Edited by mrak1979, 10 August 2012 - 01:31 AM.

GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA
Posted 10 August 2012 - 01:29 AM
Posted 10 August 2012 - 03:41 PM
I have never tried UMP in particular, BUT a while back I was drinking on a regular Similac baby formula infused with Omegas 3’s and 6’s which ALSO includes nucleosides such as Uridine, + all cofactors. I must tell you, I think this brand of baby formula and cofactors was working like a dream. My memory was incredible, I could memorize long complex formulas for physics tests no problem. And when doing general math homework performing intermediate calculations in my head, we are not allowed calculators on tests so this is the best practice, Im talking about stuff like simple multiplication or division of relatively big numbers where usually you would have to break the calculation down in your head to get to the final answer, the final answer would just be there in my head as soon as I though about the calculation. It was just weird, I never had that before. As soon as I though of a calculation, not all of them, the answer would already be sitting in my head. An amazing feeling that I’m hoping to regain with this stack. And I will be adding Similac infused with Omegas and nucleosides permanently to my regimen thats for true.
Like I said Ill post my stack once I finalize it. Thanks to My Happy for this wonderful thread!
Edited by 1thoughtMaze1, 10 August 2012 - 03:52 PM.
Posted 10 August 2012 - 09:25 PM
Posted 11 August 2012 - 01:15 AM
Stack for the first three days:
Daily Dose
Time Taken
1.) UMP
First thing in the morning on empty stomach, taken orally
3 pills taken with breakfast
3.) AnimalPak
In One Pack:
B12: 5.5 mcg
Folic Acid: 200 mcg
Vitamin E: 150IU
Choline Bitartrate: 125mg
2 packs
One with breakfast, the other with dinner
4.) Choline
1 egg + 1 cup milk
5.) Adrenal Drink
No salt, Salt, vitamin C
1/4th cup
First thing in the morning on empty stomach
6.) Alpha GPC
Swanson Alpha GPC
1 pill taken with breakfast
Today's stack (fourth day):
Daily Dose
Time Taken
1.) UMP
First thing in the morning on empty stomach, taken orally
30IU of Vit E
3 pills taken with breakfast about 20 min after UMP
3.) Balanced B-100
1 pill
One with breakfast
4.) Choline
3 eggs + 1 cup milk
5.) Adrenal Drink
No salt, Salt, vitamin C
1/4th cup
First thing in the morning on empty stomach
6.) B-12
1 pill taken with breakfast
Edited by gthughes, 11 August 2012 - 01:18 AM.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 02:20 AM
I experienced some lightheadedness and confusion and was really tired - had to take a nap in the middle of the day for about 5 hours.
Lightheadedness and tiredness possibly sound like low blood pressure. Could you measure your blood pressure when this occurs?
1mg of B12 + additional B12 in your B-100 is a lot of B12. When I've taken high dose B12, it has made me sleepy and as such, I would take B12 at bedtime. That's still a huge dose of B12 though.
What is in the Adrenal Drink?
Edit: another possibility is low blood sugar...that fits some of the symptoms also.
Edited by Hebbeh, 11 August 2012 - 02:21 AM.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 05:17 AM
Posted 11 August 2012 - 05:53 AM
Low blood pressure - could be, but something in the day 4 stack would have had to cause it. I'll try to measure it tomorrow.
Low blood sugar - I doubt it, unless something in the day 4 stack caused it because I've been eating the same breakfast everyday and never noticed those symptoms afterward.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 08:09 AM
Posted 11 August 2012 - 09:46 AM
Sounds like the beginning of a savantine ability. Are you on the autism spectrum, by any chance?And when doing general math homework performing intermediate calculations in my head, we are not allowed calculators on tests so this is the best practice, Im talking about stuff like simple multiplication or division of relatively big numbers where usually you would have to break the calculation down in your head to get to the final answer, the final answer would just be there in my head as soon as I though about the calculation. It was just weird, I never had that before. As soon as I though of a calculation, not all of them, the answer would already be sitting in my head.
It was ruled improbable earlier in the thread - something about uridine being of one of two kinds of particles that RNA is made out of, with the other kind being what encourages gout in RNA/yeast supplementation. No one has come forward with symptoms so far.I've been getting increasingly concerned of the possibility of gout from uridine supplementation. What do you guys think?
Edited by Raza, 11 August 2012 - 09:47 AM.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 06:48 PM
Posted 11 August 2012 - 07:09 PM
In case anyone is wondering, I have been diagnosed with ADD. Although, I feel I perform better than most, on average, in class.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 10:05 PM
A question- I am assuming that the UMP, choline , fish oil and co-factors do not all have to be taken at the same time as long as they are all taken daily. There enough people here taking UMP at night that it seems like splitting them is ok. I don't want to take my B-vitamins at night, they give me a good boost- It'd make me a great night owl!
Posted 12 August 2012 - 12:00 PM
I ask, because uridine is also a normal part of the signalling for our daily biological rhythms and it's entirely possible that you may be getting a not-so-gentle reminder of what is lacking, yet necessary to function optimally.
Others have reported being forced to sleep more at first, before feeling much better than before, earlier in the thread.
Posted 12 August 2012 - 05:29 PM
Posted 12 August 2012 - 10:11 PM
My doctor suggested UARS maybe involved. I'd never heard of it, upper airway resistance syndrome. Apparently, your breathing becomes difficult due to this upper airway resistance and you brain responds by waking you up, sometimes you fully awake, other times your roused from deep sleep, but don't wake up. The end effect is a pround lack of necessary deep sleep. Technically, you get alpha wave intrusion into your rem sleep. UARS is different than what we consider sleep apnea where one stops breathing. It seems to affect people that may not snore and have a normal BMI. I've read a couple of journal articles that follow the outcome of those with diagnosed, but continue to deal with untreated UARS, and eventually all sorts of health issues occur (cognitive) and health risks increase (stroke, etc...).
I will go back though the thread with this in mind. I'll see what I can do about posting a summary. I'll also hunt for information on the timing of the supplements as I'd like to take choline, CO-factors, etc...in the AM, and ump at night.
Would you be so kind as to clarify what part of the biological rhythms are affected by uridine? I'd love to do some reading on that aspect.
Posted 12 August 2012 - 10:47 PM
For those that are tired, what are your normal sleeping habits like?
I ask, because uridine is also a normal part of the signalling for our daily biological rhythms and it's entirely possible that you may be getting a not-so-gentle reminder of what is lacking, yet necessary to function optimally.
Others have reported being forced to sleep more at first, before feeling much better than before, earlier in the thread.
I've always slept pretty well, 7-9 hours, so sleep defiency is the not the issue for me. I've pretty much narrowed it down to the a-gpc because I added it back to my stack yesterday and got really tired again. If I decide to continue the stack, I'll do everything 2 to 3 hours before bed , since I've found that it takes that amount of time to become tired. I still am getting the lightheadness and confusion, which is a concern for me.
Posted 13 August 2012 - 03:02 AM
Choline, mag-calcium-D, multi with b vitamins morning (along with bupropion, adderall, sertraline)
fish oil, UMP sublingual late evening.
Now, I just have to figure out if I should work in CoQ10, PQQ, grape seed extract, ALCAR, carnitine arginate, Gotu Kola, ashwagandha or lipoid acid. Some of these were favorites in the autoimmune forum I read. I think slow is the word of the day! And more research is the task of the day.
Posted 13 August 2012 - 05:09 AM
Edited by hephaestus, 13 August 2012 - 05:13 AM.
Posted 13 August 2012 - 06:08 AM
Consider looking into a good multi that has CoQ10, methylated Bs, OPCs, etc. I take AOR Ortho Core. I take UMP in the morning, but ashwagandha, bacopa, lion's mane, and curcumin at night.
Good idea and for the info! I'll take a look into Ortho Core. That looks like a good selection of herbs you're taking at night.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 01:34 AM
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Posted 14 August 2012 - 05:23 AM
Posted 14 August 2012 - 04:56 PM
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Posted 16 August 2012 - 02:35 PM
I haven't changed my sleep, diet or anything lifestyle related. I currently use: 100 mg TAU, 250 x 2 mg sublingual UMP, DHA/EPA (800/1200 mg), GSE, Zinc, D3 and a multi.
Posted 16 August 2012 - 05:01 PM
I seem to be shifting between beeing a responder and a non-responder to uridine. I haven't been responding for a week now, and before that it worked excellent for two weeks. Am I alone in experienceing this?
I haven't changed my sleep, diet or anything lifestyle related. I currently use: 100 mg TAU, 250 x 2 mg sublingual UMP, DHA/EPA (800/1200 mg), GSE, Zinc, D3 and a multi.
Looks like you're missing your choline (GPC)
Posted 16 August 2012 - 05:19 PM
I seem to be shifting between beeing a responder and a non-responder to uridine. I haven't been responding for a week now, and before that it worked excellent for two weeks. Am I alone in experienceing this?
I haven't changed my sleep, diet or anything lifestyle related. I currently use: 100 mg TAU, 250 x 2 mg sublingual UMP, DHA/EPA (800/1200 mg), GSE, Zinc, D3 and a multi.
Looks like you're missing your choline (GPC)
Well, I'm avoiding GPC as I'm more interested in the mood stabilizing effects of the stack, rather than its use as a nootropic. If I understand uridine's mechanisms right it should be able to potentiate dopamiergic transmission even if you don't combine it with a choline source.
Edited by Chadwick, 16 August 2012 - 05:20 PM.
Posted 16 August 2012 - 09:58 PM
I seem to be shifting between beeing a responder and a non-responder to uridine. I haven't been responding for a week now, and before that it worked excellent for two weeks. Am I alone in experienceing this?
I haven't changed my sleep, diet or anything lifestyle related. I currently use: 100 mg TAU, 250 x 2 mg sublingual UMP, DHA/EPA (800/1200 mg), GSE, Zinc, D3 and a multi.
I think you might be taking too much. Drop the TAU, perhaps.
Posted 17 August 2012 - 01:40 AM
Just as a background, I am suffering from anhedonia and zero libido and looking for a method to improve/remedy my situation. I have tried bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) and had a wonderful honeymoon period, but at $140/month, I can't sustain the cost. It seems that dopamine could be a factor with my problems.
I am taking (with the excellent advice of MrHappy) 250mg UMP, 250mg CDP choline, grape seed extract, multivitamin, 1000IU VitD and around 700mg DHA (in fish oil tablets) in the mornings. 250mg choline and around 150mg UMP at night. The first night I took 250mg UMP and kept waking up through the night - my mind was racing!
I'm at day two and haven't noticed anything much except exceptional thought clarity when I wake in the morning. No morning sleep fogginess. No effect on libido - still zero mojo.
I'll update when/if any other changes or effects are felt.
Posted 17 August 2012 - 04:53 AM
Posted 17 August 2012 - 02:40 PM
For multi, i am taking this.
Edited by Hope47, 17 August 2012 - 02:46 PM.
Posted 18 August 2012 - 11:33 AM
Inspired by Mr Happy's remark in another thread that many of CDP Choline's desirable effects might be due to its uridine content, I did some adding up.
CDP Choline's molecular mass: ~489
Uridine Monophosphate Disodium's molecular mass: ~370
Uridine's molecular mass: ~244
Which means that Superior Nutraceutical's UMP is about two-thirds actual uridine, while CDP is about half. But CDP might well do a better job crossing the BBB, and gets you a useful choline bit rather than two undesirable sodium atoms alongside the uridine. The price in $/gram is very close.
CDP can be taken sublingually too, which should add to its availability to the brain, although perhaps not as much as for UMP. Does any regular UMP user here feel like taking the experiment of replacing their SL UMP dose with SL CDP and comparing the effects?
Tried it and nope. Feel free to repeat it for n>1.
I suspect something is lost in the conversion of CDP back into uridine + choline.
Thanks for trying. It seems likely that uridine from CDP is lost, then.Ditto for n=2. This has been discussed earlier. CDP even sublingual just doesn't stack up to sublingual UMP....no comparison.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins
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