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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#2071 czarnykokos

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 08:02 AM

Guys you're welcome again to contact SP. I seriously don't know what they would gain from faking a product. It's not like Uridine is expensive to make.

I wrote 2 inquiries to SP - so far no reply. This is serious inregularity that the powder has flour like consistency while in CoA it is claimed to be a "white or almost white crystalline fine powder". The taste is also an issue - everyone says its rather salty especially UMP while SP is obviously bitter. I assume it is supposed to be UMP as this name was used in the description on SP uridine website.
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#2072 alecnevsky

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 08:03 AM

I was researching this whole remyelination/neurogenesis question today and hit a road-block:
Is there really no dietary sources rich in Uridine? (UMP / UDP)

For any anatomical constituent I need (ex. protein, DHA, etc.), I always value dietary sources much higher than supplements. (Compliance and availability factor in)
I'm not discounting your stack, MrHappy. I'm just looking for an alternate source of uridine.

It's been thoroughly discussed multiple times in the thread. Every single poster that did extensive experimentation with food sources readily agreed that food sources did not provide any of the benefits of supplementation with UMP. One of the supposed better food sources is brewers yeast. I've supplemented for years (at least 10) with several heaping tablespoons of brewers yeast every day (for the nutritional value) and never experienced any of the benefits that I experience from UMP. In spite of the years of brewers yeast supplementation, the first time I tried UMP was like night and day. If you are looking for the mental clarity effects of UMP, you won't find it from food sources of uridine. There is no explanation but everybody has agreed that food sources just don't seem to provide the same benefit. That said, I do believe that I am an exceptional responder to sublingual UMP....which may be due to my age (56) as compared to the average member posting here. It appears that UMP may possibly provide increased benefit to an aging brain....it certainly felt like it turned the clock back for me.

Maybe 2kg of tomatoes. Lol.

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#2073 hani

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 08:11 AM

Guys you're welcome again to contact SP. I seriously don't know what they would gain from faking a product. It's not like Uridine is expensive to make.

Can you please share with us your experience of the SP vs. the other UMP you've taken?

I'm still using EF, will post about it when I finish my stock of EF.

here you are

Why am I not surprised? It's not supposed to clump up. In fact, I posted earlier that my A-GPC from Smart Powders clumped up just like this 2 months in. They're probably using some kind of common mixing agent to "cut" it Ha. Sketchy fucks. Until they get on here and post their "irrefutable proofs" I will advise everyone reading to avoid Smart Powders. Something went seriously awry Nov-Dec 2012 after the site "redesign." And, from what it looks like, we are paying for that "redesign."

Superior Nutraceuticals' uridine (both TAU and UMP) is brilliant. Service: outstanding. I emailed and asked them to attach COA super late after my order and they somehow managed to include it. I have no idea who is behind SN but, they are worthy of my business as of 06/07/13. The powder has fine granulated texture, even when kept at room temperature. I now keep it in the fridge however.

Maybe SN are better, but their uridine is defintely overpriced. $40 vs $18 plus $25 for shipping to Europe. I would have ordered from there if it wasn't so expensive.

#2074 MasterHerb

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 03:01 AM

What are the advantages of taking Alpha GPC or CDP-Choline instead of Lecithin with Uridine?

#2075 alecnevsky

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 03:40 AM

Guys you're welcome again to contact SP. I seriously don't know what they would gain from faking a product. It's not like Uridine is expensive to make.

Can you please share with us your experience of the SP vs. the other UMP you've taken?

I'm still using EF, will post about it when I finish my stock of EF.

here you are

Why am I not surprised? It's not supposed to clump up. In fact, I posted earlier that my A-GPC from Smart Powders clumped up just like this 2 months in. They're probably using some kind of common mixing agent to "cut" it Ha. Sketchy fucks. Until they get on here and post their "irrefutable proofs" I will advise everyone reading to avoid Smart Powders. Something went seriously awry Nov-Dec 2012 after the site "redesign." And, from what it looks like, we are paying for that "redesign."

Superior Nutraceuticals' uridine (both TAU and UMP) is brilliant. Service: outstanding. I emailed and asked them to attach COA super late after my order and they somehow managed to include it. I have no idea who is behind SN but, they are worthy of my business as of 06/07/13. The powder has fine granulated texture, even when kept at room temperature. I now keep it in the fridge however.

Maybe SN are better, but their uridine is defintely overpriced. $40 vs $18 plus $25 for shipping to Europe. I would have ordered from there if it wasn't so expensive.

Just order from China. SN probably have a reputable Chinese supplier anyway.

#2076 DDarroch

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 01:50 PM

Hey guys. My name is Dennis Darroch and I manage Smart Powders. Just want to let you guys know that the supplier for Uridine is very reputable and we have third party tested MANY of their powders that have always tested out perfect. We have sent a sample of this Uridine off for testing to show the exact break down. We hope to have it back very soon. I will post the results here the moment that it comes in. And yes, COA's can be easily faked, by anyone that has a computer. No question. There are only a hand full of suppliers that are even trust worthy. We have been doing sourcing long enough to know which ones are good and which ones to steer clear of. I assure you this source is VERY solid. At Smart Powders we strive to bring you the highest quality powders. The results will be posted ASAP. Thank you so much guys!

Edited by DDarroch, 08 June 2013 - 01:51 PM.

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#2077 hani

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 08:00 PM

Thanks Dennis. We will be all waiting for the test results.

#2078 MrHappy

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:23 PM

here you are

That doesn't appear to have the characteristics of any UMP I have received from 4 different suppliers over the last 2 years. The 'clumping' is not a feature of UMP and the powder coarseness is different. I'm not sure what that is.

UMP is normally like a 'fine white sand' that doesn't clump at all.

Dennis @ SP, I have concerns that this shipment has possibly been mis-labeled or similar and I think this needs to be investigated / addressed. What is the CAS# of this product?
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#2079 czarnykokos

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:34 PM

Exactly, and the results we are all expecting can be reliable testing of some other substance, not the one in the photo..

#2080 DDarroch

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 05:15 PM

I can promise you that the product wasn't mis-poured or mis-labeled. And I will post the test results just as soon as they are given to me.
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#2081 MasterHerb

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 08:35 PM

Ok so I have been taking uridine for a few days now.....250mg at night only with cofactors multivitamin, vitamin e, and fish pills. I don't know if this is linked to Uridine, but I feel like my coordination has become worst. Like I am hitting the wrong keys more when I am texting on my iphone. Also, it is taking me multiple attempts to enter my password correctly on websites that I log into everyday. Is this what you guys refer to as brain fog? I am taking 2400mg of soy lecithin along with 2400mg of piracetam daily....so I do not think ach levels are a problem. Unless I have some how depleted them? Another possibility could be sleep deprivation ...because these pass few days that I have been on uridine I have gotten significantly less sleep than my body is use too...around 7 hours or so because of a summer class I am taking. I have since stopped all my nootropics to give my system a break. Hopefully I did not cause permanent damage. I will keep you updated.

#2082 Nickotin

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 08:54 PM

Ok so I have been taking uridine for a few days now.....250mg at night only with cofactors multivitamin, vitamin e, and fish pills. I don't know if this is linked to Uridine, but I feel like my coordination has become worst. Like I am hitting the wrong keys more when I am texting on my iphone. Also, it is taking me multiple attempts to enter my password correctly on websites that I log into everyday. Is this what you guys refer to as brain fog? I am taking 2400mg of soy lecithin along with 2400mg of piracetam daily....so I do not think ach levels are a problem. Unless I have some how depleted them? Another possibility could be sleep deprivation ...because these pass few days that I have been on uridine I have gotten significantly less sleep than my body is use too...around 7 hours or so because of a summer class I am taking. I have since stopped all my nootropics to give my system a break. Hopefully I did not cause permanent damage. I will keep you updated.

What brand of UMP are you taking? Why are you stacking with piracetam?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

#2083 MasterHerb

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:37 AM

Ok so I have been taking uridine for a few days now.....250mg at night only with cofactors multivitamin, vitamin e, and fish pills. I don't know if this is linked to Uridine, but I feel like my coordination has become worst. Like I am hitting the wrong keys more when I am texting on my iphone. Also, it is taking me multiple attempts to enter my password correctly on websites that I log into everyday. Is this what you guys refer to as brain fog? I am taking 2400mg of soy lecithin along with 2400mg of piracetam daily....so I do not think ach levels are a problem. Unless I have some how depleted them? Another possibility could be sleep deprivation ...because these pass few days that I have been on uridine I have gotten significantly less sleep than my body is use too...around 7 hours or so because of a summer class I am taking. I have since stopped all my nootropics to give my system a break. Hopefully I did not cause permanent damage. I will keep you updated.

What brand of UMP are you taking? Why are you stacking with piracetam?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Jarrow and just for an added effect.

#2084 Allethrin

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:41 PM

About SmartPowders uridine:

I also ordered this due to the very inexpensive price. After doing a little digging I have come to the conclusion that what SmartPowders sells is not uridine monophosphate but instead just straight uridine, without the bonded phosphate.

Uridine monophosphate has a higher melting point of 202, while the SmartPowders uridine, as indicated on their site, has a melting point that matches the melting point of straight uridine, somewhere around 160-170 celsius if I recall correctly.

Uridine monophosphate, (from my very limited knowledge of chemistry), is more `salt-like' than straight uridine, which should be a mildly basic. That's why UMP has the properties where it dissolves more readily, has a higher melting point, and more of a sandy consistency. Straight uridine's basic property would give it the bitter taste that SmartPowder's uridine has.

Just from tasting the product, it's clear that SmartPowders uridine is NOT the same as SN's uridine. I believe SmartPowders is selling uridine without a bonded phosphate.

I'm not sure if I wasted my money or not; as far as I know all of the research on uridine has been either with triacetyluridine or uridine monophosphate. For all we know, straight uridine could be totally inert and useless. I think SmartPowders should make it absolutely clear what kind of uridine they are selling, since their site is confusing when the product is called "Uridine" but then the description goes in to saying: "The nootropicUridine (Uridine-5'-Monophosphate)"...

I have tested their uridine and have not noticed any immediate effects in the way that UMP from SN provides, for what it's worth...

In this thread, we throw around the word "uridine" to refer to UMP or TAU, when these two compounds are not literally uridine. Maybe we should try to adopt "UMP" more universally to avoid this sort of confusion and mixup in the future.
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#2085 MasterHerb

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:04 PM


Think my problem is just sleep deprivation....Uridine probably just reset my circadian rhythm

#2086 hani

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:17 PM

About SmartPowders uridine:

I also ordered this due to the very inexpensive price. After doing a little digging I have come to the conclusion that what SmartPowders sells is not uridine monophosphate but instead just straight uridine, without the bonded phosphate.

Uridine monophosphate has a higher melting point of 202, while the SmartPowders uridine, as indicated on their site, has a melting point that matches the melting point of straight uridine, somewhere around 160-170 celsius if I recall correctly.

Uridine monophosphate, (from my very limited knowledge of chemistry), is more `salt-like' than straight uridine, which should be a mildly basic. That's why UMP has the properties where it dissolves more readily, has a higher melting point, and more of a sandy consistency. Straight uridine's basic property would give it the bitter taste that SmartPowder's uridine has.

Just from tasting the product, it's clear that SmartPowders uridine is NOT the same as SN's uridine. I believe SmartPowders is selling uridine without a bonded phosphate.

I'm not sure if I wasted my money or not; as far as I know all of the research on uridine has been either with triacetyluridine or uridine monophosphate. For all we know, straight uridine could be totally inert and useless. I think SmartPowders should make it absolutely clear what kind of uridine they are selling, since their site is confusing when the product is called "Uridine" but then the description goes in to saying: "The nootropicUridine (Uridine-5'-Monophosphate)"...

I have tested their uridine and have not noticed any immediate effects in the way that UMP from SN provides, for what it's worth...

In this thread, we throw around the word "uridine" to refer to UMP or TAU, when these two compounds are not literally uridine. Maybe we should try to adopt "UMP" more universally to avoid this sort of confusion and mixup in the future.

So it's free base uridine? Didn't someone say in this thread that it might be stronger/better than UMP?

#2087 Greek86

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 06:58 PM

I also would like to add to this thread after trying Uridine from Smart Powders:

After reading some of this thread I decided to try UMP. In a frantic effort to secure UMP and since Smart Powders is a pretty large supplier of Nootropics with great deals, I decided to order from them.
After trying it for a couple of weeks, I did not notice any of the positive cognitive effects from this Uridine that everyone else claims to have had. I have tried it with AGPC, ALCAR, Omega-3's and a host of different multivitamins. In terms of the effects i have experienced, they have been consistently fuzzy minded, or this weird feeling in my frontal lobe (that I get sometimes from to much Choline). For example, I just took some again today with the 150mg AGPC, multi-V, Omega 3 and 300mg resveratrol and all I have noticed is a spaced out feeling.
In terms of description the product is : fluffy, slightly clumpy powder that is pure white, dissolves very easily in your mouth and has a light bitter taste with no salty taste what so ever.

I agree with Aliethrin, that this is Uridine rather than UMP and there has to be a clear distinction made between these products. In Smart Powders defence, they don't advertise the product as UMP but I think buyers should be aware that it is not UMP so they don't make ill informed purchases...like me.

Since I would like to give UMP a shot. Can anyone recommend to me the best most reliable suppliers for UMP?? I was thinking http://www.superiornutraceuticals.com/ or Jarrow

ps I have also tried CR: TAU with the same experiences as the Uridine from Smart Powders


#2088 wolfeye

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 11:43 AM

Seems like cytidine is better than CDP-choline, at least in rats:

Antidepressant-like effects of cytidine in the forced swim test in rats.

Altered brain phospholipid metabolism may be involved in the pathophysiology of cocaine dependence and mood disorders. Evidence suggests that citicoline, a rate-limiting metabolite for phospholipid synthesis, reduces cocaine craving in human addicts. Because antidepressants can reduce cocaine craving, we explored in rats the possibility that citicoline has antidepressant effects. We also tested the primary metabolites of citicoline, cytidine and choline.

We examined if citicoline or metabolites alter immobility in the forced swim test. We used two scoring methods: latency to become immobile, a simple method that identifies antidepressants, and behavioral sampling, a complex method that differentiates antidepressants according to pharmacological mechanisms.

Over a range of doses, citicoline did not affect behavior in the forced swim test. At molar equivalent doses, cytidine dramatically decreased immobility, whereas choline tended to increase immobility. The effects of cytidine resemble those of desipramine, a standard tricyclic antidepressant. None of the treatments affected locomotor activity, and cytidine did not establish conditioned place preferences.

Citicoline does not have effects in the forced swim test, but its primary metabolites have opposing effects: cytidine has antidepressant-like actions, whereas choline has prodepressant-like actions. At antidepressant doses, cytidine lacks stimulant and rewarding properties. This is the first report of potential antidepressant effects of cytidine.

PMID: 12022961

So when will cytidine be available as supplement?


#2089 Betterself

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 06:26 AM

I can't answer the above question but I am loving uridine. Still early stages at 4 days but hoping the good effects will last a long time.

#2090 vaper

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 11:40 AM

Would there be any potential issues in using this stack with Curcumin, Bacopa/Ashwaghanda or Racetams

#2091 MasterHerb

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 01:42 PM

Would there be any potential issues in using this stack with Curcumin, Bacopa/Ashwaghanda or Racetams

No issues.....different mechanisms of action

#2092 Greek86

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 01:47 PM

So anyone else try straight Uridine? If so what do you think?

#2093 blueinfinity

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 07:54 PM

good thing I waited, I wanted to find a good, solid source for UMP and SP as a source was recommended before.

For the first 2 weeks:
150-250mg UMP, orally, twice per day
A *good* multi vitamin, that includes RDA of B-group Vitamins and a broad range of trace minerals, including magnesium
500IU of mixed vitamin E
A large dose of fish oil with >700mg DHA + >300mg EPA (or 3000mg ALA / flaxseed oil, if you are vegetarian)

After 2 weeks:
Slowly introduce choline - start with 50mg of eg.alpha-GPC or CDP-choline and ramp it up to around 300mg.
If you experience depressive symptoms from choline, discontinue choline and consider ALCAR as an alternative.

would be nice to have an updated recommended quality sources on OP

For uridine UMP

IS this good?http://www.amazon.co...ef=pd_sim_hpc_5

or is there a better bulk source?

For multi, im taking raw one for men.
any other thoughts or recommendations?

for vitamin e?
kirkland signature sells one, not sure if thats good, or this one matters too much...

fish oil?
there are lots of brands, any personal recommendations from experience of one brand over another, currently taking jarrow krill, but very costly, and saw research saying its not really worth the price, a quality fish oil will eventually do the same, any thoughts?

ive heard difference between taking alpha gpc or cdp choline is a from personal experience/preference.
given the cost, i will likely try the cdp first, unless someone says otherwise....

Edited by blueinfinity, 22 June 2013 - 08:01 PM.

#2094 chris106

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:39 PM

fish oil?
there are lots of brands, any personal recommendations from experience of one brand over another, currently taking jarrow krill, but very costly, and saw research saying its not really worth the price, a quality fish oil will eventually do the same, any thoughts?

Like I said before, Daily DHA from Nordic Naturals seems like a good bet to me. Had good experiences with it, so I'll continue taking it when I can afford it - even though I'm not taking Uridine anymore right now.

It's still somewhat pricey, but compared to regular fish oil has a very good DHA/EPA ratio, much closer to what has been recommended in this thread.

You can get it here: http://www.yourhealt...t_detail&p=1620

for vitamin e?
kirkland signature sells one, not sure if thats good, or this one matters too much...

Bulkpowders UK sells Vitamin and Protein Formulas for dirt cheap prices. Of course it might be a problem that both shops I mentioned are UK based, but I guess they are still worth mentioning...


Edited by chris106, 22 June 2013 - 09:45 PM.

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#2095 blueinfinity

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 02:09 AM

fish oil?
there are lots of brands, any personal recommendations from experience of one brand over another, currently taking jarrow krill, but very costly, and saw research saying its not really worth the price, a quality fish oil will eventually do the same, any thoughts?

Like I said before, Daily DHA from Nordic Naturals seems like a good bet to me. Had good experiences with it, so I'll continue taking it when I can afford it - even though I'm not taking Uridine anymore right now.

It's still somewhat pricey, but compared to regular fish oil has a very good DHA/EPA ratio, much closer to what has been recommended in this thread.

You can get it here: http://www.yourhealt...t_detail&p=1620

for vitamin e?
kirkland signature sells one, not sure if thats good, or this one matters too much...

Bulkpowders UK sells Vitamin and Protein Formulas for dirt cheap prices. Of course it might be a problem that both shops I mentioned are UK based, but I guess they are still worth mentioning...


because i live in the US, that may be paying too much in shipping

IT would be nice to have a list of approved and/or sources/brands with positive experiences, and a list of negative or ones with unnecessary additives added to the OP for ease of access. Im finding the information much easier to find in one place by doing a google search being a ripoff of this thread on other blogs online, and id rather come here to the place it started but this is way too many pages to sort through just to find a source (i plan on buying then reading up on all the details as it is en route)

#2096 czarnykokos

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 09:57 AM

Ok let me strat the list:

I strongly advise you to avoid uridine from Smart Powders. I have been taking it for 2 weeks with no effects at all. I intended to buy uridine monophosphate and it turned out that probably their product is just pure base uridine - which is useless but they will not mention about it. Moreover, they changed the description on their website. Earlier it was "UMP uridine monophosphate" within the text now they removed it and replaced with just "uridine". Very disappointed and a waste of money. And we are still waiting for the CoA that mr. Darroch promised to present - but this makes no difference for me as I just wanted to buy UMS and what I got is useless base uridine.
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#2097 Nickotin

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 07:41 PM

I had a reaction with stacking Selegiline with UMP. Friday night I took 2.5mg of l-deprenyl (sublingually) and within an hour of taking it my systolic blood pressure went up to over 180. I developed brain-fog and anxiety in addition to the normal sides associated with high blood pressure.

Has anyone else experienced taking selegiline with UMP? Could it have been a reaction with the l-ampethamine and l-methamphetamine metabolites? Could it have somehow altered the pharmocokinetics to where the selegiline inhibited MOA-A and triggered hypertension?

#2098 penisbreath

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 06:04 AM

sorry if this has been covered already (long thread, so will take forever to search it out) but is anyone using Uridine *without* the co-factors, or otherwise obtaining them through diet (eggs, fish etc.)?

the reason I ask is because choline sources seem to be contraindicated in OCD, and most omega-3 supplements seem to worsen my sleep from casual observation (due to the long half-life I think). would I see any benefits from Uridine alone?

#2099 hani

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 06:50 PM

This was on the SP uridine page:
Attached File  uridine_test.jpg   29.89KB   68 downloads

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#2100 health_nutty

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 07:09 PM

I have tried UMP and can definately feel the effects. I have just ordered Uridine from Smart Powders and I will post my results when I receive the goods.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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