and where to purchase.... perhaps i should make a separate thread,dedicated solely to people talking about their experiences?

JChief started one a while back, maybe just add to that?

Maybe everyone could post their experiences there, so we can get more data?

AFAIK, other than 2 people (Tintinet, nito), who were on stimulants (and no ADD), everyone who has tried UMP/TAU has seen similar benefits so far..

I second the idea of keeping much of the data and research in this thread and then update results in the Positive Experiences thread. Some are already doing that which is great ! :)

#565 dreth7

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 12:47 PM

MrHappy, do you have ADD? If so, do you have hyperactivity and how has this combination been for you compared to a stimulant?

Sorry, Sparkk51, I don't have ADD.
Because of the way it works, I have suspicions that it could be quite beneficial and I would love someone with ADD to try it out and let others know. :)

My cousin has slight ADD and is looking toward medicating with the normal route, amphets.. Im interested to try UMP with him after my trial with my PD aunt. Would dosage be equiv. to the normal healthy dosage? I.e 250mg sublingually? Or should the ump be instead dissolved in water?

#566 nito

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 12:55 PM

i'm with redan on this one...

i've read the entire thread post-for-post and stay keep myself updated. and while it seems really positive, it's hard to how people at large are experiencing this stack... there really have been only a couple posters that have raved about it, which itself doesn't speak as loudly as if many more also do (not that they aren't necessarily out there).

what i'm saying is it's really hard to tell, so it'd be great to hear from others. it looks really promising, and i'd like to believe that this stuff works really well, but it's hard to tell from this thread, which is mostly research, detailed testimonials but only from three posters if memory serves, and the rest questions about what to start with and where to purchase.... perhaps i should make a separate thread,dedicated solely to people talking about their experiences?

JChief started one a while back, maybe just add to that?

Maybe everyone could post their experiences there, so we can get more data?

AFAIK, other than 2 people (Tintinet, nito), who were on stimulants (and no ADD), everyone who has tried UMP/TAU has seen similar benefits so far..

I second the idea of keeping much of the data and research in this thread and then update results in the Positive Experiences thread. Some are already doing that which is great ! :)

Perhaps we could include a poll into this thread. Where there are a set of questions such as rating based questions. That would give us raw statistical data for quick analysis of the threads content for those who would like a quick view into the summary so far.

Yes so far i must say i am non responder. But then again i find it hard to kick out the nicotine in me. How unlucky am i that nicotine competes with uridine : /
Anyways not sure of it's a positive effect but today i have only slept 1 hour and i seem to be coping fine. Lil tired but head is clear. Not sure how much i can attribute it to uridine though.

#567 MrHappy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:59 PM

Have you been tapering off the nicotine at all?

The sleep debt mediation is definitely a uridine effect..

#568 nito

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:02 PM

Have you been tapering off the nicotine at all?

The sleep debt mediation is definitely a uridine effect..

No i have not quit the snuff. In fact lately i've been puffing too. It's just that i am going through a stressful period at university and i am under so much pressure to perform, as it is my last chance, having been forced to re-take the year. Whenever i don't have nicotine i gothrough the usual withdrawals such as being irritiable, shaky and headache etc. Not sure i want that during this perdiod , because it take long to recover. Do i need to stop fully? And even then since i still got nicotine in my body, how long would it take for the uridine to be superior to the nicotine?

I wish i never restarted this crap. I stopped for 8 years, having been smoking for 7.Then i just sleepwalked into it. The worst side effect is that it makes me lose weight, makes me look anorectic. I think it trebles my metabolism in speed.

Edited by nito, 10 January 2012 - 07:06 PM.

#569 MrHappy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:13 PM

OK, slowly reduce the amount of nicotine you are consuming - you shouldn't get DTs or any major symptoms that way.

Just be aware this process will take a few weeks or more.

Stress levels will be significantly lower as the stimulants are reduced and the uridine combo can do its job.

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#570 nito

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:34 PM

OK, slowly reduce the amount of nicotine you are consuming - you shouldn't get DTs or any major symptoms that way.

Just be aware this process will take a few weeks or more.

Stress levels will be significantly lower as the stimulants are reduced and the uridine combo can do its job.

Ok so a few weeks for the nicotine withdrawal and then the uridine might start working? Damn the last 10 days have been waste lol. I also tend to smoke pot sometimes now and then in the weekend. Man i gotta quit it all somehow. I use to be athletic. I wan't to return to the gym and do cardio.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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