wow huge thread..I've read through most of it and am looking for a reliable supplier of UMP - would someone mind PM'ming me (or leavein post) real quick a supplier that they know works? I'm in the US
Posted 27 May 2014 - 04:21 AM
wow huge thread..I've read through most of it and am looking for a reliable supplier of UMP - would someone mind PM'ming me (or leavein post) real quick a supplier that they know works? I'm in the US
Posted 30 May 2014 - 06:34 PM
Strangelove, try NMDA antagonists, they up regulate dopamine receptors. A lot of ADHD amphetamine users use them to keep their meds from developing tolerance. I get good effects on dopamine homeostasis with magnesium and zinc.
Thanks Arjuna, if I am not mistaken they upregulate receptors towards homeostasis I am interested in something that would bring my baseline up. Parnate through MAO inhibition for example is good for that, but I am interested in something that works in a more basic level and being more "natural" to my brain. There is a low ceiling in dopamine in many people, not because our brains cannot produce or use enough of it, but through evolutionary times individuals high in dopamine levels would take extra risks leaving less offsprings. Today that these risks are not present it would be better for most to have the extra energy, motivation and good moods that few lucky people seem to have.
I am interested to know some of the mechanisms that we can "tell" to our brains take the brakes off, get more motivated (you will not die from lack of food trying to get what you want) or have a stronger sexual urge your jealous neighbor would not kill you with a stone on your head e.t.c. Uridine seems that did that for me, probably through D2 prefrontal upregulation but I feel through my experience with it, that its only a piece of the puzzle.
Posted 30 May 2014 - 08:27 PM
wow huge thread..I've read through most of it and am looking for a reliable supplier of UMP - would someone mind PM'ming me (or leavein post) real quick a supplier that they know works? I'm in the US
I got mine from Nootropics Depot. Everything I've ordered from them came in a few days. I read (can't remember if it was earlier in this thread, or at /r/Nootropics) that some of their first shipments were not UMP disodium salts, which is what you probably want, but just UMP. While mine was on the way, I emailed their customer service rep and she confirmed that what I had ordered was UMP disodium salts, and that all UMP they were currently selling (this was about a month ago) was UMP disodium salts.
The only place I've purchased any other nootropics from is Health Supplement Wholesalers and I don't think they sell UMP.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 05:14 AM
I tried alpha GPC choline instead of CDP and it still dampened my mood.
Uridine and DHA happy stack synergies extraordinarily well with nofap haha, no further issues from uridine - choline conversion mood problems.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:37 PM
Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:37 AM
I've been stopping omega 3 fish oils and MSM, and shortly after that had a lot better brain function. Since then, my brain function levels only have gone up. That made me wonder if omega 3 would be the culprit, so I started to search for bad effects of o3's.
Turns out that the brain has much more o6 then o3 content, and increased supply of o3 can mess up this ratio, meaning the cells do work less well.
In fact, the ratio of o3 to o6 PEO seems to be 1:100(!!!!)
Why would we then supplement with o3 in combination with uridine, unless there is a <1:100 ratio in our nutrition(which, even if it was, could be easily fixed without supplementation)?
Also, seems like there is evidence that o3 actually has no effect on dementia, inflammation, arterial clogging in humans. In fact it is likely to supress the immune system. And has been shown to increase the chance of cancer (in mice).
So I am wondering if combining uridine with o3 actually was BAD science. If we want uridine to increase neurogenesis, we should supply all building blocks at an ratio that is equal to that of a normal brain, and with the uridine protocol we are doing the opposite.
Here is a pdf with a lot of negative arguments about o3 DHA and EPA:
I'll open a new thread to discuss adverse effects of fish oil in the supplement thread too, maybe some will take a closer look at that guys arguments and at the studies he uses.
Edited by BioFreak, 13 June 2014 - 10:12 AM.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 10:32 AM
Edited by MrHappy, 16 June 2014 - 10:33 AM.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 11:49 AM
Not a fan of high omega-6s, personally.
western people typically have too high a ratio of o6 to o3.
one research http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/12442909
plenty of more stuff out there ... :-)
Posted 18 June 2014 - 01:05 PM
Hello, sorry if this has been thoroughly discussed before but I am wondering if it is possible to combine caffeine with uridine stack since I am a huge coffee lover.
So, how detrimental is caffeine really to the efficiency of uridine, does it make it useless?
Any tips on how to combine both substances?
Posted 18 June 2014 - 01:09 PM
I can't speak to the effectivness part however I typically drink 2 cups a day. While I was on this stack it made me feel very weird drinking the second cup; heart would pound and felt like it affected me a lot more then usual. I had to cut it back to 1 cup a day to avoid those feelings. I think if you take it you want to keep it at a minimum or you won't feel very good. I guess you can try it and see how you feel; i get the feeling it amplifies the effects.
Posted 18 June 2014 - 09:41 PM
I don't know why I tried Uridine, I tried to be more productive with my writing I guess.
Uridine halted my hypomania caused by lion's mane. I still love lion's mane, but no doubt it was causing me to be hypomanic. I really feel it normalising dopamine levels. I'm back on earth, and while i first thought lion's mane grounded me, that wasn't grounding. What Uridine does is grounding. I'm back on my feet again and things around me fall more into place. I no longer only have a sence of universal connectiveness, but also an connection with planet earth again. This is great, cause I was feeling incredibly lonely drifting alone like an astronaut in space, and now i'm no longer alone and no longer crave human affection that much, since I get it again by just being around people.
I also feel more rational, like I can put things in perspective and work on the long therm. It's if my left brain is working again, where lion's mane fixed my right brain.
It also works really well for relaxing me, more then any 'adaptogen' i've tried. I can be around people again without their presence stressing me so much, and I no longer am hyper- alert, and focus or get scared from any movement in my vision.
Downside is that it might dull me a bit emotionally, although I suffer from depresonalizaton and the Uridine might confront me more with the disease.
Still I hope it remains. Thanks mister Happy!
Posted 19 June 2014 - 06:50 PM
Anyone else feel like their serotonin levels are decreasing after uridine supplemention? I feel like I would feel like I did when I had lower serotonin levels; OCD increasing (obsessive thoughts), irritated, agitated. etc. I've heard dopamine interacts with serotonin, in that increasing one decreases the other. I am not taking much uridine either, actually lower than when I began supplementing. But my point is I used to take kanna (an SSRI) about 9 months ago, for 3 months, and definately felt "serotonergic" if you want. Now, I feel like my serotonin gradually have decreased over time since I began using uridine for about 5 months.
Now, this issue can definately be caused by my own my personal issues and my lifestyle, since my life is a bit different compared to before using uridine, but it definately doesn't help in the serotonergic region, like for example kanna did. so I'm not saying uridine is the direct cause of this. I'm simply wondering if someone experienced something similar?
Posted 20 June 2014 - 10:59 AM
For those of us in UK/Europe still looking for more options when ordering Uridine, are now selling 20g UMP for £19.99. They have a next day delivery option too, although it isn't cheap.
Should be noted that I haven't ordered this myself, and I have never sampled any product from Intellimeds before.
Posted 21 June 2014 - 12:56 AM
Is there a problem to take propranolol together with GPC (Choline)?
Posted 21 June 2014 - 02:50 PM
Any good sources for large quantities of CDP choline?
Posted 22 June 2014 - 02:06 AM
I've just ordered some from Intellimeds in the UK, jarrow is selling smaller quantities for a decent price and mindnutrition also sells it.
Posted 27 June 2014 - 09:51 PM
I am considering supplementing with following as a natural way to get both my b vitamins and Uridine.
Swanson's Brewers Yeast - 1000 mg per capsule X 8 per day (240 mg Uridine)
Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina - 1000 mg per capsule X 4 per day (200 mg Uridine)
The price comes to around $22.00 a month.
My question is do I have the Uridine content correct above? Spirulina is high in Vitamin A, Iron, and other vitamins. Would it be unwise to supplement with Spirulina on a long-term daily basis? Lastly, is this the best way to obtain my B vitamins and Uridine through food? I can't stand the taste so caps are a must.
I would appreciate any feedback or help!
Posted 27 June 2014 - 10:18 PM
Swanson's Brewers Yeast - 1000 mg per capsule X 8 per day (240 mg Uridine)
On page 3 it says brewer's yeast is high in purine, which leads to uric acid, which leads to gout.
You can get UMP powder 30 grams for $18.
And, it absorbs much better taken sublingually.
Posted 27 June 2014 - 10:25 PM
Swanson's Brewers Yeast - 1000 mg per capsule X 8 per day (240 mg Uridine)
On page 3 it says brewer's yeast is high in purine, which leads to uric acid, which leads to gout.
You can get UMP powder 30 grams for $18.
And, it absorbs much better taken sublingually.
I did not consider that. Is only 8 grams a day sufficient to cause an issue?
Posted 27 June 2014 - 10:47 PM
Swanson's Brewers Yeast - 1000 mg per capsule X 8 per day (240 mg Uridine)
On page 3 it says brewer's yeast is high in purine, which leads to uric acid, which leads to gout.
You can get UMP powder 30 grams for $18.
And, it absorbs much better taken sublingually.
I did not consider that. Is only 8 grams a day sufficient to cause an issue?
In this old thread they mention taking 30g per day http://www.longecity...ces-of-uridine/
But they say you wont get the effects that you would get from straight UMP under the tongue, because the urdine is bound in the yeast and doesnt absorb.
Posted 28 June 2014 - 12:17 AM
Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:15 PM
To tylerdurden :
Could you elaborate on your source and brand of lions mane? I was thinking about getting some, but in europe there are only a handfull sources, and I don't know which are legit or if a certain extract is prefered.
Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:35 AM
Does the uridine choline and dha need to be taken together, or can they be taken at separate times of the day?
Posted 30 June 2014 - 01:59 PM
Does the uridine choline and dha need to be taken together, or can they be taken at separate times of the day?
Ja I would also like to know this, as in the starting out guide on the first page the ump dosage of 150-250mg states twice daily, and then the fish oil dosage of >700mg DHA + >300mg EPA and 300mg choline dosage doesn't state once, twice or daily total.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 09:54 PM
Guys are you supposed to cycle uridine? Take weekends off, or 3 weeks on, 1 week off? I've searched but found no mention of this.
Posted 03 July 2014 - 07:22 AM
I recently started taking the suggested stack in the OP.
Vitamin E 500iu
Uridine 250mg x2 a day
700MG DHA Fish oil tabs
Vitamin B-100 Complex, contains 100mg of Choline in it.
Alpha brain x2 a day
But day 2 report, i'm feeling more depressed than usual. More fog and general uneasy feeling.
What could be causing that?
Posted 03 July 2014 - 11:33 AM
Alpha Brain seems to contain some Alpha GPC, so could potentially be too much choline. If you're taking uridine sublingually, it's probably too much as I don't see many here using doses above 250mg sublingually.
Posted 03 July 2014 - 12:09 PM
Ah didn't think to check the contents of Alpha brain. i guess i should stop taking it while doing this stack. the B Complex has 100mg choline in it so that should be enough.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 09:26 PM
For those of us in UK/Europe still looking for more options when ordering Uridine, are now selling 20g UMP for £19.99. They have a next day delivery option too, although it isn't cheap.
Should be noted that I haven't ordered this myself, and I have never sampled any product from Intellimeds before.
seems legit, I'm going to order UMP and Alpha GPC powder from them. Anyone have any insight of using these ingredients or one of them with nsi-189?tnx
Posted 13 July 2014 - 12:35 AM
I'm quoting myself from another thread I just starting, realizing that it instead belongs in this thread:
I get really positive effects from uridine (both TAU and UMP), but get quickly tolerant at least to the subjective effects. The first day is great, and second day pretty nice, but the third day and after I don't really notice a difference. Despite, the tolerance, I tried taking it for several weeks to see what would happen, but still nothing significant occurs and I end up feeling that this supplement is only good for me to take once-in-awhile as a treat, counter to the regime approach that it's usually used as. Does anybody else get tolerance to uridine? Is there a way to counteract this tolerance?
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