GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA
Posted 21 July 2012 - 04:16 PM
Posted 21 July 2012 - 05:21 PM
Posted 21 July 2012 - 07:44 PM

I took 300mg UMP about 2 hours ago and I was able to feel a subtile change about 30 minutes later.
There was no "coming up" or "kicking in", just a slow gradual raise in mood and perception.
What I notice regarding perception is that my vision improved quite a bit. I would say at least as much as on Noopept.
But with Noopept I would actually feel quite different, like as actually being on something. Uridine is really subtile.
Today is party day and the Uridine helped alot putting me in the right mood

Hope effects are sustainable. Also took fish oil (approx. 2g) with it, a B-Complex and CDP-Choline 1 hour later.
While it is not something, that will force me to get my lazy *** up, it definately is a must have in my everyday stack.
Edited by Cephalon, 21 July 2012 - 07:46 PM.
Posted 21 July 2012 - 10:26 PM
Why not make it easy and take CDP choline that increases uridine?
That was my opinion as well, but having tried Uridine (300mg UMP) I must say that it works alot better then just CDP Choline.
It feels quite different too. Actually I took CDP Choline after the initial effects from Uridine started, but they were alot different to the effects I get from CDP (dose independently) alone. Maybe it's just the massive amount. Or maybe supplementing with pure Uridine triggers different pathways then CDP Choline.
Further I can confirm, that Uridine synergized really well with a tiny dose amphetamine. The clearity is well enhanced and I got goosenbumps from listening to music - a sensation I would not get from straight amphetamine. Both acting on the Dopamine system one has to be a bit cautinous maybe. I feel well from like 10mg amphetamine with 300mg Uridine and 250mg CDP Choline. (Had two servings Craze this morning as a pre workout supp. Definately enough for today

Posted 22 July 2012 - 01:23 AM
Further I can confirm, that Uridine synergized really well with a tiny dose amphetamine. The clearity is well enhanced and I got goosenbumps from listening to music - a sensation I would not get from straight amphetamine. Both acting on the Dopamine system one has to be a bit cautinous maybe. I feel well from like 10mg amphetamine with 300mg Uridine and 250mg CDP Choline. (Had two servings Craze this morning as a pre workout supp. Definately enough for today
Well, given uridine's relationship with NMDA and AMPA activity, I'm not surprised at all. I do suggest caution with that as a longterm synergy - it may either hasten or impede tolerance to amphetamines, but I have no personal experience with that as a combination. If you do choose to study it, please report the longterm effect.
Posted 22 July 2012 - 03:28 PM

As I'm looking for a stimulant replacement and because I'm self medicating with amphetamines on a very irregular basis (once a week at max) I will not be able to report about the longterm effects. But if Uridine stimulates neurogenesis, Uridine should be a rather good thing in conjunction with daily stimulant use, counteracting tollerance?
Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:16 PM
Hi Mr. Happy
As I'm looking for a stimulant replacement and because I'm self medicating with amphetamines on a very irregular basis (once a week at max) I will not be able to report about the longterm effects. But if Uridine stimulates neurogenesis, Uridine should be a rather good thing in conjunction with daily stimulant use, counteracting tollerance?
One can hope.. more data needed.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:27 AM
For that guy that is taking Craze, doesn't that work against Uridine? Craze contains caffeine.
Edited by X_Danny_X, 23 July 2012 - 01:28 AM.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:29 AM
Don't take craze everyday though.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 12:56 PM
What? Uridine blocks NMDA and AMPA? If it blocks NMDA than that is awesome, just got tobe sure that it doesn't over do it and get you hyper.
For that guy that is taking Craze, doesn't that work against Uridine? Craze contains caffeine.
Effect of uridine of presynaptic NMDA and kainate receptor of rat brain cortex.
AuthorsPetrova LN, et al. Show all Journal
Bull Exp Biol Med. 2008 Mar;145(3):320-2.
Laboratory of Neurochemistry of Physiologically Active Substances, Institute of Physiologically Active Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chemogolovka, Moscow Region. plv@icp.ac.ru
It was demonstrated that uridine affects presynaptic NMDA and kainite receptors of rat brain cortex. Uridine considerably inhibited (45)Ca2+ uptake into synaptoneurosomes (IC50 = 7.1 x 10(-12) M) under conditions NMDA stimulation and increased it under conditions AMPA stimulation (157.8%).
Posted 23 July 2012 - 12:59 PM
I'm taking craze - how does Caffeine work against Uridine? Craze is actually pretty low in Caffeine ( approx. 50-70mg)
Don't take craze everyday though.
It both competes with and amplifies caffeine's effects. They occupy some of the same receptors.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:23 PM
I'm taking craze - how does Caffeine work against Uridine? Craze is actually pretty low in Caffeine ( approx. 50-70mg)
Don't take craze everyday though.
Mr. Happy mentioned that it competes with uridine for the same receptors or something. But it will downgrade the effects of Uridine. I dont believe the amount that actually causes a problem has been talked about. Hopefully someone posts more info about it soon.
I wonder if decaffenated coffe is a problem?
Edited by X_Danny_X, 23 July 2012 - 01:25 PM.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 05:32 PM
Posted 23 July 2012 - 05:54 PM
This stack worked wonders for me when I first started taking it (kudos to Mr. Happy for bringing it into the spotlight!), but it seems to me like its lost some of its shine. Might be because I've been taking it with coffee for the last while or maybe because I'm not using proper uridine, although it did work well initially... I can't seem to find the real stuff here (TAU or Monophosphate) in South Africa so I have to make due with a combo of Spirulina and Brewers Yeast. I recently stumbled upon this product that's available here and contains RNA Yeast (80% RNA). Can anyone tell me if this would be a better uridine substitute for my current combo of Spirulina and Brewers Yeast?
Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:07 PM
Funny you should mention Vitamin Research Products as they have the only local product I can find that contains Uridine.
http://www.vrp.co.za...h Factors).aspx
but only 50 mg and expensive!
NB that magnesium was mentioned in post #16, by Jq82, in this thread as important for uridine uptake.
so perhaps try supplementing with it.
What Spirulina and Brewer's Yeast are you using?
Edited by Logic, 23 July 2012 - 07:09 PM.
Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:13 PM
I'm taking craze - how does Caffeine work against Uridine? Craze is actually pretty low in Caffeine ( approx. 50-70mg)
Don't take craze everyday though.
Mr. Happy mentioned that it competes with uridine for the same receptors or something. But it will downgrade the effects of Uridine. I dont believe the amount that actually causes a problem has been talked about. Hopefully someone posts more info about it soon.
I wonder if decaffenated coffe is a problem?
Thank you and thanks to Mr. Happy for pointing that out. Since I take CRAZE approx. 10 hours apart from Uridine ( which is another issue regarding insomnia) I guess it won't be an issue - bearing in mind Craze is pretty low in Caffeine. But should consider dropping my morning Starbucks visits... Too costly anyways.

Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:17 PM
I've been taking UMP for months with subtle but beneficial effect, I think. I started taking Craze a few weeks ago, but it did nothing for me, good or bad, as far as I could tell. I really couldn't feel anything from it, no lift, no nothing. I don't know if that's because I had been taking UMP. I still drink a lot of coffee and love it, BTW.
Don't really think it's the UMP but who knows... In the Craze thread there is another nonresponder - for whom we could not find a solution yet. So I guess there are simply some people not responding to it. Maybe too much MAO activity? When I use Craze I have no problen telling it works

Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:31 PM
Posted 23 July 2012 - 10:54 PM
Posted 24 July 2012 - 04:47 AM
I would be very very grateful for your insight into the problem I am trying to correct/ whether Uridine + DHA + choline could possibly help if you have the time/energy. I had an extremely bad reaction to pramiracetam + choline bitratrate over a year ago that I believe caused damage to my cerebral cortex via NO overproduction. A description of the problem is here (Post #36 and #54). I've read the first 28 pages of this thread (still trying to plow through the other 13) and think that this combo could stimulate dendrite growth in the neurons I still have left. Anyways, I was wondering if you have any thoughts and also whether you would approve of the following stack based on what you have observed yourself and from others' experiences:
Daily Dose
Time Taken
http://www.swansonvi...pha GPC&x=0&y=0
First thing in the morning on empty stomach
First thing in the morning on empty stomach, taken orally
5 pills taken with breakfast
See attachment for supplement contents
2 packs
One with breakfast, the other with dinner
I am a little wary about getting UMP in bulk from superior nutraceuticals since that was the company I bought choline bitratrate from and I'm not sure if the issue I had was due to their product or Cerebral Health's. A couple questions for you:
1.)You mentioned testing the purity of products that you bought (can't remember which, thought it was UMP). How expensive was this and what exactly did you test for besides amount of product per unit wieght. Did you test for specific contaminants like heavy metals?
2.) You mentioned that you are taking flaxseed pills and that they contain high ALA, which breaks down into EPA and DHA, but according to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia....-linolenic_acid), the efficiency is only a couple of percent. So, unless you are taking a crapload of ALA, you probably are seeing effects without much DHA/EPA. Correct me if I'm wrong.
3.) Forgive me if this has already been answered (don't seem to remember much these days), but are there any complications from taking Alpha-GPC and ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine)? Should I avoid ALCAR if I take Alpha-GPC?
4.) Does anything in AnimalPak interfere with the stack, in your opinion?
Thanks in advance.
Attached Files
Edited by gthughes, 24 July 2012 - 04:57 AM.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 06:41 AM
"I believe caused damage to my cerebral cortex via NO overproduction" "combo could stimulate dendrite growth in the neurons I still have left."
What nonsense! On the face of it.. to assume this is almost comical
EDIT: That was a harsh way to put that. I just want you and others here to realize the problems when we assume we have X,Y, or Z wrong with our brains that we cannot verify beyond what we assume from what we read in combination with how we feel. And I would highly discourage anyone from going too far down the rabbit hole without any solid evidence to back up your suspicions (that's what that are, suspicions based on pure speculation) and, further, to ask Happy to expound on this and lend it credibility is probably asking a bit too much. How about trying to follow what the recommendations are and trying it yourself and seeing how you feel?
Edited by JChief, 24 July 2012 - 07:13 AM.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 06:44 AM
tintinnet, you are drinking alot of coffee and you are not seeing any conflict with caffeinee and Uridine?
Danny just because someone is drinking coffee and not noticing conflict doesn't mean you will or anyone else will. This is all a personal experience and someone's opinion of their experience in no way has any bearing on yours. So why bother? No need my friend. No need!
Posted 24 July 2012 - 09:38 AM
tintinnet, you are drinking alot of coffee and you are not seeing any conflict with caffeinee and Uridine?
Danny just because someone is drinking coffee and not noticing conflict doesn't mean you will or anyone else will. This is all a personal experience and someone's opinion of their experience in no way has any bearing on yours. So why bother? No need my friend. No need!
i was just going by the science of things. mr. happy mentioned that caffeine competes with uridine, so i didn't know if titnnet was doing something to offset that or it just doesnt affect him like you said. you may never know without asking.
anyway, i am being careful. i will drink coffee with no caffeine. i dont feel a difference in taste anyway, so it is all good with me.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 10:00 AM
I would be very very grateful for your insight into the problem I am trying to correct/ whether Uridine + DHA + choline could possibly help if you have the time/energy. I had an extremely bad reaction to pramiracetam + choline bitratrate over a year ago that I believe caused damage to my cerebral cortex via NO overproduction. A description of the problem is here (Post #36 and #54). I've read the first 28 pages of this thread (still trying to plow through the other 13) and think that this combo could stimulate dendrite growth in the neurons I still have left. Anyways, I was wondering if you have any thoughts and also whether you would approve of the following stack based on what you have observed yourself and from others' experiences.
While I avoided prami for the same concerns, I'd be astonished f you were able to cause lasting damage from a short, medium-dose experiment of prami. NOS is the chemical messenger for apoptosis, but neuroplasticity being what it is should mean that you'll bounce back under normal circumstances.
Some of the comebacks seen following serious brain injuries show just how capable your brain is at repairing itself and/or networking around problems.
I had similar issues to you after my first experiments with Methylene Blue. I had 2 months of brain fog, short term memory issues, mild depression and motivation issues. Just couldn't focus on the game. The uridine combo sorted that out quite quickly and none of it came back when I've taken breaks from the stack for various reasons / experiments.
Interestingly enough, my recent Methylene Blue repeat tests (with a different batch) at 20x my earlier dose yielded no such problems this time.
My advice on your stack -
Daily Dose
Time Taken
http://www.swansonvi...pha GPC&x=0&y=0
First thing in the morning on empty stomach
You are already getting enough choline from your AnimalPak
300mg - try 150- 250mg sublingually
First thing in the morning on empty stomach, taken orally
5 pills taken with breakfast
Start with 3 and see how you go.
See attachment for supplement contents
One with breakfast,
I am a little wary about getting UMP in bulk from superior nutraceuticals since that was the company I bought choline bitratrate from and I'm not sure if the issue I had was due to their product or Cerebral Health's.
I've had no issues with superiornutraceuticals. So far I've bought large quantities of UMP, CDP-Choline, Noopept and Vinpocetine from them and only have good things to say about those products.
A couple questions for you:
1.)You mentioned testing the purity of products that you bought (can't remember which, thought it was UMP). How expensive was this and what exactly did you test for besides amount of product per unit wieght. Did you test for specific contaminants like heavy metals?
A couple of hundred dollars and tested for purity - heavy metals, arsenic, etc are all shown as %.
2.) You mentioned that you are taking flaxseed pills and that they contain high ALA, which breaks down into EPA and DHA, but according to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia....-linolenic_acid), the efficiency is only a couple of percent. So, unless you are taking a crapload of ALA, you probably are seeing effects without much DHA/EPA. Correct me if I'm wrong.
15-20% conversion ratio is my understanding. I take around 4000mg of flaxseed oil.
3.) Forgive me if this has already been answered (don't seem to remember much these days), but are there any complications from taking Alpha-GPC and ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine)? Should I avoid ALCAR if I take Alpha-GPC?
I haven't seen any problems and I can't recall anyone else reporting any issues.
4.) Does anything in AnimalPak interfere with the stack, in your opinion?
It's a pretty good mix. I think it'll be fine. 1 comment about the arginine / lysine content would be that if you have HSV-1 or 2, you may see more breakouts, depending on diet.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 10:05 AM
I'm having the same problem 88LS.
Funny you should mention Vitamin Research Products as they have the only local product I can find that contains Uridine.
http://www.vrp.co.za...h Factors).aspx
but only 50 mg and expensive!
NB that magnesium was mentioned in post #16, by Jq82, in this thread as important for uridine uptake.
so perhaps try supplementing with it.
What Spirulina and Brewer's Yeast are you using?
Hey guys,
This stack worked wonders for me when I first started taking it (kudos to Mr. Happy for bringing it into the spotlight!), but it seems to me like its lost some of its shine. Might be because I've been taking it with coffee for the last while or maybe because I'm not using proper uridine, although it did work well initially... I can't seem to find the real stuff here (TAU or Monophosphate) in South Africa so I have to make due with a combo of Spirulina and Brewers Yeast. I recently stumbled upon this product that's available here and contains RNA Yeast (80% RNA). Can anyone tell me if this would be a better uridine substitute for my current combo of Spirulina and Brewers Yeast?
Hmm.. If you are both in South Africa, why don't you either obtain a local prescription, in case customs has a bad day and feels like taking it out on someone.. OR print a copy of that webpage for proof of a locally supplied health product, then just buy it from the US / China online retailers. If any problem pops up, you can cite price gouging as a reason for personal imports.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 10:49 AM
yo, anybody has reviews on these mixture of Uridine with racetams. They have a bunch of other noots together. Are the quantities in the right amount?
BO120ANI Brain Octane Ani 120 0.25 $34.99 BO120OXI Brain Octane Oxi 120 0.25 $59.99 BOPRAM120 Brain Octane Pram 120 0.25 $59.99
Supporting Roles Ingredients
N-Acetyl-Carnitine: ALCAR has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and get to the brain blood circulation, where it acts as a powerful antioxidant, which helps in prevention of the brain cells' deterioration.
CDP Choline (Citicoline Sodium): It is an intermediate in the generation of phosphatidylcholine from choline. A superior form of Choline in regards to bioavailability.
Alpha GPC (Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine): Alpha GPC rapidly delivers choline to the brain across the blood-brain barrier and is a biosynthetic precursor of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter Alpha GPC is derived from highly purified soy lecithin.
Centrophenoxine: Is an ester of dimethylethanolamine (DMAE) and 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (pCPA).,it's primary role increases cellular membrane phospholipids.
L-Theanine: Is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, theanine has psychoactive properties. Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress, and improves cognition and mood in a synergistic manner with caffeine.
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine: Is the Acetyled form of L-Tyrosine, with better bioavailability than the L-form and a more efficient ability to cross the blood brain barrier. It is a precursor to neurotransmitters and increases plasma neurotransmitter levels, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine.
Acetyl-Trans-Resveratrol: Is an Acetylated trans-resveratrol. More specifically called 3,4',5-Triacetyl-trans-stilbene. Superior in bioavailability than Resveratrol or non-acetylated trans-resveratrol in regards to targeted cognitive health. Acetylation is one of the approaches to increasing the bioavailability of resveratrol is to protect its 3-OH phenolic group.
Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine needs little explanation. Used in small doses along with L-Theanine studies have shown great improvements in cognitive function.
N-Acetyl-Carnosine: Is a naturally occurring compound chemically related to the dipeptide carnosine. Its molecular structure is similar to carnosine with the exception that it carries an additional acetyl group. This makes the acetyled form a more stable molecule which is not easily destroyed by carnosinase. Carnosine has profound cell membrane-stabilizing effects, and may act as both a neuromodulator and a neuroprotective agent. Other effects of carnosine include proton buffering, heavy metal chelating, and anti-cross-linking, of which the acetyled version is superior to l-form carnosine.
Edited by X_Danny_X, 24 July 2012 - 10:51 AM.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 10:59 AM
I see CDP choline, but no UMP/TAU. What's the connection.. are you wanting to stack uridine with one of these?
Posted 24 July 2012 - 11:20 AM
I would be very very grateful for your insight into the problem I am trying to correct/ whether Uridine + DHA + choline could possibly help if you have the time/energy. I had an extremely bad reaction to pramiracetam + choline bitratrate over a year ago that I believe caused damage to my cerebral cortex via NO overproduction.
Reading further into your posts, I believe you were taking 1000mg of prami?
That seems to be fairly standard dose, so I don't think you've done anything off-the-radar. I think the effects you've felt may possibly be due to some other related issue involving neurotransmitter / receptor imbalance, possibly GABA or DA - although you'd think a year later you'd be long past it, depending on diet, disease and recreational activities.
Pramiracetam is fat-soluble and 15 mg/kg
of body weight is the typical recommended
dose (this equates to ~400-1600 mg per
day). Some pill formulations come in 600
mg doses, which are often taken twice a
Posted 24 July 2012 - 11:59 AM
Hmm.. I'll pass.. DMAE and caffeine aren't in my good books. :(
I see CDP choline, but no UMP/TAU. What's the connection.. are you wanting to stack uridine with one of these?
that is from your site, Uridine and a racetam is in the product along with cdp choline and alpha gpc.
their Noopept is only five grams. i wonder if their noopept taste better than Cerebal Health's
Edited by X_Danny_X, 24 July 2012 - 12:01 PM.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 12:05 PM

Their noopept is good. Tastes flat and sour, but not terrible. I've been toying with it for a few weeks.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins
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