Truboy - once a day should be fine, normally.
Danny - I'd think at least 10g of spirulina, but someone who has tried UMP/TAU needs to test it out. We really don't know the conversion efficiency, yet. I may end up trying it out eventually, but as I have about 10 years of UMP + TAU sitting here, it'll be for research purposes only. 
god damn, so we dont know how much of Spirulina gets converted to Uridine? since i started taking Spirulina, Choline (Eggs), and Fish Oil, I have experience a greater advance in intelligence, typing speed, and speech. Also I am getting more focus/concentration. However, I have been taking Deprenyl, Ashwaghanda, Cat's Claw, ALCAR, and sometimes NOOPEPT (I am running out)
If you are saying that there is no data on how much Spirulina converts to Uridine, then maybe my enhancements is due to the other nootropics that I am taking.
What about Vitamin E?? Does it help with Uridine? Also does ALCAR contain vitamin E?