What is your detox protocol?
If there is an acute intoxication (meaning the stuff is in the blood, especially halogens), salt loading. It makes the kidney excrete more halogens, and hopefully also heavy metals.
basically 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt (preferably an unprocessed one, and certainly one without added fluoride!!) in 1/2 glass of water, drink it, and drink 2-3 glasses of pure water right afterwards. Wait 30-60minutes, and if urination does not start, repeat. Do this for no longer then a week in a row, and it is highly recommended to also supplement with potassium in this time, and to eat foods high in it (like bananas). For signs of acute intoxication, google it for the halogen or heavy metal you suspect to be intoxicated with. The symptoms however are leaned more torwards heavy intoxication, so if you just have a mild one, you should not have the more severe side effects, of course. A heavy one would be if you inhaled a lot of the stuff, drank it in a short period of time etc... and then it would time to seek an emergency room and not to experiment at home.

For me, seeable side effects from acute low intoxication include pimples on the forearm and neck. Many of those can not be removed by pressing on them. After I have done 1-3 days of salt loading they disappear quickly, while otherwise they simply stay there for weeks or months. That usually occurs only after taking a lot of iodine, and the sceptics will say that this is not heavy metals or halogens but iodine itself. This may surely be possible, if the dose is too high, however, after each of those cylces (iodine, intoxication, salt loading) I feel better then before a cycle, this should not be possible if it was because of the iodine. Also, iodines halflife is short, after 24hours almost everything has been excreted in the urine, while bromide for example has a halflife of 20hours, meaning it can take days to be excreted, time, where it can also enter the cell and cause chronic intoxication. It is more likely that it is not iodine causing these pimples for me, because if left untreated(salt loading) they can stay there for weeks, even months. And with iodine and salt loading I had some of the best feeling periods of my life. Note that around 2010 bromide was still allowed to be added to food in the USA(don't know if it still is) so a slow chronic intoxication seems to be possible esp. for americans(mountain dew anyone?).
If there is a chronic intoxication, and with that I mean that halogens and heavy metals are already incorporated into the cells, they will be undetectable in the bloodstream / urine until they are pushed out of the cell and the side effects will be different while still in the cell, more subtile. To do that, I found high dose iodine useful, and I am referring to Abrahams studies. But they are all of small sample size, and high dose iodine is somewhat controversial. In addition, you have to take selenium at the same time, to keep your thyroid safe, and since iodine is capable of forcing halogens and heavy metals out of the cells into the blood stream, you may experience acute intoxication symptoms - thats where the salt loading comes in. I wanted to discuss this in detail on the forums, but its a lot of work and I did not have the time yet. And the evidence comes from a relatively small circle of md's, with a lot of anectodal and historical evidence to back it up, but no large double blinded studies.
My experiences with it (since around 2009/2010) have been positive so far though.
I don't want to get ot in this thread so I better stop now.