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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#211 rwac

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 01:52 AM

dfolwer: Creatine, ALCAR, niacinamide, low dose lithium, lutein

#212 bacopa

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 02:06 AM

Here is the Canadian group of mental health professionals trying to ban ECT in Canada, and eventually the states. http://www.professio...againstect.com/ It's full of all the "duh" info on how shocking a brain multiple times into grand mal seizures destroys the brain, and there are so many studies done prior to the "ECT is safe campaign" when it started to be used wide spread in the 80's again, that show all the nasty things shock does, including human autopsies, showing pin point hemoraging, gliosis, breaking down of the BBB, de mylinazation, list goes on...

So I'm trying to get a big media story on this with many other neurologists psychiatrists, and survivors I've networked with. They give ECT to the mentally retared and dementia patients now, my former shock doctor at Mcleans told me on the phone, as if to cover his ass...well that was the idea. So these people can't even reason enough to make an informed choice, they also can force by court order in the states and around the world this barbaric practice, and it's done in some hosptials in the U.S. in high frequency, etc.

So, they don't tell anyone the voltage, current, they only say, "there is minor memory loss around the treatment," and it's "highly effective," I'm sorry to go on...and if I could write better i could say this more concisely.

by the way 100,000, up to perhaps 150,000 people get ECT each year in the states, but they say it's much lower...blah blah blah

ok, so if anyone has depression, avoid psyche drugs, and shock, and even Transcranial magnetic stimulation can eat away at one's insight, I found studies supporting this, and my girlfriend now can't understand comedy, and lost massive IQ point from TMS and vegus nerve stimulator. Than there is deep brain stimulation which also profoundly kills the brain in some way, but I remember hearing horror stories.

So every mental health treatment is profoundly dangerous, and in a poorly understood pathology, being that 100 plus things can cause a psychosis, (including heavy metal poisoning) they are falsly labeling everyone in umbrella categories, schizoprhenia, bipolar, or depression. Most here at imminst recognize the brain is far more complex than what psychiatrists realize. So in my case my anoxic birth injury led to Obsessive behavior, depression, and then was worsened once I got caught up in the psyche system, which basically coerces people to try drug after drug, and they now give ECT away like candy, not just "as a last resort," it's the same destroying of health that mainstream physical medicine has been doing forever, only this destroys the brain.

Sorry to sound like I'm venting, I'm more informing, and lack the subtle abilities to convey info like I used to.

Best outcomes are exercise, supplements, DHA, insositol, social networking and social ties, once you get past the Nazi opressive lies of big pharma....lobotomy was also sold as "safe and effective," they did a form of this up until the 70's.

By the way it's impossible to sue for shock therapy damages, but some lawsuits have been won against antipsychotics, like Seroquel, due to not telling of diabetes risk. ECT doesn't list ANY risk, when it's far more dangerous, like playing Russian Roulette, than any psyche drug I know of.

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#213 MrHappy

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 03:13 AM

Hi D,

I will be following your progress with interest.

I'd be trying up to around 1g/day, but split up over 2-4 doses of eg. 250mg UMP + co-factors.

If you've already been on it for a few weeks or more, perhaps try one single 250mg UMP sublingually for a day and see how you feel.

Perhaps, given the history, it'll be a few months before you'll see changes. Do keep us updated with your progress!

#214 bacopa

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 05:22 AM

Dear Mr. Happy, or you that happy? joke! Seriously thanks! I would greatly appreciate links to supplement companies which you recommend. I have nothing to lose at this point, seriously.

So far the UMP seems to be helping, but the frustrating part is it seems to be temporary. I am doing pretty badly with my brain, and the air like feel, scares me the most, because I have heard this is common in people who have toxic brain damage, like Carbon Monoxide poisoning, they feel "airy" in the head, or have numbing sensations. I was on the CO forum, one of the only one's I found, and was saddened to see, this kind of poisoning seems hard to reverse.

So in my case, I most likely have a multi faceted brain damage, and we all know that once a brain is damaged, it is that much more easy to damage it. So I have to be very careful not to smoke, which I am adamantly against, and only did when I was acutely psychotic many years ago. I started up this summer again when I was literally sleeping on night a week, and going into acute delirium. As you can imagine in such a state you just do "shit" that feels good at the moment. I'm switching to vaporizing or e cigarettes, so I don't continue to poison myself....I have only been smoking the past 4 months, but realize this is not helping matters.

Finally I was a long term imminst volunteer and follower, since 2003, and started volunteering for other life extension orgs like SENS, before I got bad again, and realized better leave that to the super smart...

So yea, imminst is great at exposing the bullshit from the truth, but like in all science and medicine/supplements, until personalized medicine comes out based on genetic biomarkers, and drugs based on each individuals genetics, which we are far away from imo, for matters concerning the brain, we are left to just throw darts, read studies, and experiment on ourselves.

It's too bad we are still in the stone age for medicine in 2011. One could guess that we would be far ahead, had people simply cared earlier....but then again, it's a bit more complex than that:)

#215 MrHappy

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 07:44 AM


Yeah, I'm a pretty happy guy. :)

I think in 100 years time, we'll be looking back at our current medicine in the same way we look at leeches and mercury.

Within reasonably safe parameters, I'm willing to walk down the unbeaten track to further medical knowledge.

Could you tell me what your current dosing schedule comprises of?

Vendors I've used - bayho, ebay <chuckle>, iherb, swanson, gnc.. :)

#216 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 08:11 AM

I'm not a fan of ingesting that much yeast, being vego - yeast issues are common in vegetarians.

I get 25g uridine from here:

And 100g alpha-gpc from here: (nootrabiolabs.com)

Neither of these places look very reputable , especially the first link.

#217 MrHappy

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 08:47 AM

Product turned up quickly. No quality issues, either. Ugly website, though!

#218 bacopa

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 09:03 AM

Mr. Happy, I'm all over the place. I lack the ability most of the time to do things methodically and in an organized fashion, and I have no idea what is affecting what, and at this point my science ability to reason, (yes I can't remember so much it's an amnesic type of forgetting)

but I take, so many supplements, I'm probably doing more harm then good. At this point not being able to pin point even what diet does to my memory, it's immensely frustrating. So I litererally have a pharmacy of supplements, mushrooms, super green powders, amino acids, anti oxidants, I was taking whey protein then found out foods high in thiol is bad for mercury poisoning, which i have from amalgam grinding.

I need some organization. I used to be smarter, by far, and knew not to mega dose. Certainly the knowledge here at imminst is far better than any doctor, as the one who is taking my mercury out was a f'ing idiot when it comes to knowing how to supplement, and seemed to not even be aware of contraindications.

I literally cannot begin to list all of the supplements. But noots I have bacopa, ashgwanda, lions mane, uridine, PS, cdp choline, coconut oil, lithium orotate, 5 mg.

Piracatem is terrible for me, and supplements that stimulate me like the racatems, are worst for my condition.

I have DHEA, and pregnenolone, but don't want to go too high, nor think it's safe to mix the too.

I was exercising until I got acutely delirious. My neruologist, being an idiot like all doctors told me it is only insomnia, and that it's "hypomania" that is keeping me from not sleeping. total bullshit. I have some serious brain damage, feels like either my head is clogged with concrete, or I am brainless, "empty mind" kind of feeling, like air.

I think I'm headed down a road to dementia some day, as horrific as that is to think about.

I have progressed this way since a feb PTSD trauma where I was mistreated in a hospital that I don't want to get into due to pride etc.

my autobiographical memory is shot, and I was reading up on life extension supplements to take for amnesia. So far I have not reversed this, and doubt I can, but I have to keep trying right?

Any other questions or ideas please offer. I have Creatine and may start taking it again.

This kind of complex brain damage may be just too "complex" to reverse at this point. My hope is chelating the mercury from my brain, may help, and I was much better just since last Feb, but still was very cognitively impaired.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems is I DON"t SLEEP! I was going one night a week, now I sleep every other night, this went on for the last 4 years....yea that bad.

I have never heard of this kind of chronic insomnia...and it FEELS like I have no brain matter left to sleep, as my dreams became whisps of demented flashes over the summer. So I would not be fully asleep more awake, and I started convulsing.

So this is beyond serious, now I can sleep but very lightly. My girlfriend was brain damaged from psyche treatments as well, and her spect or pet scan showed half of her brain had no blood flow, (according to her.)

my regular MRI came out normal, but that doesnt' mean squat, as there obviously is damage there that would be picked up with better scans....it feels very hypoxic, or like I said the kind of brain damage I have read about in acutely poisoned people.

#219 bacopa

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 09:11 AM

other symptoms I experienced over the summer were pressure in the brain, and I worried about intercranial pressure which can kill you. I also started to see tunnel vision, and felt like I had no oxygen to my brain for weeks...

this has all improved since aggressively supplementing. Yes, I only started to aggresively supplement starting 2 months ago. But was eating well, and drinking green drinks, Bolton farms kind of stuff up until my huge break down.

They say people who have had ECT, also suffer acute PTSD problems. So I had a regular MRI 35 minutes, they have longer scans that show much more detail....there was no atrophy shown, and this has been consistent in all my MRI's, (i've had 4 now, over the years.)

So yes, modern medicine is so poor so much of this could have been prevented had, drugs they gave me, and the constant reassuring that since my MRI's were normal I was "not brain damaged." I know better now.

Sorry to ramble...I'm afraid to get a really good scan, it would just depress me.

#220 bacopa

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 09:12 AM

guys sorry to hijack the thread, feel free to move it if it's annoying people who just want to discuss uridine.

#221 MrHappy

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 10:29 AM

Actually, by the sound of it, the lack of sleep is very, very likely a big part of your dilemma.

Uridine has an excellent ability to mediate the effects of sleep deprivation, without any stimulant-like effects or the usual ups and downs. The thing is, this appears to be a short-term, dose-dependant effect.

If you are finding uridine works as a short-term fix, then I think we should probably look at what else is stopping you from sleeping. Could be GABA related, given the history of anti-psychotics.

I am impressed, though - your brain appears to be functioning remarkably well, especially considering the torture it has gone through!
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#222 diana_2000

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 12:14 PM

Do you know where to get uridine in Europe? Iherb doesn't carry it. There are some products but thei contain a negligible amount.

#223 MrHappy

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 08:54 PM

Seems hard to find a local supplier in EU.

Did you try one of the other US-based online retailers - swanson, bayho, amazon, ebay, etc?

#224 moomoo

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 09:20 PM

Seems hard to find a local supplier in EU.

Did you try one of the other US-based online retailers - swanson, bayho, amazon, ebay, etc?

EU buyer here: Bayho delivers to EU as does Swanson. I have ordered from Bayho and they're very slow to dispatch and seems to use a very slow delivery method. Swanson seems better and cheaper and I'll use them next time.

#225 nupi

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 11:14 PM

Except that Swanson seems hell bent on charging me 35USD shipping even for the tiny bottle of TAU...

#226 bacopa

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 04:22 AM

Actually, by the sound of it, the lack of sleep is very, very likely a big part of your dilemma.

Uridine has an excellent ability to mediate the effects of sleep deprivation, without any stimulant-like effects or the usual ups and downs. The thing is, this appears to be a short-term, dose-dependant effect.

If you are finding uridine works as a short-term fix, then I think we should probably look at what else is stopping you from sleeping. Could be GABA related, given the history of anti-psychotics.

I am impressed, though - your brain appears to be functioning remarkably well, especially considering the torture it has gone through!

update, after lions mane, and lots of other shit, excuse my non scientific thinking right now, I am thinking much faster, and can absorb a bit better within an HOUR, so something is very weird here. Maybe I can salvage a very abused brain afterall from the abuse of the psyche and medical industry...too bad I can't sue for millions, or even a few thousand.

I'm now thinking PQQ, hydergine, DMAE, Creatine, any other ideas?

#227 bacopa

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 04:33 AM

There is so many routes I can take this with, but I can't throw money away I'm going to look at noot suppliers.

#228 rwac

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 05:03 AM

how about ALCAR, lutein, MB ?

#229 MrHappy

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 09:40 AM

Mb is a bit too 'awakening'. I think uridine combo + melatonin, bacopa, L-glutamine, alcar. Perhaps another GABA promoter.

#230 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 05:29 PM

Mr do you like work for the forum or something?

Edited by 1thoughtMaze1, 28 November 2011 - 05:29 PM.

#231 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 05:50 PM

Oh and can I just say this forum is the sh*t Mann!

#232 MrHappy

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 08:42 PM

Mr do you like work for the forum or something?

:) No, just a friendly face...

#233 bacopa

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 11:16 PM

is MB, Methylene blue?

I trialed Galantamine over a year ago, and remember having much better memory, whether it was due to the drug, or other things is the big question. I'm considering ordering that, Luetine looks very healthy, and Creatine, can't hurt when I have the energy to exercise.

I'm a bit in the dark about N-acetyl-l-Tyrosine, and I literally right now don't have the energy to study it, but I've heard good things, (now I sound like a typical 18 year old idiot stumbling on imminst for the first time hah!)

Finally P5P sounds like a safer form if I have mercury toxicity, and I'm quite sure I do, since I grounded the s**t out of my mercury fillings for years.

As for chelation working, ALA, DMSA getting it out of the brain there are no tests for that, only I've heard subjective positive reversals of memory loss, hoping this is true, not placebo, or other things helping.

I was taking Brewers yeast but in light of the uric acid fear from RNA, and with the supposed mercury poisoned list of foods to avoid, I probably should just supplement with UMP from that place I bought it (can't remember but it seemed like one of the only pure UMP supplements.)

yes Alcar I might buy some of that.

What do you guys think of Galantamine isnt' it a nicotinic receptor agonist or "what not?" :)

#234 bacopa

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 11:24 PM

basically things racatems seem to make me feel unbelievably agiated, which is obvious because I already am! Common sense is you don't just add stimulants to a brain that is malfunctioning in so many ways like mine is, as well as mood.

And obviously just throwing a bunch of nootropics in has time and time again proved bad for so many people. Someone doing as poorly as I am, needs to be especially careful not to burn myself out, with quick fixes...this is why people do drugs of course.

The trick for me is finding suppelments, and diet, that soothe, more than stimulate, whilst hoping to help regrow neruons, promote neuroprotection, as well as help in the long run, and not a quick fix, or worse placebo effect myself into wasting more money.

At least I haven't megadosed other than vit C with Quercitin....ok I used to...thoughts on hydergine or Centrophaxine for my condition?

Finally thanks guys, we need this kind of skeptical thinking, and breaking things down even though we are not qualified biochemists or specialists. But the guys that are, have made such horrific mistakes in treating brain illnesses, that it makes you come back to forums like these. Finding doctors who have the time to think of all the possiblities is the rarest of rare, for so many reasons. The smartest people I have met have been researchers doing work on the brain, not the doctors who don't have the time to keep up with the latest, and get sucked into the money, not the patient. We are expendable still!

#235 rwac

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 12:14 AM

is MB, Methylene blue?


I trialed Galantamine over a year ago, and remember having much better memory, whether it was due to the drug, or other things is the big question. I'm considering ordering that, Luetine looks very healthy, and Creatine, can't hurt when I have the energy to exercise.

Creatine is actually good for memory and intelligence too. It helps me to some extent exercise or not.

Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance
Creatine supplementation and cognitive performance in elderly individuals.

#236 bacopa

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 02:57 AM

the trick is whether or not I can "reverse" so to speak, this degree of cognitive impairment, and if so, to what extent. So I can work out fine, I'm fast, can jump rope with some finesse, but driving is getting scary, amnesic, so if it's "just that," then that could be simply a form of brain damage, which may be reversible, as I had gone from brain dead many times, due to psychosis, to pretty smart considering, road maps in my head of Boston, etc. but nothing what I was in high school and college.

So yes Creatine seems to be a no brainer for intelligence enhancement....obviously I'm still fearing the worst. thanks :)

#237 bacopa

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 02:58 AM

This study looks promising for anti dementia "betterment," with Lions mane, which I consume also.


#238 MrHappy

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 08:39 AM

I think sleeping and healing/regeneration are your best path forward. :) Hopefully at the same time?

#239 tornpie

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 08:52 AM

I ordered 25 g of UMP today. I'm optimistic about it working for me. I don't have GPC though. I have centrophenoxine and CDP-choline. I'm thinking that GPC would probably be preferred with what I've read so far. What about phosphatidylserine? From what I've read, the mechanism for this combo seems targeted at neuronal membranes and something with the vesicles. Wonder if magnesium l-threonate is good in the mix too and there will be a synergy as well.

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#240 medievil

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 10:00 AM

Excellent thread, looks perfect for shizophrenia related neurodegeneration.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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