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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#2161 ken_shiro

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 11:27 PM

what is better for synaptic plasticity and ltp, UMP or plain uridine?

#2162 LetMusicRule

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Posted 10 October 2013 - 08:46 PM

Question: WHy is caffeine bad with Uridine. Been taking 250mg/day of UMP sublingually and cant seem to shake the coffee habit. It doesn seem to potentiate it though.

Thanks guys. Great thread,

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#2163 xks201

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Posted 11 October 2013 - 02:52 AM

How much alpha gpc can you guys handle?

#2164 BCho86

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Posted 11 October 2013 - 07:39 AM

I have been having amazing results with my current stack. Never felt this clear, energized, and happy for a very long time. It's pure serenity.

My current stacks currently consists of:

Jarrows UMP 250mg SQ

Jarrows CDP Choline 250mg PO

Jarrows B-12 5000 mcg SQ

2 Kirkland Fish oil PO

Vitamin E 500 IU PO

Multi B Complex PO

Sodium Butyrate PO

Inositol 1G PO

L-Theanine 200mg SQ
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#2165 polymathic

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 04:30 PM

I keep seeing spirulina being thrown around as having 5% uridine, but the only reference I can find is one earlier in the thread by Mr Happy where it's mentioned to be 2.2-3.5% of total RNA, of which uridine I'm not sure?


Does anyone have any references to spirulina and it's uridine content? Have I missed something ?

#2166 DehXable

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:31 PM

Can 23andme results indicate over/under methylators? I tried SAM-e awhile back, and I didn't notice any results. But, I'd really like to try this stack.

#2167 Nickotin

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:37 PM

Can 23andme results indicate over/under methylators? I tried SAM-e awhile back, and I didn't notice any results. But, I'd really like to try this stack.

Yes. Go to geneticgenie.com and sign in through 23andme. It will automatically import your raw data and provide you with a methylation analysis.

#2168 DehXable

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Posted 14 October 2013 - 09:38 PM

Can 23andme results indicate over/under methylators? I tried SAM-e awhile back, and I didn't notice any results. But, I'd really like to try this stack.

Yes. Go to geneticgenie.com and sign in through 23andme. It will automatically import your raw data and provide you with a methylation analysis.

Perfect, thanks! Is this the right link? http://geneticgenie.org/

#2169 unregistered_user

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 11:20 PM

I noticed Smart Powders never returned with the promised analysis, although someone did post a CoA from their website. Hmmm....

#2170 Anagram 3.3

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 11:59 PM

I eat Uridine rich foods and I really want to continue increasing my levels. I don't react well to CDP-Choline, it makes my mind feel weirdly and I find it more difficult holding onto reality. The experience of consuming CDPCholine pills is for me akin to consuming PQQ.
Can I get good in-vivo levels of Uridine from consuming RNA or DNA supps as an alternative to CDP or Uridine supplement?

#2171 Arjuna

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 06:29 PM


Do we have any evidence to say uridine won't lead to gout?

#2172 chris106

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 09:46 PM

Hi !

I have been taking uridine sublingualy for over a month now but so far only slight improvement and I still struggle with low energy, drive and not the best of moods overall so I was wondering if there is anything I can do or add to bump its efficiency to the levels reported by some users in the thread.

My stack and dosages:

UMP sublingually 100 mg x2 daily for first 3 weeks than lowered to 100mg this week
ALCAR 500mg
Pregnenolone 50mg
400 Mg magnesium
30 mg zinc
creatine 5g
B 50 complex every other day
I don't supplement omega but eat blue fish in hefty doses and I get 50- 60 grams of omega per week that way according to my calculations

Tried adding tyrosine 1g but little improvement

So, what can I do to get a "stronger" effect? Bump up the doses even more than 200 mg sublingually per day? Something else I am missing or some supplement that perhaps synergises well with uridine? Perhaps just some more patience :) ?

Thank you for any tips and take care !

Hey Barfly

I know you asked this quite some time ago, but still -

I think Hebeh is right, you might wanna try an additional choline source.
I for one could never stand ALCAR on it's own (only made me feel hyper and gave me muscle cramps at 500mg).
I also couldn't stand Alpha GPC (300mg) on it's own - made me feel tired and gave me even more brainfog (even though I don't even know how that's possible. Individual brain chemistry is a bitch! :) )

But I recently combined the two and - BAM! Complemented each other really nicley.

As a matter of fact, I might soon try The Happy Stack again because of this realisation - back in the day when I tried it to no avail I only took Alpha GPC with it but no Alcar - so this migth actually have been the reason!

#2173 MrHappy

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:21 AM

I eat Uridine rich foods and I really want to continue increasing my levels. I don't react well to CDP-Choline, it makes my mind feel weirdly and I find it more difficult holding onto reality. The experience of consuming CDPCholine pills is for me akin to consuming PQQ.
Can I get good in-vivo levels of Uridine from consuming RNA or DNA supps as an alternative to CDP or Uridine supplement?

Not really..


Do we have any evidence to say uridine won't lead to gout?

Well.. every 70kg guinea pig on here. Also, uridine is a pyrimidine, not a purine.

#2174 Incendies

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 11:46 AM

Im starting my first stack.... I was going to do this, CILTEP, or a basic piracetam routine. Which one would you guys recommend and what are the main differences?

#2175 Arjuna

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 08:43 PM

I'd like to share my experience thus far. I responded very dramatically to 1g of UMP and 2g DHA 1g EPA for a few days and scaled back the dosage to .5g UMP and cut back on the omega 3 too. This combination has worked so well that I'm terrified of any tolerance developing as some users in this thread have reported.

I've always suffered from low dopamine activity, and for the last few days I've had ecstatic interactions with people, WONDERFUL sleep, and motivation & creativity. My mind has become very sharp, the best versions of myself, and all the abilities that I have been developing really shine. I had a phenomenal public speaking experience. The only other times I've achieved this is when I have complete sexual abstinence for 3 weeks or longer (to refresh dopamine receptors), which is very challenging for me to do. I used 250mg under my tongue last night and fell into a deep sleep that frequently woke up. Maybe 4 times I woke up last night, yet I feel so deeply rested, I don't understand this. Maybe it is best for me to take it at night since it induces such sleepy states, yet I've been euphoric (sometimes not, sometimes I'm flatter) taking it during the day.

Thank you to everyone in this thread, and Mr. Happy. This has been my most successful experience with supplements, and it doesn't tamper too much with homeostasis like all the other things discussed on this forum. Its more like a "superfood" than a "drug". I'm shocked that I haven't given into the urge to smoke in 2 days, because I feel like my nerves are comfortable without nicotine. I personally am going to leave out choline, as I eat eggs, and choline shuts off my dopamine system easily. Also, uridine is a choline source!!!!!!, why add more? I know that I'm an undermythelator as I've responded well to SAM-e, but that developed a tolerance, and didn't help my receptors at all (made them worse), and it dried out my skin.

If this, like Omega 3, is the super anti-depressant it seems to be, it really breaks my heart that people don't know about it just because it can't be patented, produced, and prescribed for $. I guess if it doesn't make money, it isn't part of Western Medicine.

I WILL follow up later, because tolerance could still ruin all of this. I'm suspecting that uridine raises dopamine release, and that my body will adjust to it, but I'm also expecting my receptors to be in great shape. The jury is still out on this...

Edited by Arjuna, 21 October 2013 - 09:01 PM.

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#2176 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:34 AM

Im starting my first stack.... I was going to do this, CILTEP, or a basic piracetam routine. Which one would you guys recommend and what are the main differences?

Assumining since you can't read it won't matter what I post.
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#2177 Jochen

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Posted 28 October 2013 - 07:05 PM

Hey all, sorry for the absence - my first little daughter arrived into this world about 2 weeks back. :)

As mentioned previously, I have been studying the effects of enhanced nutrition on gestation and early childhood development, based around a slightly modified version of the uridine protocol. There are already exciting results, but I'm going to be keeping a separate online journal of the progress.

I can also attest to the efficacy of uridine (anecdotal, n=1) in treating 'baby blues' and post-natal depression. This adds some weight to my hypothesis that some causes of PND (affecting 1 in 7 women) are related to the mother's body selflessly prioritising the allocation of micro-nutrients to breast-milk, instead of the mother's other biological functions and can be easily corrected by appropriate supplementation of the uridine stack. Sleep quality is also a major factor, also helped by the same.

I'll post a link here to the online journal, once I've started it, for anyone interested in generational trans-humanism.

As an early indication, here's a picture of a (3 week early birth) 7 day old holding a bottle of her mother's breast-milk, by her own choice. :)

first of all congratulations! I hope everything is great with you and the family.

Could you post that link as I would be very much interested to follow up on your progress :-).
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#2178 verticalVagabond

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 03:45 PM

I cannot vouch for uridine or GPC, however I can vouch for citicoline.

Somehow the combination of tyrosine, malic acid, and citicoline has such a momumental effect on my brain. I literealy have to say it feels like I have gained a 30 point boost in IQ. I have a lot of psychological/cognitive problems, and I have always felt shackled within my own mind so to speak. Endless desire to learn, novel ideas - no energy or cognitive endurance whatsoever to do so. Suddenly... I CAN with this stuff.

The bad side - It really wears on your endocrine system. It has some effects on Cortisol releasing factor within the brain, and that is contraindicated with people who have adrenal fatigue, diabetes, or anxiety disorders, heart conditions, the like etc, etc.

I also feel like the day after I have used citicoline, that I am coming down from doing a full blown street drug... And I have a near migraine level headache.

I believe it goes well with the 30 + GRAMS of fish oil I take.

I have often wondered if my body just runs out of choline, and that perhaps that has to do with the issues of the citicoline. Alas, given the overwhelming beneficial properties of this substance to increase function in the logical frontal cortex part of my brain - that I must reverse engineer this stuff.

I have taken other cognitive enhancing supplements. herbs, but they all were much more left brained -borderline manic/acid trip sorts of experiences.
I am so loving the right brainededness of the citicoline. Is that a scientific term lol?

Isn't this just a 5 hour energy shot?
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#2179 sam7777

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 06:26 PM

Very impressed to see this is a 73 page discussion. I look forward to reading this in the future.


"Isn't this just a 5 hour energy shot? "

In effect that is what it is. However I did buy the citicoline by itself in capsule formula.
As for my explanation of how it affected me, that was because I had adrenal fatigue and mercury poisoning.
No one on here should redlining and slamming nootropics, especially GPC or citicoline if they have a chronic degenerative condition that affects the nervous system. If your brain is as messed up as mine, you seriously need to look into using alpha lipoic acid on the frequent dose chelation schedule, or order a hair test, and other blood work. If you have mineral deficiencies, it will greatly impair your choline systems in the brain. These nootropics will act as a krutch for a while, until you totally exhaust your system.

Get the metals out, get your minerals right, else you are just wasting time, money, and health.

#2180 DDarroch

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 07:36 PM

WOW. page 73. That is impressive.

I am Dennis Darroch from www.smartpowders.com. And after reading thru this forum, I would like to try something new. We offer most of the products, that most customer have questions about. The Alpha GPC, citicholine...etc.

We just got in a brand new URIDINE UMP. We sell the regular Uridine on our site. However the big question from so many people is the difference of effects between the Uridine Base and the Ump. The only downside is the COST of the UMP as it is much more expensive. I would like to extend a special offer to anyone on this post. If you place any order at all with Smart Powders, and in the comments write "Longecity UMP" then I would like to give you a FREE 20g Uridine monophosphate UMP. I would just love to see some feedback from the UMP.

Remember, all you have to do is just write "LONGECITY UMP" im the comments. I will put together the coa and other testing documents on the UMP, ASAP. The UMP isn't even available on the site, as I wanted to offer it to the people on this message board first.
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#2181 czarnykokos

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 09:18 PM

Hi Dennis I bought once base Uridine from your shop and I have to truly say I do not experience any positive effects that are being talked here.
I would like to take the opportunity and place an order in order to benefit from your offer here, however I can not see the comment field during ordering process. Where can I leave comment to the order ?

#2182 DDarroch

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 09:21 PM

During the order process...it is the last step. Order review...Step 6. You are able to add comments and review the order before placing.
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#2183 yxmees

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:14 AM

Well that's nice. What am I supposed to do with 2 jars of your regular uridine I just bought 2 weeks ago, pour it down the toilet?
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#2184 spookytooth

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:26 AM

Well that's nice. What am I supposed to do with 2 jars of your regular uridine I just bought 2 weeks ago, pour it down the toilet?

Jesus Christ… that is a nice offer they make, just take it or leave it.

Edited by spookytooth, 31 October 2013 - 07:44 AM.

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#2185 typ3z3r0

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:42 AM

Well that's nice. What am I supposed to do with 2 jars of your regular uridine I just bought 2 weeks ago, pour it down the toilet?

Jesus Christ… that is is nice offer they make, just take it or leave it.

Sorry, I accidentally downvoted the post instead of upvoted. I sent you 4T to hopefully make up for it. :)

Edited by typ3z3r0, 31 October 2013 - 07:43 AM.

#2186 hephaestus

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 03:37 PM

Totally support yxmees hostility. Smartpowders bought a bunch of useless uridine and people bought it assuming it was UMP. Now they're spamming this thread trying to advertise that they carry UMP.

Edited by hephaestus, 31 October 2013 - 03:37 PM.

#2187 Werper

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 04:34 PM

Smart powders should give a full refund to those that are not satisfied with their uridine. That would be a good start.
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#2188 DDarroch

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 04:56 PM

I am so very sorry if my offer came across as "spamming", I didn't mean it to. If anyone ordered the Uridine from SP looking for the UMP the first go around then I will happily send you replacements of UMP at no charge. Just please email me the order number or first and last name, to Sales@smartpowders.com with the Subject Uridine UMP. I will quickly get the replacement sent out to you. The material that was received by us the first time was Uridine "base". The "Uselessness" of Uridine Base vs. UMP is exactly what I would like to help this thread find out. Please reach out to me via email if you have a previous order that we can help make right. And hopefully SmartPowders can help everyone figure out the effects of Uridine and Uridine UMP.
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#2189 abelard lindsay

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 02:57 AM

Hmm... I wonder if this is where my low serotonin feeling comes from when mixing this stack w/ CILTEP? Perhaps I am depleting tyrosine and tryptophan in my body? I found Tryptophan reverses the bad after effects of the mix very rapidly.


Added to a striatal synaptosomal homogenate of rat brain, CDP-choline 10(-4) M inhibits the uptake of norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5 HT) in a competitive fashion and enhances the uptake of tyrosine and tryptophan;


CDPcholine decreases the level of serotonin and tryptophan and the synthesis rate of serotonin in the midbrain + hypothalamus and in the brain stem.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 01 November 2013 - 02:59 AM.

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#2190 hephaestus

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 03:45 AM

That's got nothing to do with ciltep specifically though right? It should affect everyone that way, assuming those results even generalize to humans in vivo.

Edited by hephaestus, 01 November 2013 - 03:45 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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