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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#2731 eon

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 07:59 AM

Nice products there as well. I almost bought some Barlean's fish oil which has about the same amount as the product you listed:


Per teaspoon: EPA: 850 mg, DHA 540 mg




$20 for 47 servings is a bit much isn't it?


Where does one buy Wild Planet tuna? I'm hoping it's available in stores.


Also, the reason why I was looking for high dose omega-3s and brought up the prescription version Lovaza was because it was listed on drugs.com as for ADHD "off label". 


I just buy the liquid (Nordic naturals) and take 1-2 Tblsp per day.  750 EPA / 550 DHA per teaspoon.  So 1 Tblsp = 2250 EPA / 1650 DHA.


The taste isn't bad.  Has a bit of lemon added to it.  Keep it refrigerated.


Also Wild Planet tuna has 2200mg of DHA per can.  And it's tasty.  It only has 750mg EPA. 


Interesting ratio, if that's truly a natural one.  3:1 DHA to EPA.


Edited by eon, 27 March 2015 - 08:01 AM.

#2732 Razor444

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 11:12 AM


that's a nice brand. But what they have is per 2 capsules which makes the dose high. 



Does anyone here know of any brand that sells a high dose DHA per capsule?






Is there a particular reason you're trying to minimise the number of caps you're taking?

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#2733 Samuraidream

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Posted 30 March 2015 - 01:30 PM

Can anyone give a suggestion on how to dose UMP powder without using a scale? How much of a teaspoon can one fill with 150-250mg of Uridine, for instance?


Edited by SamuraiSlut, 30 March 2015 - 01:31 PM.

#2734 eon

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Posted 31 March 2015 - 05:56 AM

Just less pills to take I guess is the only reason. Generic Lovaza is said to be cheap.




Is there a particular reason you're trying to minimise the number of caps you're taking?



#2735 Samuraidream

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Posted 31 March 2015 - 09:52 AM

Can anyone give a suggestion on how to dose UMP powder without using a scale? How much of a teaspoon can one fill with 150-250mg of Uridine, for instance?




#2736 kentolpad

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Posted 31 March 2015 - 01:16 PM

put your whole stash inside some solution and measure in ml using syringes or measuring cups ?

You could also rent a scale once and measure the weight from one straight teaspoon and go from there.

But getting a scale is the best way to go and it only cost 20$ or so.

#2737 calm--

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 03:17 AM

The 3000 mg ALA/flaxseed oil recommendation, is it flaxseed oil or just the ALA? I have Now Flax Oil where 1 softgel is 1,000 mg flaxseed oil, which contains 550 mg ALA.

#2738 BeachyKeen

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 02:37 PM

So I've been researching this whole fish oil/DHA thing.  And it's a pretty deep rabbit/fishing hole.  Lots of articles, studies (pubmed = 24,000 studies), examine.com, Youtube, AHA, FDA, etc.


And depending on who you believe, fish oil, specifically DHA (Kruse) is either the greatest thing on the planet OR supplemental fish oil will literally kills us slowly over time (Brian Peskin).


The 'experts' do seem to agree on a general range of omega 6 to omega 3 ratios, which seemed to range from 6:1 to 1:1.  Omega 6 to Omega 3.


I've taken flax oil on/off for over the last 20 years.  Probably gallons of it over the years.  I'm now taking a large dose of fish oil everyday.  And have been for four/five weeks.  And I simply feel better on the fish oil.


But I am now also eating a ketogenic diet and am 'keto-adapted'.  You don't see a lot of studies on that combo.  Maverick Dr. Jack Kruse thinks that's the ultimate combo (DHA and ketogenic diet).  Love em or hate em, he makes some interesting points.  And recommends getting DHA from our diets, seafood, naturally.  I've been reluctant to do this because of all the mercury. 


Brian Peskin (long time researcher) thinks that fish oil supplementation is horrible for us and we need to get our EFA's pretty from plant/nut/seed based oils.  So he's an early chain guy.  He suggests not taking specific derivatives (like DHA & EPA, which he says the body actually makes as needed and are not essential fatty acids).


Examine.com says that we can't enough DHA from ALA and/or GLA (and suggests vegetarian DHA to make sure).  And also said the total suggested range for fish oil was 250mg upwards to 6,000mg.  The FDA recommends a max of 3g of fish oil per day. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) says up to 5g (of DHA & EPA) does not pose a safety concern for adults.


So it's all confusing.  A piece of salmon (6 ounces) has up to 3,000mg of DHA.  That wild planet tuna has 2,200mg of DHA.  Which Dr. Kruse (neurosurgeon) says is the most important chemical in the body.


What next?  I suspect I will get a omega6/omega 3 blood test and see what that ratio is and go from there.


Anyone got any suggestions?  Experiences?  Decent studies?  Anecdotes?




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#2739 Logic

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:23 PM

So I've been researching this whole fish oil/DHA thing.  And it's a pretty deep rabbit/fishing hole.  Lots of articles, studies (pubmed = 24,000 studies), examine.com, Youtube, AHA, FDA, etc.




Anyone got any suggestions?  Experiences?  Decent studies?  Anecdotes?


Let me add to the confusion by saying that it seems to be EPA that increases FOXO expression and has an antidepressant/cognitive effect, while DHA either decreases, or has no effect on  FOXO.



#2740 Charles J. Daniels

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:38 AM

I accept that oils are not a good food generally. In a pure extracted form, it's not what we encountered in nature over our long genetic history. And I always seem to hear that the bottom line is that purified oils cause inflammation, or some other issue, I'm not clear. I'm not saying this is fact, I just fall into the "whole foods are the best source" camp. There are people fighting for heart health who say ~no~ oils, that olive oil may be thought of as "heart healthy" but that those who consume it shows equal signs of certain underlying issues, and only no oil solves those. But whatever, I still swig 15g of flax oil for the moment. I'm vegan (15+ years) and not worried about conversion issues, though I've heard for ~some~ people whose genetic ancestry was fish-consumption heavy, they may not be able to convert "well enough".

#2741 eon

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Posted 12 April 2015 - 04:52 AM

I finally found and tried the Wild Planet white albacore tuna. I found it at Target. It's $4 a can. That's expensive but tasty. I wonder how they made the DHA and EPA so high considering it's about the same amount as the ones sold at Walmart, even though the ones sold at Walmart never have a label of how much DHA/EPA it has, I'd assume it has the same amount. The white albacore tuna seem to have higher DHA/EPA than the pink salmon version, hard to believe. I always thought pink salmon would be higher in DHA/EPA.



I just buy the liquid (Nordic naturals) and take 1-2 Tblsp per day.  750 EPA / 550 DHA per teaspoon.  So 1 Tblsp = 2250 EPA / 1650 DHA.


The taste isn't bad.  Has a bit of lemon added to it.  Keep it refrigerated.


Also Wild Planet tuna has 2200mg of DHA per can.  And it's tasty.  It only has 750mg EPA. 


Interesting ratio, if that's truly a natural one.  3:1 DHA to EPA.


#2742 eon

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 06:18 AM

I just got a prescription for Lovaza and I'm willing to try it out. I would assume this doesn't have the "mercury" everyone is talking about since it's high grade. Also, my assumption that it's truely high dose fish oil was false considering it only has  465 mg EPA ethyl ester and 375 mg DHA ethyl ester. This is not just "regular" fish oil but more like Omega-3-acid ethyl esters. Not sure if that is just to make it sound fancy or it's what "phenyl" is in phenylpiracetam.
"It is a pro-drug that is metabolized into Omega-3 fatty acids and ethanol. It is not a dietary supplement and has been wrongly called "fish oil" which it is clearly not.
Lovaza is approved in the U.S. for treatment of patients with very high triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia).[3]
GlaxoSmithKline's patent expired in September 2012. Generic versions of Lovaza were introduced in America in April 2014.[5] Other DHA/EPA products containing similar amounts of omega-3 acid ethyl esters that are currently sold over the counter in the United States as dietary supplements. These products also produce ethanol as a metabolite."
What OTC products would these be that are the same as Lovaza?
But the more interesting story here is Lovaza has competition:
"In July 2012, Amarin Corporation received U.S. FDA marketing approval for Vascepa, also referred to as AMR-101.[6] Vascepa will undoubtedly become a major competitor for Lovaza.[7] In clinical trials, Vascepa was shown to lower triglycerides; while Lovaza also lowers the triglyceride concentration, Vascepa also lowers LDL-C; Lovaza does not."
Ethyl eicosapentaenoic acid (E-EPA) marketed as Vascepa, Epadel, EPAX, is a synthetic derivative of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). In Japan, E-EPA is often called EPA-E.
This compound has been FDA-approved for use for reduction of high triglyceride levels. E-EPA may exhibit antipsychotic and antidepressive effects,[1] and it is therefore of special interest in psychiatry.[2]
I used to only pay attention to DHA but now EPA is gaining steam.



So I've been researching this whole fish oil/DHA thing.  And it's a pretty deep rabbit/fishing hole.  Lots of articles, studies (pubmed = 24,000 studies), examine.com, Youtube, AHA, FDA, etc.


And depending on who you believe, fish oil, specifically DHA (Kruse) is either the greatest thing on the planet OR supplemental fish oil will literally kills us slowly over time (Brian Peskin).


The 'experts' do seem to agree on a general range of omega 6 to omega 3 ratios, which seemed to range from 6:1 to 1:1.  Omega 6 to Omega 3.


I've taken flax oil on/off for over the last 20 years.  Probably gallons of it over the years.  I'm now taking a large dose of fish oil everyday.  And have been for four/five weeks.  And I simply feel better on the fish oil.


But I am now also eating a ketogenic diet and am 'keto-adapted'.  You don't see a lot of studies on that combo.  Maverick Dr. Jack Kruse thinks that's the ultimate combo (DHA and ketogenic diet).  Love em or hate em, he makes some interesting points.  And recommends getting DHA from our diets, seafood, naturally.  I've been reluctant to do this because of all the mercury. 


Brian Peskin (long time researcher) thinks that fish oil supplementation is horrible for us and we need to get our EFA's pretty from plant/nut/seed based oils.  So he's an early chain guy.  He suggests not taking specific derivatives (like DHA & EPA, which he says the body actually makes as needed and are not essential fatty acids).


Examine.com says that we can't enough DHA from ALA and/or GLA (and suggests vegetarian DHA to make sure).  And also said the total suggested range for fish oil was 250mg upwards to 6,000mg.  The FDA recommends a max of 3g of fish oil per day. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) says up to 5g (of DHA & EPA) does not pose a safety concern for adults.


So it's all confusing.  A piece of salmon (6 ounces) has up to 3,000mg of DHA.  That wild planet tuna has 2,200mg of DHA.  Which Dr. Kruse (neurosurgeon) says is the most important chemical in the body.


What next?  I suspect I will get a omega6/omega 3 blood test and see what that ratio is and go from there.


Anyone got any suggestions?  Experiences?  Decent studies?  Anecdotes?


Edited by eon, 17 April 2015 - 06:21 AM.

#2743 BeachyKeen

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 10:53 PM

Hey eon - I heard Costco also has Wild Planet tuna.  Kroger (largest US grocery chain) also has WIld Planet and was on sale for $2.50 per can, so I stocked up.


A couple observations.  I notice when I eat fish vs taking fish oil, the fish seems to be more effective. 


So I've toned down my fish oil enthusiasm.  And trying to increase my fish (tuna, salmon, grouper, rockfish, etc.) at least 3x per week.  To trade off mercury for a truly natural form of omegas.  Too bad that's an issue.  Lucky though I live in coastal town.  I hear Jack Kruse eats lots of oysters for the DHA.


Down to about 1 -2 tsp per day of fish oil with a meal on the days I'm not eating fish.  And on those days I'll also counter-balance with a teaspoon of Udo's oil at my next meal.


I've tried Krill (even a lot of it) and still found fish and fish/oil to be better for me.  More noticeable inflammation wise.  Fish oil was a huge help for me feeling better.  But it feels like I've stabilized and can manage with less than initially consumed.


Haven't gotten a omega 6/3 test yet...still planning on it.  Still ketogenic.  And feeling well overall.


Edited by BeachyKeen, 21 April 2015 - 11:01 PM.

#2744 Charles J. Daniels

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 11:24 PM

 fish vs taking fish oil, the fish seems to be more effective. 

Makes sense, whole foods vs supplements, whole foods tend to far surpass in terms of noticeable results, in my case. You can buy and take 100s of the best supps, but weeks on a perfect diet tends to have a deeper more sustained feeling of healthy.

But what I really wanted to post to say was, don't forget to consider ALA as an omega source. It won't have the same mercury issues. Many people are quick to write off ALA because they're part of social "any pill is better, and especially if you take more" mindset, but humans can and do convert plant omegas into DHA & EPA. I'm vegan (hence why I even have any idea how effective ALA might be :-p), and I realize just getting in your omegas is more important than anything (not all societies evolved by fish). At any rate, you'll only know what works best for you if you try them all. You might find ALA/flax/walnuts exceeds fish oil, but doesn't quite match fish, but hey still without the mercury.

#2745 eon

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 05:17 AM

that's because you were eating a Wild Planet tuna! I noticed that as well. That's because it has 2200mg of DHA etc. try taking that much in liquid or capsuled omega-3's THEN report back. I felt great eating a can of it as I mentioned previously but that's because it has higher concentration of omega-3's compared to the OTC pill from Aldi that I have been taking which has 360mg of omega-3's.



Hey eon - I heard Costco also has Wild Planet tuna.  Kroger (largest US grocery chain) also has WIld Planet and was on sale for $2.50 per can, so I stocked up.


A couple observations.  I notice when I eat fish vs taking fish oil, the fish seems to be more effective. 


So I've toned down my fish oil enthusiasm.  And trying to increase my fish (tuna, salmon, grouper, rockfish, etc.) at least 3x per week.  To trade off mercury for a truly natural form of omegas.  Too bad that's an issue.  Lucky though I live in coastal town.  I hear Jack Kruse eats lots of oysters for the DHA.


Down to about 1 -2 tsp per day of fish oil with a meal on the days I'm not eating fish.  And on those days I'll also counter-balance with a teaspoon of Udo's oil at my next meal.


I've tried Krill (even a lot of it) and still found fish and fish/oil to be better for me.  More noticeable inflammation wise.  Fish oil was a huge help for me feeling better.  But it feels like I've stabilized and can manage with less than initially consumed.


Haven't gotten a omega 6/3 test yet...still planning on it.  Still ketogenic.  And feeling well overall.


#2746 Samuraidream

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Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:34 PM

Just wanted to share my experience with uridine.

Duration: 3 weeks
Dosage: around 500mg/day (250mg AM, 250mg PM)

Other supplements: around 1000 DHA and 500 EPA from fish oil (AM & PM) + 120mg-240mg caps of Ginkgo Biloba (AM)

Positive results: my mood has improved and stabilized, I don't get into those negative thought loops that were really bothering me, I feel more happy about life in general. My sleep quality has improved too, while my anxiety levels have somewhat decreased - all in all, these effects are not strong or amazing per se, but definitely noticeable.

Negative results: around a two week mark, I started noticing that my verbal fluency is a bit screwed up, like I'm finding it more difficult to talk and/or to think of the right words to say; this might have started when I introduced Choline to this stack (see below).


After a few weeks on this stack, I added some 300mg of CDP Choline and everything went downhill after just a couple of days. I have negative/depressive thought loops, I'm irritable, I'm tensed... So I obviously stopped taking Choline and was wondering how long does it take for it to leave my body and the depressive symptoms to go away? As a matter of fact, I'm still feeling quite low and it's been 3 days since I stopped taking it.

I'm gonna take a two week break from uridine starting tomorrow and then resume without any Choline.

Edited by SamuraiSlut, 23 April 2015 - 01:37 PM.

#2747 Jochen

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Posted 23 April 2015 - 02:18 PM

Just wanted to share my experience with uridine.

Duration: 3 weeks
Dosage: around 500mg/day (250mg AM, 250mg PM)

Other supplements: around 1000 DHA and 500 EPA from fish oil (AM & PM) + 120mg-240mg caps of Ginkgo Biloba (AM)

Positive results: my mood has improved and stabilized, I don't get into those negative thought loops that were really bothering me, I feel more happy about life in general. My sleep quality has improved too, while my anxiety levels have somewhat decreased - all in all, these effects are not strong or amazing per se, but definitely noticeable.

Negative results: around a two week mark, I started noticing that my verbal fluency is a bit screwed up, like I'm finding it more difficult to talk and/or to think of the right words to say; this might have started when I introduced Choline to this stack (see below).


After a few weeks on this stack, I added some 300mg of CDP Choline and everything went downhill after just a couple of days. I have negative/depressive thought loops, I'm irritable, I'm tensed... So I obviously stopped taking Choline and was wondering how long does it take for it to leave my body and the depressive symptoms to go away? As a matter of fact, I'm still feeling quite low and it's been 3 days since I stopped taking it.

I'm gonna take a two week break from uridine starting tomorrow and then resume without any Choline.


interesting as my wife had a similar response to CDP Choline. We immediately noticed this and stopped with it.

She has been taking 250 mg of Uridine AM / PM for the past 15 months without any negative effects.


She just appears to be a "high responder" to choline. I personally don't have this effect with any choline, I can take grams of the stuff without any problems.

Not sure what is better though :-)


My take on your experience is that it is purely related on choline, based on my wife's anecdotal experience.

#2748 magta39

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Posted 23 April 2015 - 07:49 PM

Has anyone tried uridine every other day to try and avoid the tolerance issues some people get?

#2749 Samuraidream

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Posted 24 April 2015 - 10:27 AM


Just wanted to share my experience with uridine.

Duration: 3 weeks
Dosage: around 500mg/day (250mg AM, 250mg PM)

Other supplements: around 1000 DHA and 500 EPA from fish oil (AM & PM) + 120mg-240mg caps of Ginkgo Biloba (AM)

Positive results: my mood has improved and stabilized, I don't get into those negative thought loops that were really bothering me, I feel more happy about life in general. My sleep quality has improved too, while my anxiety levels have somewhat decreased - all in all, these effects are not strong or amazing per se, but definitely noticeable.

Negative results: around a two week mark, I started noticing that my verbal fluency is a bit screwed up, like I'm finding it more difficult to talk and/or to think of the right words to say; this might have started when I introduced Choline to this stack (see below).


After a few weeks on this stack, I added some 300mg of CDP Choline and everything went downhill after just a couple of days. I have negative/depressive thought loops, I'm irritable, I'm tensed... So I obviously stopped taking Choline and was wondering how long does it take for it to leave my body and the depressive symptoms to go away? As a matter of fact, I'm still feeling quite low and it's been 3 days since I stopped taking it.

I'm gonna take a two week break from uridine starting tomorrow and then resume without any Choline.


interesting as my wife had a similar response to CDP Choline. We immediately noticed this and stopped with it.

She has been taking 250 mg of Uridine AM / PM for the past 15 months without any negative effects.


She just appears to be a "high responder" to choline. I personally don't have this effect with any choline, I can take grams of the stuff without any problems.

Not sure what is better though :-)


My take on your experience is that it is purely related on choline, based on my wife's anecdotal experience.



Thanks for your input! It kind of helps knowing that others have had similar experiences.
But how long did it take for your wife to "recover" after quitting Choline? It's been around 90 hours since my last dose of Choline and I'm still feeling very irritable, anxious and just sad/depressed, really. Anyways, will take a break from all supplements for two weeks now and then resume with uridine, omega 3 and (possibly) ginkgo + vit b complex, and hope for the best.

#2750 Jochen

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Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:09 PM

Thanks for your input! It kind of helps knowing that others have had similar experiences.
But how long did it take for your wife to "recover" after quitting Choline? It's been around 90 hours since my last dose of Choline and I'm still feeling very irritable, anxious and just sad/depressed, really. Anyways, will take a break from all supplements for two weeks now and then resume with uridine, omega 3 and (possibly) ginkgo + vit b complex, and hope for the best.



Well if I recall she was depressed / agitated for the whole day. Took her about 24 hours, but it was really only just supplement which had quite a strong effect.

Definitely not placebo as I hadn't told her what I had added to her stack. She just asked me after a few hours if I had given her something else than usual as she was feeling depressed etc.


Not sure what we gave her to reduce the effect of 'too much' choline. Could have been aniracetam, but I am not sure anymore. Not that I would actually recommend Aniracetam for this purpose mind you!

Having kind of a 'brainfart' now, need to research again what could help in case you have that feeling from choline.

#2751 kimrick

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 01:40 PM

Several of the previous posts referred to taking uridine in 250 - 500 mg amounts. Are you referring to TAU (swallowed) or UMP (sublingual)?  I presume swallowed, but I'd like to be certain.



#2752 kimrick

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 08:16 PM

This is a question about choline - I don't tolerate CDP, GPC or ALCAR very well - I become irritable and cranky using them.  Can anyone tell me if there is another  substitute choline souce I can use with DHA and sublingual UMP? 


OR... does anyone know the MINIMUM amounts of CDP, GPC or ALCAR I can use and still get results?  Any info would be much appreciated.



#2753 chemicalambrosia

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:41 PM

This is a question about choline - I don't tolerate CDP, GPC or ALCAR very well - I become irritable and cranky using them.  Can anyone tell me if there is another  substitute choline souce I can use with DHA and sublingual UMP? 


OR... does anyone know the MINIMUM amounts of CDP, GPC or ALCAR I can use and still get results?  Any info would be much appreciated.




I use choline bitartrate. CDP and also possibly GPC seem to increase depression for me. Give choline bitartrate or phosphatidylcholine a try.

#2754 MrHappy

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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:48 PM

Several of the previous posts referred to taking uridine in 250 - 500 mg amounts. Are you referring to TAU (swallowed) or UMP (sublingual)? I presume swallowed, but I'd like to be certain.


UMP doses would be typically around 250mg, oral. TAU doses around 50-75mg, oral. These are starting doses for most people.

#2755 kimrick

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Posted 21 May 2015 - 12:52 PM

Thank you Mr. Happy.  However, I'm still not clear on the efficatious amounts of uridine - OR choline for that matter.  DHA I pretty well understand.


Perhaps you could clarify the basic uridine nomenclature? As I understand things, UMP (uridine monophosphate) is a sublingual product taken in small amounts under the tongue.  TAU (triacetyl uridine) is a swallowed product taken in larger amounts to allow for the harsh stomach environment (I don't know how else to say that...).  Is this correct?


And all choline (GPC, CDC, lecithin granules, bitartrate, etc) is oral, right?


Would you please, once again, restate the efficatious amounts of each of these products to facilitate neurogenesis? I've been taking these products for over a year and cannot really detect any beneficial effects... which leads me to think that I'm taking incorrect amounts of these products - or doing something else fundamentally wrong.... even though I also do 30 minutes of 200+ % heartrate aerobics every time I take them, usually 5 X per week.


Thank you for any clarification.



#2756 LIB

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Posted 27 May 2015 - 09:32 AM

Question on the CCK and Uridine connection. 


I know that Uridine has some type of effect on CCK. I know that CCK is involved in in the gallbaldder/sphincter of oddi. From what I understand, uridine modulates CCK levels as well in the brain? Could this mean normalized gallbladder bile secretion? There seems to be some type of correlation with CCK and dopamine. I'm not smart enough to understand all of this in real world applications. 


For me personally I've always had gallbladder type issues. I recently even had my gallbladder removed due to low ejection rates. Decent improvement in pain and nausea, but digestion still is not great. Also, I've noticed in my life, that any time I can get a good release of bile, I feel much better overall. I've also noticed that I seem to get a secretion of bile, and thus relief, on anything that boosts dopamine.  

Edited by LIB, 27 May 2015 - 09:41 AM.

#2757 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 07:12 AM

Have you tried turmeric for bile, LIB?

#2758 LIB

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:08 AM

Have you tried turmeric for bile, LIB?


Yes I have. I don't react well at all to it. Same with a lot of liver type supplements. Milk Thistle, NAC.

#2759 Samuraidream

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Posted 16 June 2015 - 07:22 AM

Just wanted to share my experience with uridine.

Duration: 3 weeks
Dosage: around 500mg/day (250mg AM, 250mg PM)

Other supplements: around 1000 DHA and 500 EPA from fish oil (AM & PM) + 120mg-240mg caps of Ginkgo Biloba (AM)

Positive results: my mood has improved and stabilized, I don't get into those negative thought loops that were really bothering me, I feel more happy about life in general. My sleep quality has improved too, while my anxiety levels have somewhat decreased - all in all, these effects are not strong or amazing per se, but definitely noticeable.

Negative results: around a two week mark, I started noticing that my verbal fluency is a bit screwed up, like I'm finding it more difficult to talk and/or to think of the right words to say; this might have started when I introduced Choline to this stack (see below).


After a few weeks on this stack, I added some 300mg of CDP Choline and everything went downhill after just a couple of days. I have negative/depressive thought loops, I'm irritable, I'm tensed... So I obviously stopped taking Choline and was wondering how long does it take for it to leave my body and the depressive symptoms to go away? As a matter of fact, I'm still feeling quite low and it's been 3 days since I stopped taking it.

I'm gonna take a two week break from uridine starting tomorrow and then resume without any Choline.



So I took a little 6-week break from supplements and just restarted my regimen this week.
To be honest, it's not going so well with Uridine (from intellimeds) this time around... The first day I took it, I became paranoid, sad-ish and "in my head" for 4-5 hours. The next couple of days have been a bit better, but I still have this weird wave of irrational sadness (especially in the morning). I have noticed, however, that everything's fine when I don't take any Fish Oil with it (and also take a smaller dose of Uridine). Like, I took only Uridine yesterday in the morning, and did the same this morning - all fine (or at least better than it was). Is it possible that Fish Oil (with some vit D in it) is causing troubles?

Off topic: Is it ok to take Creatine with Uridine? Was planning on introducing it to my regimen soon.


Appreciate your input!

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#2760 Strangelove

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 01:34 PM

I am having some very interesting experience right now, as I wrote before I do not take uridine due to a "weird" anxiety I am getting from it. I use noopept regularly that "centers" me, its anxiolytic and many other members are getting great results from it too. I was near my supplements two hours ago and decided to add a very small amount of sublingual uridine, the past hours has been very interesting! Kidding you note, but I felt for maybe half hour my neocortex (especially the back part of the brain) to wake up "buzzing", I was in a very good mood the whole time and when I took a walk in the sun all the colors from the plants/trees in the countryside seemed very "alive"! It seems uridine with noopept releases dopamine in parts of the brain that I find calming and mood lifting and not slightly irritating like before! 

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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