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GPC (choline), Uridine, DHA

choline uridine dha omega-3 epa ump tau b vitamins

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#2761 Samuraidream

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 02:14 PM


Just wanted to share my experience with uridine.

Duration: 3 weeks
Dosage: around 500mg/day (250mg AM, 250mg PM)

Other supplements: around 1000 DHA and 500 EPA from fish oil (AM & PM) + 120mg-240mg caps of Ginkgo Biloba (AM)

Positive results: my mood has improved and stabilized, I don't get into those negative thought loops that were really bothering me, I feel more happy about life in general. My sleep quality has improved too, while my anxiety levels have somewhat decreased - all in all, these effects are not strong or amazing per se, but definitely noticeable.

Negative results: around a two week mark, I started noticing that my verbal fluency is a bit screwed up, like I'm finding it more difficult to talk and/or to think of the right words to say; this might have started when I introduced Choline to this stack (see below).


After a few weeks on this stack, I added some 300mg of CDP Choline and everything went downhill after just a couple of days. I have negative/depressive thought loops, I'm irritable, I'm tensed... So I obviously stopped taking Choline and was wondering how long does it take for it to leave my body and the depressive symptoms to go away? As a matter of fact, I'm still feeling quite low and it's been 3 days since I stopped taking it.

I'm gonna take a two week break from uridine starting tomorrow and then resume without any Choline.



So I took a little 6-week break from supplements and just restarted my regimen this week.
To be honest, it's not going so well with Uridine (from intellimeds) this time around... The first day I took it, I became paranoid, sad-ish and "in my head" for 4-5 hours. The next couple of days have been a bit better, but I still have this weird wave of irrational sadness (especially in the morning). I have noticed, however, that everything's fine when I don't take any Fish Oil with it (and also take a smaller dose of Uridine). Like, I took only Uridine yesterday in the morning, and did the same this morning - all fine (or at least better than it was). Is it possible that Fish Oil (with some vit D in it) is causing troubles?

Off topic: Is it ok to take Creatine with Uridine? Was planning on introducing it to my regimen soon.


Appreciate your input!




Things kind of leveled out after a week and now I'm seeing the benefits of Uridine again (e.g. better and more stable mood, increased sleep quality etc.).
I have reduced the dose to 125mg, taken either once or twice (250mg in total) a day. I've also reduced the dose of fish oil, now estimated at 500DHA & 250 EPA a day, and added a vitamin B complex, taken once a day.

Adding Creatine to the regimen has helped a bunch with my overall energy levels (incl. better exercise performance). The question still stands though, is it ok to take it together with Uridine? I've noticed quite some acne popping up and not sure whether it's due to the fact that I exercise more now or it's actually one of the supplements that's causing it? I always have some acne, but it's very mild and not really noticeable... now it's much more visible and painful. Any ideas?

#2762 cat-nips

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 05:09 PM

Just starting Uridine TAU (Cardiovascular Research) supplementation along with Fish Oil and B Vitamins and had a dosing question. I know it's variable, but was wondering if 75mg, taken twice a day is a good standard starting point to see measurable results? Is that too much or too little?  Should it be taken with/without food or does it not matter? Thanks for any insight.

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#2763 arboles

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Posted 12 August 2015 - 07:54 AM

can semax and uridine be taken concurrently, or would that cause some problems?


#2764 Brazzo

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Posted 12 August 2015 - 10:41 AM

I tried the Mr. Happy Stack for about 2 weeks

Day 1-2:

I Felt awesome, I would describe it like it raised my dopamine levels because I felt all the dopamine-related benefits.

Day 3-14:

The euphoric and very profound effect on my self esteem of the first days was suddenly gone, since then it seemed to cause anxiety for me and constant thinking about stuff, I just couldn't shut up my mind for a second. Therfore I stopped and it returned back to normal, which is nearly not as good as Day 1-2 but still a lot better than 3-14.


Had anyone similar expieriences?

#2765 calm--

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Posted 12 August 2015 - 12:52 PM

I tried the Mr. Happy Stack for about 2 weeks

Day 1-2:

I Felt awesome, I would describe it like it raised my dopamine levels because I felt all the dopamine-related benefits.

Day 3-14:

The euphoric and very profound effect on my self esteem of the first days was suddenly gone, since then it seemed to cause anxiety for me and constant thinking about stuff, I just couldn't shut up my mind for a second. Therfore I stopped and it returned back to normal, which is nearly not as good as Day 1-2 but still a lot better than 3-14.


Had anyone similar expieriences?


Pretty much the same for me. Felt the best mood boost on early days, but the negatives became more pronounce with prolong use that I have to stop. Mostly I've been using higher EPA than DHA because it gave me the most mood boost. But higher EPA also gave me anxiety, while higher DHA gave me irritability. I also got insomnia.


The positives that I noticed when it was working though : Improved mood, improved anhedonia, improved cognition, reduced anxiety, nice relaxing feeling

#2766 Guardian4981

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 03:21 AM

I posted earlier in the thread how uridine seemed to steer my system into an even more serotonin dominant balance then before.


I am not experimenting with stacking 25 mg uridine with 1 gram  DL- Phenylalanine and so far so good but I feel I need to bump the Phenyl more.  I also have had luck with Dear Antler and may add it to the mix.

#2767 Samuraidream

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 07:07 AM

I tried the Mr. Happy Stack for about 2 weeks
Day 1-2:
I Felt awesome, I would describe it like it raised my dopamine levels because I felt all the dopamine-related benefits.
Day 3-14:
The euphoric and very profound effect on my self esteem of the first days was suddenly gone, since then it seemed to cause anxiety for me and constant thinking about stuff, I just couldn't shut up my mind for a second. Therfore I stopped and it returned back to normal, which is nearly not as good as Day 1-2 but still a lot better than 3-14.

Had anyone similar expieriences?

Looking back, my experience is pretty similar to yours. I had weeks of better mood etc followed by some OCD-like symptoms with pretty intense and intrusive thoughts etc.
I thought it was creatine, but reading your experience made me realize it was probablu Urinde that was causing this.
Please note, though, that I was not taking Choline since I respond negatively to it. And I was taking Vit B only a couple of times a week, which I felt was enough given the low doses of Uridine.

#2768 Brazzo

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:20 PM


I tried the Mr. Happy Stack for about 2 weeks
Day 1-2:
I Felt awesome, I would describe it like it raised my dopamine levels because I felt all the dopamine-related benefits.
Day 3-14:
The euphoric and very profound effect on my self esteem of the first days was suddenly gone, since then it seemed to cause anxiety for me and constant thinking about stuff, I just couldn't shut up my mind for a second. Therfore I stopped and it returned back to normal, which is nearly not as good as Day 1-2 but still a lot better than 3-14.

Had anyone similar expieriences?

Looking back, my experience is pretty similar to yours. I had weeks of better mood etc followed by some OCD-like symptoms with pretty intense and intrusive thoughts etc.
I thought it was creatine, but reading your experience made me realize it was probablu Urinde that was causing this.
Please note, though, that I was not taking Choline since I respond negatively to it. And I was taking Vit B only a couple of times a week, which I felt was enough given the low doses of Uridine.



Regarding choline, I also respond negatvely to it - it worsens my depression. But in my 2 weeks uridine trial, I only used a small dose cdp choline in the last days, so it was clearly the Urdine that caused the intense thoughts.

#2769 ceridwen

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:29 PM

I hadn't been drinking any sort of alcohol when choline did that to me
In fact I was on C60

#2770 wolfeye

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Posted 24 August 2015 - 11:14 AM

It seems cytidine in Citicoline is antidepressive and Citicoline by itself inhibits phospholipase A2.


Isn't Citicoline a better option compared to alpha-GPC?

#2771 Air-man

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Posted 24 August 2015 - 12:24 PM

Anyone have experience with Mind Nutrition Ultracholine? It has Dha, uridine, CDP-choline, GPC, huperzine-a as prop formula with B12 and B6. Looks good but expensive.

#2772 Air-man

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Posted 24 August 2015 - 09:34 PM

Anyone have experience with Mind Nutrition Ultracholine? It has Dha, uridine, CDP-choline, GPC, huperzine-a as prop formula with B12 and B6. Looks good but expensive.


Bump! :)  

Should I go for this product or buying UMP, CDP-choline and fish oil separated instead? 

#2773 Charles J. Daniels

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Posted 25 August 2015 - 04:30 AM

I've added uridine to my mental list of things that give me beneficial acute effects. If I'm a bit too tired to want to get down to work, a 125mg sublingual dose of UMP gives me a really nice clean boost.

Though, I do take uridine beyond just acutely, but not because I specifically receive a directly obvious generalized benefit -- I don't see obvious effects from most of my supps but I don't want to give them up either.

I keep my omega3s up as a basic lifestyle tenet, and often I'm taking a choline source of some sort, so I don't worry about what I'm stacking uridine with at any particular moment.

This is unlike with the CILTEP stack where I never ended up keeping any of those elements in my arsenal, due to non or negative response. So I did get something out of this thread.

#2774 Samuraidream

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Posted 25 August 2015 - 08:46 AM

Might sounds silly, but.... can uridine cause permanent sensitivity to caffeine? I had to stop drinking coffee, since it made me extremely anxious/panicky. That was a month or so into my uridine regimen. Now, I haven't been drinking any coffee for almost 2 months and whenever I try, I can't even handle 1/4th of a cup. In general, I'm just feeling really low and exhausted, ruminating on weird and totally irrational stuff most the time. And then I feel ok-ish for a couple of days... Could uridine have caused this?

#2775 Ark

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Posted 25 August 2015 - 03:50 PM

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#2776 Samuraidream

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Posted 04 September 2015 - 08:45 AM

Does anyone know if it's safe and effective to take Uridine together with SJW? I started SJW Kira a week ago and it's been pretty good in terms of reducing the intensity and frequency of obsessive thoughts that cause anxiety/depression. Anyways, I had mixed experiences with Uridine in the past, but thought I'd give it one more try, in combination with SJW this time. Any ideas?

#2777 NeuroNootropic

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Posted 08 September 2015 - 03:20 AM

Anyone here have any long-term benefits from uridine? It seems that most people just get acute benefits while the side effects continue to increase as time goes on. I haven't tried uridine yet, but Jiaogulan has had the same effect on me. The first week on Jiaogulan is great, I'm less anhedonic, more focused, motivated, in a better mood, energized, but after that I start becoming irritable and fatigued and lose all the benefits it gave me.

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#2778 calm--

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Posted 08 September 2015 - 04:06 AM

Anyone here have any long-term benefits from uridine? It seems that most people just get acute benefits while the side effects continue to increase as time goes on. I haven't tried uridine yet, but Jiaogulan has had the same effect on me. The first week on Jiaogulan is great, I'm less anhedonic, more focused, motivated, in a better mood, energized, but after that I start becoming irritable and fatigued and lose all the benefits it gave me.


Same here with jiaogulan. Felt good for 1-2 days, then start becoming irritable.

#2779 Air-man

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Posted 09 September 2015 - 12:56 PM

I have been taking Uridine stack for a week now. Stuff definitely works. I started with 150mg ED and went up to 300-400mg ED after 3days, one dose in the morning and one in the evening. I also added Alpha-GPC after 3days. (300mg)


I feel calm, happier, and less negative thoughts. There is also a reduction in thoughts generally. My depression is almost gone and my anxiety with my OCD is decreased, which is wonderful. It also have a circadian rhythm regulation effect on me. I am very happy so far with this stack and today I added in noopept. So from now its Uridine stack + noopept. Hopefully I keep seeing improvements on my mental health and overall wellbeing.  :)

Edited by Air-man, 09 September 2015 - 01:02 PM.

#2780 samonakuba

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Posted 10 September 2015 - 03:37 PM

Hmm, my stack is on its way in the mail. Wondering if anybody who responds to it anxiogenically after a while has found anything to modulate it with? I've grabbed L-Theanine, have some Myo-Inositol already, and am going to be adding Lecithin standardized to 20% Phosphatidylserine. The Myo-Inositol worked wonders when I'd (stupidly) overloaded on Citicoline for several days. It's supposed to synergize with choline; I wonder if it can help take the edge off this stack?


I don't know about SJW... But somebody on Reddit mentioned cycling the Uridine stack with Tianeptine in something like three week cycles, saying that it made it feel even better afterward. I might try that myself after I see how Uridine affects my system... Animal's old posts sure made Tianeptine sound intriguing as a serotonergic tonic.

#2781 samonakuba

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:54 PM

Argh, I seem to be one of the people who responds to Uridine with drowsiness and lethargy. Been taking 150mg Powder City's UMP sublingually (dissolving it in water and using a dropper), 4 Jarrow Max DHA caps (1120mg DHA, 200mg EPA), and Swanson's Activated B. Also, Alpha GPC 150mg.


I doubled the UMP dose to 300mg today (day 3), just to see what would happen, and it indeed made the sluggishness worse. Quite the polar opposite effect of what CDP Choline does to my system, at least so far.

#2782 happy santa

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 12:20 PM

Argh, I seem to be one of the people who responds to Uridine with drowsiness and lethargy. Been taking 150mg Powder City's UMP sublingually (dissolving it in water and using a dropper), 4 Jarrow Max DHA caps (1120mg DHA, 200mg EPA), and Swanson's Activated B. Also, Alpha GPC 150mg.

I doubled the UMP dose to 300mg today (day 3), just to see what would happen, and it indeed made the sluggishness worse. Quite the polar opposite effect of what CDP Choline does to my system, at least so far.

You might want to check whether removing the vitamin b complex helps. It made me feel very tired when i tried it with the uridine stack, and only taking b-complex at night helped me

Edited by happy santa, 16 September 2015 - 12:21 PM.

#2783 samonakuba

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Posted 21 September 2015 - 02:23 AM


Argh, I seem to be one of the people who responds to Uridine with drowsiness and lethargy. Been taking 150mg Powder City's UMP sublingually (dissolving it in water and using a dropper), 4 Jarrow Max DHA caps (1120mg DHA, 200mg EPA), and Swanson's Activated B. Also, Alpha GPC 150mg.

I doubled the UMP dose to 300mg today (day 3), just to see what would happen, and it indeed made the sluggishness worse. Quite the polar opposite effect of what CDP Choline does to my system, at least so far.

You might want to check whether removing the vitamin b complex helps. It made me feel very tired when i tried it with the uridine stack, and only taking b-complex at night helped me



Thanks! I've had a bit more time to switch around the dosage schedule and see what works. I think the B vitamin was indeed part of the problem. Jarrow's Max DHA, on the other hand, seems to be a tad anxiogenic for me. With Uridine taken away from B vitamins and DHA, the main thing I seem to feel acutely is a kind of mild calmness that feels most akin to NMDA antagonism, somewhat like magnesium. But it definitely tends to vary depending on what sort of nutrients/flavonoids I have in my system. Heraclitean mentioned Grape Seed Extract, and I ended up going with organic cocoa powder and a green superfood mix. Seems pretty good. Orange juice works, too.

#2784 calm--

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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:23 PM

I also got tired when taking uridine alone. Tried 250 mg ump and 25 mg tau. Both resulted in sleepiness and lethargic. Doesn't matter if I take it with B-complex or not.


Combining it with fish oil on the other hand, make it energizing, to the point where I got insomnia.

#2785 Londonscouser

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Posted 22 September 2015 - 12:33 PM

I've been abstaining from cannabis strains-containing high amounts of THC for 9 weeks now. One of the reasons I decided to quit was because i've felt emotionally numb for a few years, and also the induction of social anxiety which is quite severe when i'm intoxicated by cannabis.


I was recommended this particular stack to help dopamine re-sensitization. Do you guys think it would be better if i continue to abstain naturally, for example 1-2 years, then try this out ?

#2786 Guardian4981

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Posted 24 September 2015 - 10:37 PM

I posted earlier in the thread how uridine seemed to steer my system into an even more serotonin dominant balance then before.


I am not experimenting with stacking 25 mg uridine with 1 gram  DL- Phenylalanine and so far so good but I feel I need to bump the Phenyl more.  I also have had luck with Dear Antler and may add it to the mix.


After about a week of this I started feeling a bit too tired and like my dopamine was getting even lower then it normally is.


So I took some time off to flush out and start over.


Now I have been trying this.  Every other day I drink 8 oz of green tea, I have one 200 mg dose of SAM-E upon waking up, 25 mg Triacetyluridine, 500 mg D Phenylalanine.  After 2 weeks this seems to be working better then anything I have tried in the past, though I think it still could be tweaked some which I will continue to do.  I have tried dropping the SAM-e and I feel worse.  I have re added the SAM-e back.  I soon plan to drop the Phenylalanine to see if that is needed.  I prefer to keep things simple and if I can eliminate negligible parts of the stack I will.  At the same time, I have found taking any of the above compounds alone daily at first benefited me but after about a week I started feeling even worse then before I started.


​I think everyone's chemical balance is difference.  I find uridine to be a terrific compound, however I think it may be quite strong especially over time as others have suggested.


With this stack I feel very "balanced" where as I am not too manic but I have more energy then before, my libido is higher yet I feel a "calmness."


I think what can happen with messing with brain chemicals is often if you target one such as serotonin it will decrease the other such as dopamine.  That is why people on SSRIs have less libido is the SSRI likely lowers dopamine.  


I think for myself I needed a boost of both, which is not very easy to do, but perhaps I am on to something with this stack.  The green tea from what I read keeps epinephrine from breaking down as fast.



#2787 samonakuba

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Posted 01 October 2015 - 01:21 AM

I can second the libidinal effects. Uridine seems to do for a compulsive libido what Modafinil does for sleep: its there when you want it, but the compulsion is gone. Paradoxically, without actually lowering it. This strongly hints at increased PFC activity. I've become much more "in control" of my life since starting Uridine, all across the board. Very marked.


For what it's worth to anyone -- I'm interested in hearing anybody who has done this in similar circumstances -- I took my first dose of Tianeptine today, after two weeks of daily Uridine. Basically just trying to decide what to stack next, beginning my third month of a crawl out of anhedonia. Tianeptine's effects felt purely speedy, more like Noopept than anything (in terms of the loud, indiscriminate focus it gave me), with zero apparent effect on my mood. Very surprising: massive effect on cognition, zero on actual mood.


I can't help thinking that if I'd tried Tianeptine before Uridine, I might have had a very different experience. Honestly speaking, I felt much, much shittier two weeks ago, though I'd credit a month of Lion's Mane supplementation with pushing through depressive thought patterns. My "gut" has been telling me that putting the Uridine stack constituents into my bloodstream has had such a profound effect on my neurotransmitter and phospholipid concentrations, palpably modulating my impulsivity and mood,  that something like Tianeptine might no longer be necessary. As I read more and more articles about what Tianeptine might do (eg. a spillover of mesolimbic dopaminergic activity into the PFC, the possibility that it kickstarts NMDAr/AMPAr phosphorylation through its weak mu-opioid action), I kept having to wonder to myself: is my brain anywhere near as "depressive" as it had been before I started Uridine? Could some of those processes already be happening, endogenously? I've heard it said that if Tianeptine doesn't affect your mood, you probably don't need it.


In my experience, Uridine stack can't be underestimated for depression. Especially towards the end of last week, I was surprised by how much progress I'd made.






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#2788 Hotforpips

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 09:55 AM

Time to share my experience with this stack. 


Background: Prior for many many reasons subject to chronic stress, poor diet, smoking, inability to concentrate, declining cognitive skills, severe anxiety, black hole like depression.  Suicidal thoughts, poor body control, headaches, constant colds, heartburn, SSRI damage?!...yes basically bit of a wreak @ 36 yrs old.

Supplements -

250 mg Uridine sublingual (morning) 150mg (lunch) sublingual (UMP)

Vitamin D3 (5000 ui) + Optional Vitamin A + K + C + E (vit. intake depends on diet, should come for diet!)

ALCAR - 450 mg x twice a day (morning and lunch)

Cod liver oil - providing 740 mg DHA & Vit A or cod liver oil capsules providing about the same but less EPA

Basic B complex supplement in the morning (as of today replaced with a better type of b vitamin b-right capsule split in half to try and reduce dosage - it doesn't seem right to take so much?! esp with luminous wee!)


This is my base stack, which i have been taking for the past 8 months everyday without fail.  During this time i have also changed my diet for ensure adequate nutrient intake, 3 x 30 mins min exercise per week, stopped smoking and lost about 35 lbs (165 lbs 6ft). 


Other supplements used: Noopept for 3 months (first nootropic ever),  Bacopa for 8 months (i'm finishing this one now and will not restart it), Lions maine low dose 2 months. 


Recently: started to add piracetam and cdp-choline low dose (be careful take note of the warnings over this and Alpha gpc with depression if you are susceptible).  Added Vit K2 and a good form of magnesium, sometimes add zinc depending on diet. 


Occassionaly take Armodafinil with substantial breaks between use


Considering: Potassium, my intake is still low investigating this atm. 


Tools used: Cheap scales able to measure in the mg range, capsule machine, cron-o-meter to record nutrient/diet


Taken a while, lots of trial and error, lots of ideas sometimes too many, always looking to pair back whatever i take to the minimum effective dosage.  On going project...for life most likely.  


Results: Amazing rejuvenation of mind and body, perceive the world in a different light if you like. Depression anxiety still around still an issue but now building on small block at a time, and these blocks at well made and cemented in place.  Its not a wonder cure, its not a single pill or idea. But this basic stack "Mr Happy" i cannot rate highly enough. For me with trial and time its proved to be a wonderful tool in my continuing recovery.  My re-wiring and re-balancing of this amazing supercomputer we all have :-) 


For interest: Reduce Uridine dosage in half, over a week depressive symptoms crept back in. I have tried this three times now, the same correlation for me a least.  Taking uridine orally greatly reduced effect, sublingual amazing effect. These doses may sound high but it works with me. 


Thumbs up from me, to all on this site, great site, great info, great people and great thread! 


Edited by Hotforpips, 02 October 2015 - 10:23 AM.

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#2789 Golodnyy

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Posted 03 October 2015 - 02:16 PM

Hi People!

I want to start Uridine Stack. There is 2 options to buy:

UMP in caps : Cardivascular Research OR Jarrow Formulas.

Which one is the best (to dissolve) to take sublingually? Does anyone have any experience? 

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#2790 vaarmen

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Posted 19 October 2015 - 10:15 PM

So why exactly will OVERMETYLATORs NOT benefit from uridine ?

While they may have enough dopamine because of sufficient methylation, their receptor system may be down regulated and hence might benefit from uridine, right ?

I don't see any logical connection between methylation and the mechanism of action of URIDINE.


Can someone help me figure this out please ?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: choline, uridine, dha, omega-3, epa, ump, tau, b vitamins

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